mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-03 00:29:17 +01:00
Sylvain 139d7d9f0f [bug] Google Analytics not loaded
- angular-google-analytics plugin update from 0.0.15 to 1.1.7
- google analytics config moved into secrets.yml/production
2016-05-24 14:53:07 +02:00

1248 lines
44 KiB

/* globals define */
(function (root, factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['angular'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory(require('angular'));
} else {
}(this, function (angular, undefined) {
'use strict';
angular.module('angular-google-analytics', [])
.provider('Analytics', function () {
var accounts,
analyticsJS = true,
cookieConfig = 'auto', // DEPRECATED
created = false,
crossDomainLinker = false,
currency = 'USD',
debugMode = false,
delayScriptTag = false,
displayFeatures = false,
disableAnalytics = false,
ecommerce = false,
enhancedEcommerce = false,
enhancedLinkAttribution = false,
ignoreFirstPageLoad = false,
logAllCalls = false,
hybridMobileSupport = false,
offlineMode = false,
pageEvent = '$routeChangeSuccess',
readFromRoute = false,
testMode = false,
traceDebuggingMode = false,
trackPrefix = '',
trackRoutes = true,
trackUrlParams = false;
this.log = [];
this.offlineQueue = [];
* Configuration Methods
this.setAccount = function (tracker) {
if (angular.isUndefined(tracker) || tracker === false) {
accounts = undefined;
} else if (angular.isArray(tracker)) {
accounts = tracker;
} else if (angular.isObject(tracker)) {
accounts = [tracker];
} else {
// In order to preserve an existing behavior with how the _trackEvent function works,
// the trackEvent property must be set to true when there is only a single tracker.
accounts = [{ tracker: tracker, trackEvent: true }];
return this;
this.trackPages = function (val) {
trackRoutes = !!val;
return this;
this.trackPrefix = function (prefix) {
trackPrefix = prefix;
return this;
this.setDomainName = function (domain) {
domainName = domain;
return this;
this.useDisplayFeatures = function (val) {
displayFeatures = !!val;
return this;
this.useAnalytics = function (val) {
analyticsJS = !!val;
return this;
this.useEnhancedLinkAttribution = function (val) {
enhancedLinkAttribution = !!val;
return this;
this.useCrossDomainLinker = function (val) {
crossDomainLinker = !!val;
return this;
this.setCrossLinkDomains = function (domains) {
crossLinkDomains = domains;
return this;
this.setPageEvent = function (name) {
pageEvent = name;
return this;
this.setCookieConfig = function (config) {
cookieConfig = config;
return this;
this.useECommerce = function (val, enhanced) {
ecommerce = !!val;
enhancedEcommerce = !!enhanced;
return this;
this.setCurrency = function (currencyCode) {
currency = currencyCode;
return this;
this.setRemoveRegExp = function (regex) {
if (regex instanceof RegExp) {
removeRegExp = regex;
return this;
this.setExperimentId = function (id) {
experimentId = id;
return this;
this.ignoreFirstPageLoad = function (val) {
ignoreFirstPageLoad = !!val;
return this;
this.trackUrlParams = function (val) {
trackUrlParams = !!val;
return this;
this.disableAnalytics = function (val) {
disableAnalytics = !!val;
return this;
this.setHybridMobileSupport = function (val) {
hybridMobileSupport = !!val;
return this;
this.startOffline = function (val) {
offlineMode = !!val;
if (offlineMode === true) {
return this;
this.delayScriptTag = function (val) {
delayScriptTag = !!val;
return this;
this.logAllCalls = function (val) {
logAllCalls = !!val;
return this;
this.enterTestMode = function () {
testMode = true;
return this;
this.enterDebugMode = function (enableTraceDebugging) {
debugMode = true;
traceDebuggingMode = !!enableTraceDebugging;
return this;
// Enable reading page url from route object
this.readFromRoute = function(val) {
readFromRoute = !!val;
return this;
* Public Service
this.$get = ['$document', // To read title
'$location', //
'$log', //
'$window', //
