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#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "Bekreft din nye konto"
or: "eller"
do_you_already_have_an_account: "Har du allerede en konto?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Ikke fyll ut skjemaet, men skriv inn koden du har mottatt via e-post for å gjenopprette tilgangen."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Angi koden du har mottatt via e-post her for å gjenopprette tilgangen din."
i_did_not_receive_the_code: "Jeg mottok ikke koden"
authentification_code: "Autentifikasjonskode"
confirm_my_code: "Bekreft koden min"
an_unexpected_error_occurred_check_your_authentication_code: "Det oppstod en uventet feil, vennligst sjekk din godkjenningskode."
send_code_again: "Send koden på nytt"
email_address_associated_with_your_account: "E-postadresse tilknyttet din konto"
email_is_required: "E-post er påkrevd"
email_format_is_incorrect: "E-postformatet er feil"
code_successfully_sent_again: "Koden ble sendt på nytt"
used_for_statistics: "Dataene vil bli brukt til statistiske formål"
your_user_s_profile: "Din brukerprofil"
user_s_profile_is_required: "Brukerprofilen er påkrevd."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Jeg har lest og aksepterer"
_the_fablab_policy: "policyen for FabLab"
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
sso_intro: "Du har nettopp opprettet en ny konto for {NAME} ved å logge fra"
duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
title: "Ny på denne plattformen?"
please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Noen data er allerede gitt av {NAME} og kan ikke endres."
confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
edit_profile: "Endre mine data"
after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
sync_profile: "Synkroniser min profil"
event: "Event"
family: "Reserved for members"
nominative: "Nominative"
pre_registration: "Pre-registration"
NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{normal place reserved} other{normal places reserved}}"
NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{of {NAME} place reserved} other{of {NAME} places reserved}}"
tracking_your_reservation: "Tracking your reservation"
in_the_process_of_validation: "In the process of validation"
settle_your_payment: "Come to the reception desk to settle"
paid: "Paid"
canceled: "Canceled"
registered: "Registered"
not_validated: "Not validated"
present: "Present"
#dashboard: public profile
empty: ''
#dashboard: edit my profile
last_activity_on_: "Siste aktivitet på {DATE}"
i_want_to_change_group: "Jeg vil endre gruppe!"
your_subscription_expires_on_: "Abonnementet ditt ender"
no_subscriptions: "Ingen abonnementer"
i_want_to_subscribe: "Jeg ønsker å bli medlem!"
to_come: "å komme"
approved: "godkjent"
projects: "Prosjekter"
no_projects: "Ingen prosjekter"
labels: "Etiketter"
no_labels: "(ingen merkelapp)"
cookies: "Informasjonskapsler"
cookies_accepted: "Du har akseptert informasjonskapsler"
cookies_declined: "Du aksepterer ikke informasjonskapsler"
cookies_unset: "Du har ikke valgt ennå"
reset_cookies: "Endre valget mitt"
delete_my_account: "Slett kontoen min"
edit_my_profile: "Rediger min profil"
your_group_has_been_successfully_changed: "Gruppen din har blitt endret."
an_unexpected_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "En uventet feil forhindret gruppen din fra å bli endret."
confirmation_required: "Bekreftelse påkrevd"
confirm_delete_your_account: "Vil du virkelig slette kontoen din?"
all_data_will_be_lost: "Alle dine data vil bli ødelagt og vil ikke kunne gjenopprettes."
invoicing_data_kept: "Ifølge forskrift blir alle data knyttet til dine fakturaer oppbevart separat i 10 år."
statistic_data_anonymized: "Noen data (kjønn, fødselsdato, gruppe) vil bli anonymisert og oppbevart til statistiske formål."
no_further_access_to_projects: "Dine publiserte prosjekter vil bli anonymisert, og du får ingen ytterligere mulighet til å redigere dem."
your_user_account_has_been_successfully_deleted_goodbye: "Brukerkontoen din er slettet. Takk for at du har vært med!"
an_error_occured_preventing_your_account_from_being_deleted: "Det oppstod en feil som hindrer at kontoen din blir slettet."
