class Availability < ActiveRecord::Base ## machine/spaces availabilities are divided in multiple slots of 60 minutes SLOT_DURATION = 60 # elastic initialisations include Elasticsearch::Model index_name 'fablab' document_type 'availabilities' has_many :machines_availabilities, dependent: :destroy has_many :machines, through: :machines_availabilities accepts_nested_attributes_for :machines, allow_destroy: true has_many :trainings_availabilities, dependent: :destroy has_many :trainings, through: :trainings_availabilities has_many :spaces_availabilities, dependent: :destroy has_many :spaces, through: :spaces_availabilities has_many :slots has_many :reservations, through: :slots has_one :event has_many :availability_tags, dependent: :destroy has_many :tags, through: :availability_tags accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags, allow_destroy: true scope :machines, -> { where(available_type: 'machines') } scope :trainings, -> { includes(:trainings).where(available_type: 'training') } scope :spaces, -> { includes(:spaces).where(available_type: 'space') } attr_accessor :is_reserved, :slot_id, :can_modify validates :start_at, :end_at, presence: true validate :length_must_be_1h_minimum, unless: proc { end_at.blank? or start_at.blank? } validate :should_be_associated ## elastic callbacks after_save { AvailabilityIndexerWorker.perform_async(:index, } after_destroy { AvailabilityIndexerWorker.perform_async(:delete, } # elastic mapping settings do mappings dynamic: 'true' do indexes 'available_type', analyzer: 'simple' indexes 'subType', index: 'not_analyzed' end end def safe_destroy case available_type when 'machines' reservations = Reservation.where(reservable_type: 'Machine', reservable_id: machine_ids).joins(:slots).where('slots.availability_id = ?', id) when 'training' reservations = Reservation.where(reservable_type: 'Training', reservable_id: training_ids).joins(:slots).where('slots.availability_id = ?', id) when 'space' reservations = Reservation.where(reservable_type: 'Space', reservable_id: space_ids).joins(:slots).where('slots.availability_id = ?', id) when 'event' reservations = Reservation.where(reservable_type: 'Event', reservable_id: event&.id).joins(:slots).where('slots.availability_id = ?', id) else STDERR.puts "[safe_destroy] Availability with unknown type #{available_type}" reservations = [] end if reservations.size == 0 # this update may not call any rails callbacks, that's why we use direct SQL update update_column(:destroying, true) destroy else false end end ## compute the total number of places over the whole space availability def available_space_places if available_type === 'space' ((end_at - start_at)/SLOT_DURATION.minutes).to_i * nb_total_places end end def title(filter = {}) case available_type when 'machines' if filter[:machine_ids] return machines.to_ary.delete_if {|m| !filter[:machine_ids].include?(}.map(&:name).join(' - ') end return' - ') when 'event' when 'training'' - ') when 'space'' - ') else STDERR.puts "[title] Availability with unknown type #{available_type}" '???' end end # return training reservations is complete? # if haven't defined a nb_total_places, places are unlimited def is_completed return false if nb_total_places.blank? if available_type == 'training' || available_type == 'space' nb_total_places <= {|s| s.canceled_at == nil }.size elsif available_type == 'event' event.nb_free_places == 0 end end def nb_total_places case available_type when 'training' super.presence || {|t| t.nb_total_places}.reduce(:+) when 'event' event.nb_total_places when 'space' super.presence || {|s| s.default_places}.reduce(:+) else nil end end def as_indexed_json json = JSON.parse(to_json) json['hours_duration'] = (end_at - start_at) / (60 * 60) case available_type when 'machines' json['subType'] ={|ma| ma.machine.friendly_id} when'training' json['subType'] ={|ta|} when 'event' json['subType'] = [event.category.friendly_id] when 'space' json['subType'] ={|sa|} else json['subType'] = [] end json['bookable_hours'] = json['hours_duration'] * json['subType'].length json['date'] = start_at.to_date json.to_json end private def length_must_be_1h_minimum if end_at < (start_at + 1.hour) errors.add(:end_at, I18n.t('availabilities.must_be_at_least_1_hour_after_the_start_date')) end end def should_be_associated if available_type == 'machines' and machine_ids.count == 0 errors.add(:machine_ids, I18n.t('availabilities.must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine')) end end end