Conflicts: app/assets/templates/shared/leftnav.html.erb
This project is the FabLab Manager web application.
The purpose of this web application is to allow users to document their FabLab projects. The FabLab also have the ability to plan some events (workshops or courses) and to expose them to its users.
This product can be extended to be used as a complete internal management system for a FabLab.
The underlying technologies are:
Ruby on Rails
for the backend application (server RESTful API)AngularJS
for the frontend application (web-based graphical user interface)
1. Configuration
The following files must be filled with the correct configuration to allow FabManager to run correctly:
-> change this if you're using a different mailing system
-> change the URL according to the staging deployment urlmandrill
-> change this if you're using a different mailing system
-> generate any secret phrase to secure the Devise authentication. You can use the$ rake secret
command for this purpose.SECRET_KEY_BASE
-> generate any secret phrase here to prevent XSS attacks. You can use the$ rake secret
command for this purpose.DEFAULT_MAIL_FROM
-> default e-mail address from which the emails are sentMANDRILL_USERNAME
-> if you plan to use mandrillMANDRILL_APIKEY
-> if you plan to use mandrillTWITTER_NAME
-> twitter api configurationTWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY
-> twitter api configurationTWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET
-> twitter api configurationTWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN
-> twitter api configurationTWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
-> twitter api configurationGOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT
-> Google analytics account identifier (if you want to use GA)APPLICATION_ROOT_URL
-> The public URL where you application is deployed in production (eg.
config/mandrill.rb You may change this if you don't want to use mandrill as your production mailing system
config/database.yml.default Copy/Paste this file to
and modify the configuration according to your postgreSQL configuration -
config/disqus_api.yml Insert here your identifiers for the Disqus API
2. Setup a development environment
Install RVM with latest ruby version See
Retrieve the project from Git
$ git clone
Install the dependencies
- Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev postgresql redis-server imagemagick
- MacOS:
$ brew install postgresql redis imagemagick
- Ubuntu:
Init the RVM instance and check it was correctly configured
$ cd fab-manager $ rvm current
Setup the project requirements
$ bundle install
Build the database. You may have to configure your postgreSQL instance before, as described in chapter
3.2 Setup the FabManager database in PostgreSQL
$ rake db:setup
Create the pids folder used by sidekiq. If you want to use a different location, you can configure it in
$ mkdir -p tmp/pids
Configure the application environment variables, as explained in chapter
1. Configuration
Start the development web server
$ foreman s -p 3000
3. PostgreSQL
3.1 Launch PostgreSQL on MacOS
$ ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/postgresql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
The first command will start postgresql at login with launchd. The second will load postgresql now.
3.2 Setup the FabManager database in PostgreSQL
Login as the postgres user
$ sudo -i -u postgres
Run the postgreSQL administration command line interface
$ psql
Create a new user in postgres (in this example, the user will be named "sleede")
# CREATE USER sleede;
Grant him the right to create databases
Then create the fablab database
# CREATE DATABASE fabmanager_development OWNER sleede;
To finish, attribute a password to this user
4. Known issue
You may encounter the following error message when running the application for the first time:
Uncaught exception: FATAL: authentification peer échouée pour l'utilisateur « USERNAME »
.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@fabmanager/gems/activerecord-4.2.1/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:651:in `initialize'
To solve this issue, edit your /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
as root and replace the following:
# comment over or replace...
local all all peer
# the following:
local all all trust
Then, restart postgreSQL to validate the modification (sudo service postgresql restart
5. Related Documentation
- Angular-Bootstrap: