/* eslint-disable camelcase, no-return-assign, no-undef, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ 'use strict'; /* COMMON CODE */ /** * Provides a set of common properties and methods to the $scope parameter. They are used * in the various events' admin controllers. * * Provides : * - $scope.datePicker = {} * - $scope.submited(content) * - $scope.cancel() * - $scope.addFile() * - $scope.deleteFile(file) * - $scope.fileinputClass(v) * - $scope.toggleStartDatePicker($event) * - $scope.toggleEndDatePicker($event) * - $scope.toggleRecurrenceEnd(e) * - $scope.addPrice() * - $scope.removePrice(price, $event) * * Requires : * - $scope.event.event_files_attributes = [] * - $state (Ui-Router) [ 'app.public.events_list' ] */ class EventsController { constructor ($scope, $state) { // default parameters for AngularUI-Bootstrap datepicker $scope.datePicker = { format: Fablab.uibDateFormat, startOpened: false, // default: datePicker is not shown endOpened: false, recurrenceEndOpened: false, options: { startingDay: Fablab.weekStartingDay } }; /** * For use with ngUpload (https://github.com/twilson63/ngUpload). * Intended to be the callback when an upload is done: any raised error will be stacked in the * $scope.alerts array. If everything goes fine, the user is redirected to the project page. * @param content {Object} JSON - The upload's result */ $scope.submited = function (content) { $scope.onSubmited(content); }; /** * Changes the user's view to the events list page */ $scope.cancel = function () { $state.go('app.public.events_list'); }; /** * For use with 'ng-class', returns the CSS class name for the uploads previews. * The preview may show a placeholder or the content of the file depending on the upload state. * @param v {*} any attribute, will be tested for truthiness (see JS evaluation rules) */ $scope.fileinputClass = function (v) { if (v) { return 'fileinput-exists'; } else { return 'fileinput-new'; } }; /** * This will create a single new empty entry into the event's attachements list. */ $scope.addFile = function () { $scope.event.event_files_attributes.push({}); }; /** * This will remove the given file from the event's attachements list. If the file was previously uploaded * to the server, it will be marked for deletion on the server. Otherwise, it will be simply truncated from * the attachements array. * @param file {Object} the file to delete */ $scope.deleteFile = function (file) { const index = $scope.event.event_files_attributes.indexOf(file); if (file.id != null) { return file._destroy = true; } else { return $scope.event.event_files_attributes.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Show/Hide the "start" datepicker (open the drop down/close it) */ $scope.toggleStartDatePicker = function ($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); return $scope.datePicker.startOpened = !$scope.datePicker.startOpened; }; /** * Show/Hide the "end" datepicker (open the drop down/close it) */ $scope.toggleEndDatePicker = function ($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); return $scope.datePicker.endOpened = !$scope.datePicker.endOpened; }; /** * Masks/displays the recurrence pane allowing the admin to set the current event as recursive */ $scope.toggleRecurrenceEnd = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return $scope.datePicker.recurrenceEndOpened = !$scope.datePicker.recurrenceEndOpened; }; /** * Initialize a new price item in the additional prices list */ $scope.addPrice = function () { $scope.event.prices.push({ category: null, amount: null }); }; /** * Remove the price or mark it as 'to delete' */ $scope.removePrice = function (price, event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (price.id) { price._destroy = true; } else { const index = $scope.event.prices.indexOf(price); $scope.event.prices.splice(index, 1); } }; } } /** * Controller used in the events listing page (admin view) */ Application.Controllers.controller('AdminEventsController', ['$scope', '$state', 'dialogs', '$uibModal', 'growl', 'Event', 'Category', 'EventTheme', 'AgeRange', 'PriceCategory', 'eventsPromise', 'categoriesPromise', 'themesPromise', 'ageRangesPromise', 'priceCategoriesPromise', '_t', 'Member', 'uiTourService', function ($scope, $state, dialogs, $uibModal, growl, Event, Category, EventTheme, AgeRange, PriceCategory, eventsPromise, categoriesPromise, themesPromise, ageRangesPromise, priceCategoriesPromise, _t, Member, uiTourService) { /* PUBLIC SCOPE */ // By default, the pagination mode is activated to limit the page size $scope.paginateActive = true; // The events displayed on the page $scope.events = eventsPromise; // Current virtual page $scope.page = 1; // Temporary datastore for creating new elements $scope.inserted = { category: null, theme: null, age_range: null }; // List of categories for the events $scope.categories = categoriesPromise; // List of events themes $scope.themes = themesPromise; // List of age ranges $scope.ageRanges = ageRangesPromise; // List of price categories for the events $scope.priceCategories = priceCategoriesPromise; // Default: we display all events (no restriction) $scope.eventsScope = { selected: '' }; // default tab: events list $scope.tabs = { active: 0 }; /** * Adds a bucket of events to the bottom of the page, grouped by month */ $scope.loadMoreEvents = function () { $scope.page += 1; return Event.query({ page: $scope.page, scope: $scope.eventsScope.selected }, function (data) { $scope.events = $scope.events.concat(data); return paginationCheck(data, $scope.events); }); }; /** * Saves a new element / Update an existing one to the server (form validation callback) * @param model {string} model name * @param data {Object} element name * @param [id] {number} element id, in case of update */ $scope.saveElement = function (model, data, id) { if (id != null) { return getModel(model)[0].update({ id }, data); } else { return getModel(model)[0].save(data, function (resp) { getModel(model)[1][getModel(model)[1].length - 1].id = resp.id; }); } }; /** * Deletes the element at the specified index * @param model {string} model name * @param index {number} element index in the $scope[model] array */ $scope.removeElement = function (model, index) { if ((model === 'category') && (getModel(model)[1].length === 1)) { growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.at_least_one_category_is_required') + ' ' + _t('app.admin.events.unable_to_delete_the_last_one')); return false; } if (getModel(model)[1][index].related_to > 0) { growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.unable_to_delete_ELEMENT_already_in_use_NUMBER_times', { ELEMENT: model, NUMBER: getModel(model)[1][index].related_to })); return false; } return dialogs.confirm({ resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.admin.events.confirmation_required'), msg: _t('app.admin.events.do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_ELEMENT', { ELEMENT: model }) }; } } } , function () { // delete confirmed getModel(model)[0].delete(getModel(model)[1][index], null, function () { getModel(model)[1].splice(index, 1); } , function () { growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.unable_to_delete_an_error_occured')); }); }); }; /** * Creates a new empty entry in the $scope[model] array * @param model {string} model name */ $scope.addElement = function (model) { $scope.inserted[model] = { name: '', related_to: 0 }; return getModel(model)[1].push($scope.inserted[model]); }; /** * Removes the newly inserted but not saved element / Cancel the current element modification * @param model {string} model name * @param rowform {Object} see http://vitalets.github.io/angular-xeditable/ * @param index {number} element index in the $scope[model] array */ $scope.cancelElement = function (model, rowform, index) { if (getModel(model)[1][index].id != null) { return rowform.$cancel(); } else { return getModel(model)[1].splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Open a modal dialog allowing the definition of a new price category. * Save it once filled and handle the result. */ $scope.newPriceCategory = function () { $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "admin/events/price_form.html" %>', size: 'md', resolve: { category () { return {}; } }, controller: 'PriceCategoryController' }).result['finally'](null).then(function (p_cat) { // save the price category to the API PriceCategory.save(p_cat, function (cat) { $scope.priceCategories.push(cat); return growl.success(_t('app.admin.events.price_category_successfully_created')); } , function (err) { growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.unable_to_add_the_price_category_check_name_already_used')); return console.error(err); }); }); }; /** * Update the given price category with the new properties * to specify in a modal dialog * @param index {number} index of the caterory in the $scope.priceCategories array * @param id {number} price category ID, must match the ID of the category at the index specified above */ $scope.editPriceCategory = function (id, index) { if ($scope.priceCategories[index].id !== id) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.unexpected_error_occurred_please_refresh')); } else { return $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "admin/events/price_form.html" %>', size: 'md', resolve: { category () { return $scope.priceCategories[index]; } }, controller: 'PriceCategoryController' }).result['finally'](null).then(function (p_cat) { // update the price category to the API PriceCategory.update({ id }, { price_category: p_cat }, function (cat) { $scope.priceCategories[index] = cat; return growl.success(_t('app.admin.events.price_category_successfully_updated')); } , function (err) { growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.unable_to_update_the_price_category')); return console.error(err); }); }); } }; /** * Delete the given price category from the API * @param index {number} index of the caterory in the $scope.priceCategories array * @param id {number} price category ID, must match the ID of the category at the index specified above */ $scope.removePriceCategory = function (id, index) { if ($scope.priceCategories[index].id !== id) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.unexpected_error_occurred_please_refresh')); } else if ($scope.priceCategories[index].events > 0) { return growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.unable_to_delete_this_price_category_because_it_is_already_used')); } else { return dialogs.confirm( { resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.admin.events.confirmation_required'), msg: _t('app.admin.events.do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category') }; } } }, function () { // delete confirmed PriceCategory.remove( { id }, function () { // successfully deleted growl.success(_t('app.admin.events.price_category_successfully_deleted')); $scope.priceCategories.splice(index, 1); }, function () { growl.error(_t('app.admin.events.price_category_deletion_failed')); } ); } ); } }; /** * Triggered when the admin changes the events filter (all, passed, future). * We request the first page of corresponding events to the API */ $scope.changeScope = function () { Event.query({ page: 1, scope: $scope.eventsScope.selected }, function (data) { $scope.events = data; return paginationCheck(data, $scope.events); }); return $scope.page = 1; }; /** * Setup the feature-tour for the admin/events page. * This is intended as a contextual help (when pressing F1) */ $scope.setupEventsTour = function () { // get the tour defined by the ui-tour directive const uitour = uiTourService.getTourByName('events'); // TODO add the steps uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'welcome', order: 0, title: _t('app.admin.tour.events.welcome.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.events.welcome.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.events-management .events-list', stepId: 'list', order: 1, title: _t('app.admin.tour.events.list.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.events.list.content'), placement: 'top' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.events-management .events-list-filter', stepId: 'filter', order: 2, title: _t('app.admin.tour.events.filter.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.events.filter.content'), placement: 'bottom' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.events-management .events-categories', stepId: 'categories', order: 3, title: _t('app.admin.tour.events.categories.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.events.categories.content'), placement: 'bottom' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.events-management .events-themes', stepId: 'themes', order: 4, title: _t('app.admin.tour.events.themes.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.events.themes.content'), placement: 'top' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.events-management .events-age-ranges', stepId: 'ages', order: 5, title: _t('app.admin.tour.events.ages.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.events.ages.content'), placement: 'top' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.events-management .prices-tab', stepId: 'prices', order: 6, title: _t('app.admin.tour.events.prices.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.events.prices.content'), placement: 'bottom' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'conclusion', order: 7, title: _t('app.admin.tour.conclusion.title'), content: _t('app.admin.tour.conclusion.