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synced 2025-03-13 10:29:29 +01:00
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543 lines
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#translations of common buttons
confirm_changes: "Bekreft endringer"
consult: "Se på"
edit: "Rediger"
change: "Endre"
delete: "Slett"
browse: "Bla igjennom"
cancel: "Avbryt"
close: "Lukk"
clear: "Tøm"
today: "Idag"
confirm: "Bekreft"
save: "Lagre"
"yes": "Ja"
"no": "Nei"
apply: "Bruk"
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "Du vil miste noen ulagrede endringer hvis du avslutter denne siden"
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Du vil miste ulagrede endringer hvis du gjeninnlaster denne siden"
payment_card_declined: "Your card was declined."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}"
change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group"
cancel: "Cancel"
validate: "Validate group change"
success: "Group successfully changed"
payment_card_error: "A problem occurred with your payment card:"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Type something…"
link_placeholder: "Paste link…"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
new_tab: "Open in a new tab"
add_link: "Insert a link"
add_video: "Embed a video"
add_image: "Insert an image"
#modal dialog
close: "Close"
follow_us: "Follow us"
networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful"
networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
save: "Save"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
#user edition form
add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar"
change: "Change"
personal_data: "Personal"
account_data: "Account"
account_networks: "Social networks"
organization_data: "Organization"
profile_data: "Profile"
preferences_data: "Preferences"
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
external_id: "External identifier"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
organization_name: "Organization name"
organization_address: "Organization address"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
date_of_birth: "Date of birth"
website: "Website"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
birthday: "Date of birth"
birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required."
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid."
allow_public_profile: "I authorize users, registered on the site, to contact me"
allow_public_profile_help: "Your profile will be visible to other users and you'll be able to collaborate on projects."
allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
allow_newsletter_help: "You may receive the newsletter."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
note: "Private note"
note_help: "This note is only visible to administrators and managers. The member cannot see it."
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
change_my_password: "Change my password"
confirm_current: "Confirm your current password"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Wrong password"
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
help: "Your password must be minimum 12 characters long, have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character."
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 12 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
not_in_requirements: "Your password doesn't meet the minimal requirements"
0: "Very weak password"
1: "Weak password"
2: "Almost ok"
3: "Good password"
4: "Excellent password"
#project edition form
name: "Navn"
name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd."
illustration: "Bilde"
add_an_illustration: "Legg til en illustrasjon"
CAD_file: "CAD-filer"
allowed_extensions: "Tillatte filtyper:"
add_a_new_file: "Legg til ny fil"
description: "Beskrivelse"
description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd."
steps: "Skritt"
step_N: "Trinn {INDEX}"
step_title: "Tittel på steg"
add_a_picture: "Legg til bilde"
change_the_picture: "Endre bilde"
delete_the_step: "Slett trinnet"
confirmation_required: "Bekreftelse nødvendig"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_step: "Vil du virkelig slette dette trinnet?"
add_a_new_step: "Legg til nytt trinn"
publish_your_project: "Publiser prosjektet"
or: "eller"
employed_materials: "Materialer brukt"
employed_machines: "Maskiner brukt"
collaborators: "Samarbeidspartnere"
creative_commons_licences: "Creative Commons lisenser"
themes: "Temaer"
tags: "Etiketter"
save_as_draft: "Lagre som utkast"
status: "Status"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Reserver denne maskinen"
#frame to select a plan to subscribe
subscribe_online: "online innmelding"
do_not_subscribe: "ikke abonner"
#admin: choose a member to interact with
select_a_member: "Velg et medlem"
start_typing: "Begynn å skrive..."
member_not_validated: "Warning:<br> The member was not validated."
#payment modal
online_payment: "Online payment"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "I have read, and accept "
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "the general terms and conditions."
payment_schedule_html: "<p>You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.</p><p>By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by {GATEWAY} and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.</p>"
confirm_payment_of_: "Pay: {AMOUNT}"
validate: "Validate"
#dialog of on site payment for reservations
booking_confirmation: "Bestillingsbekreftelse"
here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Her er oppsummering av tidslukene som reserveres for nåværende bruker:"
subscription_confirmation: "Bekreft abonnement"
here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Sammendrag:"
payment_method: "Betalingsmetode"
method_card: "Online med kort"
method_check: "Med sjekk"
card_collection_info: "Ved å validere vil du bli bedt om å oppgi kortnummeret til medlemmet. Dette kortet vil automatisk bli belastet på fristen."
check_collection_info: "Ved å validere, bekrefter du at du har {DEADLINES} sjekker slik at du kan samle inn alle månedlige betalinger."
