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'use strict'
# Provides a set of common properties and methods to the $scope parameter. They are used
# in the various projects' admin controllers.
# Provides :
# - $scope.machines = [{Machine}]
# - $scope.components = [{Component}]
# - $scope.themes = [{Theme}]
# - $scope.licences = [{Licence}]
# - $scope.submited(content)
# - $scope.cancel()
# - $scope.addFile()
# - $scope.deleteFile(file)
# - $scope.addStep()
# - $scope.deleteStep(step)
# Requires :
# - $scope.project.project_caos_attributes = []
# - $scope.project.project_steps_attributes = []
# - $state (Ui-Router) [ 'app.public.projects_show', 'app.public.projects_list' ]
class ProjectsController
constructor: ($scope, $state, Project, Machine, Member, Component, Theme, Licence, $document)->
## Retrieve the list of machines from the server
Machine.query().$promise.then (data)->
$scope.machines = data.map (d) ->
id: d.id
name: d.name
## Retrieve the list of components from the server
Component.query().$promise.then (data)->
$scope.components = data.map (d) ->
id: d.id
name: d.name
## Retrieve the list of themes from the server
Theme.query().$promise.then (data)->
$scope.themes = data.map (d) ->
id: d.id
name: d.name
## Retrieve the list of licences from the server
Licence.query().$promise.then (data)->
$scope.licences = data.map (d) ->
id: d.id
name: d.name
# For use with ngUpload (https://github.com/twilson63/ngUpload).
# Intended to be the callback when an upload is done: any raised error will be stacked in the
# $scope.alerts array. If everything goes fine, the user is redirected to the project page.
# @param content {Object} JSON - The upload's result
$scope.submited = (content) ->
if !content.id?
$scope.alerts = []
angular.forEach content, (v, k)->
angular.forEach v, (err)->
msg: k+': '+err
type: 'danger'
# using https://github.com/oblador/angular-scroll
$('section[ui-view=main]').scrollTop(0, 200)
$state.go('app.public.projects_show', {id: content.id})
# Changes the user's view to the projects list page
$scope.cancel = ->
# For use with 'ng-class', returns the CSS class name for the uploads previews.
# The preview may show a placeholder or the content of the file depending on the upload state.
# @param v {*} any attribute, will be tested for truthiness (see JS evaluation rules)
$scope.fileinputClass = (v)->
if v
# This will create a single new empty entry into the project's CAO attachements list.
$scope.addFile = ->
$scope.project.project_caos_attributes.push {}
# This will remove the given file from the project's CAO attachements list. If the file was previously uploaded
# to the server, it will be marked for deletion on the server. Otherwise, it will be simply truncated from
# the CAO attachements array.
# @param file {Object} the file to delete
$scope.deleteFile = (file) ->
index = $scope.project.project_caos_attributes.indexOf(file)
if file.id?
file._destroy = true
$scope.project.project_caos_attributes.splice(index, 1)
# This will create a single new empty entry into the project's steps list.
$scope.addStep = ->
$scope.project.project_steps_attributes.push {}
# This will remove the given stip from the project's steps list. If the step was previously saved
# on the server, it will be marked for deletion for the next saving. Otherwise, it will be simply truncated from
# the steps array.
# @param file {Object} the file to delete
$scope.deleteStep = (step) ->
index = $scope.project.project_steps_attributes.indexOf(step)
if step.id?