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); // on step change, change the active tab if needed uitour.on('stepChanged', function (nextStep) { if (nextStep.stepId === 'list' || nextStep.stepId === 'filter') { $scope.tabs.active = 0; } if (nextStep.stepId === 'categories' || nextStep.stepId === 'ages') { $scope.tabs.active = 1; } if (nextStep.stepId === 'prices') { $scope.tabs.active = 2; } }); // on tour end, save the status in database uitour.on('ended', function () { if (uitour.getStatus() === uitour.Status.ON && $scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('events') < 0) { Member.completeTour({ id: $scope.currentUser.id }, { tour: 'events' }, function (res) { $scope.currentUser.profile.tours = res.tours; }); } }); // if the user has never seen the tour, show him now if ($scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('events') < 0) { uitour.start(); } // start this tour when an user press F1 - this is contextual help window.addEventListener('keydown', handleF1); } /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () { paginationCheck(eventsPromise, $scope.events); // listen the $destroy event of the controller to remove the F1 key binding $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleF1); }); }; /** * Callback used to trigger the feature tour when the user press the F1 key. * @param e {KeyboardEvent} */ const handleF1 = function (e) { if (e.key === 'F1') { e.preventDefault(); const tour = uiTourService.getTourByName('events'); if (tour) { tour.start(); } } }; /** * Check if all events are already displayed OR if the button 'load more events' * is required * @param lastEvents {Array} last events loaded onto the diplay (ie. last "page") * @param events {Array} full list of events displayed on the page (not only the last retrieved) */ const paginationCheck = function (lastEvents, events) { if (lastEvents.length > 0) { if (events.length >= lastEvents[0].nb_total_events) { return $scope.paginateActive = false; } else { return $scope.paginateActive = true; } } else { return $scope.paginateActive = false; } }; /** * Return the model and the datastore matching the given name * @param name {string} 'category', 'theme' or 'age_range' * @return {[Object, Array]} model and datastore */ const getModel = function (name) { switch (name) { case 'category': return [Category, $scope.categories]; case 'theme': return [EventTheme, $scope.themes]; case 'age_range': return [AgeRange, $scope.ageRanges]; default: return [null, []]; } }; // init the controller (call at the end !) return initialize(); } ]); /** * Controller used in the reservations listing page for a specific event */ Application.Controllers.controller('ShowEventReservationsController', ['$scope', 'eventPromise', 'reservationsPromise', function ($scope, eventPromise, reservationsPromise) { // retrieve the event from the ID provided in the current URL $scope.event = eventPromise; // list of reservations for the current event $scope.reservations = reservationsPromise; /** * Test if the provided reservation has been cancelled * @param reservation {Reservation} * @returns {boolean} */ $scope.isCancelled = function(reservation) { return !!(reservation.slots[0].canceled_at); } }]); /** * Controller used in the event creation page */ Application.Controllers.controller('NewEventController', ['$scope', '$state', 'CSRF', 'categoriesPromise', 'themesPromise', 'ageRangesPromise', 'priceCategoriesPromise', '_t', function ($scope, $state, CSRF, categoriesPromise, themesPromise, ageRangesPromise, priceCategoriesPromise, _t) { CSRF.setMetaTags(); // API URL where the form will be posted $scope.actionUrl = '/api/events/'; // Form action on the above URL $scope.method = 'post'; // List of categories for the events $scope.categories = categoriesPromise; // List of events themes $scope.themes = themesPromise; // List of age ranges $scope.ageRanges = ageRangesPromise; // List of availables price's categories $scope.priceCategories = priceCategoriesPromise; // Default event parameters $scope.event = { event_files_attributes: [], start_date: new Date(), end_date: new Date(), start_time: new Date(), end_time: new Date(), all_day: 'false', recurrence: 'none', category_id: null, prices: [] }; // Possible types of recurrences for an event $scope.recurrenceTypes = [ { label: _t('app.admin.events_new.none'), value: 'none' }, { label: _t('app.admin.events_new.every_days'), value: 'day' }, { label: _t('app.admin.events_new.every_week'), value: 'week' }, { label: _t('app.admin.events_new.every_month'), value: 'month' }, { label: _t('app.admin.events_new.every_year'), value: 'year' } ]; // triggered when the new event form was submitted to the API and have received an answer $scope.onSubmited = function(content) { if ((content.id == null)) { $scope.alerts = []; angular.forEach(content, function (v, k) { angular.forEach(v, function (err) { $scope.alerts.push({ msg: k + ': ' + err, type: 'danger' }); }); }); } else { $state.go('app.public.events_list'); } }; // Using the EventsController return new EventsController($scope, $state); } ]); /** * Controller used in the events