"no": app: shared: #translations of common buttons buttons: confirm_changes: "Bekreft endringer" consult: "Se på" edit: "Rediger" change: "Endre" delete: "Slett" browse: "Bla igjennom" cancel: "Avbryt" close: "Lukk" clear: "Tøm" today: "Idag" confirm: "Bekreft" save: "Lagre" "yes": "Ja" "no": "Nei" apply: "Bruk" messages: you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "Du vil miste noen ulagrede endringer hvis du avslutter denne siden" you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Du vil miste ulagrede endringer hvis du gjeninnlaster denne siden" payment_card_error: "Et problem har oppstått med ditt kredittkort:" payment_card_declined: "Your card was declined." change_group: title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}" change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group" cancel: "Cancel" validate: "Validate group change" success: "Group successfully changed" #text editor text_editor: text_placeholder: "Type something…" link_placeholder: "Paste link…" url_placeholder: "Paste url…" new_tab: "Open in a new tab" add_link: "Insert a link" add_video: "Embed a video" add_image: "Insert an image" fab_socials: networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful" networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks" url_placeholder: "Paste url…" #user edition form user_profile_form: add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar" personal_data: "Personal" account_data: "Account" account_networks: "Social networks" organization_data: "Organization" profile_data: "Profile" preferences_data: "Preferences" declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization" declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization." pseudonym: "Nickname" first_name: "First name" surname: "Surname" email_address: "Email address" organization_name: "Organization name" organization_address: "Organization address" profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required" date_of_birth: "Date of birth" website: "Website" website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL" job: "Job" interests: "Interests" CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered" birthday: "Date of birth" birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required." address: "Address" phone_number: "Phone number" phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid." allow_public_profile: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me" allow_public_profile_help: "Your profile will be visible to other users and you'll be able to collaborate on projects." allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab" allow_newsletter_help: "You may receive the newsletter." used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes" used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes" used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings" used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile" group: "Group" trainings: "Trainings" tags: "Tags" terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept the terms and conditions" must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions" save: "Save" gender_input: man: "Man" woman: "Woman" change_password: change_my_password: "Change my password" confirm_current: "Confirm your current password" confirm: "OK" wrong_password: "Wrong password" password_input: new_password: "New password" confirm_password: "Confirm password" password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)" confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password." #project edition form project: name: "Navn" name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd." illustration: "Bilde" add_an_illustration: "Legg til en illustrasjon" CAD_file: "CAD-filer" allowed_extensions: "Tillatte filtyper:" add_a_new_file: "Legg til ny fil" description: "Beskrivelse" description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd." steps: "Skritt" step_N: "Trinn {INDEX}" step_title: "Tittel på steg" add_a_picture: "Legg til bilde" change_the_picture: "Endre bilde" delete_the_step: "Slett trinnet" confirmation_required: "Bekreftelse nødvendig" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_step: "Vil du virkelig slette dette trinnet?" add_a_new_step: "Legg til nytt trinn" publish_your_project: "Publiser prosjektet" or: "eller" employed_materials: "Materialer brukt" employed_machines: "Maskiner brukt" collaborators: "Samarbeidspartnere" creative_commons_licences: "Creative Commons lisenser" themes: "Temaer" tags: "Etiketter" save_as_draft: "Lagre som utkast" #machine edition form machine: name: "Navn" name_is_required: "Bilde." illustration: "Bilde" add_an_illustration: "Legg til bilde" description: "Beskrivelse" description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd." technical_specifications: "Tekniske detaljer" technical_specifications_are_required: "Tekniske spesifikasjoner kreves." attached_files_pdf: "Vedlagte filer (pdf)" attach_a_file: "Legg ved fil" add_an_attachment: "Legg til vedlegg" disable_machine: "Deaktiver maskinen" validate_your_machine: "Valider maskinen din" #button to book a machine reservation reserve_button: book_this_machine: "Reserver denne maskinen" #frame to select a plan to subscribe plan_subscribe: subscribe_online: "online innmelding" do_not_subscribe: "ikke abonner" #admin: choose a member to interact with member_select: select_a_member: "Velg et medlem" start_typing: "Begynn å skrive..." member_not_validated: "Attention: The member has not validated." #payment modal payment: online_payment: "Online betaling" i_have_read_and_accept_: "Jeg har lest og aksepterer " _the_general_terms_and_conditions: "generelle vilkår og betingelser." payment_schedule_html: "
Du er i ferd med å abonnere på en betalingsplan på {DEADLINES} måneder.
