es: layouts: notifications_mailer: see_you_later: "Nos vemos pronto en {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}}" #messageFormat interpolation sincerely: "Atentamente," signature: "El equipo del FabLab." do_not_reply: "Por favor no conteste a este mail." users_mailer: notify_user_account_created: subject: "Tu cuenta FabLab se ha creado con éxito" body: hello: "Hola %{NAME}," intro: "El equipo FabLab acaba de crear una cuenta para ti, en la web {GENDER, select, male{del} female{de la} neutral{de} other{de las}} {FABLAB}" #messageFormat interpolation connection_parameters: "Estos son los datos asociados a tu cuenta:" account_name: "Nombre de usuario:" password: "Contraseña:" temporary_password: "Esta es una contraseña temporal, puede modificarla en la pantalla <>." keep_advantages: "Con esta cuenta, guarda todas las ventajas relacionadas con su perfil de usuario de Fab Lab (cursos, planes de suscripción)." to_use_platform: "Para usar el sitio web, por favor" logon_or_login: "crea una nueva cuenta o inicia sesión haciendo clic aquí." token_if_link_problem: "Si experimenta problemas con el enlace, puede introducir el siguiente código en el primer intento de conexión:" notifications_mailer: notify_user_user_group_changed: subject: "Tu has cambiado grupo" body: warning: "Has cambiado de grupo. Se pueden realizar inspecciones en el laboratorio para verificar la legitimidad de este cambio.." notify_admin_user_group_changed: subject: "Un miembro ha cambiado de grupo." body: user_changed_group_html: "El usuario %{NAME} ha cambiado de grupo." previous_group: "Grupo anterior:" new_group: "Nuevo grupo:" notify_admin_subscription_extended: subject: "Una suscripción ha sido extendida" body: subscription_extended_html: "La suscripción {PLAN} del usuario {NAME} ha sido extendida {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_member_subscription_extended: subject: "Su suscripción ha sido extendida" body: your_plan: "Su plan de suscripción" has_been_extended: "ha sido extendida" free: "gratuitamente" until: "hasta" notify_partner_subscribed_plan: subject: "Ha adquirido un plan de suscripción" body: a_plan: "Un plan de suscripción" was_purchased_by_member: "ha sido adquirido por el usuario" notify_admin_when_project_published: subject: "Un proyecto ha sido publicado" body: new_project_published: "Un nuevo proyecto ha sido publicado:" notify_project_collaborator_to_valid: subject: "Invitación de colaboración a un proyecto" body: your_are_invited_to_take_part_in_a_project: "Ha sido invitado a colaborar en el proyecto:" to_accept_the_invitation_click_on_following_link: "Para aceptar la invitación por favor haga clic en el siguiente enlace:" notify_project_author_when_collaborator_valid: subject: "Nuevo colaborador en tu proyecto" body: the_member: "El usuario" accepted_your_invitation_to_take_part_in_the_project: "ha aceptado unirse a tu proyecto:" notify_user_training_valid: subject: "Su curso ha sido validado" body: your_training: "Su curso" has_been_validated: "Ha sido validado" notify_member_subscribed_plan: subject: "Su suscripción ha sido correctamente comprada" body: plan_subscribed_html: "Se ha suscrito al plan: %{PLAN}." rolling_subscription_stops_on: "Su suscripción terminará %{DURATION} después de su primer entrenamiento. De lo contrario, se detendrá el %{DATE}." subscription_stops_on: "Su suscripción terminará el %{DATE}." notify_member_create_reservation: subject: "Su reserva se ha registrado correctamente" body: reservation_saved_html: "Su reserva %{RESERVATION} se ha registrado correctamente" your_reserved_slots: "Sus espacios reservados son:" notify_member_subscribed_plan_is_changed: subject: "Su suscripción ha sido actualizada" body: new_plan_html: "Ha cambiado su plan a %{PLAN}." notify_admin_member_create_reservation: subject: "Nueva reserva" body: member_reserved_html: "El usuario %{NAME} ha reservado %{RESERVABLE}." reserved_slots: "Los espacios de reserva están aquí:" notify_member_slot_is_modified: subject: "Su espacio de reserva ha sido cambiado correctamente" body: reservation_changed_to: "Su espacio de reserva se ha cambiado a:" previous_date: "Fecha anterior:" notify_admin_slot_is_modified: subject: "Un espacio de reservra ha sido modificado" body: slot_modified: "El usuario %{NAME} ha modificado su reserva" new_date: "Nuevo espacio" old_date: "Espacio anterior" notify_admin_when_user_is_created: subject: "Se ha creado una nueva cuenta" body: new_account_created: "Se ha creado un nuevo usuario en la web:" user_of_group_html: "The user has registered in the group %{GROUP}" account_for_organization: "Esta cuenta gestiona una organización :" notify_admin_subscribed_plan: subject: "Se ha adquirido un plan de suscripción" body: plan_subscribed_html: "Un plan de suscripción %{PLAN} ha sido adquirido por el usuario %{NAME}." notify_member_invoice_ready: subject: "La factura de su FabLab" body: please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encuentre como archivo adjunto su factura de {DATE}, por un valor de {AMOUNT} referente a {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Puede acceder a su factura en %{DASHBOARD} en la web del FabLab." your_dashboard: "Su Panel" notify_member_reservation_reminder: subject: "Recordatorio de reserva" body: this_is_a_reminder_about_your_reservation_RESERVABLE_to_be_held_on_DATE_html: "Este es un recordatorio sobre su reserva %{RESERVABLE} a realizarse en %{DATE}" this_reservation_concerns_the_following_slots: "Esta reserva involucra los siguientes espacios:" notify_member_avoir_ready: subject: "Su factura de reembolso de FabLab" body: please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encuentre como archivo adjunto su factura de reembolso de {DATE}, con una cantidad de {AMOUNT} referente a su {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} WalletTransaction{wallet credit} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Puede acceder a su factura en %{DASHBOARD} en la web del FabLab." your_dashboard: "Su panel" notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: subject: "Su suscripción expira en 7 dias" body: your_plan: "su plan de suscripción" expires_in_7_days: "expirará en 7 dias." to_renew_your_plan_follow_the_link: "Por favor, haga clic en el siguiente enlace para renovar su suscripción" notify_member_subscription_is_expired: subject: "Su suscripción ha expirado" body: your_plan: "Su plan de suscripción" has_expired: "ha expirado." you_can_go_to: "Por favor acceda a" to_renew_your_plan: "para renovar su suscripción" notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: subject: "La suscripción de un miembre expira en 7 días" body: subscription_will_expire_html: "El plan de suscripción de %{NAME} %{PLAN} expirará en 7 días." notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: subject: "La suscripción de un miembro ha expirado" body: subscription_expired_html: "La suscripción del usuario %{NAME} %{PLAN} ha expirado." notify_admin_subscription_canceled: subject: "La suscripción de un miembro ha sido cancelada" body: subscription_canceled_html: "La suscripción %{PLAN} del usuario %{NAME} ha sido cancelada." notify_member_subscription_canceled: subject: "Su suscripción ha sido cancelada" body: your_plan_was_canceled: "Su suscripción ha sido cancelada." your_plan: "Su suscripción" end_at: "termina el" notify_member_slot_is_canceled: subject: "Su reserva ha sido cancelada" body: reservation_canceled: "Su reserva para %{RESERVABLE} ha sido cancelada" notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: subject: "Una reserva ha sido cancelada" body: member_cancelled: "El usuario %{NAME} ha cancelado una reserva" item_details: "%{START} - %{END}, referido a %{RESERVABLE}" generate_refund: "No olvide generar una nota de crédito o un reembolso por esta cancelación." notify_admin_when_user_is_imported: subject: "Una cuenta de usuario ha sido importada (SSO)" body: new_account_imported: "Una nueva cuenta (ID: %{ID}) ha sido importada a la web via %{PROVIDER}." provider_uid: "El ID del proveedor es: " known_information: "Esto es lo que sabemos del proveedor:" address_already_used: "Esta dirección ya está asociada con otro usuario." no_more_info_available: "No se puede proporcionar ninguna otra información sobre este usuario antes de completar su perfil." notify_user_profile_complete: subject: "Ahora tienes acceso a nuestra web" body: message: "La información de su cuenta se ha actualizado correctamente, ahora tiene acceso a todo el sitio web." notify_user_auth_migration: subject: "Cambio importante a su cuenta FabLab" body: the_platform: "La web" is_changing_its_auth_system_and_will_now_use: "en realidad está cambiando su sistema de identificación de usuario y usará" instead_of: "en lugar de" consequence_of_the_modification: "Debido a este cambio, no podrá iniciar sesión en el sitio web con sus nombres de usuario actual." to_use_the_platform_thanks_for: "Para seguir usando el sitio web, por favor" create_an_account_on: "cree una cuenta en" or_use_an_existing_account_clicking_here: "o utilice una cuenta existente haciendo clic aquí" in_case_of_problem_enter_the_following_code: "En caso de problemas con este