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "Bruker"
incomplete_profile: "Ufullstendig profil"
user_profile: "Brukerprofil"
warning_incomplete_user_profile_probably_imported_from_sso: "Advarsel: Denne brukerens profil er ufullstendig. Siden \"single sign-on\" (SSO) autentisering er for øyeblikket aktivert, kan det sannsynligvis bli en importert, men ikke sammenslått konto. Ikke endre det med mindre du vet hva du gjør."
group: "Gruppe"
group_is_required: "Gruppe er påkrevd."
trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs"
tags: "Etiketter"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "Endre tidsluken"
do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vil du endre din bestilling som er planlagt på:"
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vil du endre {NAME} sin bestillingsplass, som opprinnelig er planlagt på:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Avbryt reservasjon"
i_want_to_change_date: "Jeg vil endre dato"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Siste aktivitet <br><strong>{DATE}</strong>"
to_come: "å komme"
approved: "godkjent"
projects: "Prosjekter"
no_projects: "Ingen prosjekter"
author: "Forfatter"
collaborator: "Samarbeidspartnere"
private_profile: "Privat profil"
interests: "Interesser"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Mestret CAD-programvare"
email_address: "E-postadresse"
trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs"
no_trainings: "Ingen opplæringer/kurs"
wallet: 'Virtuell lommebok'
your_wallet_amount: 'Tilgjengelig beløp'
wallet_amount: 'Beløp tilgjengelig'
no_transactions_for_now: 'Ingen transaksjoner nå'
date: "Dato"
operation: 'Handling'
operator: 'Operatør'
amount: 'Beløp'
credit: 'Kreditt'
debit: 'Debet'
credit_title: 'Krediter lommebok'
credit_label: 'Velg beløp for kreditering'
confirm_credit_label: 'Bekreft beløpet som skal krediteres'
generate_a_refund_invoice: "Genererer en refusjons- faktura"
creation_date_for_the_refund: "Refusjonsdato"
creation_date_is_required: "Opprettelsesdato er påkrevd."
description_optional: "Beskrivelse (valgfritt):"
will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Vises på refusjonsfakturaen."
to_credit: 'Kreditt'
wallet_credit_successfully: "Lommeboken til brukeren er kreditert vellykket."
a_problem_occurred_for_wallet_credit: "A problem is occurred while taking the credit of wallet."
amount_is_required: "Beløp er påkrevd."
amount_minimum_1: "Miinimumsbeløpet er 1"
amount_confirm_is_required: "Beløpsbekreftelse er påkrevd."
amount_confirm_does_not_match: "Bekreftelsen samsvarer ikke."
debit_subscription: "Betal for abonnement"
debit_reservation_training: "Betale for opplæring/kurs"
debit_reservation_machine: "Betal for en maskinreservasjon"
debit_reservation_event: "Betal for arrangement"
warning_uneditable_credit: "Advarsel: Når validert, vil ikke det krediterte beløpet lenger kunne endres."
you_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "Du har {AMOUNT} i lommeboken din"
wallet_pay_ITEM: "Du betaler din {ITEM} direkte."
item_reservation: "reservasjon"
item_subscription: "medlemskap/abonnement"
item_first_deadline: "første frist"
item_other: "kjøp"
credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "Du har fortsatt {AMOUNT} å betale for å bekrefte din {ITEM}."
client_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "Medlemmet har {AMOUNT} i sin lommebok"
client_wallet_pay_ITEM: "Medlemmet kan betale sin {ITEM} direkte."
client_credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "{AMOUNT} gjenstår å betale for å validere {ITEM}"
other_deadlines_no_wallet: "Advarsel: den gjenværende lommebok saldoen kan ikke brukes for neste frist."
#coupon (promotional) (creation/edition form)
name: "Navn"
name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd."
code: "Kode"
code_is_required: "Kode er påkrevd."
code_must_be_composed_of_capital_letters_digits_and_or_dashes: "Koden må bestå av bokstaver, tall og bindestreker."
kind_of_coupon: "Type kupong"
percentage: "Prosent"
amount: "Beløp"
amount_off: "Avslag"
percent_off: "Prosentavslag"
percent_off_is_required: "Prosentavslag er påkrevd."
percentage_must_be_between_0_and_100: "Prosentverdi må være et tall mellom 0 og 100."
validity_per_user: "Gyldighet pr. bruker"
once: "Bare én gang"
forever: "Hver bruk"
warn_validity_once: "Vær oppmerksom på at når denne kupongen vil bli brukt med en betalingsplan, vil rabatten kun benyttes i den første fristen."
warn_validity_forever: "Vær oppmerksom på at når denne kupongen vil bli brukt med en betalingsplan, vil rabatten gjelde for hver frist."
validity_per_user_is_required: "Gyldighet pr. bruker er påkrevd."
valid_until: "Gyldig til (inklusiv)"
leave_empty_for_no_limit: "Ikke angi noen grense ved å la feltet stå tomt."
max_usages: "Maksimal bruk tillatt"
max_usages_must_be_equal_or_greater_than_0: "Maksimal bruk må være større enn 0."
enabled: "Aktiv"
#coupon (input zone for users)
i_have_a_coupon: "Jeg har en kupong!"
code_: "Kode:"
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "Kupongen er brukt. Du får {PERCENT}% rabatt."
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_AMOUNT_CURRENCY: "Kupongen er brukt. Du får en rabatt på {AMOUNT} {CURRENCY}."
coupon_validity_once: "Denne kupongen er kun gyldig en gang. Ved betalingsopplegg gjelder det kun for første frist."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_disabled: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: denne koden ble deaktivert."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_expired: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: denne koden er utløpt."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_sold_out: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: denne koden har nådd kvoten."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_already_used: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: du har allerede brukt denne koden en gang før."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: rabatten overstiger totalbeløpet på dette kjøpet."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Kunne ikke legge til kupong: det oppstod en uventet feil, vennligst kontakt ledelsen."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Denne koden finnes ikke."
your_payment_schedule: "Your payment schedule"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} monthly {NUMBER, plural, =1{payment} other{payments}} of {AMOUNT}"
first_debit: "First debit on the day of the order."
monthly_payment_NUMBER: "{NUMBER}{NUMBER, plural, =1{st} =2{nd} =3{rd} other{th}} monthly payment: "
debit: "Debit on the day of the order."
view_full_schedule: "View the complete payment schedule"
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment"
#shopping cart module for reservations
summary: "Sammendrag"
select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Velg {SINGLE, select, true{en tidsluke} other{flere tidsluker}} i kalenderen"
select_a_plan: "Velg en plan her"
you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "Du har akkurat valgt tidsluken:"
datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} til {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4, 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM
cost_of_TYPE: "Pris for {TYPE, select, Machine{maskinen} Training{opplæring/kurs} Space{plass/rom} other{annet}}"
offer_this_slot: "Tilby denne plassen"
confirm_this_slot: "Bekreft bestilling av denne tidsluken"
remove_this_slot: "Slett denne tidsluken"
to_benefit_from_attractive_prices: "For å få gode priser"
view_our_subscriptions: "Vis våre abonnementer/medlemskap"
or: "eller"
cost_of_the_subscription: "Pris, medlemskap/abonnement"
subscription_price: "Pris, medlemskap/abonnement"
you_ve_just_selected_a_subscription_html: "Du har nettopp valgt et <strong>abonnement</strong>:"
confirm_and_pay: "Bekreft og betal"
you_have_settled_the_following_TYPE: "Du har betalt for følgende {TYPE, select, Machine{maskinplasser} Training{opplæring/kurs} other{elementer}}:"
you_have_settled_a_: "Du har gjort opp en"
total_: "TOTALT:"
thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Tusen takk, betalingen din er registrert!"
your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_: "Din faktura vil snart være tilgjengelig"
dashboard: "Kontrollpanel"
i_want_to_change_the_following_reservation: "Jeg vil endre følgende reservasjon:"
cancel_my_modification: "Avbryt endringer"
select_a_new_slot_in_the_calendar: "Velg ny tidsluke i kalenderen"
cancel_my_selection: "Avbryt valget mitt"
tags_of_the_original_slot: "Etiketter for opprinnelig tidsluke:"
tags_of_the_destination_slot: "Etiketter for ny tidsluke:"
confirm_my_modification: "Bekreft min endring"
your_booking_slot_was_successfully_moved_from_: "Din reservasjon er flyttet fra"
to_date: "til" #eg. from 01 to 05 january.
please_select_a_member_first: "Vennligst velg et medlem først"
unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: "Kan ikke velge en plan om noen av de valgte plasseringene er i fortiden"
unable_to_change_the_reservation: "Kan ikke endre reservasjon"
confirmation_required: "Bekreftelse nødvendig"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_html: "<p>Do you really want to cancel this reservation?</p><p>Warning: if this reservation was made free of charge, as part of a subscription, the credits used will not be re-credited.</p>"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully."
cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed."
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later."
none: "None"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
slot_restrict_plans: "This slot is restricted for the plans below:"
slot_restrict_subscriptions_must_select_plan: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers. Please select a plan first."
slot_restrict_plans_of_others_groups: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers of others groups."
selected_plan_dont_match_slot: "Selected plan dont match this slot"
user_plan_dont_match_slot: "User subscribed plan dont match this slot"
no_plan_match_slot: "You dont have any matching plan for this slot"
slot_at_same_time: "Conflict with others reservations"
do_you_really_want_to_book_slot_at_same_time: "Do you really want to book this slot? Other bookings take place at the same time"
unable_to_book_slot_because_really_have_reservation_at_same_time: "Unable to book this slot because the following reservation occurs at the same time."
tags_mismatch: "Tags mismatch"
confirm_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Do you really want to book this slot? {USER} does not have any of the required tags."
unable_to_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Unable to book this slot because you don't have any of the required tags."
slot_tags: "Tidsluke-etiketter"
user_tags: "Brukeretiketter"
no_tags: "Ingen etiketter"
user_validation_required_alert: "Warning!<br>Your administrator must validate your account. Then, you'll then be able to access all the booking features."
