"no": app: public: #header and "about" page common: about_the_fablab: "Om..." return: "Tilbake" #cookies cookies: about_cookies: "Dette nettstedet bruker informasjonskapsler for å måle aktivitet på nettstedet." learn_more: "Finn ut mer" accept: "Godta informasjonskapsler" decline: "Avslå" #dashboard sections dashboard: "Kontrollpanel" my_profile: "Min profil" my_settings: "Mine innstillinger" my_projects: "Mine prosjekter" my_trainings: "Mine opplæringer/kurs" my_events: "Mine arrangementer" my_invoices: "Mine fakturaer" my_payment_schedules: "Mine betalingsplaner" my_wallet: "Min lommebok" #contextual help help: "Hjelp" #login/logout sign_out: "Logg av" sign_up: "Melde deg på" sign_in: "Logg inn" #left menu notifications: "Varsler" admin: "Admin" manager: "Leder" reduce_panel: "Lukk sidepanel" #left menu (public) home: "Hjem" reserve_a_machine: "Reservere en maskin" trainings_registrations: "Registrering av opplæring/kurs" events_registrations: "Arrangementer" reserve_a_space: "Reservere plass/rom" projects_gallery: "Prosjektgalleri" subscriptions: "Medlemskap" public_calendar: "Kalender" #left menu (admin) trainings_monitoring: "Opplæringer/kurs" manage_the_calendar: "Kalender" manage_the_users: "Brukere" manage_the_invoices: "Fakturaer" subscriptions_and_prices: "Abonnementer og priser" manage_the_events: "Arrangementer" manage_the_machines: "Maskiner" manage_the_spaces: "Plasser/rom" projects: "Prosjekter" statistics: "Statistikk" customization: "Tilpasninger" open_api_clients: "OpenAPI-klienter" #account creation modal create_your_account: "Opprett konto" man: "Mann" woman: "Kvinne" gender_is_required: "Kjønn er nødvendig." your_first_name: "Fornavn" first_name_is_required: "Fornavn er påkrevd." your_surname: "Etternavn" surname_is_required: "Etternavn er påkrevd." your_pseudonym: "Kallenavn" pseudonym_is_required: "Kallenavn er nødvendig." your_email_address: "Din e-postadresse " email_is_required: "E-post adresse er påkrevd." your_password: "Ditt passord" password_is_required: "Passord må fylles ut." password_is_too_short: "Passordet er for kort (minimum 8 tegn)" type_your_password_again: "Skriv inn passordet igjen" password_confirmation_is_required: "Passordbekreftelse er påkrevd." password_does_not_match_with_confirmation: "Passordet stemmer ikke med bekreftelsen." i_am_an_organization: "Jeg er en organisasjon" name_of_your_organization: "Navnet på organisasjonen din" organization_name_is_required: "Navn på organisasjon er obligatorisk." address_of_your_organization: "Adresse til skole eller organisasjon" organization_address_is_required: "Organisasjonsadresse er påkrevd." your_user_s_profile: "Din brukerprofil" user_s_profile_is_required: "Brukerprofil er påkrevd." birth_date: "Fødselsdato" birth_date_is_required: "Fødselsdato er påkrevd." phone_number: "Telefonnummer" phone_number_is_required: "Telefonnummer er påkrevd." address: "Adresse" address_is_required: "Adresse er påkrevd" i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "Jeg godkjenner at nettstedets brukere kan kontakte meg" i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "Jeg aksepterer å motta informasjon" i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Jeg har lest og aksepterer" _the_fablab_policy: "the FabLab policy" field_required: "Nødvendig felt" unexpected_error_occurred: "En uventet feil oppstod, vennligst forsøk igjen." used_for_statistics: "Dataene vil bli brukt til statistiske formål" used_for_invoicing: "Disse dataene vil bli brukt i fakturering" used_for_reservation: "Disse dataene vil bli brukt i tilfelle endring på en av dine bestillinger" used_for_profile: "Disse dataene vil bare bli vist i profilen din" public_profile: "Du vil ha en offentlig profil og andre brukere vil kunne knytte deg til deres prosjekter" you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "Du vil om noen minutter motta en e-post med instruksjoner om hvordan du bekrefter din e-postadresse." #password modification modal change_your_password: "Endre passord" your_new_password: "Ditt nye passord" your_password_was_successfully_changed: "Passordet ble endret." #connection modal connection: "Tilkobling" password_forgotten: "Glemt passord?" confirm_my_account: "Bekreft min e-post" not_registered_to_the_fablab: "Ikke registrert?" create_an_account: "Lag en konto" wrong_email_or_password: "Feil e-postadresse eller passord." caps_lock_is_on: "Caps Lock er på." #confirmation modal you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: "Du vil motta instruksjoner om bekreftelse via e-post." #forgotten password modal your_email_address_is_unknown: "E-postadressen er ukjent." you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password: "Vi har sendt deg en e-post med instruksjoner for å resette passordet ditt." #Fab-manager's version version: "Versjon:" upgrade_fabmanager: "Oppgrader Fab-manager" current_version: "Du bruker for øyeblikket versjon {VERSION} av Fab-manager." upgrade_to: "En ny versjon er tilgjengelig. Du kan oppgradere til versjon {VERSION}." read_more: "Se detaljer for denne utgivelsen" security_version_html: "Din nåværende versjon er sårbar!