used_for_statistics: "Dataene vil bli brukt til statistiske formål"
used_for_invoicing: "Disse dataene vil bli brukt i fakturering"
used_for_reservation: "Disse dataene vil bli brukt i tilfelle endring av en av dine reserveringer"
used_for_profile: "Disse dataene vil bare bli vist i profilen din"
used_for_pricing_stats: "Disse dataene vil bli brukt til å fastslå hvilke priser du har rett til, og til statistiske formål"
public_profile: "Du vil ha en offentlig profil og andre brukere vil kunne knytte deg til deres prosjekter"
trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs"
no_trainings: "Ingen opplæringer/kurs"
subscription: "Medlemskap/abonnement"
group: "Gruppe"
or: "eller"
confirm_changes: "Bekreft endringer"
change_my_data: "Endre mine data"
sync_my_profile: "Synkroniser min profil"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Når dine data er oppdatert,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "klikker du på synkroniseringsknappen "
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "koble fra og koble til på nytt"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "for at dine endringer skal tre i kraft."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Du har ingen prosjekter enda."
add_a_project: "Legg til et prosjekt"
author: "Forfatter"
collaborator: "Samarbeidspartnere"
rough_draft: "Utkast"
description: "Beskrivelse"
machines_and_materials: "Maskiner og materialer"
machines: "Maskiner"
materials: "Materialer"
collaborators: "Samarbeidspartnere"
#dashboard: my trainings
your_next_trainings: "Neste opplæring/kurs"
your_previous_trainings: "Tidligere opplæringer/kurs"
your_approved_trainings: "Godkjente opplæringer"
no_trainings: "Ingen opplæringer/kurs"
your_training_credits: "Dine opplærings-kreditter"
subscribe_for_credits: "Abonner på å få glede av gratis opplæringer"
register_for_free: "Registrer deg gratis til følgende opplæringer:"
book_here: "Bestill her"
canceled: "Canceled"
#dashboard: my events
your_next_events: "Dine neste arrangementer"
no_events_to_come: "Ingen nye arrangementer foreløpig"
your_previous_events: "Tidligere arrangementer"
no_passed_events: "Ingen tidligere arrangementer"
NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one {} =0{} =1{plass reservert} other{plasser reservert}}"
NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one {} =0{} =1{plass reservert} other{plasser reservert}}"
#dashboard: my invoices
reference_number: "Referansenummer"
date: "Dato"
price: "Pris"
download_the_invoice: "Last ned fakturaen"
download_the_credit_note: "Last ned refusjonsfakturaen"
no_invoices_for_now: "Ingen fakturaer for øyeblikket."
no_payment_schedules: "Ingen betalingsplaner å vise"
load_more: "Last mer"
card_updated_success: "Kortet ditt ble oppdatert"
file_successfully_uploaded: "The supporting documents were sent."
unable_to_upload: "Unable to send the supporting documents: "
supporting_documents_files: "Supporting documents"
my_documents_info: "Due to your group declaration, some supporting documents are required. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
upload_limits_alert_html: "Warning!<br>You can submit your documents as PDF or images (JPEG, PNG). Maximum allowed size: {SIZE} Mb"
file_size_error: "The file size exceeds the limit ({SIZE} MB)"
save: "Lagre"
browse: "Bla igjennom"
edit: "Rediger"
machine_section_title: "Machines reservations"
space_section_title: "Spaces reservations"
title: "My reservations"
upcoming: "Upcoming"
date: "Date"
history: "History"
no_reservation: "No reservation"
show_more: "Show more"
cancelled_slot: "Cancelled"
title: "Reservations"
title: "My credits"
info: "Your subscription comes with free credits you can use when reserving"
remaining_credits_html: "You can book {REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{slot} other{slots}} for free."
used_credits_html: "You have already used <strong> {USED} {USED, plural, =0{credit} one{credit} other{credits}}</strong>."
no_credits: "You don't have any credits yet. Some subscriptions may allow you to book some slots for free."