'$injector', // To access ngRoute module without declaring a fixed dependency
function ($document, $location, $log, $rootScope, $window, $injector) {
var that = this;
* Side-effect Free Helper Methods
var isPropertyDefined = function (key, config) {
return angular.isObject(config) && angular.isDefined(config[key]);
var isPropertySetTo = function (key, config, value) {
return isPropertyDefined(key, config) && config[key] === value;
var generateCommandName = function (commandName, config) {
if (angular.isString(config)) {
return config + '.' + commandName;
return isPropertyDefined('name', config) ? (config.name + '.' + commandName) : commandName;
// Try to read route configuration and log warning if not possible
var $route = {};
if (readFromRoute) {
if (!$injector.has('$route')) {
$log.warn('$route service is not available. Make sure you have included ng-route in your application dependencies.');
} else {
$route = $injector.get('$route');
// Get url for current page
var getUrl = function () {
// Using ngRoute provided tracking urls
if (readFromRoute && $route.current && ('pageTrack' in $route.current)) {
return $route.current.pageTrack;
// Otherwise go the old way
var url = trackUrlParams ? $location.url() : $location.path();
return removeRegExp ? url.replace(removeRegExp, '') : url;
var getUtmParams = function () {
var utmToCampaignVar = {
utm_source: 'campaignSource',
utm_medium: 'campaignMedium',
utm_term: 'campaignTerm',
utm_content: 'campaignContent',
utm_campaign: 'campaignName'
var object = {};
angular.forEach($location.search(), function (value, key) {
var campaignVar = utmToCampaignVar[key];
if (angular.isDefined(campaignVar)) {
object[campaignVar] = value;
return object;
* get ActionFieldObject
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#action-data
* @param id
* @param affliation
* @param revenue
* @param tax
* @param shipping
* @param coupon
* @param list
* @param step
* @param option
var getActionFieldObject = function (id, affiliation, revenue, tax, shipping, coupon, list, step, option) {
var obj = {};
if (id) { obj.id = id; }
if (affiliation) { obj.affiliation = affiliation; }
if (revenue) { obj.revenue = revenue; }
if (tax) { obj.tax = tax; }
if (shipping) { obj.shipping = shipping; }
if (coupon) { obj.coupon = coupon; }
if (list) { obj.list = list; }
if (step) { obj.step = step; }
if (option) { obj.option = option; }
return obj;
* Private Methods
var _gaJs = function (fn) {
if (!analyticsJS && $window._gaq && typeof fn === 'function') {
var _gaq = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if (offlineMode === true) {
that.offlineQueue.push([_gaq, args]);
if (!$window._gaq) {
$window._gaq = [];
if (logAllCalls === true) {
that._log.apply(that, args);
var _analyticsJs = function (fn) {
if (analyticsJS && $window.ga && typeof fn === 'function') {
var _ga = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if (offlineMode === true) {
that.offlineQueue.push([_ga, args]);
if (typeof $window.ga !== 'function') {
that._log('warn', 'ga function not set on window');
if (logAllCalls === true) {
that._log.apply(that, args);
$window.ga.apply(null, args);
var _gaMultipleTrackers = function (includeFn) {
// Drop the includeFn from the arguments and preserve the original command name
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
commandName = args[0],
trackers = [];
if (typeof includeFn === 'function') {
accounts.forEach(function (account) {
if (includeFn(account)) {
} else {
// No include function indicates that all accounts are to be used
trackers = accounts;
// To preserve backwards compatibility fallback to _ga method if no account
// matches the specified includeFn. This preserves existing behaviors by
// performing the single tracker operation.
if (trackers.length === 0) {
_ga.apply(that, args);
trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
// Check tracker 'select' function, if it exists, for whether the tracker should be used with the current command.
