# frozen_string_literal: true wb = xlsx_package.workbook header = wb.styles.add_style b: true, bg_color: Stylesheet.primary.upcase.gsub('#', 'FF'), fg_color: 'FFFFFFFF' date = wb.styles.add_style format_code: Rails.application.secrets.excel_date_format indices.each do |index| next unless index.table index.statistic_types.each do |type| wb.add_worksheet(name: ExcelService.statistic_type_sheet_name(type, wb)) do |sheet| ## data table # heading labels columns = [t('export.date'), t('export.user'), t('export.email'), t('export.phone'), t('export.gender'), t('export.age'), t('export.type')] columns.push type.label unless type.simple index.statistic_fields.each do |f| columns.push f.label end columns.push t('export.revenue') if index.ca sheet.add_row columns, style: header # data rows results['hits']['hits'].each do |hit| # check that the current result is for the given index and type next unless hit['_type'] == index.es_type_key && hit['_source']['type'] == type.key # get matching objects user = get_item(users, hit['_source']['userId']) subtype = get_item(type.statistic_sub_types, hit['_source']['subType'], 'key') # start to fill data and associated styles and data-types data, styles, types = statistics_line(hit, user, type, subtype, date) # proceed additional fields index.statistic_fields.each do |f| format_xlsx_cell(hit['_source'][f.key], data, styles, types, source_data_type: f.data_type, date_format: date) end add_hardcoded_cells(index, hit, data, styles, types) # proceed the 'ca' field if requested add_ca_cell(index, hit, data, styles, types) # finally, add the data row to the workbook's sheet sheet.add_row data, style: styles, types: types end end end end