enlace, puede ingresar el siguiente código en su primer intento de conexión para migrar su cuenta real al nuevo sistema de autenticación:" notify_admin_user_merged: subject: "Una cuenta importada se ha fusionado con una cuenta existente" body: imported_account_merged: "Una cuenta de usuario previamente importada vía %{PROVIDER) se ha fusionado con la cuenta existente %{NAME}" provider_uid: "La identificación del proveedor es:" notify_admin_profile_complete: subject: "Una cuenta importada ha completado su perfil" body: account_completed: "Una cuenta de usuario importada previamente %{PROVIDER} ha completado su perfil:" imported_account_completed: "An user account previously imported through %{PROVIDER} has just completed his/her profile data:" provider_id: "su ID de proveedor es:" notify_admin_abuse_reported: subject: "Se ha informado un contenido abusivo" body: intro: "Un usuario ha marcado un contenido como abusivo" signaled_content: "contenido marcado:" signaled_by: "marcado por:" signaled_on: "marcado el:" message: "Mensaje:" visit_management_interface: "Refer to the Reporting Management Interface for more information." notify_user_wallet_is_credited: subject: "Your wallet has been credited" body: wallet_credit_html: "Se han ingresado %{AMOUNT} por el administrador." notify_admin_user_wallet_is_credited: subject: "Se han ingresado fondos en la cartera de un usuario" body: wallet_credit_html: "Se han ingresado %{AMOUNT} fondos en la cartera del usuario %{USER} por el administrador %{ADMIN}." notify_admin_export_complete: subject: "Exportación completada" body: you_asked_for_an_export: "Usted solicitó una exportación" statistics_global: "de todas las estadísticas" statistics_account: "de las estadísticas de registro" statistics_event: "de estadísticas sobre eventos" statistics_machine: "de estadísticas sobre slots de máquina" statistics_project: "de estadísticas sobre proyectos" statistics_subscription: "de estadísticas de suscripción" statistics_training: "de estadísticas sobre entrenamientos" statistics_space: "de estadísticas sobre espacios" users_members: "de la lista de miembros" users_subscriptions: "de la lista de suscripciones" users_reservations: "de la lista de reservas" availabilities_index: "de las reservas disponibles" accounting_acd: "of the accounting data to ACD" accounting_vat: "of the collected VAT data" click_to_download: " archivo Excel generado correctamente. Para descargarlo, haga clic " here: "aquí" file_type: xlsx: "Excel" csv: "CSV" notify_admin_import_complete: subject: "Import completed" body: you_made_an_import: "You have initiated an import %{CATEGORY}" category_members: "of the members" click_to_view_results: "Click here to view results" notify_member_about_coupon: subject: "Cupón" body: enjoy_a_discount_of_PERCENT_with_code_CODE: "Disfruta de un descuento del %{PERCENT}% en toda la web con el código %{CODE}." enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Disfruta de un descuento de %{AMOUNT} en toda la web con el código %{CODE}." this_coupon_is_valid_USAGE_times_until_DATE_for_all_your_purchases: "Este cupón es válido {USAGE, plural, =1{just once} other{many times}}: para todas tus compras {TYPE, select, amount_off{at least equal to the amount of the coupon} other{}}, desde ahora {DATE, select, NO-DATE{and without time limit} other{and until {DATE}}}." notify_admin_free_disk_space: subject: "Low disk space" body: "Warning: available disk space on the server hosting Fab-manager is less than %{THRESHOLD} MiB. This can affect its operation and prevent saving some data. Currently, %{AVAILABLE} MiB of free disk space remains available on the mount point." notify_admin_close_period_reminder: subject: "Remind to close your accounting periods" body: warning_last_closed_period_over_1_year: "Please remind to periodically close your accounting periods. Last closed period ended at %{LAST_END}." warning_no_closed_periods: "Please remind to periodically close your accounting periods. You have to close periods from %{FIRST_DATE}." notify_admin_archive_complete: subject: "Archiving completed" body: archive_complete: "You have closed the accounting period from %{START} to %{END}. Archiving of data is now complete." click_to_download: "To download the ZIP archive, click" here: "here." save_on_secured: "Remember that you must save this archive on a secured external support, which may be requested by the tax authorities during a check." notify_privacy_policy_changed: subject: "Privacy policy updated" body: content_html: "

We wish to inform you that we have just updated our privacy policy.