// If the 'select' function returns false then the tracker will not be used with the current command.
if (isPropertyDefined('select', tracker) && typeof tracker.select === 'function' && !tracker.select(args)) {
args[0] = generateCommandName(commandName, tracker);
_ga.apply(that, args);
this._log = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if (args.length > 0) {
if (args.length > 1) {
switch (args[0]) {
case 'debug':
case 'error':
case 'info':
case 'log':
case 'warn':
this._createScriptTag = function () {
if (!accounts || accounts.length < 1) {
that._log('warn', 'No account id set to create script tag');
if (accounts.length > 1) {
that._log('warn', 'Multiple trackers are not supported with ga.js. Using first tracker only');
accounts = accounts.slice(0, 1);
if (created === true) {
that._log('warn', 'ga.js or analytics.js script tag already created');
if (disableAnalytics === true) {
that._log('info', 'Analytics disabled: ' + accounts[0].tracker);
$window['ga-disable-' + accounts[0].tracker] = true;
_gaq('_setAccount', accounts[0].tracker);
if(domainName) {
_gaq('_setDomainName', domainName);
if (enhancedLinkAttribution) {
_gaq('_require', 'inpage_linkid', '//www.google-analytics.com/plugins/ga/inpage_linkid.js');
if (trackRoutes && !ignoreFirstPageLoad) {
if (removeRegExp) {
_gaq('_trackPageview', getUrl());
} else {
var document = $document[0];
var scriptSource;
if (displayFeatures === true) {
scriptSource = ('https:' === document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'stats.g.doubleclick.net/dc.js';
} else {
scriptSource = ('https:' === document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
if (testMode !== true) {
// If not in test mode inject the Google Analytics tag
(function () {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = scriptSource;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
} else {
// Log the source location for validation
that._log('inject', scriptSource);
created = true;
return true;
this._createAnalyticsScriptTag = function () {
if (!accounts) {
that._log('warn', 'No account id set to create analytics script tag');
if (created === true) {
that._log('warn', 'ga.js or analytics.js script tag already created');
if (disableAnalytics === true) {
accounts.forEach(function (trackerObj) {
that._log('info', 'Analytics disabled: ' + trackerObj.tracker);
$window['ga-disable-' + trackerObj.tracker] = true;
var document = $document[0];
var protocol = hybridMobileSupport === true ? 'https:' : '';
var scriptSource = protocol + '//www.google-analytics.com/' + (debugMode ? 'analytics_debug.js' : 'analytics.js');
if (testMode !== true) {
// If not in test mode inject the Google Analytics tag
(function (i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function (){
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments);},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
} else {
if (typeof $window.ga !== 'function') {
// In test mode create a ga function if none exists that is a noop sink.
$window.ga = function () {};
// Log script injection.
that._log('inject', scriptSource);
if (traceDebuggingMode) {
$window.ga_debug = { trace: true };
accounts.forEach(function (trackerObj) {
trackerObj.crossDomainLinker = isPropertyDefined('crossDomainLinker', trackerObj) ? trackerObj.crossDomainLinker : crossDomainLinker;
trackerObj.crossLinkDomains = isPropertyDefined('crossLinkDomains', trackerObj) ? trackerObj.crossLinkDomains : crossLinkDomains;
trackerObj.displayFeatures = isPropertyDefined('displayFeatures', trackerObj) ? trackerObj.displayFeatures : displayFeatures;
trackerObj.enhancedLinkAttribution = isPropertyDefined('enhancedLinkAttribution', trackerObj) ? trackerObj.enhancedLinkAttribution : enhancedLinkAttribution;
trackerObj.set = isPropertyDefined('set', trackerObj) ? trackerObj.set : {};
trackerObj.trackEcommerce = isPropertyDefined('trackEcommerce', trackerObj) ? trackerObj.trackEcommerce : ecommerce;
trackerObj.trackEvent = isPropertyDefined('trackEvent', trackerObj) ? trackerObj.trackEvent : false;
// Logic to choose the account fields to be used.
