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/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
'use strict';
// list of supported authentication methods
const METHODS = {
'DatabaseProvider': 'local_database',
'OAuth2Provider': 'o_auth2'
* Iterate through the provided array and return the index of the requested element
* @param elements {Array<{id:*}>}
* @param id {*} id of the element to retrieve in the list
* @returns {number} index of the requested element, in the provided array
const findIdxById = function (elements, id) {
return (elements.map(function (elem) { return elem.id; })).indexOf(id);
* For OAuth2 authentications, mapping the user's ID is mandatory. This function will check that this mapping
* is effective and will return false otherwise
* @param mappings {Array<Object>} expected: $scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes
* @returns {Boolean} true if the mapping is declared
const check_oauth2_id_is_mapped = function (mappings) {
for (let mapping of Array.from(mappings)) {
if ((mapping.local_model === 'user') && (mapping.local_field === 'uid') && !mapping._destroy) {
return true;
return false;
* Provides a set of common callback methods and data to the $scope parameter. These methods are used
* in the various authentication providers' controllers.
* Provides :
* - $scope.authMethods
* - $scope.mappingFields
* - $scope.cancel()
* - $scope.methodName()
* - $scope.defineDataMapping(mapping)
* Requires :
* - mappingFieldsPromise: retrieved by AuthProvider.mapping_fields()
* - $state (Ui-Router) [ 'app.admin.members' ]
* - _t : translation method
class AuthenticationController {
constructor ($scope, $state, $uibModal, _t, mappingFieldsPromise) {
// list of supported authentication methods
$scope.authMethods = METHODS;
// list of fields that can be mapped through the SSO
$scope.mappingFields = mappingFieldsPromise;
* Changes the admin's view to the members list page
$scope.cancel = function () { $state.go('app.admin.members'); };
* Return a localized string for the provided method
$scope.methodName = function(method) {
return _t('app.shared.authentication.' + METHODS[method]);
* Open a modal allowing to specify the data mapping for the given field
$scope.defineDataMapping = function (mapping) {
templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "admin/authentications/_data_mapping.html" %>',
size: 'md',
resolve: {
field () { return mapping; },
datatype () {
for (let field of Array.from($scope.mappingFields[mapping.local_model])) {
if (field[0] === mapping.local_field) {
return field[1];
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'field', 'datatype', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, field, datatype) {
// parent field
$scope.field = field;
// expected data type
$scope.datatype = datatype;
// data transformation rules
$scope.transformation =
{ rules: field.transformation || { type: datatype } };
// available transformation formats
$scope.formats = {
date: [
label: 'ISO 8601',
value: 'iso8601'
label: 'RFC 2822',
value: 'rfc2822'
label: 'RFC 3339',
value: 'rfc3339'
label: 'Timestamp (s)',
value: 'timestamp-s'
label: 'Timestamp (ms)',
value: 'timestamp-ms'
// Create a new mapping between anything and an expected integer
$scope.addIntegerMapping = function () {
if (!angular.isArray($scope.transformation.rules.mapping)) {
$scope.transformation.rules.mapping = [];
return $scope.transformation.rules.mapping.push({ from: '', to: 0 });
// close and save the modifications
$scope.ok = function () { $uibModalInstance.close($scope.transformation.rules); };
// do not save the modifications
$scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss(); };
.result['finally'](null).then(function (transfo_rules) { mapping.transformation = transfo_rules; });
* Page listing all authentication providers
Application.Controllers.controller('AuthentificationController', ['$scope', '$state', '$rootScope', 'dialogs', 'growl', 'authProvidersPromise', 'AuthProvider', '_t',
function ($scope, $state, $rootScope, dialogs, growl, authProvidersPromise, AuthProvider, _t) {
// full list of authentication providers
$scope.providers = authProvidersPromise;
* Translate the classname into an explicit textual message
* @param type {string} Ruby polymorphic model classname
* @returns {string}
$scope.getType = function (type) {
const text = METHODS[type];
if (typeof text !== 'undefined') {
return _t(`app.admin.members.authentication_form.${text}`);
} else {
return _t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.unknown') + type;
* Translate the status string into an explicit textual message
* @param status {string} active | pending | previous
* @returns {string}
$scope.getState = function (status) {
switch (status) {
case 'active': return _t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.active');