We may change our privacy policy regularly. In accordance with the regulations, you will receive a notification for each update.

By accessing or using our services after the privacy policy update, we will consider that you agree its terms, updates included.

" link_to_policy: "Haga clic aquí para ver la política de privacidad." notify_admin_refund_created: subject: "A refund has been generated" body: refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been generated on invoice %{INVOICE} of user %{USER}" wallet_refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been generated for the credit of the wallet of user %{USER}" download: "Click here to download this refund invoice" notify_admins_role_update: subject: "The role of a user has changed" body: user_role_changed_html: "The role of the user %{NAME} has changed." previous_role: "Previous role:" new_role: "New role:" notify_user_role_update: subject: "Your role has changed" body: role_changed_html: "Your role at {GENDER, select, male{the} female{the} neutral{} other{the}} {NAME} has changed. You are now {ROLE}.
With great power comes great responsibility, use your new privileges fairly and respectfully." notify_admin_objects_stripe_sync: subject: "Stripe synchronization" body: objects_sync: "All members, coupons, machines, trainings, spaces and plans were successfully synchronized on Stripe." notify_member_payment_schedule_ready: subject: "Your payment schedule" body: please_find_attached_html: "Please find attached your payment schedule, issued on {DATE}, with an amount of {AMOUNT} concerning your {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation schedule_in_your_dashboard_html: "You can find this payment schedule at any time from %{DASHBOARD} on the Fab Lab's website." your_dashboard: "your dashboard" notify_admin_payment_schedule_error: subject: "[URGENT] Card debit error" body: remember: "In accordance with the %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, a debit by card of %{AMOUNT} was scheduled on %{DATE}." error: "Unfortunately, an error occurred and this card debit was unable to complete successfully." action: "Please then consult the %{GATEWAY} dashboard and contact the member as soon as possible to resolve the problem." notify_member_payment_schedule_error: subject: "[URGENT] Card debit error" body: remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, a debit by card of %{AMOUNT} was scheduled on %{DATE}." error: "Unfortunately, an error occurred and this card debit was unable to complete successfully." action: "Please contact a manager as soon as possible to resolve the problem." notify_admin_payment_schedule_failed: subject: "[URGENT] Card debit failure" body: remember: "In accordance with the %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, a debit by card of %{AMOUNT} was scheduled on %{DATE}." error: "Unfortunately, this card debit was unable to complete successfully." action: "Please contact the member as soon as possible, then go to the payment schedule management interface to resolve the problem. After about 24 hours, the card subscription will be cancelled." notify_member_payment_schedule_failed: subject: "[URGENT] Card debit failure" body: remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, a debit by card of %{AMOUNT} was scheduled on %{DATE}." error: "Unfortunately, this card debit was unable to complete successfully." action_html: "Please check %{DASHBOARD} or contact a manager before 24 hours, otherwise your subscription may be interrupted." your_dashboard: "your dashboard" notify_admin_payment_schedule_gateway_canceled: subject: "[URGENT] Payment schedule canceled by the payment gateway" body: error: "The payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the payment gateway (%{GATEWAY}). No further debits will be made on this payment mean." action: "Please consult the payment schedule management interface and contact the member as soon as possible to resolve the problem." notify_member_payment_schedule_gateway_canceled: subject: "[URGENT] Payment schedule canceled by the payment gateway" body: error: "Your payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the payment gateway. No further debits will be made on this payment mean." action: "Please contact a manager as soon as possible to resolve the problem." notify_admin_payment_schedule_check_deadline: subject: "Payment deadline" body: remember: "In accordance with the %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}." date: "This is a reminder to cash the scheduled check as soon as possible." confirm: "Do not forget to confirm the receipt in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated." notify_member_payment_schedule_transfer_deadline: subject: "Payment deadline" body: remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}." date: "This is a reminder to verify that the direct bank debit was successfull." confirm: "Please confirm the receipt of funds in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated." shared: hello: "¡Hola %{user_name}!"