En senere versjon inkluderer sikkerhetskorrigeringer. Oppgrader så snart som mulig!" how_to: "Hvordan oppgradere?" #Notifications and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "og {NUMBER, plural, one {} =0{ingen andre varsler} =1{et annen varsel} other{{NUMBER} andre varsler}}..." #about page about: read_the_fablab_policy: "Les policyen vår" read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Våre generelle vilkår og betingelser" your_fablab_s_contacts: "Kontakter" privacy_policy: "Persovernerklæring" #'privacy policy' page privacy: title: "Persovernerklæring" dpo: "Personvernansvarlig" last_update: "Sist oppdatert" #home page home: latest_documented_projects: "De siste dokumenterte prosjektene" follow_us: "Følg oss" latest_tweets: "Siste tweets" latest_registered_members: "Siste registrerte medlemmer" create_an_account: "Lag en konto" discover_members: "Oppdag medlemmer" #next events summary on the home page fablab_s_next_events: "Fremtidige arrangementer" every_events: "Alle arrangementer" from_date_to_date: "Fra {START} til {END}" on_the_date: "På {DATE}" from_time_to_time: "Fra {START} til {END}" without_reservation: "Without reservation" free_admission: "Gratis adgang" full_price: "Full pris: " event_full: "Arrangementet er fullt" still_available: "Tilgjengelig posisjoner: " all_day: "Hele dagen" #projects gallery projects_list: the_fablab_projects: "Våre prosjekter" add_a_project: "Legg til et prosjekt" search_over_the_whole_network: "Søk over hele Fab-manager-nettverket" tooltip_openlab_projects_switch: "The search over the whole network lets you search over the projects of every Fab-manager using this feature !" openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment: "Det er ikke mulig å søke over hele nettverket for øyeblikket. Du kan fortsatt søke over prosjektene her." project_search_result_is_empty: "Beklager, fant vi ingen resultater som samsvarte med dine søkekriterier." reset_all_filters: "Tilbakestill alle filtre" search: "Søk" all_projects: "Alle prosjekter" my_projects: "Mine prosjekter" projects_to_whom_i_take_part_in: "Prosjekter jeg deltar i" all_machines: "Alle maskiner" all_themes: "Alle temaer" all_materials: "Alle materialer" load_next_projects: "Last neste prosjekt" rough_draft: "Tidlig utkast" #details of a projet projects_show: rough_draft: "Utkast" project_description: "Prosjektbeskrivelse" by_name: "Av {NAME}" step_N: "Trinn {INDEX}" share_on_facebook: "Del på Facebook" share_on_twitter: "Del på Twitter" deleted_user: "Slettet bruker" posted_on_: "Postet den" CAD_file_to_download: "{COUNT, plural, one {} =0{Ingen CAD-filer} =1{CAD-fil for å laste ned} other{CAD-filer for å laste ned}}" machines_and_materials: "Maskiner og materialer" collaborators: "Samarbeidspartnere" licence: "Lisens" confirmation_required: "Bekreftelse påkrevd" report_an_abuse: "Report an abuse" unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation" your_report_was_successful_thanks: "Your report was successful. Thank you." an_error_occured_while_sending_your_report: "An error occurred while sending your report." your_first_name: "Your first name" your_first_name_is_required: "Your first name is required." your_surname: "Your surname" your_surname_is_required: "Your surname is required." your_email_address: "Your email address" your_email_address_is_required: "Your email address is required." tell_us_why_this_looks_abusive: "Tell us why this looks abusive" message_is_required: "Message is required." report: "Report" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Do you really want to delete this project?" #list of machines machines_list: the_fablab_s_machines: "Makerspacets maskiner" add_a_machine: "Add a machine" new_availability: "Open reservations" book: "Reserver" _or_the_: " or the " machines_filters: show_machines: "Show machines" status_enabled: "Enabled" status_disabled: "Disabled" status_all: "All" machine_card: book: "Book" consult: "Se på" #details of a machine machines_show: book_this_machine: "Reserver denne maskinen" technical_specifications: "Tekniske detaljer" files_to_download: "Filer som kan lastes ned" projects_using_the_machine: "Prosjekter med denne maskinen" _or_the_: " or the " confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "Do you really want to delete this machine?" unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation" the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "The machine can't be deleted because it's already reserved by some users." #list of trainings trainings_list: book: "Meld på" the_trainings: "Kurs/opplæring" #details of a training training_show: book_this_training: "Meld deg på denne" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Do you really want to delete this training?" unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation" confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "The training can't be deleted because it's already reserved by some users." #summary of the subscriptions plans: subscriptions: "Medlemskap" i_choose_that_plan: "Jeg velger dette abonnementet" i_subscribe_online: "Online innmelding" i_already_subscribed: "I already subscribed" more_information: "More information" your_subscription_expires_on_the_DATE: "Your subscription expires on the {DATE}" no_plans: "No plans are available for your group" AMOUNT_per_month: "{AMOUNT} / month" my_group: "Min gruppe" his_group: "{GENDER, select, male{His} female{Her} other{Its}} group" he_wants_to_change_group: "{ROLE, select, member{I want} other{The user wants}} to change group" change_my_group: "Endre {ROLE, select, member{min} other{{GENDER, select, male{hans} female{henne} other{den! den}}}} gruppe" summary: "Summary" your_subscription_has_expired_on_the_DATE: "Your subscription has expired on the {DATE}" subscription_price: "Subscription price" you_ve_just_payed_the_subscription_html: "You've just paid the subscription:" thank_you_your_subscription_is_successful: "Thank you. Your subscription is successful!" your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_dashboard: "Your invoice will be available soon from your dashboard" your_group_was_successfully_changed: "Your group was successfully changed." the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed: "The user's group was successfully changed." an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "An error prevented your group from being changed." an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group: "En feil hindret brukeren i å endre gruppe." plans_filter: i_am: "Jeg er" select_group: "velg gruppe" i_want_duration: "Jeg vil abonnere på" all_durations: "Alle varigheter" select_duration: "velg varighet" #Fablab's events list events_list: the_fablab_s_events: "Våre arrangementer" all_categories: "Alle kategorier" for_all: "For alle" sold_out: "Utsolgt" cancelled: "Avslyst" free_admission: "Gratis adgang" still_available: "tilgjengelige sted(er)" without_reservation: "Uten reservasjon" add_an_event: "Legg til arrangement" load_the_next_events: "Last inn flere arrangementer..." full_price_: "Full pris:" to_date: "til" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 all_themes: "Alle temaer" #details and booking of an event events_show: event_description: "Arrangementsbeskrivelse" downloadable_documents: "Nedlastbare dokumenter" information_and_booking: "Informasjon og bestilling" dates: "Datoer" beginning: "Start:" ending: "Slutt:" opening_hours: "Åpningstider:" all_day: "Hele dagen" from_time: "Fra" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 to_time: "til" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 full_price_: "Full pris:" tickets_still_availables: "Ledige plasser:" sold_out: "Utsolgt." without_reservation: "Uten reservasjon" cancelled: "Avslyst" ticket: "{NUMBER, plural, one{Billett} other{Billetter}}" make_a_gift_of_this_reservation: "Gi denne reservasjonen som gave" thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Tusen takk, betalingen din er registrert!" you_can_find_your_reservation_s_details_on_your_: "Du kan finne reservasjonens detaljer på din" dashboard: "kontrollpanel" you_booked_DATE: "Du booket ({DATE}):" canceled_reservation_SEATS: "Reservasjon avbestilt ({SEATS} plasser)" book: "Meld på" confirm_and_pay: "Bekreft og betal" confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Cash} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00) online_payment_disabled: "Elektronisk betaling er ikke tilgjengelig. Kontakt ledelsen." please_select_a_member_first: "Vennligst velg et medlem først" change_the_reservation: "Endre reservasjonen" you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "You can shift this reservation on the following slots:" confirmation_required: "Bekreftelse påkrevd" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Vil du virkelig slette denne hendelsen?" delete_recurring_event: "Du er ferd med å oppdatere en gjentakende hendelse. Hva vil du gjøre?" delete_this_event: "Bare denne hendelsen" delete_this_and_next: "Denne hendelsen og de følgende" delete_all: "Alle hendelser" event_successfully_deleted: "Hendelsen ble slettet." events_deleted: "The event, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been deleted" unable_to_delete_the_event: "Unable to delete the event, it may be booked by a member" events_not_deleted: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exists on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}." cancel_the_reservation: "Cancel the reservation" do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Do you really want to cancel this reservation? This apply to ALL booked tickets." reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Reservation was successfully cancelled." cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." event_is_over: "Dette arrangementet er avsluttet." thanks_for_coming: "Takk for besøket!" view_event_list: "Vis hendelser som kommer" share_on_facebook: "Del på Facebook" share_on_twitter: "Del på Twitter" #public calendar calendar: calendar: "Kalender" show_unavailables: "Show unavailable slots" filter_calendar: "Kalenderfilter" trainings: "Trainings" machines: "Maskiner" spaces: "Plasser/rom" events: "Arrangementer" externals: "Other calendars" #list of spaces spaces_list: the_spaces: "Plasser/rom" new_availability: "Åpne reservasjoner" add_a_space: "Legg til plass/rom" status_enabled: "Aktive" status_disabled: "Inaktive" status_all: "Alle" book: "Reserver" #display the details of a space space_show: book_this_space: "Book this space" unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation" confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_space: "Do you really want to delete this space?" the_space_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "Unable to delete this space, because it is already reserved by some users." characteristics: "Characteristics" files_to_download: "Files to download" projects_using_the_space: "Projects using the space" tour: conclusion: title: "Thank you for your attention" content: "