// cookieConfig is being deprecated for a tracker specific property: fields.
var fields = {};
if (isPropertyDefined('fields', trackerObj)) {
fields = trackerObj.fields;
} else if (isPropertyDefined('cookieConfig', trackerObj)) {
if (angular.isString(trackerObj.cookieConfig)) {
fields.cookieDomain = trackerObj.cookieConfig;
} else {
fields = trackerObj.cookieConfig;
} else if (angular.isString(cookieConfig)) {
fields.cookieDomain = cookieConfig;
} else if (cookieConfig) {
fields = cookieConfig;
if (trackerObj.crossDomainLinker === true) {
fields.allowLinker = true;
if (isPropertyDefined('name', trackerObj)) {
fields.name = trackerObj.name;
trackerObj.fields = fields;
_ga('create', trackerObj.tracker, trackerObj.fields);
// Hybrid mobile application support
// https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/tasks
if (hybridMobileSupport === true) {
_ga(generateCommandName('set', trackerObj), 'checkProtocolTask', null);
// Send all custom set commands from the trackerObj.set property
for (var key in trackerObj.set) {
if (trackerObj.set.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
_ga(generateCommandName('set', trackerObj), key, trackerObj.set[key]);
if (trackerObj.crossDomainLinker === true) {
_ga(generateCommandName('require', trackerObj), 'linker');
if (angular.isDefined(trackerObj.crossLinkDomains)) {
_ga(generateCommandName('linker:autoLink', trackerObj), trackerObj.crossLinkDomains);
if (trackerObj.displayFeatures) {
_ga(generateCommandName('require', trackerObj), 'displayfeatures');
if (trackerObj.trackEcommerce) {
if (!enhancedEcommerce) {
_ga(generateCommandName('require', trackerObj), 'ecommerce');
} else {
_ga(generateCommandName('require', trackerObj), 'ec');
_ga(generateCommandName('set', trackerObj), '&cu', currency);
if (trackerObj.enhancedLinkAttribution) {
_ga(generateCommandName('require', trackerObj), 'linkid');
if (trackRoutes && !ignoreFirstPageLoad) {
_ga(generateCommandName('send', trackerObj), 'pageview', trackPrefix + getUrl());
if (experimentId) {
var expScript = document.createElement('script'),
s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
expScript.src = protocol + '//www.google-analytics.com/cx/api.js?experiment=' + experimentId;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(expScript, s);
created = true;
return true;
this._ecommerceEnabled = function (warn, command) {
var result = ecommerce && !enhancedEcommerce;
if (warn === true && result === false) {
if (ecommerce && enhancedEcommerce) {
that._log('warn', command + ' is not available when Enhanced Ecommerce is enabled with analytics.js');
} else {
that._log('warn', 'Ecommerce must be enabled to use ' + command + ' with analytics.js');
return result;
this._enhancedEcommerceEnabled = function (warn, command) {
var result = ecommerce && enhancedEcommerce;
if (warn === true && result === false) {
that._log('warn', 'Enhanced Ecommerce must be enabled to use ' + command + ' with analytics.js');
return result;
* Track page
* @param url
* @param title
* @param custom
* @private
this._trackPage = function (url, title, custom) {
url = url ? url : getUrl();
title = title ? title : $document[0].title;
_gaJs(function () {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7322288/how-can-i-set-a-page-title-with-google-analytics
_gaq('_set', 'title', title);
_gaq('_trackPageview', (trackPrefix + url));
_analyticsJs(function () {
var opt_fieldObject = {
'page': trackPrefix + url,
'title': title
angular.extend(opt_fieldObject, getUtmParams());
if (angular.isObject(custom)) {
angular.extend(opt_fieldObject, custom);
_gaMultipleTrackers(undefined, 'send', 'pageview', opt_fieldObject);
* Track event
* @param category
* @param action
* @param label
* @param value
* @param noninteraction
* @param custom
* @private
this._trackEvent = function (category, action, label, value, noninteraction, custom) {
_gaJs(function () {
_gaq('_trackEvent', category, action, label, value, !!noninteraction);
_analyticsJs(function () {
var opt_fieldObject = {};
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEvent', trackerObj, true);
if (angular.isDefined(noninteraction)) {
opt_fieldObject.nonInteraction = !!noninteraction;
if (angular.isObject(custom)) {
angular.extend(opt_fieldObject, custom);
if (!angular.isDefined(opt_fieldObject.page)) {
opt_fieldObject.page = getUrl();
_gaMultipleTrackers(includeFn, 'send', 'event', category, action, label, value, opt_fieldObject);
