/* eslint-disable handle-callback-err, no-return-assign, no-self-compare, no-undef, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ 'use strict'; /** * Public listing of the trainings */ Application.Controllers.controller('TrainingsController', ['$scope', '$state', 'trainingsPromise', function ($scope, $state, trainingsPromise) { // List of trainings $scope.trainings = trainingsPromise; /** * Callback for the 'reserve' button */ $scope.reserveTraining = function (training, event) { $state.go('app.logged.trainings_reserve', { id: training.slug }); }; /** * Callback for the 'show' button */ $scope.showTraining = function (training) { $state.go('app.public.training_show', { id: training.slug }); }; }]); /** * Public view of a specific training */ Application.Controllers.controller('ShowTrainingController', ['$scope', '$state', 'trainingPromise', 'growl', '_t', 'dialogs', function ($scope, $state, trainingPromise, growl, _t, dialogs) { // Current training $scope.training = trainingPromise; /** * Callback to delete the current training (admins only) */ $scope.delete = function (training) { // check the permissions if ($scope.currentUser.role !== 'admin') { growl.error(_t('app.public.training_show.unauthorized_operation')); } else { dialogs.confirm( { resolve: { object () { return { title: _t('app.public.training_show.confirmation_required'), msg: _t('app.public.training_show.do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training') }; } } }, function () { // deletion confirmed // delete the training then redirect to the trainings listing training.$delete( function () { $state.go('app.public.trainings_list'); }, function (error) { growl.warning(_t('app.public.training_show.the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users')); console.error(error); } ); } ); } }; /** * Callback for the 'reserve' button */ $scope.reserveTraining = function (training, event) { $state.go('app.logged.trainings_reserve', { id: training.id }); }; /** * Revert view to the full list of trainings ("<-" button) */ $scope.cancel = function (event) { $state.go('app.public.trainings_list'); }; }]); /** * Controller used in the training reservation agenda page. * This controller is very similar to the machine reservation controller with one major difference: here, ONLY ONE * training can be reserved during the reservation process (the shopping cart may contains only one training and a subscription). */ Application.Controllers.controller('ReserveTrainingController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'Auth', 'AuthService', '$timeout', 'Availability', 'Member', 'plansPromise', 'groupsPromise', 'settingsPromise', 'trainingPromise', '_t', 'uiCalendarConfig', 'CalendarConfig', 'Reservation', function ($scope, $stateParams, Auth, AuthService, $timeout, Availability, Member, plansPromise, groupsPromise, settingsPromise, trainingPromise, _t, uiCalendarConfig, CalendarConfig, Reservation) { /* PRIVATE STATIC CONSTANTS */ // Color of the selected event backgound const SELECTED_EVENT_BG_COLOR = '#ffdd00'; // Slot free to be booked const FREE_SLOT_BORDER_COLOR = '<%= AvailabilityHelper::TRAINING_COLOR %>'; /* PUBLIC SCOPE */ // bind the trainings availabilities with full-Calendar events $scope.eventSources = []; // the user to deal with, ie. the current user for non-admins $scope.ctrl = { member: {} }; // all plans, used in $scope.plans = plansPromise; // all groups, used in $scope.groups = groupsPromise; // mapping of fullCalendar events. $scope.events = { reserved: [], // Slots that the user wants to book modifiable: null, // Slot that the user wants to change placable: null, // Destination slot for the change paid: [], // Slots that were just booked by the user (transaction ok) moved: null // Slots that were just moved by the user (change done) -> {newSlot:* oldSlot: *} }; // the moment when the slot selection changed for the last time, used to trigger changes in the cart $scope.selectionTime = null; // the last clicked event in the calender $scope.selectedEvent = null; // indicates the state of the current view : calendar or plans information $scope.plansAreShown = false; // will store the user's plan if he choosed to buy one $scope.selectedPlan = null; // the moment when the plan selection changed for the last time, used to trigger changes in the cart $scope.planSelectionTime = null; // Selected training $scope.training = trainingPromise; // 'all' OR training's slug $scope.mode = $stateParams.id; // fullCalendar (v2) configuration $scope.calendarConfig = CalendarConfig({ minTime: moment.duration(moment(settingsPromise.booking_window_start).format('HH:mm:ss')), maxTime: moment.duration(moment(settingsPromise.booking_window_end).format('HH:mm:ss')), eventClick (event, jsEvent, view) { return calendarEventClickCb(event, jsEvent, view); }, eventRender (event, element, view) { return eventRenderCb(event, element, view); } }); // Application global settings $scope.settings = settingsPromise; // Global config: message to the end user concerning the subscriptions rules $scope.subscriptionExplicationsAlert = settingsPromise.subscription_explications_alert; // Global config: message to the end user concerning the training