#feature-tour modal
previous: "Forrige"
next: "Neste"
end: "Avslutt rundturen"
#help modal
title: "Hjelp"
what_to_do: "Hva ønsker du å gjøre?"
tour: "Start omvisningen"
guide: "Les brukermanualen"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
ok_button: "OK"
#2nd factor authentication for card payments
pending: "Venter på handling..."
success: "Takk, ditt betalingskortoppsett er fullført. Betalingen vil snart bli gjennomført."
#the summary table of all payment schedules
schedule_num: "Schedule #"
date: "Date"
price: "Price"
customer: "Customer"
deadline: "Deadline"
amount: "Amount"
state: "State"
download: "Download"
state_new: "Not yet due"
state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation"
state_requires_payment_method: "The credit card must be updated"
state_requires_action: "Action required"
state_paid: "Paid"
state_error: "Error"
state_gateway_canceled: "Canceled by the payment gateway"
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_card: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
method_transfer: "by transfer"
download: "Download"
cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
confirm_check: "Confirm cashing"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
update_card: "Update the card"
update_payment_mean: "Update the payment mean"
please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception."
confirm_button: "Confirm"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
unexpected_error: "Det oppstod en feil. Rapporter dette problemet til Fab-Manager-teamet."
update_card: "Oppdater kortet"
validate_button: "Valider det nye kortet"
update_card: "Oppdater kortet"
validate_button: "Valider det nye kortet"
create_label: "Add {VALUE}"
select_all: "Select all"
unselect_all: "Unselect all"
browse: "Browse"
edit: "Edit"
browse: "Browse"
edit: "Edit"
main_image: "Main visual"
total: "Total"
client: "Client"
created_at: "Order creation"
last_update: "Last update"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
paid: "Paid"
payment_failed: "Payment error"
canceled: "Canceled"
ready: "Ready"
refunded: "Refunded"
delivered: "Delivered"
back_to_list: "Back to list"
see_invoice: "See invoice"
tracking: "Order tracking"
client: "Client"
created_at: "Creation date"
last_update: "Last update"
cart: "Cart"
reference_short: "ref:"
unit: "Unit"
item_total: "Total"
payment_informations: "Payment informations"
amount: "Amount"
products_total: "Products total"
gift_total: "Discount total"
coupon: "Coupon"
cart_total: "Cart total"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
paid: "Paid"
payment_failed: "Payment error"
canceled: "Canceled"
ready: "Ready"
refunded: "Refunded"
delivered: "Delivered"
by_wallet: "by wallet"
settlement_by_debit_card: "Settlement by debit card"
settlement_done_at_the_reception: "Settlement done at the reception"
settlement_by_wallet: "Settlement by wallet"
on_DATE_at_TIME: "on {DATE} at {TIME},"
for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "for an amount of {AMOUNT}"
and: 'and'
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
paid: "Paid"
payment_failed: "Payment error"
canceled: "Canceled"
ready: "Ready"
refunded: "Refunded"
delivered: "Delivered"
confirm: 'Confirm'
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Please confirm that this order in being prepared."
order_in_progress_success: "Order is under preparation"
confirm_order_ready_html: "Please confirm that this order is ready."
order_ready_note: 'You can leave a message to the customer about withdrawal instructions'
order_ready_success: "Order is ready"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Please confirm that this order was delivered."
order_delivered_success: "Order was delivered"
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Do you really want to cancel this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product > stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "Order was canceled"
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<strong>Do you really want to refund this order?</strong><p>If so, please refund the customer and generate the credit note from the <em>Invoices</em> tab.</p><p>If this affects stocks, please edit your product and reflect the change in the <em>stock management</em> tab.</p><p>These actions will not be automatic.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "Order was refunded"
modal_title: "You have some unsaved changes"
confirmation_message: "If you leave this page, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?"
confirmation_button: "Yes, don't save"
keyword: "Keyword: {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Private stock"
stock_external: "Public stock"
calendar: "Calendar"
show_unavailables: "Show complete slots"
filter_calendar: "Filter calendar"
trainings: "Trainings"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
events: "Events"
externals: "Other calendars"
show_reserved_uniq: "Show only slots with reservations"
machine_uncategorized: "Uncategorized machines"