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# frozen_string_literal: true
# Add single sign on functionalities to the user model
module SingleSignOnConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
require 'sso_logger'
included do
# enable OmniAuth authentication only if needed
devise :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: [Rails.configuration.auth_provider.strategy_name.to_sym] unless
Rails.configuration.auth_provider.providable_type == 'DatabaseProvider'
## Retrieve the requested data in the User and user's Profile tables
## @param sso_mapping {String} must be of form 'user._field_' or 'profile._field_'. Eg. 'user.email'
def get_data_from_sso_mapping(sso_mapping)
service = UserGetterService.new(self)
## Set some data on the current user, according to the sso_key given
## @param sso_mapping {String} must be of form 'user._field_' or 'profile._field_'. Eg. 'user.email'
## @param data {*} the data to put in the given key. Eg. 'user@example.com'
def set_data_from_sso_mapping(sso_mapping, data)
return if data.nil? || data.blank?
service = UserSetterService.new(self)
service.assign_attibute(sso_mapping, data)
return if mapped_from_sso&.include?(sso_mapping)
self.mapped_from_sso = [mapped_from_sso, sso_mapping].compact.join(',')
## used to allow the migration of existing users between authentication providers
def generate_auth_migration_token
update(auth_token: Devise.friendly_token)
## link the current user to the given provider (omniauth attributes hash)
## and remove the auth_token to mark his account as "migrated"
def link_with_omniauth_provider(auth)
active_provider = Rails.configuration.auth_provider
raise SecurityError, 'The identity provider does not match the activated one' if active_provider.strategy_name != auth.provider
if User.where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).size.positive?
raise DuplicateIndexError, "This #{active_provider.name} account is already linked to an existing user"
update(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid, auth_token: nil)
## Merge the provided User's SSO details into the current user and drop the provided user to ensure the unity
## @param sso_user {User} the provided user will be DELETED after the merge was successful
def merge_from_sso(sso_user)
logger = SsoLogger.new
logger.debug "[User::merge_from_sso] initiated with parameter #{sso_user}"
# update the attributes to link the account to the sso account
self.provider = sso_user.provider
self.uid = sso_user.uid
# remove the token
self.auth_token = nil
self.merged_at = Time.current
# check that the email duplication was resolved
if sso_user.email.end_with? '-duplicate'
email_addr = sso_user.email.match(/^<([^>]+)>.{20}-duplicate$/)[1]
logger.error 'duplicate email was not resolved'
raise(DuplicateIndexError, email_addr) unless email_addr == email
# update the user's profile to set the data managed by the SSO
auth_provider = AuthProvider.from_strategy_name(sso_user.provider)
logger.debug "found auth_provider=#{auth_provider&.name}"
auth_provider&.sso_fields&.each do |field|
value = sso_user.get_data_from_sso_mapping(field)
logger.debug "mapping sso field #{field} with value=#{value}"
# We do not merge the email field if its end with the special value '-duplicate' as this means
# that the user is currently merging with the account that have the same email than the sso.
# Moreover, if the user is an administrator, we must keep him in his group
unless (field == 'user.email' && value.end_with?('-duplicate')) || (field == 'user.group_id' && admin?)
set_data_from_sso_mapping(field, value)
# run the account transfer in an SQL transaction to ensure data integrity
User.transaction do
# remove the temporary account
logger.debug 'removing the temporary user'
# finally, save the new details
logger.debug 'saving the updated user'
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e
logger.error "error while merging user #{sso_user.id} into #{id}: #{e.message}"
raise e
class_methods do
def from_omniauth(auth)
logger = SsoLogger.new
logger.debug "[User::from_omniauth] initiated with parameter #{auth}"
active_provider = Rails.configuration.auth_provider
raise SecurityError, 'The identity provider does not match the activated one' if active_provider.strategy_name != auth.provider
where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).first_or_create.tap do |user|
# execute this regardless of whether record exists or not (-> User#tap)
# this will init or update the user thanks to the information retrieved from the SSO
logger.debug user.id.nil? ? 'no user found, creating a new one' : "found user id=#{user.id}"
user.profile ||= Profile.new
auth.info.mapping.each do |key, value|
logger.debug "mapping info #{key} with value=#{value}"
user.set_data_from_sso_mapping(key, value)
logger.debug 'generating a new password'
user.password = SecurePassword.generate