case 'pending': return _t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.pending');
case 'previous': return _t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.previous_provider');
default: return _t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.unknown') + status;
* Ask for confirmation then delete the specified provider
* @param providers {Array} full list of authentication providers
* @param provider {Object} provider to delete
$scope.destroyProvider = function (providers, provider) {
resolve: {
object () {
return {
title: _t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.confirmation_required'),
msg: _t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.do_you_really_want_to_delete_the_TYPE_authentication_provider_NAME', { TYPE: $scope.getType(provider.providable_type), NAME: provider.name })
function () {
// the admin has confirmed, delete
{ id: provider.id },
function () {
providers.splice(findIdxById(providers, provider.id), 1);
function () { growl.error(_t('app.admin.members.authentication_form.an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider')); }
* Page to add a new authentication provider
Application.Controllers.controller('NewAuthenticationController', ['$scope', '$state', '$rootScope', '$uibModal', 'dialogs', 'growl', 'mappingFieldsPromise', 'authProvidersPromise', 'AuthProvider', '_t',
function ($scope, $state, $rootScope, $uibModal, dialogs, growl, mappingFieldsPromise, authProvidersPromise, AuthProvider, _t) {
$scope.mode = 'creation';
// default parameters for the new authentication provider
$scope.provider = {
name: '',
providable_type: '',
providable_attributes: {}
* Initialize some provider's specific properties when selecting the provider type
$scope.updateProvidable = function () {
// === OAuth2Provider ===
if ($scope.provider.providable_type === 'OAuth2Provider') {
if (typeof $scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes === 'undefined') {
return $scope.provider.providable_attributes['o_auth2_mappings_attributes'] = [];
// Add others providers initializers here if needed ...
* Validate and save the provider parameters in database
$scope.registerProvider = function () {
// === DatabaseProvider ===
let provider;
if ($scope.provider.providable_type === 'DatabaseProvider') {
// prevent from adding mode than 1
for (provider of Array.from(authProvidersPromise)) {
if (provider.providable_type === 'DatabaseProvider') {
return false;
return AuthProvider.save({ auth_provider: $scope.provider }, function (provider) {
return $state.go('app.admin.members');
// === OAuth2Provider ===
} else if ($scope.provider.providable_type === 'OAuth2Provider') {
// check the ID mapping
if (!check_oauth2_id_is_mapped($scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes)) {
return false;
// discourage the use of unsecure SSO
if (!($scope.provider.providable_attributes.base_url.indexOf('https://') > -1)) {
size: 'l',
resolve: {
object () {
return {
title: _t('app.admin.authentication_new.security_issue_detected'),
msg: _t('app.admin.authentication_new.beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS') +
_t('app.admin.authentication_new.this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes') +
function () { // unsecured http confirmed
AuthProvider.save({ auth_provider: $scope.provider }, function (provider) {
return $state.go('app.admin.members');
} else {
AuthProvider.save({ auth_provider: $scope.provider }, function (provider) {
return $state.go('app.admin.members');
// Using the AuthenticationController
return new AuthenticationController($scope, $state, $uibModal, _t, mappingFieldsPromise);
* Page to edit an already added authentication provider
Application.Controllers.controller('EditAuthenticationController', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$rootScope', '$uibModal', 'dialogs', 'growl', 'providerPromise', 'mappingFieldsPromise', 'AuthProvider', '_t',
function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $rootScope, $uibModal, dialogs, growl, providerPromise, mappingFieldsPromise, AuthProvider, _t) {
// parameters of the currently edited authentication provider
$scope.provider = providerPromise;
$scope.mode = 'edition';
* Update the current provider with the new inputs
$scope.updateProvider = function () {
// check the ID mapping
if (!check_oauth2_id_is_mapped($scope.provider.providable_attributes.o_auth2_mappings_attributes)) {
return false;
return AuthProvider.update(
{ id: $scope.provider.id },
{ auth_provider: $scope.provider },
function (provider) {
function () { growl.error(_t('app.admin.authentication_edit.an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider')); }
// Using the AuthenticationController
return new AuthenticationController($scope, $state, $uibModal, _t, mappingFieldsPromise);