edition page */ Application.Controllers.controller('EditEventController', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'CSRF', 'eventPromise', 'categoriesPromise', 'themesPromise', 'ageRangesPromise', 'priceCategoriesPromise', '$uibModal', 'growl', '_t', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, CSRF, eventPromise, categoriesPromise, themesPromise, ageRangesPromise, priceCategoriesPromise, $uibModal, growl, _t) { /* PUBLIC SCOPE */ // API URL where the form will be posted $scope.actionUrl = `/api/events/${$stateParams.id}`; // Form action on the above URL $scope.method = 'put'; // Retrieve the event details, in case of error the user is redirected to the events listing $scope.event = eventPromise; // We'll keep track of the initial dates here, for later comparison $scope.initialDates = {}; // List of categories for the events $scope.categories = categoriesPromise; // List of available price's categories $scope.priceCategories = priceCategoriesPromise; // List of events themes $scope.themes = themesPromise; // List of age ranges $scope.ageRanges = ageRangesPromise; // Default edit-mode for periodic event $scope.editMode = 'single'; // show edit-mode modal if event is recurrent $scope.isShowEditModeModal = $scope.event.recurrence_events.length > 0; $scope.editRecurrent = function (e) { if ($scope.isShowEditModeModal && $scope.event.recurrence_events.length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); // open a choice edit-mode dialog const modalInstance = $uibModal.open({ animation: true, templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "events/editRecurrent.html" %>', size: 'md', controller: 'EditRecurrentEventController', resolve: { editMode: function () { return $scope.editMode; }, initialDates: function () { return $scope.initialDates; }, currentEvent: function () { return $scope.event; } } }); // submit form event by edit-mode modalInstance.result.then(function(res) { $scope.isShowEditModeModal = false; $scope.editMode = res.editMode; e.target.click(); }); } }; // triggered when the edit event form was submitted to the API and have received an answer $scope.onSubmited = function(data) { if (data.total === data.updated) { if (data.updated > 1) { growl.success(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.events_updated', {COUNT: data.updated - 1} )); } else { growl.success(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.event_successfully_updated' )); } } else { if (data.total > 1) { growl.warning(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.events_not_updated', {TOTAL: data.total, COUNT: data.total - data.updated} )); if (_.find(data.details, { error: 'EventPriceCategory' })) { growl.error(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.error_deleting_reserved_price' )); } else { growl.error(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.other_error' )); } } else { growl.error(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.unable_to_update_the_event' )); if (data.details[0].error === 'EventPriceCategory') { growl.error(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.error_deleting_reserved_price' )); } else { growl.error(_t( 'app.admin.events_edit.other_error' )); } } } $state.go('app.public.events_list'); }; /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () { CSRF.setMetaTags(); // init the dates to JS objects $scope.event.start_date = moment($scope.event.start_date).toDate(); $scope.event.end_date = moment($scope.event.end_date).toDate(); $scope.initialDates = { start: new Date($scope.event.start_date.valueOf()), end: new Date($scope.event.end_date.valueOf()) }; // Using the EventsController return new EventsController($scope, $state); }; // !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller return initialize(); } ]); /** * Controller used in the event edit-mode modal window */ Application.Controllers.controller('EditRecurrentEventController', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'editMode', 'growl', 'initialDates', 'currentEvent', '_t', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, editMode, growl, initialDates, currentEvent, _t) { // with recurrent slots: how many slots should we update? $scope.editMode = editMode; /** * Confirmation callback */ $scope.ok = function () { $uibModalInstance.close({ editMode: $scope.editMode }); } /** * Test if any of the dates of the event has changed */ $scope.hasDateChanged = function() { return (!moment(initialDates.start).isSame(currentEvent.start_date, 'day') || !moment(initialDates.end).isSame(currentEvent.end_date, 'day')); } /** * Cancellation callback */ $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } ]);