'use strict' ### COMMON CODE ### ## list of supported authentication methods METHODS = { 'DatabaseProvider' : 'local_database', 'OAuth2Provider' : 'o_auth2', } ## # Iterate through the provided array and return the index of the requested element # @param elements {Array<{id:*}>} # @param id {*} id of the element to retrieve in the list # @returns {number} index of the requested element, in the provided array ## findIdxById = (elements, id)-> (elements.map (elem)-> elem.id ).indexOf(id) ## # For OAuth2 ententications, mapping the user's ID is mendatory. This function will check that this mapping # is effective and will return false otherwise # @param mappings {Array} expected: $scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes # @returns {Boolean} true if the mapping is declared ## check_oauth2_id_is_mapped = (mappings) -> for mapping in mappings if mapping.local_model == 'user' and mapping.local_field == 'uid' and not mapping._destroy return true return false ## # Page listing all authentication providers ## Application.Controllers.controller "AuthentificationController", ["$scope", "$state", "$rootScope", "dialogs", "growl", "authProvidersPromise", 'AuthProvider', '_t' , ($scope, $state, $rootScope, dialogs, growl, authProvidersPromise, AuthProvider, _t) -> ### PUBLIC SCOPE ### ## full list of authentication providers $scope.providers = authProvidersPromise ## # Translate the classname into an explicit textual message # @param type {string} Ruby polymorphic model classname # @returns {string} ## $scope.getType = (type) -> text = METHODS[type] if typeof text != 'undefined' return _t(text) else return _t('unknown')+type ## # Translate the status string into an explicit textual message # @param status {string} active | pending | previous # @returns {string} ## $scope.getState = (status) -> switch status when 'active' then _t('active') when 'pending' then _t('pending') when 'previous' then _t('previous_provider') else _t('unknown')+status ## # Ask for confirmation then delete the specified provider # @param providers {Array} full list of authentication providers # @param provider {Object} provider to delete ## $scope.destroyProvider = (providers, provider) -> dialogs.confirm resolve: object: -> title: _t('confirmation_required') msg: _t('do_you_really_want_to_delete_the_TYPE_authentication_provider_NAME', {TYPE:$scope.getType(provider.providable_type), NAME:provider.name}) , -> # the admin has confirmed, delete AuthProvider.delete id: provider.id , -> providers.splice(findIdxById(providers, provider.id), 1) growl.success(_t('authentication_provider_successfully_deleted')) , -> growl.error(_t('an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider')) ] ## # Page to add a new authentication provider ## Application.Controllers.controller "NewAuthenticationController", ["$scope", "$state", "$rootScope", "$uibModal", "dialogs", "growl", "mappingFieldsPromise", "authProvidersPromise", "AuthProvider", '_t' , ($scope, $state, $rootScope, $uibModal, dialogs, growl, mappingFieldsPromise, authProvidersPromise, AuthProvider, _t) -> $scope.authMethods = METHODS $scope.mappingFields = mappingFieldsPromise $scope.mode = 'creation' $scope.provider = { name: '', providable_type: '', providable_attributes: {} } ## # Initialize some provider's specific properties when selecting the provider type ## $scope.updateProvidable = -> # === OAuth2Provider === if $scope.provider.providable_type == 'OAuth2Provider' if typeof $scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes == 'undefined' $scope.provider.providable_attributes['o_auth2_mappings_attributes'] = [] # Add others providers initializers here if needed ... ## # Validate and save the provider parameters in database ## $scope.registerProvider = -> # === DatabaseProvider === if $scope.provider.providable_type == 'DatabaseProvider' # prevent from adding mode than 1 for provider in authProvidersPromise if provider.providable_type == 'DatabaseProvider' growl.error _t('a_local_database_provider_already_exists_unable_to_create_another') return false AuthProvider.save auth_provider: $scope.provider, (provider) -> growl.success _t('local_provider_successfully_saved') $state.go('app.admin.members') # === OAuth2Provider === else if $scope.provider.providable_type == 'OAuth2Provider' # check the ID mapping unless check_oauth2_id_is_mapped($scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes) growl.error(_t('it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider')) return false # discourage the use of unsecure SSO unless $scope.provider.providable_attributes.base_url.indexOf('https://') > -1 dialogs.confirm size: 'l' resolve: object: -> title: _t('security_issue_detected') msg: _t('beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS') + _t('this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes') + _t('do_you_really_want_to_continue') , -> # unsecured http confirmed AuthProvider.save auth_provider: $scope.provider, (provider) -> growl.success _t('unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added') $state.go('app.admin.members') else AuthProvider.save auth_provider: $scope.provider, (provider) -> growl.success _t('oauth2_provider_successfully_added') $state.go('app.admin.members') ## # Changes the admin's view to the members list page ## $scope.cancel = -> $state.go('app.admin.members') ## # Open a modal allowing to specify the data mapping for the given field ## $scope.defineDataMapping = (mapping) -> $uibModal.open templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "admin/authentications/_data_mapping.html" %>' size: 'md' resolve: field: -> mapping datatype: -> for field in $scope.mappingFields[mapping.local_model] if field[0] == mapping.local_field return field[1] controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'field', 'datatype', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, field, datatype) -> ## parent field $scope.field = field ## expected data type $scope.datatype = datatype ## close and save the modifications $scope.ok = -> console.log('TODO') $uibModalInstance.close() ## do not save the modifications $scope.cancel = -> $uibModalInstance.dismiss() ] ] ## # Page to edit an already added authentication provider ## Application.Controllers.controller "EditAuthenticationController", ["$scope", "$state", "$stateParams", "$rootScope", "dialogs", "growl", 'providerPromise', 'mappingFieldsPromise', 'AuthProvider', '_t' , ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $rootScope, dialogs, growl, providerPromise, mappingFieldsPromise, AuthProvider, _t) -> $scope.provider = providerPromise $scope.authMethods = METHODS $scope.mode = 'edition' $scope.mappingFields = mappingFieldsPromise ## # Update the current provider with the new inputs ## $scope.updateProvider = -> # check the ID mapping unless check_oauth2_id_is_mapped($scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes) growl.error(_t('it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider')) return false AuthProvider.update {id: $scope.provider.id}, {auth_provider: $scope.provider}, (provider) -> growl.success(_t('provider_successfully_updated')) $state.go('app.admin.members') , -> growl.error(_t('an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider')) ## # Changes the admin's view to the members list page ## $scope.cancel = -> $state.go('app.admin.members') ]