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# frozen_string_literal: true
# FriendlyId Global Configuration
# Use this to set up shared configuration options for your entire application.
# Any of the configuration options shown here can also be applied to single
# models by passing arguments to the `friendly_id` class method or defining
# methods in your model.
# To learn more, check out the guide:
# http://norman.github.io/friendly_id/file.Guide.html
FriendlyId.defaults do |config|
# ## Reserved Words
# Some words could conflict with Rails's routes when used as slugs, or are
# undesirable to allow as slugs. Edit this list as needed for your app.
config.use :reserved
config.reserved_words = %w[new edit index session login logout users stylesheets assets javascripts images]
# ## Friendly Finders
# Uncomment this to use friendly finders in all models. By default, if
# you wish to find a record by its friendly id, you must do:
# MyModel.friendly.find('foo')
# If you uncomment this, you can do:
# MyModel.find('foo')
# This is significantly more convenient but may not be appropriate for
# all applications, so you must explicity opt-in to this behavior. You can
# always also configure it on a per-model basis if you prefer.
# Something else to consider is that using the :finders addon boosts
# performance because it will avoid Rails-internal code that makes runtime
# calls to `Module.extend`.
# config.use :finders
# ## Slugs
# Most applications will use the :slugged module everywhere. If you wish
# to do so, uncomment the following line.
# config.use :slugged
# By default, FriendlyId's :slugged addon expects the slug column to be named
# 'slug', but you can change it if you wish.
# config.slug_column = 'slug'
# When FriendlyId can not generate a unique ID from your base method, it appends
# a UUID, separated by a single dash. You can configure the character used as the
# separator. If you're upgrading from FriendlyId 4, you may wish to replace this
# with two dashes.
# config.sequence_separator = '-'
# ## Tips and Tricks
# ### Controlling when slugs are generated
# As of FriendlyId 5.0, new slugs are generated only when the slug field is
# nil, but if you're using a column as your base method can change this
# behavior by overriding the `should_generate_new_friendly_id` method that
# FriendlyId adds to your model. The change below makes FriendlyId 5.0 behave
# more like 4.0.
# config.use Module.new {
# def should_generate_new_friendly_id?
# slug.blank? || <your_column_name_here>_changed?
# end
# }
# FriendlyId uses Rails's `parameterize` method to generate slugs, but for
# languages that don't use the Roman alphabet, that's not usually suffient. Here
# we use the Babosa library to transliterate Russian Cyrillic slugs to ASCII. If
# you use this, don't forget to add "babosa" to your Gemfile.
# config.use Module.new {
# def normalize_friendly_id(text)
# text.to_slug.normalize! :transliterations => [:russian, :latin]
# end
# }