class API::AvailabilitiesController < API::ApiController include FablabConfiguration before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:public] before_action :set_availability, only: %i[show update destroy reservations lock] before_action :define_max_visibility, only: %i[machine trainings spaces] respond_to :json def index authorize Availability start_date = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[params[:timezone]].parse(params[:start]) end_date = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[params[:timezone]].parse(params[:end]).end_of_day @availabilities = Availability.includes(:machines, :tags, :trainings, :spaces).where.not(available_type: 'event') .where('start_at >= ? AND end_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) if fablab_spaces_deactivated? @availabilities = @availabilities.where.not(available_type: 'space') end end def public start_date = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[params[:timezone]].parse(params[:start]) end_date = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[params[:timezone]].parse(params[:end]).end_of_day @reservations = Reservation.includes(:slots, user: [:profile]).references(:slots, :user) .where('slots.start_at >= ? AND slots.end_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) # request for 1 single day if in_same_day(start_date, end_date) # trainings, events @training_and_event_availabilities = Availability.includes(:tags, :trainings, :event, :slots) .where(available_type: %w[training event]) .where('start_at >= ? AND end_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) .where(lock: false) # machines @machine_availabilities = Availability.includes(:tags, :machines) .where(available_type: 'machines') .where('start_at >= ? AND end_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) .where(lock: false) @machine_slots = [] @machine_availabilities.each do |a| a.machines.each do |machine| next unless params[:m]&.include?( ((a.end_at - a.start_at)/ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes).to_i.times do |i| slot = start_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes, end_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes + ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes, availability_id:, availability: a, machine: machine, title: ) slot = verify_machine_is_reserved(slot, @reservations, current_user, '') @machine_slots << slot end end end # spaces @space_availabilities = Availability.includes(:tags, :spaces).where(available_type: 'space') .where('start_at >= ? AND end_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) .where(lock: false) @space_availabilities.where(available_id: params[:s]) if params[:s] @space_slots = [] @space_availabilities.each do |a| space = a.spaces.first ((a.end_at - a.start_at)/ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes).to_i.times do |i| next unless (a.start_at + (i * ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes) > slot = start_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes, end_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes + ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes, availability_id:, availability: a, space: space, title: ) slot = verify_space_is_reserved(slot, @reservations, current_user, '') @space_slots << slot end end @availabilities = [].concat(@training_and_event_availabilities).concat(@machine_slots).concat(@space_slots) # request for many days (week or month) else @availabilities = Availability.includes(:tags, :machines, :trainings, :spaces, :event, :slots) .where('start_at >= ? AND end_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) .where(lock: false) @availabilities.each do |a| if a.available_type == 'training' or a.available_type == 'event' a = verify_training_event_is_reserved(a, @reservations, current_user) elsif a.available_type == 'space' a.is_reserved = is_reserved_availability(a, current_user) end end end machine_ids = params[:m] || [] @title_filter = {machine_ids:} @availabilities = filter_availabilites(@availabilities) end def show authorize Availability end def create authorize Availability @availability = if render :show, status: :created, location: @availability else render json: @availability.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def update authorize Availability if @availability.update(availability_params) render :show, status: :ok, location: @availability else render json: @availability.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def destroy authorize Availability if @availability.safe_destroy head :no_content else head :unprocessable_entity end end def machine @user = if params[:member_id] User.find(params[:member_id]) else current_user end @current_user_role = current_user.is_admin? ? 