#translations of common buttons
confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
consult: "Consult"
edit: "Edit"
change: "Change"
delete: "Delete"
browse: "Browse"
cancel: "Cancel"
close: "Close"
clear: "Clear"
today: "Today"
confirm: "Confirm"
save: "Save"
"yes": "Yes"
"no": "No"
apply: "Apply"
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "You will lose any unsaved modification if you quit this page"
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "You will lose any unsaved modification if you reload this page"
payment_card_declined: "Your card was declined."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}"
change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group"
cancel: "Cancel"
validate: "Validate group change"
success: "Group successfully changed"
payment_card_error: "A problem occurred with your payment card:"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Type something…"
link_placeholder: "Paste link…"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
new_tab: "Open in a new tab"
add_link: "Insert a link"
add_video: "Embed a video"
add_image: "Insert an image"
#modal dialog
close: "Close"
follow_us: "Follow us"
networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful"
networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
save: "Save"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
#user edition form
add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar"
change: "Change"
personal_data: "Personal"
account_data: "Account"
account_networks: "Social networks"
organization_data: "Organization"
profile_data: "Profile"
preferences_data: "Preferences"
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
organization_name: "Organization name"
organization_address: "Organization address"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
date_of_birth: "Date of birth"
website: "Website"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
birthday: "Date of birth"
birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required."
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid."
allow_public_profile: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me"
allow_public_profile_help: "Your profile will be visible to other users and you'll be able to collaborate on projects."
allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
allow_newsletter_help: "You may receive the newsletter."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept the terms and conditions"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
change_my_password: "Change my password"
confirm_current: "Confirm your current password"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Wrong password"
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 12 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
#project edition form
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name is required."
illustration: "Visual"
add_an_illustration: "Add an illustration"
CAD_file: "CAD file"
allowed_extensions: "Allowed extensions:"
add_a_new_file: "Add a new file"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "Description is required."
steps: "Steps"
step_N: "Step {INDEX}"
step_title: "Step title"
add_a_picture: "Add a picture"
change_the_picture: "Change the picture"
delete_the_step: "Delete the step"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_step: "Do you really want to delete this step?"
add_a_new_step: "Add a new step"
publish_your_project: "Publish your project"
or: "or"
employed_materials: "Employed materials"
employed_machines: "Employed machines"
collaborators: "Collaborators"
creative_commons_licences: "Creative Commons licences"
themes: "Themes"
tags: "Tags"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
#machine edition form
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name is required."
illustration: "Visual"
add_an_illustration: "Add a visual"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "Description is required."
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
technical_specifications_are_required: "Technical specifications are required."
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Attach a file"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
disable_machine: "Disable machine"
validate_your_machine: "Validate your machine"
assigning_machine_to_category: "Assign a category"
assigning_machine_to_category_info_html: "Information
You can only assign one category per machine."
linking_machine_to_category: "Link this product to a machine category"
machine_uncategorized: 'Uncategorized'
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Book this machine"
#frame to select a plan to subscribe
subscribe_online: "subscribe online"
do_not_subscribe: "do not subscribe"
#admin: choose a member to interact with
select_a_member: "Select a member"
start_typing: "Start typing..."
member_not_validated: "Warning:
The member was not validated."
#payment modal
online_payment: "Online payment"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "I have read, and accept "
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "the general terms and conditions."
payment_schedule_html: "
You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.
By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by {GATEWAY} and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.