Ved å betale denne regningen godtar du å sende instrukser til den finansielle institusjonen som utsteder kortet, for å ta betalinger fra din kortkonto, så lenge det varer i dette abonnementet. Dette antyder at kortdataene dine lagres av {GATEWAY} og en rekke betalinger vil bli satt i gang på dine vegne, i samsvar med betalingsplanen som tidligere er vist
" confirm_payment_of_: "Betal: {AMOUNT}" validate: "Validate" #dialog of on site payment for reservations valid_reservation_modal: booking_confirmation: "Bestillingsbekreftelse" here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Her er oppsummering av tidslukene som reserveres for nåværende bruker:" subscription_confirmation: "Bekreft abonnement" here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Sammendrag:" payment_method: "Betalingsmetode" method_card: "Online med kort" method_check: "Med sjekk" card_collection_info: "Ved å validere vil du bli bedt om å oppgi kortnummeret til medlemmet. Dette kortet vil automatisk bli belastet på fristen." check_collection_info: "Ved å validere, bekrefter du at du har {DEADLINES} sjekker slik at du kan samle inn alle månedlige betalinger." #event edition form event: title: "Tittel" title_is_required: "Tittel er påkrevd." matching_visual: "Matching visual" choose_a_picture: "Velg bilde" description: "Beskrivelse" description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd." attachments: "Vedlegg" add_a_new_file: "Legg til ny fil" event_type: "Type arrangement" dates_and_opening_hours: "Datoer og åpningstider" all_day: "Hele dagen" start_date: "Startdato" end_date: "Sluttdato" start_time: "Starttid" end_time: "Sluttid" recurrence: "Gjentakelse" _and_ends_on: "og slutter" prices_and_availabilities: "Priser og tilgjengeligheter" standard_rate: "Standard sats" 0_equal_free: "0 = gratis" tickets_available: "Ledige plasser" event_themes: "Event-temaer" select_theme: "Velg tema..." age_range: "Aldersgruppe" add_price: "Legg til pris" #subscription plan edition form plan: general_information: "Generell informasjon" name: "Navn" name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd" name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "Navnlengden må være mindre enn 24 tegn." type: "Type" partner: "Partner" standard: "Standard" type_is_required: "Type er påkrevd." group: "Gruppe" groups: "Grupper" all: "Alle" transversal_all_groups: "Transversal (all groups)" group_is_required: "Gruppe er påkrevd." category: "Kategori" number_of_periods: "Antall perioder" number_of_periods_is_required: "Antall perioder kreves." period: "Periode" year: "År" month: "Måned" week: "Uke" period_is_required: "Periode er påkrevd." subscription_price: "Pris, medlemskap/abonnement" price_is_required: "Periode er påkrevd." edit_amount_info: "Vær oppmerksom på at hvis du endrer prisen på denne planen, vil den nye prisen kun gjelde for nye abonnenter. Gjeldende abonnementer vil forbli uendret, selv de med å kjøre betalingsplan." visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Visuell fremtredende rolle i abonnementet" on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "På abonnementssiden vil de mest fremtredende abonnementene plasseres øverst på listen." an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "Et høyere tall betyr en høyere markering." rolling_subscription: "Rullende abonnement?" a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "Et rullende abonnement vil starte dagen for de første opplæringene." otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "Ellers vil det begynne så snart det er kjøpt." monthly_payment: "Månedlig betaling?" monthly_payment_info: "Hvis månedlig betaling er aktivert, vil medlemmene kunne velge mellom en engangsbetaling eller betaling hver måned." description: "Beskrivelse" type_a_short_description: "Skriv inn en kort beskrivelse" information_sheet: "Informasjonskjema" attach_an_information_sheet: "Legg ved et informasjonsark" notified_partner: "Varslet partner" new_user: "Ny bruker..." as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "Som en del av et partnerabonnement kan noen varsler sendes til denne brukeren." new_partner: "Ny partner" first_name: "Fornavn" first_name_is_required: "Fornavn er påkrevd." surname: "Etternavn" surname_is_required: "Etternavn er påkrevd." email_address: "E-postadresse" email_address_is_required: "E-postadresse er påkrevd." disabled: "Deaktivere abonnement" disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "OBS: deaktivering av dette medlemskapet vil ikke avslutte aktive brukere med dette medlemskapet." #training edition form trainings: name: "Navn" name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd." illustration: "Illustrasjon" add_an_illustration: "Legg til en illustrasjon" description: "Beskrivelse" description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd." add_a_new_training: "Legge til ny opplæring/kurs" validate_your_training: "Godkjen opplæring/kurs" associated_machines: "Tilknyttede maskiner" number_of_tickets: "Antall billetter" public_page: "Vis i opplæringslister" disable_training: "Deaktiver treningen" #partial form to edit/create a user (admin view) user_admin: user: "Bruker" incomplete_profile: "Ufullstendig profil" user_profile: "Brukerprofil" warning_incomplete_user_profile_probably_imported_from_sso: "Advarsel: Denne brukerens profil er ufullstendig. Siden \"single sign-on\" (SSO) autentisering er for øyeblikket aktivert, kan det sannsynligvis bli en importert, men ikke sammenslått konto. Ikke endre det med mindre du vet hva du gjør." group: "Gruppe" group_is_required: "Gruppe er påkrevd." trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs" tags: "Etiketter" #machine/training slot modification modal confirm_modify_slot_modal: change_the_slot: "Endre tidsluken" do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vil du endre din bestilling som er planlagt på:" do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vil du endre {NAME} sin bestillingsplass, som opprinnelig er planlagt på:" cancel_this_reservation: "Avbryt reservasjon" i_want_to_change_date: "Jeg vil endre dato" deleted_user: "deleted user" #user public profile public_profile: last_activity_html: "Siste aktivitetDo you really want to cancel this reservation?
