%= render 'notifications_mailer/shared/hello', recipient: @recipient %> <% if @attached_object.type == 'percent_off' %>
<%= t('.body.enjoy_a_discount_of_PERCENT_with_code_CODE', PERCENT: @attached_object.percent_off, CODE: @attached_object.code ) %>
<% else %><%= t('.body.enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE', AMOUNT: number_to_currency(@attached_object.amount_off / 100.00), CODE: @attached_object.code ) %>
<% end %> <% # we must tell the user if he can use the code just once or many times (== maximum wasn't specified) usages = 999 # just a number > 1 if @attached_object.validity_per_user == 'once' usages = 1 else unless @attached_object.max_usages.nil? usages = @attached_object.max_usages end end %><%= _t('.body.this_coupon_is_valid_USAGE_times_until_DATE_for_all_your_purchases', { USAGE: usages, TYPE: @attached_object.type, DATE: @attached_object.valid_until.nil? ? 'NO-DATE' : I18n.l(@attached_object.valid_until.to_date) }) # messageFormat %>