reservation $scope.trainingExplicationsAlert = settingsPromise.training_explications_alert; // Global config: message to the end user giving advice about the training reservation $scope.trainingInformationMessage = settingsPromise.training_information_message; /** * Change the last selected slot's appearance to looks like 'added to cart' */ $scope.markSlotAsAdded = function () { $scope.selectedEvent.backgroundColor = SELECTED_EVENT_BG_COLOR; updateEvents($scope.selectedEvent); }; /** * Change the last selected slot's appearance to looks like 'never added to cart' */ $scope.markSlotAsRemoved = function (slot) { slot.backgroundColor = 'white'; slot.title = slot.training.name; slot.borderColor = FREE_SLOT_BORDER_COLOR; slot.id = null; slot.isValid = false; slot.is_reserved = false; slot.can_modify = false; slot.offered = false; if (slot.is_completed) { slot.is_completed = false; } updateEvents(slot); }; /** * Callback when a slot was successfully cancelled. Reset the slot style as 'ready to book' */ $scope.slotCancelled = function () { $scope.markSlotAsRemoved($scope.selectedEvent); }; /** * Change the last selected slot's appearence to looks like 'currently looking for a new destination to exchange' */ $scope.markSlotAsModifying = function () { $scope.selectedEvent.backgroundColor = '#eee'; $scope.selectedEvent.title = $scope.selectedEvent.training.name + ' - ' + _t('app.logged.trainings_reserve.i_change'); updateEvents($scope.selectedEvent); }; /** * Change the last selected slot's appearence to looks like 'the slot being exchanged will take this place' */ $scope.changeModifyTrainingSlot = function () { if ($scope.selectedEvent.training.id !== $scope.events.modifiable.training.id) return false; if ($scope.events.placable) { $scope.events.placable.backgroundColor = 'white'; $scope.events.placable.title = $scope.events.placable.training.name; updateEvents($scope.events.placable); } if (!$scope.events.placable || ($scope.events.placable._id !== $scope.selectedEvent._id)) { $scope.selectedEvent.backgroundColor = '#bbb'; $scope.selectedEvent.title = $scope.selectedEvent.training.name + ' - ' + _t('app.logged.trainings_reserve.i_shift'); updateEvents($scope.selectedEvent); } return true; }; /** * When modifying an already booked reservation, callback when the modification was successfully done. */ $scope.modifyTrainingSlot = function () { const save = { slotId: $scope.events.modifiable.slot_id, borderColor: $scope.events.modifiable.borderColor, title: !AuthService.isAuthorized(['admin', 'manager']) ? $scope.events.placable.training.name + ' - ' + _t('app.logged.trainings_reserve.i_ve_reserved') : $scope.events.placable.training.name, }; $scope.events.modifiable.backgroundColor = 'white'; $scope.events.modifiable.title = $scope.events.modifiable.training.name; $scope.events.modifiable.borderColor = FREE_SLOT_BORDER_COLOR; $scope.events.modifiable.slot_id = null; $scope.events.modifiable.is_reserved = false; $scope.events.modifiable.can_modify = false; if ($scope.events.modifiable.is_completed) { $scope.events.modifiable.is_completed = false; } updateEvents($scope.events.modifiable); $scope.events.placable.title = save.title; $scope.events.placable.backgroundColor = 'white'; $scope.events.placable.borderColor = save.borderColor; $scope.events.placable.slot_id = save.slotId; $scope.events.placable.is_reserved = true; $scope.events.placable.can_modify = true; updateEvents($scope.events.placable); refetchCalendar(); }; /** * Cancel the current booking modification, reseting the whole process */ $scope.cancelModifyTrainingSlot = function () { if ($scope.events.placable) { $scope.events.placable.backgroundColor = 'white'; $scope.events.placable.title = $scope.events.placable.training.name; } $scope.events.modifiable.title = $scope.currentUser.role !== 'admin' ? $scope.events.modifiable.training.name + ' - ' + _t('app.logged.trainings_reserve.i_ve_reserved') : $scope.events.modifiable.training.name; $scope.events.modifiable.backgroundColor = 'white'; updateEvents($scope.events.placable, $scope.events.modifiable); }; /** * Callback to deal with the reservations of the user selected in the dropdown list instead of the current user's * reservations. (admins only) */ $scope.updateMember = function () { if ($scope.ctrl.member) { Member.get({ id: $scope.ctrl.member.id }, function (member) { $scope.ctrl.member = member; const id = $stateParams.id === 'all' ? $stateParams.id : $scope.training.id; return Availability.trainings({ trainingId: id, member_id: $scope.ctrl.member.id }, function (trainings) { uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents'); return $scope.eventSources.splice(0, 1, { events: trainings, textColor: 'black' } ); }); }); } // as the events are re-fetched for the new user, we must re-init the cart $scope.events.reserved = []; $scope.selectedPlan = null; return $scope.plansAreShown = false; }; /** * Add the provided plan to the current shopping cart * @param plan {Object} the plan to subscribe */ $scope.selectPlan = function (plan) { setTimeout(() => { // toggle selected plan if ($scope.selectedPlan !== plan) { $scope.selectedPlan = plan; } else { $scope.selectedPlan = null; } $scope.planSelectionTime = new Date(); $scope.