* Add transaction
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/methods/gaJSApiEcommerce#_gat.GA_Tracker_._addTrans
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ecommerce#addTrans
* @param transactionId
* @param affiliation
* @param total
* @param tax
* @param shipping
* @param city
* @param state
* @param country
* @private
this._addTrans = function (transactionId, affiliation, total, tax, shipping, city, state, country, currency) {
_gaJs(function () {
_gaq('_addTrans', transactionId, affiliation, total, tax, shipping, city, state, country);
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._ecommerceEnabled(true, 'addTrans')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
id: transactionId,
affiliation: affiliation,
revenue: total,
tax: tax,
shipping: shipping,
currency: currency || 'USD'
* Add item to transaction
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/methods/gaJSApiEcommerce#_gat.GA_Tracker_._addItem
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ecommerce#addItem
* @param transactionId
* @param sku
* @param name
* @param category
* @param price
* @param quantity
* @private
this._addItem = function (transactionId, sku, name, category, price, quantity) {
_gaJs(function () {
_gaq('_addItem', transactionId, sku, name, category, price, quantity);
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._ecommerceEnabled(true, 'addItem')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
id: transactionId,
name: name,
sku: sku,
category: category,
price: price,
quantity: quantity
* Track transaction
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/methods/gaJSApiEcommerce#_gat.GA_Tracker_._trackTrans
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ecommerce#sendingData
* @private
this._trackTrans = function () {
_gaJs(function () {
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._ecommerceEnabled(true, 'trackTrans')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
_gaMultipleTrackers(includeFn, 'ecommerce:send');
* Clear transaction
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/ecommerce#clearingData
* @private
this._clearTrans = function () {
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._ecommerceEnabled(true, 'clearTrans')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
_gaMultipleTrackers(includeFn, 'ecommerce:clear');
* Enhanced Ecommerce
* Add Product
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#product-data
* @param productId
* @param name
* @param category
* @param brand
* @param variant
* @param price
* @param quantity
* @param coupon
* @param position
* @param custom
* @private
this._addProduct = function (productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position, custom) {
_gaJs(function () {
_gaq('_addProduct', productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._enhancedEcommerceEnabled(true, 'addProduct')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
var details = {
id: productId,
name: name,
category: category,
brand: brand,
variant: variant,
price: price,
quantity: quantity,
coupon: coupon,
position: position
if (angular.isObject(custom)) {
angular.extend(details, custom);
_gaMultipleTrackers(includeFn, 'ec:addProduct', details);
* Add Impression
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#impression-data
* @param id
* @param name
* @param list
* @param brand
* @param category
* @param variant
* @param position
* @param price
* @private
this._addImpression = function (id, name, list, brand, category, variant, position, price){
_gaJs(function () {
_gaq('_addImpression', id, name, list, brand, category, variant, position, price);
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._enhancedEcommerceEnabled(true, 'addImpression')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
id: id,
name: name,
category: category,
brand: brand,
variant: variant,
list: list,
position: position,
price: price
* Add Promo
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce
* @param productId
* @param name
* @param creative
* @param position
* @private
this._addPromo = function (productId, name, creative, position) {
_gaJs(function () {
_gaq('_addPromo', productId, name, creative, position);
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._enhancedEcommerceEnabled(true, 'addPromo')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
id: productId,
name: name,
creative: creative,
position: position
* Set Action