" confirm_payment_of_: "Pay: {AMOUNT}" validate: "Validate" #dialog of on site payment for reservations valid_reservation_modal: booking_confirmation: "Booking confirmation" here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Here is the summary of the slots to book for the current user:" subscription_confirmation: "Subscription confirmation" here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Here is the subscription summary:" payment_method: "Payment method" method_card: "Online by card" method_check: "By check" card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines." check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments." event_themes: title: "Event themes" select_theme: "Pick up a theme…" #event edition form event: title: "Title" title_is_required: "Title is required." matching_visual: "Matching visual" choose_a_picture: "Choose a picture" description: "Description" description_is_required: "Description is required." attachments: "Attachments" add_a_new_file: "Add a new file" event_type: "Event type" dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates and opening hours" all_day: "All day" start_date: "Start date" end_date: "End date" start_time: "Start time" end_time: "End time" recurrence: "Recurrence" _and_ends_on: "and ends on" prices_and_availabilities: "Prices and availabilities" standard_rate: "Standard rate" 0_equal_free: "0 = free" tickets_available: "Tickets available" event_themes: "Event themes" select_theme: "Pick up a theme..." age_range: "Age range" add_price: "Add a price" #subscription plan edition form plan: general_information: "General information" name: "Name" name_is_required: "Name is required" name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "Name length must be less than 24 characters." type: "Type" partner: "Partner" standard: "Standard" type_is_required: "Type is required." group: "Group" groups: "Groups" all: "All" transversal_all_groups: "Transversal (all groups)" group_is_required: "Group is required." category: "Category" number_of_periods: "Number of periods" number_of_periods_is_required: "Number of periods is required." period: "Period" year: "Year" month: "Month" week: "Week" period_is_required: "Period is required." subscription_price: "Subscription price" price_is_required: "Price is required." edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with running payment schedule." visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Visual prominence of the subscription" on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "On the subscriptions page, the most prominent subscriptions will be placed at the top of the list." an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "An elevated number means a higher prominence." rolling_subscription: "Rolling subscription?" a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "A rolling subscription will begin the day of the first trainings." otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "Otherwise, it will begin as soon as it is bought." monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?" monthly_payment_info: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months." description: "Description" type_a_short_description: "Type a short description" information_sheet: "Information sheet" attach_an_information_sheet: "Attach an information sheet" notified_partner: "Notified partner" new_user: "New user ..." as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "As part of a partner subscription, some notifications may be sent to this user." new_partner: "New partner" first_name: "First name" first_name_is_required: "First name is required." surname: "Last name" surname_is_required: "Last name is required." email_address: "Email address" email_address_is_required: "Email address is required." disabled: "Disable subscription" disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it." #training edition form trainings: name: "Name" name_is_required: "Name is required." illustration: "Illustration" add_an_illustration: "Add an illustration" description: "Description" description_is_required: "Description is required." add_a_new_training: "Add a new training" validate_your_training: "Validate your training" associated_machines: "Associated machines" number_of_tickets: "Number of tickets" public_page: "Show in training lists" disable_training: "Disable the training" #partial form to edit/create a user (admin view) user_admin: user: "User" incomplete_profile: "Incomplete profile" user_profile: "User profile" warning_incomplete_user_profile_probably_imported_from_sso: "Warning: This user's profile is incomplete. As \"single sign-on\" (SSO) authentication is currently enabled, it may probably be an imported but non merged account. Do not modify it unless you know what your doing." group: "Group" group_is_required: "Group is required." trainings: "Trainings" tags: "Tags" #machine/training slot modification modal confirm_modify_slot_modal: change_the_slot: "Change the slot" do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Do you want to change your booking slot, initially planned at:" do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Do you want to change {NAME}'s booking slot, initially planned at:" cancel_this_reservation: "Cancel this reservation" i_want_to_change_date: "I want to change date" deleted_user: "deleted user" #user public profile public_profile: last_activity_html: "Last activityDo you really want to cancel this reservation?
Warning: if this reservation was made free of charge, as part of a subscription, the credits used will not be re-credited.
" reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully." cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}" a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later." none: "None" online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly." slot_restrict_plans: "This slot is restricted for the plans below:" slot_restrict_subscriptions_must_select_plan: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers. Please select a plan first." slot_restrict_plans_of_others_groups: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers of others groups." selected_plan_dont_match_slot: "Selected plan dont match this slot" user_plan_dont_match_slot: "User subscribed plan dont match this slot" no_plan_match_slot: "You dont have any matching plan for this slot" slot_at_same_time: "Conflict with others reservations" do_you_really_want_to_book_slot_at_same_time: "Do you really want to book this slot? Other bookings take place at the same time" unable_to_book_slot_because_really_have_reservation_at_same_time: "Unable to book this slot because the following reservation occurs at the same time." tags_mismatch: "Tags mismatch" confirm_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Do you really want to book this slot? {USER} does not have any of the required tags." unable_to_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Unable to book this slot because you don't have any of the required tags." slot_tags: "Slot tags" user_tags: "User tags" no_tags: "No tags" user_validation_required_alert: "Warning!If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in edit product > stock management. This won't be automatic.
" order_canceled_success: "Order was canceled" confirm_order_refunded_html: "If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in edit product > stock management. This won't be automatic.
" order_refunded_success: "Order was refunded" unsaved_form_alert: modal_title: "You have some unsaved changes" confirmation_message: "If you leave this page, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?" confirmation_button: "Yes, don't save" active_filters_tags: keyword: "Keyword: {KEYWORD}" stock_internal: "Private stock" stock_external: "Public stock" calendar: calendar: "Calendar" show_unavailables: "Show unavailable slots" filter_calendar: "Filter calendar" trainings: "Trainings" machines: "Machines" spaces: "Spaces" events: "Events" externals: "Other calendars"