# frozen_string_literal: true
Apipie.configure do |config|
config.app_name = 'Fab-manager'
config.api_base_url = '/open_api'
config.doc_base_url = '/open_api/doc'
# where is your API defined?
config.api_controllers_matcher = "#{Rails.root}/app/controllers/open_api/v1/*.rb"
config.validate = false
config.translate = false
config.default_locale = nil
config.app_info['v1'] = <<-RDOC
= Pagination
Pagination is done using headers. Following RFC-5988 standard for web linking.
It uses headers *Link*, *Total* and *Per-Page*.
= Authentication
Authentication is done using *Authorization* header.
You just have to set header *Authorization* to Token token=YOUR_TOKEN for every request.
= Json
Depending on your client, you may have to set header Accept: application/json for every request,
otherwise some clients may request *html* by default which will result in error.