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#measuring-actions
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#action-types
* @param action
* @param obj
* @private
this._setAction = function (action, obj){
_gaJs(function () {
_gaq('_setAction', action, obj);
_analyticsJs(function () {
if (that._enhancedEcommerceEnabled(true, 'setAction')) {
var includeFn = function (trackerObj) {
return isPropertySetTo('trackEcommerce', trackerObj, true);
_gaMultipleTrackers(includeFn, 'ec:setAction', action, obj);
* Track Transaction
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#measuring-transactions
* @param transactionId
* @param affiliation
* @param revenue
* @param tax
* @param shipping
* @param coupon
* @param list
* @param step
* @param option
* @private
this._trackTransaction = function (transactionId, affiliation, revenue, tax, shipping, coupon, list, step, option) {
this._setAction('purchase', getActionFieldObject(transactionId, affiliation, revenue, tax, shipping, coupon, list, step, option));
* Track Refund
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#measuring-refunds
* @param transactionId
* @private
this._trackRefund = function (transactionId) {
this._setAction('refund', getActionFieldObject(transactionId));
* Track Checkout
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#measuring-checkout
* @param step
* @param option
* @private
this._trackCheckOut = function (step, option) {
this._setAction('checkout', getActionFieldObject(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, step, option));
* Track detail
* @private
this._trackDetail = function () {
* Track add/remove to cart
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#add-remove-cart
* @param action
* @param list
* @private
this._trackCart = function (action, listName) {
if (['add', 'remove'].indexOf(action) !== -1) {
this._setAction(action, { list: listName });
this._trackEvent('UX', 'click', action + (action === 'add' ? ' to cart' : ' from cart'));
* Track promo click
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#measuring-promo-clicks
* @param promotionName
* @private
this._promoClick = function (promotionName) {
this._trackEvent('Internal Promotions', 'click', promotionName);
* Track product click
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#measuring-promo-clicks
* @param promotionName
* @private
this._productClick = function (listName) {
this._setAction('click', getActionFieldObject(null, null, null, null, null, null, listName, null, null));
this._trackEvent('UX', 'click', listName);
* Send page view
* @param trackerName
* @private
this._pageView = function (trackerName) {
_analyticsJs(function () {
_ga(generateCommandName('send', trackerName), 'pageview');
* Send custom events
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/user-timings#implementation
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/social-interactions#implementation
* @private
this._send = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
_analyticsJs(function () {
_ga.apply(that, args);
* Set custom dimensions, metrics or experiment
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/custom-dims-mets
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/field-reference#customs
* @param name (Required)
* @param value (Required)
* @param trackerName (Optional)
* @private
this._set = function (name, value, trackerName) {
_analyticsJs(function () {
_ga(generateCommandName('set', trackerName), name, value);
* Track user timings
* @param timingCategory (Required): A string for categorizing all user timing variables into logical groups(e.g jQuery).
* @param timingVar (Required): A string to identify the variable being recorded(e.g. JavaScript Load).
* @param timingValue (Required): The number of milliseconds in elapsed time to report to Google Analytics(e.g. 20).
* @param timingLabel (Optional): A string that can be used to add flexibility in visualizing user timings in the reports(e.g. Google CDN).
* @private
this._trackTimings = function (timingCategory, timingVar, timingValue, timingLabel) {
_analyticsJs(function () {
_gaMultipleTrackers(undefined, 'send', 'timing', timingCategory, timingVar, timingValue, timingLabel);
* Exception tracking
* https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/exceptions
* @param description (Optional): A description of the exception.
* @param isFatal (Optional): true if the exception was fatal, false otherwise.