title: "Credits"
remaining_credits_html: "{REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{slot} other{slots}} can be booked for free."
used_credits_html: "<strong> {USED} {USED, plural, =0{credit} one{credit} other{credits}}</strong> already used."
no_credits: "No credits yet."
title: "My prepaid packs"
name: "Prepaid pack name"
end: "Expiry date"
countdown: "Countdown"
history: "History"
consumed_hours: "{COUNT, plural, =1{1H consumed} other{{COUNT}H consumed}}"
cta_info: "You can buy prepaid hours packs to book machines and benefit from discounts. Choose a machine to buy a corresponding pack."
select_machine: "Select a machine"
cta_button: "Buy a pack"
no_packs: "No prepaid packs available for sale"
reserved_for_subscribers_html: 'The purchase of prepaid packs is reserved for subscribers. <a href="{LINK}">Subscribe now</a> to benefit.'
title: "Prepaid packs"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "Medlemsliste"
#list of members accepting to be contacted
the_fablab_members: "Medlemmer"
display_more_members: "Vis flere medlemmer..."
no_members_for_now: "Ingen medlemmer nå"
avatar: "Profilbilde"
user: "Bruker"
pseudonym: "Pseudonym"
email_address: "E-postadresse"
#add a new project
add_a_new_project: "Legg til nytt prosjekt"
#modify an existing project
edit_the_project: "Redigere prosjekt"
rough_draft: "Utkast"
publish: "Publisér"
#book a machine
machine_planning: "Maskinplanlegging"
i_ve_reserved: "Jeg har reservert"
not_available: "Ikke tilgjengelig"
i_reserve: "Jeg reserverer"
i_shift: "Jeg skifter"
i_change: "Jeg endrer"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "Vil du virkelig kansellere denne reservasjonen?"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservasjon ble avbrutt."
cancellation_failed: "Kansellering mislyktes."
a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Det oppstod et problem under betalingsprosessen. Prøv igjen senere."
#modal telling users that they must wait for their training validation before booking a machine
machine_reservation: "Maskinreservasjon"
wait_for_validated: "Du må vente til opplæringen din blir validert for å kunne reservere denne maskinen."
training_will_occur_DATE_html: "Tidspunkt, opplæring/kurs <strong>{DATE}</strong>"
#modal telling users that they need to pass a training before booking a machine
to_book_MACHINE_requires_TRAINING_html: "For å reservere \"{MACHINE}\" må du ha fullført opplæringen <strong>{TRAINING}</strong>."
training_or_training_html: "</strong> eller opplæring <strong>"
enroll_now: "Registrere til treningen"
no_enroll_for_now: "Jeg vil ikke registrere nå"
close: "Lukk"
available_packs: "Forhåndsbetalte pakker tilgjengelig"
packs_proposed: "Du kan kjøpe en forhåndsbetalt pakke med timer for denne maskinen. Disse pakkene gir volumrabatt."
no_thanks: "Nei takk"
pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} timer"
buy_this_pack: "Kjøp denne pakken"
pack_bought_success: "Du har kjøpt denne pakken med forhåndsbetalte timer. Fakturaen din vil snart være tilgjengelig fra kontrollpanelet."
validity: "Kan brukes for {COUNT} {PERIODS}"
day: "{COUNT, plural, one{dag} other{dager}}"
week: "{COUNT, plural, one{uke} other{uker}}"
month: "{COUNT, plural, one{måned} other{måneder}}"
year: "år"
prepaid_hours: "Forhåndsbetalte timer"
remaining_HOURS: "Du har {HOURS} forhåndsbetalte timer igjen for denne {ITEM, select, Machine{maskinen} Space{plassen/rommet} other{}}."
no_hours: "Du har ikke noen forhåndsbetalt timer for {ITEM, select, Machine{maskinen} Space{plass/rom} other{}}."
buy_a_new_pack: "Kjøp en ny pakke"
unable_to_use_pack_for_subsription_is_expired: "You must have a valid subscription to use your remaining hours."