'admin' : 'user' @machine = Machine.friendly.find(params[:machine_id]) @slots = [] @reservations = Reservation.where('reservable_type = ? and reservable_id = ?', @machine.class.to_s, .includes(:slots, user: [:profile]) .references(:slots, :user) .where('slots.start_at > ?', if @user.is_admin? @availabilities = @machine.availabilities.includes(:tags) .where("end_at > ? AND available_type = 'machines'", .where(lock: false) else end_at = @visi_max_other end_at = @visi_max_year if is_subscription_year(@user) @availabilities = @machine.availabilities .includes(:tags) .where("end_at > ? AND end_at < ? AND available_type = 'machines'",, end_at) .where('availability_tags.tag_id' => @user.tag_ids.concat([nil])) .where(lock: false) end @availabilities.each do |a| ((a.end_at - a.start_at)/ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes).to_i.times do |i| next unless (a.start_at + (i * ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes) > slot = start_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes, end_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes + ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes, availability_id:, availability: a, machine: @machine, title: '' ) slot = verify_machine_is_reserved(slot, @reservations, current_user, @current_user_role) @slots << slot end end end def trainings @user = if params[:member_id] User.find(params[:member_id]) else current_user end @slots = [] # first, we get the already-made reservations @reservations = @user.reservations.where("reservable_type = 'Training'") @reservations = @reservations.where('reservable_id = :id', id: params[:training_id].to_i) if params[:training_id].is_number? @reservations = @reservations.joins(:slots).where('slots.start_at > ?', # what is requested? # 1) a single training @availabilities = if params[:training_id].is_number? or (params[:training_id].length > 0 and params[:training_id] != 'all') Training.friendly.find(params[:training_id]).availabilities # 2) all trainings else Availability.trainings end # who made the request? # 1) an admin (he can see all future availabilities) if current_user.is_admin? @availabilities = @availabilities.includes(:tags, :slots, trainings: [:machines]) .where('availabilities.start_at > ?', .where(lock: false) # 2) an user (he cannot see availabilities further than 1 (or 3) months) else end_at = @visi_max_year end_at = @visi_max_year if can_show_slot_plus_three_months(@user) @availabilities = @availabilities.includes(:tags, :slots, :availability_tags, trainings: [:machines]) .where('availabilities.start_at > ? AND availabilities.start_at < ?',, end_at) .where('availability_tags.tag_id' => @user.tag_ids.concat([nil])) .where(lock: false) end # finally, we merge the availabilities with the reservations @availabilities.each do |a| a = verify_training_event_is_reserved(a, @reservations, @user) end end def spaces @user = if params[:member_id] User.find(params[:member_id]) else current_user end @current_user_role = current_user.is_admin? ? 'admin' : 'user' @space = Space.friendly.find(params[:space_id]) @slots = [] @reservations = Reservation.where('reservable_type = ? and reservable_id = ?', @space.class.to_s, .includes(:slots, user: [:profile]).references(:slots, :user) .where('slots.start_at > ?', if current_user.is_admin? @availabilities = @space.availabilities.includes(:tags) .where("end_at > ? AND available_type = 'space'", .where(lock: false) else end_at = @visi_max_other end_at = @visi_max_year if is_subscription_year(@user) @availabilities = @space.availabilities.includes(:tags) .where("end_at > ? AND end_at < ? AND available_type = 'space'",, end_at) .where('availability_tags.tag_id' => @user.tag_ids.concat([nil])) .where(lock: false) end @availabilities.each do |a| ((a.end_at - a.start_at)/ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes).to_i.times do |i| next unless (a.start_at + (i * ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes) > slot = start_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes, end_at: a.start_at + (i*ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION).minutes + ApplicationHelper::SLOT_DURATION.minutes, availability_id:, availability: a, space: @space, title: '' ) slot = verify_space_is_reserved(slot, @reservations, @user, @current_user_role) @slots << slot end end @slots.each do |s| if s.is_complete? and not s.is_reserved s.title = t('availabilities.not_available') end end end def reservations authorize Availability @reservation_slots = @availability.slots.includes(reservations: [user: [:profile]]).order('slots.start_at ASC') end def export_availabilities authorize :export export = Export.where(category: 'availabilities', export_type: 'index') .where('created_at > ?', Availability.maximum('updated_at')).last if export.nil? || !FileTest.exist?