#!/bin/bash DOMAINS=() welcome_message() { clear echo "#======================================================================#" echo -e "#\e[31m ____ __ ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ ___ ____ ____ \e[0m#" echo -e "#\e[31m ( __)/ _\ ( _ \ ___ ( \/ ) / _\ ( ( \ / _\ / __)( __)( _ \ \e[0m#" echo -e "#\e[31m ) _)/ \ ) _ ((___)/ \/ \/ \/ // \( (_ \ ) _) ) / \e[0m#" echo -e "#\e[31m (__) \_/\_/(____/ \_)(_/\_/\_/\_)__)\_/\_/ \___/(____)(__\_) \e[0m#" echo "# #" echo "#======================================================================#" printf "\n Welcome to Fab-manager's setup assistant\n\n\n" echo "Thank you for installing Fab-manager." printf "This script will guide you through the installation process of Fab-manager\n\n" echo -e "Please report any \e[1mfeedback or improvement request\e[21m on https://feedback.fab-manager.com/" echo -e "For \e[1mbug reports\e[21m, please open a new issue on https://github.com/sleede/fab-manager/issues" echo -e "You can call for \e[1mcommunity assistance\e[21m on https://forum.fab-manager.com/" printf "\nYou can interrupt this installation at any time by pressing Ctrl+C\n" printf "If you do not feel confortable with this installation, you can \e[4msubscribe to our hosting offers\e[24m:\nhttps://www.fab-manager.com/saas-offer\n\n" read -rp "Continue? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [[ "$confirm" = "n" ]]; then exit 1; fi } system_requirements() { if is_root; then echo "It is not recommended to run this script as root. As a normal user, elevation will be prompted if needed." read -rp "Continue anyway? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [[ "$confirm" = "n" ]]; then exit 1; fi else if [ "$(has_sudo)" = 'no_sudo' ]; then echo "You are not allowed to sudo. Please add $(whoami) to the sudoers before continuing." exit 1 fi local _groups=("docker") for _group in "${_groups[@]}"; do echo -e "detecting group $_group for current user..." if ! groups | grep "$_group"; then echo "Please add your current user to the $_group group." echo "You can run the following as root: \"usermod -aG $_group $(whoami)\", then logout and login again" echo -e "\e[91m[ ❌ ] current user is misconfigured, exiting...\e[39m" && exit 1 fi done fi local _commands=("sudo" "curl" "sed" "openssl" "docker" "systemctl") for _command in "${_commands[@]}"; do echo "detecting $_command..." if ! command -v "$_command" then echo "Please install $_command before running this script." echo -e "\e[91m[ ❌ ] $_command was not found, exiting...\e[39m" && exit 1 fi done echo "detecting docker-compose..." docker-compose version printf "\e[92m[ ✔ ] All requirements successfully checked.\e[39m \n\n" } docker-compose() { if ! docker compose version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null then if ! command docker-compose version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null then echo -e "\e[91m[ ❌ ] docker-compose was not found, exiting...\e[39m" && exit 1 else command docker-compose "$@" fi else docker compose "$@" fi } is_root() { return $(id -u) } has_sudo() { local prompt prompt=$(sudo -nv 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "has_sudo__pass_set" elif echo $prompt | grep -q '^sudo:'; then echo "has_sudo__needs_pass" else echo "no_sudo" fi } elevate_cmd() { local cmd=$@ HAS_SUDO=$(has_sudo) case "$HAS_SUDO" in has_sudo__pass_set) sudo $cmd ;; has_sudo__needs_pass) echo "Please supply sudo password for the following command: sudo $cmd" sudo $cmd ;; *) echo "Please supply root password for the following command: su -c \"$cmd\"" su -c "$cmd" ;; esac } read_email() { local email read -rep "Please input a valid email address > " email </dev/tty if [[ "$email" == *"@"*"."* ]]; then EMAIL="$email" else read_email fi } config() { SERVICE="fabmanager" # http_proxy should have been exported externally # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$http_proxy" != "" ]; then read -rp "You seems to be behind a proxy. Do you want to configure a custom CA certificate? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [[ "$confirm" != "n" ]]; then echo "Paste the certificate below and terminate with an empty line:" CERTIFICATE=$(sed '/^$/q' </dev/tty) fi fi echo 'We recommend nginx to serve the application over the network (internet). You can use your own solution or let this script install and configure nginx for Fab-manager.' printf 'If you want to install Fab-manager behind a reverse proxy, you may not need to install the integrated nginx.\n' read -rp 'Do you want install nginx? (Y/n) ' NGINX </dev/tty if [ "$NGINX" != "n" ]; then # if the user doesn't want nginx, let him use its own solution for HTTPS printf "\n\nWe highly recommend to secure the application with HTTPS. You can use your own certificate or let this script install and configure let's encrypt for Fab-manager." printf "\nIf this server is publicly available on the internet, you can use Let's encrypt to automatically generate and renew a valid SSL certificate for free.\n" read -rp "Do you want install let's encrypt? (Y/n) " LETSENCRYPT </dev/tty if [ "$LETSENCRYPT" != "n" ]; then printf "\n\nLet's encrypt requires an email address to receive notifications about certificate expiration.