* @private
this._trackException = function (description, isFatal) {
_analyticsJs(function () {
_gaMultipleTrackers(undefined, 'send', 'exception', { exDescription: description, exFatal: !!isFatal});
// creates the Google Analytics tracker
if (!delayScriptTag) {
if (analyticsJS) {
} else {
// activates page tracking
if (trackRoutes) {
$rootScope.$on(pageEvent, function () {
// Apply $route based filtering if configured
if (readFromRoute) {
// Avoid tracking undefined routes, routes without template (e.g. redirect routes)
// and those explicitly marked as 'do not track'
if (!$route.current || !$route.current.templateUrl || $route.current.doNotTrack) {
return {
log: that.log,
offlineQueue: that.offlineQueue,
configuration: {
accounts: accounts,
universalAnalytics: analyticsJS,
crossDomainLinker: crossDomainLinker,
crossLinkDomains: crossLinkDomains,
currency: currency,
debugMode: debugMode,
delayScriptTag: delayScriptTag,
disableAnalytics: disableAnalytics,
displayFeatures: displayFeatures,
domainName: domainName,
ecommerce: that._ecommerceEnabled(),
enhancedEcommerce: that._enhancedEcommerceEnabled(),
enhancedLinkAttribution: enhancedLinkAttribution,
experimentId: experimentId,
hybridMobileSupport: hybridMobileSupport,
ignoreFirstPageLoad: ignoreFirstPageLoad,
logAllCalls: logAllCalls,
pageEvent: pageEvent,
readFromRoute: readFromRoute,
removeRegExp: removeRegExp,
testMode: testMode,
traceDebuggingMode: traceDebuggingMode,
trackPrefix: trackPrefix,
trackRoutes: trackRoutes,
trackUrlParams: trackUrlParams
getUrl: getUrl,
setCookieConfig: that._setCookieConfig,
getCookieConfig: function () {
return cookieConfig;
createAnalyticsScriptTag: function (config) {
if (config) {
cookieConfig = config;
return that._createAnalyticsScriptTag();
createScriptTag: function () {
return that._createScriptTag();
offline: function (mode) {
if (mode === true && offlineMode === false) {
// Go to offline mode
offlineMode = true;
if (mode === false && offlineMode === true) {
// Go to online mode and process the offline queue
offlineMode = false;
while (that.offlineQueue.length > 0) {
var obj = that.offlineQueue.shift();
obj[0].apply(that, obj[1]);
return offlineMode;
trackPage: function (url, title, custom) {
that._trackPage.apply(that, arguments);
trackEvent: function (category, action, label, value, noninteraction, custom) {
that._trackEvent.apply(that, arguments);
addTrans: function (transactionId, affiliation, total, tax, shipping, city, state, country, currency) {
that._addTrans.apply(that, arguments);
addItem: function (transactionId, sku, name, category, price, quantity) {
that._addItem.apply(that, arguments);
trackTrans: function () {
that._trackTrans.apply(that, arguments);
clearTrans: function () {
that._clearTrans.apply(that, arguments);
addProduct: function (productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position, custom) {
that._addProduct.apply(that, arguments);
addPromo: function (productId, name, creative, position) {
that._addPromo.apply(that, arguments);
addImpression: function (productId, name, list, brand, category, variant, position, price) {
that._addImpression.apply(that, arguments);
productClick: function (listName) {
that._productClick.apply(that, arguments);
promoClick : function (promotionName) {
that._promoClick.apply(that, arguments);
trackDetail: function () {
that._trackDetail.apply(that, arguments);
trackCart: function (action, list) {
that._trackCart.apply(that, arguments);
trackCheckout: function (step, option) {
that._trackCheckOut.apply(that, arguments);
trackTimings: function (timingCategory, timingVar, timingValue, timingLabel) {
that._trackTimings.apply(that, arguments);
trackTransaction: function (transactionId, affiliation, revenue, tax, shipping, coupon, list, step, option) {
that._trackTransaction.apply(that, arguments);
trackException: function (description, isFatal) {
that._trackException.apply(that, arguments);
setAction: function (action, obj) {
that._setAction.apply(that, arguments);
pageView: function () {
that._pageView.apply(that, arguments);
send: function (obj) {
that._send.apply(that, arguments);
set: function (name, value, trackerName) {
that._set.apply(that, arguments);
.directive('gaTrackEvent', ['Analytics', '$parse', function (Analytics, $parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var options = $parse(attrs.gaTrackEvent);
element.bind('click', function () {
return; // Cancel this event if we don't pass the ga-track-event-if condition
if (options.length > 1) {
Analytics.trackEvent.apply(Analytics, options(scope));
return angular.module('angular-google-analytics');