step._destroy = true
$scope.project.project_steps_attributes.splice(index, 1)
# Controller used on projects listing page
Application.Controllers.controller "ProjectsController", ["$scope", "$state", 'Project', 'machinesPromise', 'themesPromise', 'componentsPromise'
, ($scope, $state, Project, machinesPromise, themesPromise, componentsPromise) ->
# Number of notifications added to the page when the user clicks on 'load next notifications'
$scope.search = { q: "", from: undefined, machine_id: undefined, component_id: undefined, theme_id: undefined }
## list of projects to display
$scope.projects = []
## list of machines / used for filtering
$scope.machines = machinesPromise
## list of themes / used for filtering
$scope.themes = themesPromise
## list of components / used for filtering
$scope.components = componentsPromise
## By default, the pagination mode is activated to limit the page size
$scope.paginateActive = true
## The currently displayed page number
$scope.page = 1
$scope.resetFilters = ->
$scope.search.q = ""
$scope.search.from = undefined
$scope.search.machine_id = undefined
$scope.search.component_id = undefined
$scope.search.theme_id = undefined
$scope.triggerSearch = ->
Project.search { search: $scope.search, page: 1 }, (projects)->
$scope.projects = projects
if projects.length < PROJECTS_PER_PAGE
$scope.paginateActive = false
$scope.paginateActive = true
$scope.page = 2
$scope.loadMoreProjects = ->
# Project.query {page: $scope.page}, (projects) ->
# $scope.projects = $scope.projects.concat projects
# $scope.paginateActive = false if projects.length < PROJECTS_PER_PAGE
Project.search { search: $scope.search, page: $scope.page }, (projects)->
$scope.projects = $scope.projects.concat projects
$scope.paginateActive = false if projects.length < PROJECTS_PER_PAGE
$scope.page += 1
# Callback to switch the user's view to the detailled project page
# @param project {{slug:string}} The project to display
$scope.showProject = (project) ->
$state.go('app.public.projects_show', {id: project.slug})
## initialization
# Controller used in the project creation page
Application.Controllers.controller "NewProjectController", ["$scope", "$state", 'Project', 'Machine', 'Member', 'Component', 'Theme', 'Licence', '$document', 'CSRF'
, ($scope, $state, Project, Machine, Member, Component, Theme, Licence, $document, CSRF) ->
## API URL where the form will be posted
$scope.actionUrl = "/api/projects/"
## Form action on the above URL
$scope.method = 'post'
## Default project parameters
$scope.project =
project_steps_attributes: []
project_caos_attributes: []
## Other members list (project collaborators)
Member.query().$promise.then (data)->
$scope.members = data.filter (m) ->
m.id != $scope.currentUser.id
.map (d) ->
id: d.id
name: d.name
## Using the ProjectsController
new ProjectsController($scope, $state, Project, Machine, Member, Component, Theme, Licence, $document)
# Controller used in the project edition page
Application.Controllers.controller "EditProjectController", ["$scope", "$state", '$stateParams', 'Project', 'Machine', 'Member', 'Component', 'Theme', 'Licence', '$document', 'CSRF', 'projectPromise'
, ($scope, $state, $stateParams, Project, Machine, Member, Component, Theme, Licence, $document, CSRF, projectPromise) ->
## API URL where the form will be posted
$scope.actionUrl = "/api/projects/" + $stateParams.id
## Form action on the above URL
$scope.method = 'put'
## Retrieve the project's details, if an error occured, redirect the user to the projects list page
$scope.project = projectPromise
## Other members list (project collaborators)
Member.query().$promise.then (data)->
$scope.members = data.filter (m) ->
m.id != $scope.project.author_id
.map (d) ->
id: d.id
name: d.name
## Using the ProjectsController
new ProjectsController($scope, $state, Project, Machine, Member, Component, Theme, Licence, $document)
# Controller used in the public project's details page
Application.Controllers.controller "ShowProjectController", ["$scope", "$state", "projectPromise", '$location', '$uibModal', '_t'
, ($scope, $state, projectPromise, $location, $uibModal, _t) ->
## Store the project's details
$scope.project = projectPromise
$scope.projectUrl = $location.absUrl()
$scope.disqusShortname = Fablab.disqusShortname
# Test if the provided user has the edition rights on the current project
# @param [user] {{id:number}} (optional) the user to check rights
# @returns boolean
$scope.projectEditableBy = (user) ->
return false if not user?
return true if $scope.project.author_id == user.id
canEdit = false
angular.forEach $scope.project.project_users, (u)->
canEdit = true if u.id == user.id and u.is_valid
return canEdit
# Test if the provided user has the deletion rights on the current project
# @param [user] {{id:number}} (optional) the user to check rights
# @returns boolean
$scope.projectDeletableBy = (user) ->
return false if not user?
return true if $scope.project.author_id == user.id
# Callback to delete the current project. Then, the user is redirected to the projects list page,
# which is refreshed. Admins and project owner only are allowed to delete a project
$scope.deleteProject = ->
# check the permissions
if $scope.currentUser.role is 'admin' or $scope.projectDeletableBy($scope.currentUser)
# delete the project then refresh the projects list
$scope.project.$delete ->
$state.go('app.public.projects_list', {}, {reload: true})
console.error _t('unauthorized_operation')
# Open a modal box containg a form that allow the end-user to signal an abusive content
# @param e {Object} jQuery event
$scope.signalAbuse = (e) ->
e.preventDefault() if e
templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "shared/signalAbuseModal.html" %>'
size: 'md'
project: -> $scope.project
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '_t', 'growl', 'Abuse', 'project', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, _t, growl, Abuse, project) ->
# signaler's profile & signalement infos
$scope.signaler = {
signaled_type: 'Project'
signaled_id: project.id
# callback for signaling cancellation
$scope.cancel = ->
# callback for form validation
$scope.ok = ->
Abuse.save {}, {abuse: $scope.signaler}, (res) ->
# creation successful
, (error) ->
# creation failed...