\n" read_email fi # if the user wants to install nginx, configure the domains printf "\n\nWhat's the domain name where the instance will be active (eg. fab-manager.com)?\n" read_domain MAIN_DOMAIN=("${DOMAINS[0]}") OTHER_DOMAINS=${DOMAINS[*]/$MAIN_DOMAIN} else LETSENCRYPT="n" fi } read_domain() { read -rep 'Please input the domain name > ' domain </dev/tty if [[ "$domain" == *"."* ]]; then DOMAINS+=("$domain") else echo "The domain name entered is invalid" read_domain return fi read -rp 'Do you have any other domain (eg. a www. alias)? (y/N) ' confirm </dev/tty if [ "$confirm" == "y" ]; then read_domain fi } prepare_files() { FABMANAGER_PATH=${1:-/apps/fabmanager} echo -e "Fab-Manager will be installed in \e[31m$FABMANAGER_PATH\e[0m" read -rp "Continue? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [[ "$confirm" = "n" ]]; then exit 1; fi elevate_cmd mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH" elevate_cmd chown -R "$(whoami):$(whoami)" "$FABMANAGER_PATH" # create folders before starting the containers, otherwise root will own them local folders=(accounting config elasticsearch/config exports imports invoices log payment_schedules plugins postgresql \ proof_of_identity_files public/packs public/uploads) for folder in "${folders[@]}"; do mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH/$folder" done # Fab-manager environment variables \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/env.example > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/env" # nginx configuration if [ "$NGINX" != "n" ]; then mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx" \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/nginx_with_ssl.conf.example > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf.ssl" \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/nginx.conf.example > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf" fi # let's encrypt configuration if [ "$LETSENCRYPT" != "n" ]; then mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/etc/config" mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/systemd" mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/etc/webrootauth" \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/webroot.ini.example > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/etc/config/webroot.ini" # temp systemd files \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/letsencrypt.service > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/systemd/letsencrypt.service" \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/letsencrypt.timer > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/systemd/letsencrypt.timer" fi # ElasticSearch configuration files \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/elasticsearch.yml > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml" \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/log4j2.properties > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/elasticsearch/config/log4j2.properties" # docker-compose \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/docker-compose.yml > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" # proxy if [ "$CERTIFICATE" != "" ]; then mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/proxy" echo "$CERTIFICATE" > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/proxy/certificate.pem" \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/proxy/.npmrc > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/proxy/.npmrc" \curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/setup/proxy/gitconfig > "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/proxy/gitconfig" fi } yq() { docker run --rm -i -v "${FABMANAGER_PATH}:/workdir" --user "$UID" mikefarah/yq:4 "$@" } prepare_nginx() { if [ "$NGINX" != "n" ]; then sed -i.bak "s/MAIN_DOMAIN/${MAIN_DOMAIN[0]}/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf" sed -i.bak "s/MAIN_DOMAIN/${MAIN_DOMAIN[0]}/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf.ssl" sed -i.bak "s/ANOTHER_DOMAIN_1/$OTHER_DOMAINS/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf.ssl" sed -i.bak "s/URL_WITH_PROTOCOL_HTTPS/https:\/\/${MAIN_DOMAIN[0]}/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf.ssl" else # if nginx is not installed, remove its associated block from docker-compose.yml echo "Removing nginx..." yq -i eval 'del(.services.nginx)' docker-compose.yml printf "The two following configurations are useful if you want to install Fab-manager behind a reverse proxy...\n" read -rp "- Do you want to map the Fab-manager's service to an external network? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [ "$confirm" != "n" ]; then read -rep "Please input the name of the external network (default: web) " network </dev/tty if [ "$network" = "" ]; then network="web"; fi echo "Adding a network configuration to the docker-compose.yml file..." yq -i eval ".networks.