(export.file) @export = 'availabilities', export_type: 'index', user: current_user) if render json: {export_id:}, status: :ok else render json: @export.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end else send_file File.join(Rails.root, export.file), type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', disposition: 'attachment' end end def lock authorize @availability if @availability.update_attributes(lock: lock_params) render :show, status: :ok, location: @availability else render json: @availability.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end private def set_availability @availability = Availability.find(params[:id]) end def availability_params params.require(:availability).permit(:start_at, :end_at, :available_type, :machine_ids, :training_ids, :nb_total_places, machine_ids: [], training_ids: [], space_ids: [], tag_ids: [], machines_attributes: %i[id _destroy]) end def lock_params params.require(:lock) end def is_reserved_availability(availability, user) if user reserved_slots = [] availability.slots.each do |s| if s.canceled_at.nil? reserved_slots << s end end else false end end def is_reserved(start_at, reservations) is_reserved = false reservations.each do |r| r.slots.each do |s| is_reserved = true if s.start_at == start_at end end is_reserved end def verify_machine_is_reserved(slot, reservations, user, user_role) show_name = (user_role == 'admin' or Setting.find_by(name: 'display_name_enable').value == 'true') reservations.each do |r| r.slots.each do |s| next unless == r.reservable_id if s.start_at == slot.start_at and s.canceled_at == nil = slot.is_reserved = true slot.title = "#{} - #{show_name ? r.user.profile.full_name : t('availabilities.not_available')}" slot.can_modify = true if user_role === 'admin' slot.reservations.push r end if s.start_at == slot.start_at and r.user == user and s.canceled_at == nil slot.title = "#{} - #{t('availabilities.i_ve_reserved')}" slot.can_modify = true slot.is_reserved_by_current_user = true end end end slot end def verify_space_is_reserved(slot, reservations, user, user_role) reservations.each do |r| r.slots.each do |s| next unless == r.reservable_id if s.start_at == slot.start_at and s.canceled_at == nil slot.can_modify = true if user_role === 'admin' slot.reservations.push r end if s.start_at == slot.start_at and r.user == user and s.canceled_at == nil = slot.title = t('availabilities.i_ve_reserved') slot.can_modify = true slot.is_reserved = true end end end slot end def verify_training_event_is_reserved(availability, reservations, user) reservations.each do |r| r.slots.each do |s| next unless ( (availability.available_type == 'training' && == r.reservable_id) || (availability.available_type == 'event' && == r.reservable_id) ) && s.start_at == availability.start_at && s.canceled_at == nil availability.slot_id = if r.user == user availability.is_reserved = true availability.can_modify = true end end end availability end def can_show_slot_plus_three_months(user) # member must have validated at least 1 training and must have a valid yearly subscription. user.trainings.size > 0 and is_subscription_year(user) end def is_subscription_year(user) user.subscription and user.subscription.plan.interval == 'year' and user.subscription.expired_at >= end def in_same_day(start_date, end_date) (end_date.to_date - start_date.to_date).to_i == 1 end def filter_availabilites(availabilities) availabilities_filtered = [] availabilities.to_ary.each do |a| # machine slot if !a.try(:available_type) availabilities_filtered << a else # training if params[:t] and a.available_type == 'training' if params[:t].include?( availabilities_filtered << a end end # space if params[:s] and a.available_type == 'space' if params[:s].include?( availabilities_filtered << a end end # machines if params[:m] and a.available_type == 'machines' if (params[:m].map(&:to_i) & a.machine_ids).any? availabilities_filtered << a end end # event if params[:evt] and params[:evt] == 'true' and a.available_type == 'event' availabilities_filtered << a end end end availabilities_filtered.delete_if do |a| if params[:dispo] == 'false' a.is_reserved or (a.try(:completed?) and a.completed?) end end end def define_max_visibility @visi_max_year = Setting.find_by(name: 'visibility_yearly').value.to_i.months.since @visi_max_other = Setting.find_by(name: 'visibility_others').value.to_i.months.since end end