# frozen_string_literal: true # List of all allowed values for RAILS_LOCALE I18n.config.available_locales += %i[de de-AT de-CH de-DE en en-AU en-CA en-GB en-IE en-IN en-NZ en-US en-ZA fr fr-CA fr-CH fr-CM fr-FR es es-419 es-AR es-CL es-CO es-CR es-DO es-EC es-ES es-MX es-PA es-PE es-US es-VE no pt pt-BR it it-CH zu] # we allow the Zulu locale (zu) as it is used for In-Context translation # @see https://support.crowdin.com/in-context-localization/ # # /!\ ALL locales SHOULD be configured accordingly with the default_locale. /!\ # I18n.config.default_locale = Rails.application.secrets.rails_locale.to_s.split('-')[0] I18n.config.locale = Rails.application.secrets.rails_locale