# frozen_string_literal: true # Stripe relative tasks namespace :fablab do namespace :stripe do desc 'Cancel stripe subscriptions' task cancel_subscriptions: :environment do Subscription.where('expiration_date >= ?', DateTime.current.at_beginning_of_day).each do |s| puts "-> Start cancel subscription of #{s.user.email}" s.cancel puts '-> Done' end end desc 'find any invoices with incoherent total between stripe and DB' task :find_incoherent_invoices, [:start_date] => :environment do |_task, args| puts 'DEPRECATION WARNING: Will not work for invoices created from version 4.1.0 and above' date = Date.parse('2017-05-01') if args.start_date begin date = Date.parse(args.start_date) rescue ArgumentError => e raise e end end Invoice.where('created_at > ? AND stp_invoice_id IS NOT NULL', date).each do |invoice| stp_invoice = Stripe::Invoice.retrieve(invoice.stp_invoice_id, api_key: Setting.get('stripe_secret_key')) next if invoice.amount_paid == stp_invoice.total puts "Id: #{invoice.id}, reference: #{invoice.reference}, stripe id: #{stp_invoice.id}, " \ "invoice total: #{invoice.amount_paid / 100.0}, stripe invoice total: #{stp_invoice.total / 100.0}, " \ "date: #{invoice.created_at}" end end desc 'clean stripe secrets from VCR cassettes' task clean_cassettes_secrets: :environment do Dir['test/vcr_cassettes/*.yml'].each do |cassette_file| cassette = File.read(cassette_file) cassette = cassette.gsub(Setting.get('stripe_secret_key'), 'sk_test_testfaketestfaketestfake') cassette = cassette.gsub(Setting.get('stripe_public_key'), 'pk_test_faketestfaketestfaketest') puts cassette File.write(cassette_file, cassette) end end desc 'sync users to the stripe database' task sync_members: :environment do puts 'We create all non-existing customers on stripe. This may take a while, please wait...' SyncMembersOnStripeWorker.new.perform puts 'Done' end desc 'set stp_product_id to all plans/machines/trainings/spaces' task set_product_id: :environment do w = StripeWorker.new Plan.all.each do |p| w.perform(:create_or_update_stp_product, Plan.name, p.id) end Machine.all.each do |m| w.perform(:create_or_update_stp_product, Machine.name, m.id) end Training.all.each do |t| w.perform(:create_or_update_stp_product, Training.name, t.id) end Space.all.each do |s| w.perform(:create_or_update_stp_product, Space.name, s.id) end end def print_on_line(str) print "#{str}\r" $stdout.flush end end end