Warning: if this reservation was made free of charge, as part of a subscription, the credits used will not be re-credited.
" reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully." cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}" a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later." none: "None" online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly." slot_restrict_plans: "This slot is restricted for the plans below:" slot_restrict_subscriptions_must_select_plan: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers. Please select a plan first." slot_restrict_plans_of_others_groups: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers of others groups." selected_plan_dont_match_slot: "Selected plan dont match this slot" user_plan_dont_match_slot: "User subscribed plan dont match this slot" no_plan_match_slot: "You dont have any matching plan for this slot" slot_at_same_time: "Conflict with others reservations" do_you_really_want_to_book_slot_at_same_time: "Do you really want to book this slot? Other bookings take place at the same time" unable_to_book_slot_because_really_have_reservation_at_same_time: "Unable to book this slot because the following reservation occurs at the same time." tags_mismatch: "Tags mismatch" confirm_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Do you really want to book this slot? {USER} does not have any of the required tags." unable_to_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Unable to book this slot because you don't have any of the required tags." slot_tags: "Tidsluke-etiketter" user_tags: "Brukeretiketter" no_tags: "Ingen etiketter" user_validation_required_alert: "Attention !Votre administrateur doit valider votre compte ? Vous pourrez alors accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de réservation." #feature-tour modal tour: previous: "Forrige" next: "Neste" end: "Avslutt rundturen" #help modal help: title: "Hjelp" what_to_do: "Hva ønsker du å gjøre?" tour: "Start omvisningen" guide: "Les brukermanualen" #2nd factor authentication for card payments stripe_confirm: pending: "Venter på handling..." success: "Takk, ditt betalingskortoppsett er fullført. Betalingen vil snart bli gjennomført." #the summary table of all payment schedules schedules_table: schedule_num: "Tidsplan" date: "Dato" price: "Pris" customer: "Kunde" deadline: "Tidsfrist" amount: "Beløp" state: "Status" download: "Last ned" state_new: "Ikke forfalt ennå" state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check" state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation" state_requires_payment_method: "Kredittkortet må oppdateres" state_requires_action: "Handling kreves" state_paid: "Betalt" state_error: "Feil" state_gateway_canceled: "Canceled by the payment gateway" state_canceled: "Avbrutt" method_card: "med kort" method_check: "med sjekk" method_transfer: "by transfer" payment_schedule_item_actions: download: "Download" cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription" confirm_payment: "Confirm payment" confirm_check: "Confirm cashing" resolve_action: "Resolve the action" update_card: "Update the card" update_payment_mean: "Update the payment mean" please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception." confirm_button: "Confirm" confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check" confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date." confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer" confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date." confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?" payment_modal: online_payment_disabled: "Elektronisk betaling er ikke tilgjengelig. Kontakt ledelsen." unexpected_error: "Det oppstod en feil. Vennligst rapporter til Fab-Manager-teamet." update_card_modal: unexpected_error: "Det oppstod en feil. Rapporter dette problemet til Fab-Manager-teamet." stripe_card_update_modal: update_card: "Oppdater kortet" validate_button: "Valider det nye kortet" payzen_card_update_modal: update_card: "Oppdater kortet" validate_button: "Valider det nye kortet"