'use strict'; Application.Controllers.controller('HomeController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'homeContentPromise', 'Member', 'uiTourService', '_t', function ($scope, $stateParams, homeContentPromise, Member, uiTourService, _t) { /* PUBLIC SCOPE */ // Home page HTML content $scope.homeContent = null; /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () { // if we receive a token to reset the password as GET parameter, trigger the // changePassword modal from the parent controller if ($stateParams.reset_password_token) { return $scope.$parent.editPassword($stateParams.reset_password_token); } // We set the home page content, with the directives replacing the placeholders $scope.homeContent = insertDirectives(homeContentPromise.setting.value); // setup the tour for admins if ($scope.currentUser && $scope.currentUser.role === 'admin') { setupWelcomeTour(); // listen the $destroy event of the controller to remove the F1 key binding $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleF1); }); } }; /** * Parse the provided html and replace the elements with special IDs (#news, #projects, #twitter, #members, #events) * by their respective angular directives * @param html {String} a valid html string, as defined by the summernote editor in admin/settings/home_page * @returns {string} a valid html string containing angular directives for the specified plugins */ const insertDirectives = function (html) { const node = document.createElement('div'); node.innerHTML = html.trim(); node.querySelectorAll('div#news').forEach((newsNode) => { const news = document.createElement('news'); newsNode.parentNode.replaceChild(news, newsNode); }); node.querySelectorAll('div#projects').forEach((projectsNode) => { const projects = document.createElement('projects'); projectsNode.parentNode.replaceChild(projects, projectsNode); }); node.querySelectorAll('div#twitter').forEach((twitterNode) => { const twitter = document.createElement('twitter'); twitterNode.parentNode.replaceChild(twitter, twitterNode); }); node.querySelectorAll('div#members').forEach((membersNode) => { const members = document.createElement('members'); membersNode.parentNode.replaceChild(members, membersNode); }); node.querySelectorAll('div#events').forEach((eventsNode) => { const events = document.createElement('events'); eventsNode.parentNode.replaceChild(events, eventsNode); }); return node.outerHTML; }; /** * Setup the feature-tour for the home page that will present an overview of the whole app. * This is intended as a contextual help. */ const setupWelcomeTour = function () { // get the tour defined by the ui-tour directive const uitour = uiTourService.getTourByName('welcome'); // add the steps uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'welcome', order: 0, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.welcome.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.welcome.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.home-link', stepId: 'home', order: 1, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.home.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.home.content'), placement: 'right' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.reserve-machine-link', stepId: 'machines', order: 2, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.machines.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.machines.content'), placement: 'right' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.reserve-training-link', stepId: 'trainings', order: 3, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.trainings.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.trainings.content'), placement: 'right' }); if (!Fablab.withoutSpaces) { uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.reserve-space-link', stepId: 'spaces', order: 4, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.spaces.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.spaces.content'), placement: 'right' }); } uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.reserve-event-link', stepId: 'events', order: 5, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.events.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.events.content'), placement: 'right' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.public-calendar-link', stepId: 'calendar', order: 6, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.calendar.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.calendar.content'), placement: 'right' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.projects-gallery-link', stepId: 'projects', order: 7, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.projects.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.projects.content'), placement: 'right' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary li.plans-link', stepId: 'plans', order: 8, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.plans.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.plans.content'), placement: 'right' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.nav-primary .admin-section', stepId: 'admin', order: 9, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.admin.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.admin.content'), placement: 'right' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.navbar.header li.about-page-link', stepId: 'about', order: 10, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.about.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.about.content'), placement: 'bottom' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.navbar.header li.notification-center-link', stepId: 'notifications', order: 11, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.notifications.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.notifications.content'), placement: 'bottom' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.navbar.header li.user-menu-dropdown', stepId: 'profile', order: 12, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.profile.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.profile.content'), placement: 'bottom' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: '.app-generator .app-version', stepId: 'version', order: 13, title: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.version.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.welcome.version.content'), placement: 'top' }); uitour.createStep({ selector: 'body', stepId: 'conclusion', order: 14, title: _t('app.public.tour.conclusion.title'), content: _t('app.public.tour.conclusion.content'), placement: 'bottom', orphan: true }); // on tour end, save the status in database uitour.on('ended', function () { if (uitour.getStatus() === uitour.Status.ON && $scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('welcome') < 0) { Member.completeTour({ id: $scope.currentUser.id }, { tour: 'welcome' }, function (res) { $scope.currentUser.profile.tours = res.tours; }); } }); // if the user has never seen the tour, show him now if ($scope.currentUser.profile.tours.indexOf('welcome') < 0) { uitour.start(); } // start this tour when an user press F1 - this is contextual help window.addEventListener('keydown', handleF1); }; /** * Callback used to trigger the feature tour when the user press the F1 key. * @param e {KeyboardEvent} */ const handleF1 = function (e) { if (e.key === 'F1') { e.preventDefault(); const tour = uiTourService.getTourByName('welcome'); if (tour) { tour.start(); } } }; // !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller return initialize(); } ]);