# frozen_string_literal: true # create PaymentSchedules for various items class PaymentScheduleService ## # Compute a payment schedule for a new subscription to the provided plan # @param plan {Plan} # @param total {Number} Total amount of the current shopping cart (which includes this plan) - without coupon # @param coupon {Coupon} apply this coupon, if any ## def compute(plan, total, coupon: nil) other_items = total - plan.amount # base monthly price of the plan price = plan.amount ps = PaymentSchedule.new(total: price + other_items, coupon: coupon) deadlines = plan.duration / 1.month per_month = (price / deadlines).truncate adjustment = if per_month * deadlines + other_items.truncate != ps.total ps.total - (per_month * deadlines + other_items.truncate) else 0 end items = [] (0..deadlines - 1).each do |i| date = DateTime.current + i.months details = { recurring: per_month } amount = if i.zero? details[:adjustment] = adjustment.truncate details[:other_items] = other_items.truncate per_month + adjustment.truncate + other_items.truncate else per_month end if coupon cs = CouponService.new if (coupon.validity_per_user == 'once' && i.zero?) || coupon.validity_per_user == 'forever' details[:without_coupon] = amount amount = cs.apply(amount, coupon) end end items.push PaymentScheduleItem.new( amount: amount, due_date: date, payment_schedule: ps, details: details ) end ps.total = items.map(&:amount).reduce(:+) { payment_schedule: ps, items: items } end def create(objects, total, coupon: nil, operator: nil, payment_method: nil, user: nil, payment_id: nil, payment_type: nil) subscription = objects.find { |item| item.class == Subscription } schedule = compute(subscription.plan, total, coupon: coupon) ps = schedule[:payment_schedule] items = schedule[:items] ps.payment_schedule_objects = build_objects(objects) ps.payment_method = payment_method if !payment_id.nil? && !payment_type.nil? pgo = PaymentGatewayObject.new( gateway_object_id: payment_id, gateway_object_type: payment_type, item: ps ) ps.payment_gateway_objects.push(pgo) end ps.operator_profile = operator.invoicing_profile ps.invoicing_profile = user.invoicing_profile ps.statistic_profile = user.statistic_profile ps.payment_schedule_items = items ps end def build_objects(objects) res = [] res.push(PaymentScheduleObject.new(object: objects[0], main: true)) objects[1..-1].each do |object| res.push(PaymentScheduleObject.new(object: object)) end res end ## # Generate the invoice associated with the given PaymentScheduleItem, with the children elements (InvoiceItems). # @param payment_method {String} the payment method or gateway in use # @param payment_id {String} the identifier of the payment as provided by the payment gateway, in case of card payment # @param payment_type {String} the object type of payment_id ## def generate_invoice(payment_schedule_item, payment_method: nil, payment_id: nil, payment_type: nil) # build the base invoice invoice = Invoice.new( invoicing_profile: payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.invoicing_profile, statistic_profile: payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.statistic_profile, operator_profile_id: payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.operator_profile_id, payment_method: payment_method ) unless payment_id.nil? invoice.payment_gateway_object = PaymentGatewayObject.new(gateway_object_id: payment_id, gateway_object_type: payment_type) end # complete the invoice with some InvoiceItem if payment_schedule_item.first? complete_first_invoice(payment_schedule_item, invoice) else complete_next_invoice(payment_schedule_item, invoice) end # set the total and apply any coupon user = payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.user coupon = payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.coupon set_total_and_coupon(payment_schedule_item, invoice, user, coupon) # save the results invoice.save payment_schedule_item.update_attributes(invoice_id: invoice.id) end ## # return a paginated list of PaymentSchedule, optionally filtered, with their associated PaymentScheduleItem # @param page {number} page number, used to paginate results # @param size {number} number of items per page # @param filters {Hash} allowed filters: reference, customer, date. ## def self.list(page, size, filters = {}) ps = PaymentSchedule.includes(:invoicing_profile, :payment_schedule_items) .joins(:invoicing_profile) .order('payment_schedules.created_at DESC') .page(page) .per(size) unless filters[:reference].nil? ps = ps.where( 'payment_schedules.reference LIKE :search', search: "#{filters[:reference]}%" ) end unless filters[:customer].nil? # ILIKE => PostgreSQL case-insensitive LIKE ps = ps.where( 'invoicing_profiles.first_name ILIKE :search OR invoicing_profiles.last_name ILIKE :search', search: "%#{filters[:customer]}%" ) end unless filters[:date].nil? ps = ps.where( "date_trunc('day', payment_schedules.created_at) = :search OR date_trunc('day', payment_schedule_items.due_date) = :search", search: "%#{DateTime.iso8601(filters[:date]).to_time.to_date}%" ) end ps end def self.cancel(payment_schedule) # cancel all item where state != paid payment_schedule.ordered_items.each do |item| next if item.state == 'paid' item.update_attributes(state: 'canceled') end # cancel subscription subscription = Subscription.find(payment_schedule.payment_schedule_items.first.details['subscription_id']) subscription.expire(DateTime.current) subscription.canceled_at end private ## # The first PaymentScheduleItem contains references to the reservation price (if any) and to the adjustment price # for the subscription (if any) and the wallet transaction (if any) ## def complete_first_invoice(payment_schedule_item, invoice) # sub-prices for the subscription and the reservation details = { subscription: payment_schedule_item.details['recurring'] + payment_schedule_item.details['adjustment'] } # the subscription and reservation items subscription = Subscription.find(payment_schedule_item.details['subscription_id']) if payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.main_object.object_type == Reservation.name details[:reservation] = payment_schedule_item.details['other_items'] reservation = payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.main_object end # the wallet transaction invoice[:wallet_amount] = payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.wallet_amount invoice[:wallet_transaction_id] = payment_schedule_item.payment_schedule.wallet_transaction_id # build the invoice items generate_invoice_items(invoice, details, subscription: subscription, reservation: reservation) end ## # The later PaymentScheduleItems only contain references to the subscription (which is recurring) ## def complete_next_invoice(payment_schedule_item, invoice) # the subscription item subscription = Subscription.find(payment_schedule_item.details['subscription_id']) # sub-price for the subscription details = { subscription: payment_schedule_item.details['recurring'] } # build the invoice item generate_invoice_items(invoice, details, subscription: subscription) end ## # Generate an array of InvoiceItem according to the provided parameters and saves them in invoice.invoice_items ## def generate_invoice_items(invoice, payment_details, reservation: nil, subscription: nil) generate_reservation_item(invoice, reservation, payment_details) if reservation return unless subscription generate_subscription_item(invoice, subscription, payment_details, reservation.nil?) end ## # Generate a single InvoiceItem for the given reservation and save it in invoice.invoice_items. # This method must be called only with a valid reservation ## def generate_reservation_item(invoice, reservation, payment_details) raise TypeError unless [Space, Machine, Training].include? reservation.reservable.class description = "#{reservation.reservable.name}\n" reservation.slots.each do |slot| description += " #{I18n.l slot.start_at, format: :long} - #{I18n.l slot.end_at, format: :hour_minute}\n" end invoice.invoice_items.push InvoiceItem.new( amount: payment_details[:reservation], description: description, object: reservation, main: true ) end ## # Generate an InvoiceItem for the given subscription and save it in invoice.invoice_items. # This method must be called only with a valid subscription ## def generate_subscription_item(invoice, subscription, payment_details, main = true) raise TypeError unless subscription invoice.invoice_items.push InvoiceItem.new( amount: payment_details[:subscription], description: subscription.plan.name, object: subscription, main: main ) end ## # Set the total price to the invoice, summing all sub-items. # Additionally a coupon may be applied to this invoice to make a discount on the total price ## def set_total_and_coupon(payment_schedule_item, invoice, user, coupon = nil) return unless invoice total = invoice.invoice_items.map(&:amount).map(&:to_i).reduce(:+) unless coupon.nil? if (coupon.validity_per_user == 'once' && payment_schedule_item.first?) || coupon.validity_per_user == 'forever' total = CouponService.new.apply(total, coupon, user.id) invoice.coupon_id = coupon.id end end invoice.total = total end end