$network.external = \"true\"" docker-compose.yml yq -i eval '.networks.db = "" | .networks.db tag="!!null"' docker-compose.yml yq -i eval '.services.fabmanager.networks += ["web"]' docker-compose.yml yq -i eval '.services.fabmanager.networks += ["db"]' docker-compose.yml yq -i eval '.services.postgres.networks += ["db"]' docker-compose.yml yq -i eval '.services.elasticsearch.networks += ["db"]' docker-compose.yml yq -i eval '.services.redis.networks += ["db"]' docker-compose.yml if ! docker network inspect "$network" 1>/dev/null; then echo "Creating the external network $network..." docker network create "$network" fi fi read -rp "- Do you want to rename the Fab-manager's service? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [ "$confirm" != "n" ]; then current="$(yq eval '.services.*.image | select(. == "sleede/fab-manager*") | path | .[-2]' docker-compose.yml)" printf "=======================\n- \e[1mCurrent value: %s\e[21m\n- New value? (leave empty to keep the current value)\n" "$current" read -rep " > " value </dev/tty echo "=======================" if [ "$value" != "" ]; then escaped=$(printf '%s\n' "$value" | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT//IGNORE | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/_/g') yq -i eval ".services.$escaped = .services.$current | del(.services.$current)" docker-compose.yml SERVICE="$escaped" fi fi fi } function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } prepare_letsencrypt() { if [ "$LETSENCRYPT" != "n" ]; then if ! openssl dhparam -in "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem" -check; then mkdir -p "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/ssl" printf "\n\nNow, we will generate a Diffie-Hellman (DH) 4096 bits encryption key, to encrypt connections. This will take a moment, please wait...\n" openssl dhparam -out "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem" 4096 fi sed -i.bak "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR@EMAIL.COM/$EMAIL/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/etc/config/webroot.ini" sed -i.bak "s/MAIN_DOMAIN, ANOTHER_DOMAIN_1/$(join_by , "${DOMAINS[@]}")/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/etc/config/webroot.ini" echo "Now downloading and configuring the certificate signing bot..." docker pull certbot/certbot:latest sed -i.bak "s:/apps/fabmanager:$FABMANAGER_PATH:g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/systemd/letsencrypt.service" elevate_cmd cp "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/systemd/letsencrypt.service" /etc/systemd/system/letsencrypt.service elevate_cmd cp "$FABMANAGER_PATH/letsencrypt/systemd/letsencrypt.timer" /etc/systemd/system/letsencrypt.timer elevate_cmd systemctl daemon-reload fi } prepare_docker() { if [ "$(docker ps | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then printf "\n\nIf you have previously interrupted the installer, it is recommended to stop any existing docker container before continuing.\n" echo "Here's a list of all existing containers:" docker ps -a read -rp "Force remove all containers? (y/N) " confirm </dev/tty if [ "$confirm" = "y" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2046 docker rm -f $(docker ps -q) fi fi # set the current user in the docker-compose.yml, as the owner of the process sed -i.bak "s/USER_ID/$(id -u):$(id -g)/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" # if a certificate was provided, modify the docker-compose.yml file to use it if [ "$CERTIFICATE" != "" ]; then echo "Using the certificate provided..." yq -i eval ".services.$SERVICE.volumes += [\"./config/proxy/certificate.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-cert-proxy.pem\"]" docker-compose.yml yq -i eval ".services.$SERVICE.volumes += [\"./config/proxy/.npmrc:/usr/src/app/.npmrc\"]" docker-compose.yml yq -i eval ".services.$SERVICE.volumes += [\"./config/proxy/gitconfig:/etc/gitconfig\"]" docker-compose.yml fi cd "$FABMANAGER_PATH" && docker-compose pull } get_md_anchor() { local md_file="$1" local anchor="$2" local section lastline section=$(echo "$md_file" | sed -n "/<a name=\"$anchor/,/<a name=/p" | tail -n +2) lastline=$(echo "$section" | tail -n -1) if [[ "$lastline" == *"<a name="* ]]; then section=$(echo "$section" | head -n -1) fi echo "$section" } configure_env_file() { # pre-configure the main domain if [ "${MAIN_DOMAIN[0]}" != "" ]; then sed -i.bak "s/DEFAULT_HOST=.*/DEFAULT_HOST=${MAIN_DOMAIN[0]}/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/env" fi printf "\n\nWe will now configure the environment variables.\n" echo "This allows you to customize Fab-manager's appearance and behavior." read -rp "Proceed? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [ "$confirm" = "n" ]; then return; fi local doc variables secret doc=$(\curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sleede/fab-manager/master/doc/environment.md) variables=(DEFAULT_HOST DEFAULT_PROTOCOL DELIVERY_METHOD SMTP_ADDRESS SMTP_PORT SMTP_USER_NAME SMTP_PASSWORD SMTP_AUTHENTICATION \ SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE SMTP_TLS LOG_LEVEL MAX_IMAGE_SIZE MAX_CAO_SIZE MAX_IMPORT_SIZE MAX_PROOF_OF_IDENTITY_FILE_SIZE DISK_SPACE_MB_ALERT \ ADMINSYS_EMAIL APP_LOCALE RAILS_LOCALE MOMENT_LOCALE SUMMERNOTE_LOCALE ANGULAR_LOCALE FULLCALENDAR_LOCALE INTL_LOCALE INTL_CURRENCY\ POSTGRESQL_LANGUAGE_ANALYZER TIME_ZONE WEEK_STARTING_DAY D3_DATE_FORMAT UIB_DATE_FORMAT EXCEL_DATE_FORMAT) for variable in "${variables[@]}"; do local var_doc current var_doc=$(get_md_anchor "$doc" "$variable") current=$(grep "$variable=" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/env") printf "\n\n\n==== \e[4m%s\e[24m ====\n" "$variable" printf "**** \e[1mDocumentation:\e[21m ****\n" echo "$var_doc" printf "=======================\n- \e[1mCurrent value: %s\e[21m\n- New value? (leave empty to keep the current value)\n" "$current" read -rep " > " value </dev/tty echo "=======================" if [ "$value" != "" ]; then esc_val=$(printf '%s\n' "$value" | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g') esc_curr=$(printf '%s\n' "$current" | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g') sed -i.bak "s/$esc_curr/$variable=$esc_val/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/env" fi done # we automatically generate the SECRET_KEY_BASE secret=$(docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" run --rm "$SERVICE" bundle exec rake secret) sed -i.bak "s/SECRET_KEY_BASE=/SECRET_KEY_BASE=$secret/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/env" # if DEFAULT_PROTOCOL was set to http, ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP is probably required if grep "^DEFAULT_PROTOCOL=http$" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/env" 1>/dev/null; then get_md_anchor "$doc" "ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP" printf "You have set \e[1mDEFAULT_PROTOCOL\e[21m to \e[1mhttp\e[21m.\n" read -rp "Do you want to allow insecure HTTP? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [ "$confirm" != "n" ]; then sed -i.bak "s/ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP=.*/ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP=true/g" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/env" fi fi } read_password() { local password confirmation >&2 echo "Please input a password for this administrator's account" read -rsp " > " password </dev/tty if [ ${#password} -lt 8 ]; then >&2 printf "\nError: password is too short (minimal length: 8 characters)\n" password=$(read_password 'no-confirm') fi if [ "$1" != 'no-confirm' ]; then >&2 printf "\nConfirm the password\n" read -rsp " > " confirmation </dev/tty if [ "$password" != "$confirmation" ]; then >&2 printf "\nError: passwords mismatch\n" password=$(read_password) fi fi echo "$password" } setup_assets_and_databases() { printf "\n\nWe will now setup the database.\n" read -rp "Continue? (Y/n) " confirm </dev/tty if [ "$confirm" = "n" ]; then return; fi docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" run --rm "$SERVICE" bundle exec rake db:create </dev/tty # create the database docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" run --rm "$SERVICE" bundle exec rake db:migrate </dev/tty # run all the migrations # prompt default admin email/password printf "\n\nWe will now create the default administrator of Fab-manager.\n" read_email PASSWORD=$(read_password) printf "\nOK. We will fill the database now...\n" docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" run --rm -e ADMIN_EMAIL="$EMAIL" -e ADMIN_PASSWORD="$PASSWORD" "$SERVICE" bundle exec rake db:seed </dev/tty # seed the database # now build the assets if ! docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" run --user "0:0" --rm "$SERVICE" bundle exec rake assets:precompile </dev/tty; then echo -e "\e[91m[ ❌ ] someting went wrong while compiling the assets, exiting...\e[39m" && exit 1 fi # and prepare elasticsearch docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" run --rm "$SERVICE" bundle exec rake fablab:es:build_stats </dev/tty } stop() { docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" down } start() { docker-compose -f "$FABMANAGER_PATH/docker-compose.yml" up -d } enable_ssl() { if [ "$LETSENCRYPT" != "n" ]; then # generate certificate elevate_cmd systemctl start letsencrypt.service # serve http content over ssl mv "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf.nossl" mv "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf.ssl" "$FABMANAGER_PATH/config/nginx/fabmanager.conf" stop start elevate_cmd systemctl enable letsencrypt.timer elevate_cmd systemctl start letsencrypt.timer fi } final_message() { printf "\n\e[92m[ ✔ ] Installation process in now complete.\e[39m \n\n" echo "#========================#" echo -e "#\e[5m 🥳 Congratulations! 🎉 \e[25m#" echo "#========================#" printf "\n\n" echo -e "Please \e[1mkeep track of the logs\e[21m produced by this script and check that everything is running correctly." echo "You can call for the community assistance on https://forum.fab-manager.com" echo -e "We wish you a pleasant use of \e[31mFab-manager\e[0m" } function trap_ctrlc() { echo "Ctrl^C, exiting..." exit 2 } setup() { trap "trap_ctrlc" 2 # SIGINT welcome_message system_requirements config prepare_files "$@" prepare_nginx prepare_letsencrypt prepare_docker configure_env_file setup_assets_and_databases start enable_ssl final_message } setup "$@"