#book a training
trainings_planning: "Planlegging, opplæring og kurs"
planning_of: "Planlegging av " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training
all_trainings: "All opplæringer/kurs"
cancel_my_selection: "Avbryt valget mitt"
i_change: "Jeg endrer"
i_shift: "Jeg skifter"
i_ve_reserved: "Jeg har reservert"
#book a space
planning_of_space_NAME: "Planlegging av {NAME} plass/rom"
i_ve_reserved: "Jeg har reservert"
i_shift: "Jeg skifter"
i_change: "Jeg endrer"
notifications_center: "Varslingssenter"
notifications: "All notifications"
mark_all_as_read: "Mark all as read"
date: "Date"
notif_title: "Title"
no_new_notifications: "No new notifications."
archives: "Archives"
no_archived_notifications: "No archived notifications."
load_the_next_notifications: "Load the next notifications..."
mark_as_read: "Mark as read"
notifications_list: "All notifications"
notifications_settings: "My notifications preferences"
enable_all: "Enable all"
disable_all: "Disable all"
notify_me_when: "I wish to be notified when"
users_accounts: "Concerning users notifications"
supporting_documents: "Concerning supporting documents notifications"
agenda: "Concerning agenda notifications"
subscriptions: "Concerning subscriptions notifications"
payments: "Concerning payment schedules notifications"
wallet: "Concerning wallet notifications"
shop: "Concerning shop notifications"
projects: "Concerning projects notifications"
accountings: "Concerning accounting notifications"
trainings: "Concerning trainings notifications"
app_management: "Concerning app management notifications"
notify_admin_when_user_is_created: "A user account has been created"
notify_admin_child_created: "A child has been created"
notify_admin_when_user_is_imported: "A user account has been imported"
notify_admin_profile_complete: "An imported account has completed its profile"
notify_admin_user_merged: "An imported account has been merged with an existing account"
notify_admins_role_update: "The role of a user has changed"
notify_admin_import_complete: "An import is done"
notify_admin_user_group_changed: "A user has changed his group"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_refusal: "A supporting document has been rejected"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_refusal: "A supporting document of child has been rejected"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_created: "A user has uploaded a supporting document"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_updated: "A user has updated a supporting document"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_created: "A child has uploaded a supporting document"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_updated: "A child has updated a supporting document"
notify_admin_member_create_reservation: "A member books a reservation"
notify_admin_slot_is_modified: "A reservation slot has been modified"
notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: "A reservation has been cancelled"
notify_admin_reservation_validated: "A reservation has been validated"
notify_admin_reservation_invalidated: "A reservation has been invalidated"
notify_admin_member_pre_booked_reservation: "A pre-booking has been made"
notify_admin_subscribed_plan: "A subscription has been purchased"
notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "A member subscription expires in 7 days"
notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: "A member subscription has expired"
notify_admin_subscription_extended: "A subscription has been extended"
notify_admin_subscription_canceled: "A member subscription has been cancelled"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_failed: "Card debit failure"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_check_deadline: "A check has to be cashed"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_transfer_deadline: "A bank direct debit has to be confirmed"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_error: "An unexpected error occurred during the card debit"
notify_admin_refund_created: "A refund has been created"
notify_admin_user_wallet_is_credited: "The wallet of an user has been credited"
notify_user_order_is_ready: "Your command is ready"
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command was canceled"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command was refunded"
notify_admin_low_stock_threshold: "The stock is low"
notify_admin_when_project_published: "A project has been published"
notify_admin_abuse_reported: "An abusive content has been reported"
notify_admin_close_period_reminder: "The fiscal year is coming to an end"
notify_admin_archive_complete: "An accounting archive is ready"
notify_admin_training_auto_cancelled: "A training was automatically cancelled"
notify_admin_export_complete: "An export is available"
notify_user_when_invoice_ready: "An invoice is available"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_gateway_canceled: "A payment schedule has been canceled by the payment gateway"
notify_project_collaborator_to_valid: "You are invited to collaborate on a project"
notify_project_author_when_collaborator_valid: "A collaborator has accepted your invitation to join your project"
notify_admin_order_is_paid: "A new order has been placed"