$apply(); }, 50); }; /** * Check if the provided plan is currently selected * @param plan {Object} Resource plan */ $scope.isSelected = function (plan) { return $scope.selectedPlan === plan; }; /** * Changes the user current view from the plan subsription screen to the machine reservation agenda * @param e {Object} see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/expression#-event- */ $scope.doNotSubscribePlan = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $scope.plansAreShown = false; $scope.selectedPlan = null; return $scope.planSelectionTime = new Date(); }; /** * Switch the user's view from the reservation agenda to the plan subscription */ $scope.showPlans = function () { $scope.plansAreShown = true; }; /** * Once the reservation is booked (payment process successfully completed), change the event style * in fullCalendar, update the user's subscription and free-credits if needed * @param paymentDocument {Invoice|PaymentSchedule} */ $scope.afterPayment = function (paymentDocument) { Reservation.get({ id: paymentDocument.main_object.id }, function (reservation) { angular.forEach($scope.events.paid, function (trainingSlot, key) { trainingSlot.backgroundColor = 'white'; trainingSlot.is_reserved = true; trainingSlot.can_modify = true; updateTrainingSlotId(trainingSlot, reservation); trainingSlot.borderColor = '#b2e774'; trainingSlot.title = trainingSlot.training.name + ' - ' + _t('app.logged.trainings_reserve.i_ve_reserved'); updateEvents(trainingSlot); }); if ($scope.selectedPlan) { $scope.ctrl.member.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan); if ($scope.ctrl.member.id === Auth._currentUser.id) { Auth._currentUser.subscribed_plan = angular.copy($scope.selectedPlan); } $scope.plansAreShown = false; $scope.selectedPlan = null; } $scope.ctrl.member.training_credits = angular.copy(reservation.user.training_credits); $scope.ctrl.member.machine_credits = angular.copy(reservation.user.machine_credits); if ($scope.ctrl.member.id === Auth._currentUser.id) { Auth._currentUser.training_credits = angular.copy(reservation.user.training_credits); Auth._currentUser.machine_credits = angular.copy(reservation.user.machine_credits); } refetchCalendar(); }); }; /** * To use as callback in Array.prototype.filter to get only enabled plans */ $scope.filterDisabledPlans = function (plan) { return !plan.disabled; }; /* PRIVATE SCOPE */ /** * Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded */ const initialize = function () { if ($scope.currentUser.role !== 'admin') { Member.get({ id: $scope.currentUser.id }, function (member) { $scope.ctrl.member = member; }); } // we load the availabilities from a callback function of the $scope.eventSources, instead of resolving a promise // in the router because this allows to refetchEvents from fullCalendar API. $scope.eventSources.push({ events: function (start, end, timezone, callback) { Availability.trainings({ trainingId: $stateParams.id }, function (availabilities) { callback(availabilities); }); }, textColor: 'black' }); }; /** * Triggered when the user clicks on a reservation slot in the agenda. * Defines the behavior to adopt depending on the slot status (already booked, free, ready to be reserved ...), * the user's subscription (current or about to be took) and the time (the user cannot modify a booked reservation * if it's too late). * @see http://fullcalendar.io/docs/mouse/eventClick/ */ const calendarEventClickCb = function (event, jsEvent, view) { $scope.selectedEvent = event; if ($stateParams.id === 'all') { $scope.training = event.training; } return $scope.selectionTime = new Date(); }; /** * Triggered when fullCalendar tries to graphicaly render an event block. * Append the event tag into the block, just after the event title. * @see http://fullcalendar.io/docs/event_rendering/eventRender/ */ const eventRenderCb = function (event, element, view) { if (($scope.currentUser.role === 'admin') && (event.tags.length > 0)) { let html = ''; for (let tag of Array.from(event.tags)) { html += `${tag.name}`; } element.find('.fc-time').append(html); } }; /** * After payment, update the id of the newly reserved slot with the id returned by the server. * This will allow the user to modify the reservation he just booked. * @param slot {Object} * @param reservation {Object} */ const updateTrainingSlotId = function (slot, reservation) { angular.forEach(reservation.slots, function (s) { if (slot.start.isSame(s.start_at)) { return slot.slot_id = s.id; } }); }; /** * Update the calendar's display to render the new attributes of the events * @param events Object[] events to update in full-calendar */ const updateEvents = function (...events) { const realEvents = events.filter(e => !_.isNil(e)); uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvents', realEvents); }; /** * Asynchronously fetch the events from the API and refresh the calendar's view with these new events */ const refetchCalendar = function () { uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); setTimeout(() => { uiCalendarConfig.calendars.calendar.fullCalendar('rerenderEvents'); }, 200); }; // !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller return initialize(); } ]);