'use strict' Application.Directives.directive 'fileread', [ -> { scope: fileread: "=" link: (scope, element, attributes) -> element.bind "change", (changeEvent) -> scope.$apply -> scope.fileread = changeEvent.target.files[0] } ] # This `bsHolder` angular directive is a workaround for # an incompatability between angular and the holder.js # image placeholder library. # # To use, simply define `bs-holder` on any element Application.Directives.directive 'bsHolder', [ -> { link: (scope, element, attrs) -> Holder.addTheme("icon", { background: "white", foreground: "#e9e9e9", size: 80, font: "FontAwesome"}) .addTheme("avatar", { background: "#eeeeee", foreground: "#555555", size: 16, font: "FontAwesome"}) .run(element[0]) return } ] Application.Directives.directive 'match', [ -> { require: 'ngModel' restrict: 'A' scope: match: '=' link: (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) -> scope.$watch -> (ctrl.$pristine && angular.isUndefined(ctrl.$modelValue)) || scope.match == ctrl.$modelValue , (currentValue) -> ctrl.$setValidity('match', currentValue) } ] Application.Directives.directive 'publishProject', [ -> { restrict: 'A' link: (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) -> elem.bind 'click', ($event)-> if ($event) $event.preventDefault() $event.stopPropagation() return if (elem.attr('disabled')) input = angular.element('') form = angular.element('form') form.append(input) form.triggerHandler('submit') form[0].submit() } ] Application.Directives.directive "disableAnimation", ($animate) -> restrict: "A" link: (scope, elem, attrs) -> attrs.$observe "disableAnimation", (value) -> $animate.enabled not value, elem