If you want to restart this contextual help, press F1 at any time or click on « ? Help » from the user's menu.

If you need additional help, you can check the user guide (only in French for now).

The Fab-manager's team also provides personalized support (help with getting started, help with installation, customization, etc.), contact-us for more info.

" welcome: welcome: title: "Welcome to Fab-manager" content: "To help you get started with the application, we are going to take a quick tour of the features." home: title: "Hjemmeside" content: "Ved å klikke her kommer du tilbake til hjemmesiden." machines: title: "Machines" content: "

This page will allow you to consult the list of all machines and reserve a slot on behalf of a member.

A machine can be, for example, a 3D printer.

Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.

" trainings: title: "Trainings" content: "

This page will allow you to consult the list of all training sessions and to register a member for a training session.

Trainings can be set as prerequisites before allowing reservation of certain machines.

Members can also access this page and register for a training session themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.

" spaces: title: "Spaces" content: "

This page will allow you to consult the list of all available spaces and to reserve a place on a slot, on behalf of a member.

A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room.

Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.

Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.

" events: title: "Events" content: "

An open house evening or an internship to make your desk lamp? It's over here!

Events can be free or paid (with different prices), with or without reservation.

Again, members can access this page and book themselves places for free events, or paid events if credit card payment is enabled.

" calendar: title: "Agenda" content: "Visualize at a glance everything that is scheduled for the next coming weeks (events, training, machines available, etc.)." projects: title: "Projects" content: "

Document and share all your creations with the community.

If you use OpenLab, you will also be able to consult the projects of the entire Fab-manager network. Contact-us to get your access, it's free!

" plans: title: "Subscriptions" content: "Subscriptions provide a way to segment your prices and provide benefits to regular users." admin: title: "{ROLE} section" content: "

All of the elements below are only accessible to administrators and managers. They allow you to manage and configure Fab-manager.

At the end of this visit, click on one of them to find out more.

" about: title: "About" content: "A page that you can fully customize, to present your activity and your structure." notifications: title: "Notifications center" content: "

Every time something important happens (reservations, creation of accounts, activity of your members, etc.), you will be notified here.

Your members also receive notifications there.

" profile: title: "User's menu" content: "

Find your personal information here as well as all your activity on Fab-manager.

This space is also available for all your members.

" news: title: "News" content: "

This space allows you to display the latest news from your structure.

You can easily change its content from « Customization », « Home page ».

" last_projects: title: "Last projects" content: "

This carousel scrolls through the latest projects documented by your members.

" last_tweet: title: "Last tweet" content: "

The last tweet of your Tweeter feed can be shown here.

Configure it from « Customization », « Home page ».

" last_members: title: "Last members" content: "The last registered members who have validated their address and agreed to be contacted will be shown here." next_events: title: "Upcoming events" content: "The next three scheduled events are displayed in this space." customize: title: "Customize the home page" content: "

This page can be fully personalized.

You can contact-us to make a tailored customization of the home page.

" version: title: "Application version" content: "Hover your cursor over this icon to find out the version of Fab-manager. If you are not up to date, this will be reported here and you'll be able to get details by clicking on it." machines: welcome: title: "Machines" content: "

Machines are the tools available for your users. You must create here the machines which can then be reserved by the members.

You can also create entries for non-bookable or free access machines, then you just need to not associate availability slots with them.

" welcome_manager: title: "Machines" content: "Machines are the tools available for the users to reserve." view: title: "View" content: "To modify or delete a machine, click here first. You will not be able to delete a machine that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it." reserve: title: "Reserve" content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this machine for an user and manage existing reservations." spaces: welcome: title: "Spaces" content: "

Spaces are places available for your users. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop. You must create here the spaces which can then be reserved by members.

The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.

" welcome_manager: title: "Spaces" content: "

Spaces are places available to users, by reservation. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop.

The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.

" view: title: "View" content: "To modify or delete a space, click here first. You will not be able to delete a space that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it." reserve: title: "Reserve" content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this space for an user and manage existing reservations."