# frozen_string_literal: true # API Controller for resources of type Plan and PartnerPlan. # Plan are used to define subscription's characteristics. # PartnerPlan is a special kind of plan which send notifications to an external user class API::PlansController < API::ApiController include ApplicationHelper before_action :authenticate_user!, except: %i[index durations] def index @plans = Plan.includes(:plan_file) @plans = @plans.where(group_id: params[:group_id]) if params[:group_id] render :index end def show @plan = Plan.find(params[:id]) end def create authorize Plan unless %w[PartnerPlan Plan].include? plan_params[:type] render json: { error: 'unhandled plan type' }, status: :unprocessable_entity and return end type = plan_params[:type] partner = params[:plan][:partner_id].empty? ? nil : User.find(params[:plan][:partner_id]) plan = PlansService.create(type, partner, plan_params) if plan.key?(:errors) render json: plan.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity else render json: plan, status: :created end end def update @plan = Plan.find(params[:id]) authorize @plan if @plan.update(plan_params) render :show, status: :ok else render json: @plan.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def destroy @plan = Plan.find(params[:id]) authorize @plan @plan.destroy head :no_content end def durations grouped = Plan.all.map { |p| [p.human_readable_duration, p.id] }.group_by { |i| i[0] } @durations = [] grouped.each_pair do |duration, plans| @durations.push( name: duration, plans: plans.map { |p| p[1] } ) end end private def plan_params # parameters caching for performance if @parameters @parameters else @parameters = params @parameters[:plan][:amount] = to_centimes(@parameters[:plan][:amount]) if @parameters[:plan][:amount] if @parameters[:plan][:prices_attributes] @parameters[:plan][:prices_attributes] = @parameters[:plan][:prices_attributes].map do |price| { amount: to_centimes(price[:amount]), id: price[:id] } end end @parameters = @parameters.require(:plan) .permit(:base_name, :type, :group_id, :amount, :interval, :interval_count, :is_rolling, :training_credit_nb, :ui_weight, :disabled, :monthly_payment, :description, :plan_category_id, plan_file_attributes: %i[id attachment _destroy], prices_attributes: %i[id amount]) end end end