# frozen_string_literal: true MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60.0 SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60.0 # Store customized price for various items (Machine, Space), depending on the group and on the plan # Also provides a static helper method to compute the price details of a shopping cart class Price < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :group belongs_to :plan belongs_to :priceable, polymorphic: true validates :priceable, :group_id, :amount, presence: true validates :priceable_id, uniqueness: { scope: %i[priceable_type plan_id group_id] } class << self ## # @param admin {Boolean} true if the current user (ie.the user who requests the price) is an admin # @param user {User} The user who's reserving (or selected if an admin is reserving) # @param reservable {Machine|Training|Event} what the reservation is targeting # @param slots {Array<Slot>} when did the reservation will occur # @param options {plan_id:Number, nb_places:Number, tickets:Array<Ticket>, coupon_code:String, payment_schedule:Boolean} # - plan_id {Number} if the user is subscribing to a plan at the same time of his reservation, specify the plan's ID here # - nb_places {Number} for _reservable_ of type Event, pass here the number of booked places # - tickets {Array<Ticket>} for _reservable_ of type Event, mapping of the number of seats booked per price's category # - coupon_code {String} Code of the coupon to apply to the total price # - payment_schedule {Boolean} if the user is requesting a payment schedule for his subscription # @return {Hash} total and price detail ## def compute(admin, user, reservable, slots, options = {}) total_amount = 0 all_elements = {} all_elements[:slots] = [] # initialize Plan plan = if user.subscribed_plan new_plan_being_bought = false user.subscribed_plan elsif options[:plan_id] new_plan_being_bought = true Plan.find(options[:plan_id]) else new_plan_being_bought = false nil end # === compute reservation price === case reservable # Machine reservation when Machine base_amount = reservable.prices.find_by(group_id: user.group_id, plan_id: plan.try(:id)).amount if plan machine_credit = plan.machine_credits.select { |credit| credit.creditable_id == reservable.id }.first if machine_credit hours_available = credits_hours(machine_credit, user, new_plan_being_bought) slots.each_with_index do |slot, index| total_amount += get_slot_price(base_amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements, has_credits: (index < hours_available)) end else slots.each do |slot| total_amount += get_slot_price(base_amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements) end end else slots.each do |slot| total_amount += get_slot_price(base_amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements) end end # Training reservation when Training amount = reservable.amount_by_group(user.group_id).amount if plan # Return True if the subscription link a training credit for training reserved by the user space_is_creditable = plan.training_credits.select { |credit| credit.creditable_id == reservable.id }.any? # Training reserved by the user is free when : # |-> the user already has a current subscription and if space_is_creditable is true and has at least one credit available. if !new_plan_being_bought amount = 0 if user.training_credits.size < plan.training_credit_nb && space_is_creditable # |-> the user buys a new subscription and if space_is_creditable is true. else amount = 0 if space_is_creditable end end slots.each do |slot| total_amount += get_slot_price(amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements, is_division: false) end # Event reservation when Event amount = reservable.amount * options[:nb_places] options[:tickets]&.each do |ticket| amount += ticket[:booked] * EventPriceCategory.find(ticket[:event_price_category_id]).amount end slots.each do |slot| total_amount += get_slot_price(amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements, is_division: false) end # Space reservation when Space base_amount = reservable.prices.find_by(group_id: user.group_id, plan_id: plan.try(:id)).amount if plan space_credit = plan.space_credits.select { |credit| credit.creditable_id == reservable.id }.first if space_credit hours_available = credits_hours(space_credit, user, new_plan_being_bought) slots.each_with_index do |slot, index| total_amount += get_slot_price(base_amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements, has_credits: (index < hours_available)) end else slots.each do |slot| total_amount += get_slot_price(base_amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements) end end else slots.each do |slot| total_amount += get_slot_price(base_amount, slot, admin, elements: all_elements) end end # No reservation (only subscription) when nil total_amount = 0 # Unknown reservation type else raise NotImplementedError end # === compute Plan price (if any) === unless options[:plan_id].nil? all_elements[:plan] = plan.amount total_amount += plan.amount end # === apply Coupon if any === _amount_no_coupon = total_amount cs = CouponService.new cp = cs.validate(options[:coupon_code], user.id) total_amount = cs.apply(total_amount, cp) # == generate PaymentSchedule (if applicable) === schedule = if options[:payment_schedule] && plan&.monthly_payment PaymentScheduleService.new.compute(plan, _amount_no_coupon, coupon: cp) else nil end total_amount = schedule[:items][0].amount if schedule # return result { elements: all_elements, total: total_amount.to_i, before_coupon: _amount_no_coupon.to_i, coupon: cp, schedule: schedule } end private GET_SLOT_PRICE_DEFAULT_OPTS = { has_credits: false, elements: nil, is_division: true }.freeze ## # Compute the price of a single slot, according to the base price and the ability for an admin # to offer the slot. # @param hourly_rate {Number} base price of a slot # @param slot {Hash} Slot object # @param is_admin {Boolean} true if the current user has the 'admin' role # @param [options] {Hash} optional parameters, allowing the following options: # - elements {Array} if provided the resulting price will be append into elements.slots # - has_credits {Boolean} true if the user still has credits for the given slot, false if not provided # - is_division {boolean} false if the slot covers an full availability, true if it is a subdivision (default) # @return {Number} price of the slot ## def get_slot_price(hourly_rate, slot, is_admin, options = {}) options = GET_SLOT_PRICE_DEFAULT_OPTS.merge(options) slot_rate = options[:has_credits] || (slot[:offered] && is_admin) ? 0 : hourly_rate real_price = if options[:is_division] (slot_rate / MINUTES_PER_HOUR) * ((slot[:end_at].to_time - slot[:start_at].to_time) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) else slot_rate end unless options[:elements].nil? options[:elements][:slots].push( start_at: slot[:start_at], price: real_price, promo: (slot_rate != hourly_rate) ) end real_price end ## # Compute the number of remaining hours in the users current credits (for machine or space) ## def credits_hours(credits, user, new_plan_being_bought) hours_available = credits.hours unless new_plan_being_bought user_credit = user.users_credits.find_by(credit_id: credits.id) hours_available = credits.hours - user_credit.hours_used if user_credit end hours_available end end end