#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # Converts OpenRM binhex-encoded images to Nouveau-compatible binary blobs # See nouveau_firmware_layout.ods for documentation on the file format import sys import os import argparse import shutil import re import gzip import struct class MyException(Exception): pass def round_up_to_base(x, base = 10): return x + (base - x) % base def getbytes(filename, array): """Extract the bytes for the given array in the given file. :param filename: the file to parse :param array: the name of the array to parse :returns: byte array This function scans the file for the array and returns a bytearray of its contents, uncompressing the data if it is tagged as compressed. This function assumes that each array is immediately preceded with a comment section that specifies whether the array is compressed and how many bytes of data there should be. Example: #if defined(BINDATA_INCLUDE_DATA) // // FUNCTION: ksec2GetBinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_AD10X("header_prod") // FILE NAME: kernel/inc/securescrub/bin/ad10x/g_securescrubuc_sec2_ad10x_boot_from_hs_prod.h // FILE TYPE: TEXT // VAR NAME: securescrub_ucode_header_ad10x_boot_from_hs // COMPRESSION: YES // COMPLEX_STRUCT: NO // DATA SIZE (bytes): 36 // COMPRESSED SIZE (bytes): 27 // static BINDATA_CONST NvU8 ksec2BinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_AD10X_header_prod_data[] = { 0x63, 0x60, 0x00, 0x02, 0x46, 0x20, 0x96, 0x02, 0x62, 0x66, 0x08, 0x13, 0x4c, 0x48, 0x42, 0x69, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x39, 0x0a, 0xfc, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; #endif // defined(BINDATA_INCLUDE_DATA) """ with open(filename) as f: for line in f: if "COMPRESSION: NO" in line: compressed = False if "COMPRESSION: YES" in line: compressed = True m = re.search("DATA SIZE \(bytes\): (\d+)", line) if m: data_size = int(m.group(1)) m = re.search("COMPRESSED SIZE \(bytes\): (\d+)", line) if m: compressed_size = int(m.group(1)) if "static BINDATA_CONST NvU8 " + array in line: break else: raise MyException(f"array {array} not found in {filename}") output = b'' for line in f: if "};" in line: break bytes = [int(b, 16) for b in re.findall('0x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]', line)] if len(bytes) > 0: output += struct.pack(f"{len(bytes)}B", *bytes) if len(output) == 0: raise MyException(f"no data found for {array}") if compressed: if len(output) != compressed_size: raise MyException(f"compressed array {array} in {filename} should be {compressed_size} bytes but is actually {len(output)}.") gzipheader = struct.pack("<4BL2B", 0x1f, 0x8b, 8, 0, 0, 0, 3) output = gzip.decompress(gzipheader + output) if len(output) != data_size: raise MyException(f"array {array} in {filename} decompressed to {len(output)} bytes but should have been {data_size} bytes.") return output else: if len(output) != data_size: raise MyException(f"array {array} in {filename} should be {compressed_size} bytes but is actually {len(output)}.") return output # GSP bootloader def bootloader(gpu, type): global outputpath global version GPU=gpu.upper() filename = f"src/nvidia/generated/g_bindata_kgspGetBinArchiveGspRmBoot_{GPU}.c" print(f"Creating nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/bootloader-{version}.bin") os.makedirs(f"{outputpath}/nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/", exist_ok = True) with open(f"{outputpath}/nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/bootloader-{version}.bin", "wb") as f: # Extract the actual bootloader firmware array = f"kgspBinArchiveGspRmBoot_{GPU}_ucode_image{type}data" firmware = getbytes(filename, array) firmware_size = len(firmware) # Extract the descriptor (RM_RISCV_UCODE_DESC) array = f"kgspBinArchiveGspRmBoot_{GPU}_ucode_desc{type}data" descriptor = getbytes(filename, array) descriptor_size = len(descriptor) # First, add the nvfw_bin_hdr header total_size = round_up_to_base(24 + firmware_size + descriptor_size, 256) firmware_offset = 24 + descriptor_size f.write(struct.pack("<6L", 0x10de, 1, total_size, 24, firmware_offset, firmware_size)) # Second, add the descriptor f.write(descriptor) # Finally, the actual bootloader image f.write(firmware) # GSP Booter load and unload def booter(gpu, load, sigsize): global outputpath global version GPU = gpu.upper() LOAD = load.capitalize() filename = f"src/nvidia/generated/g_bindata_kgspGetBinArchiveBooter{LOAD}Ucode_{GPU}.c" print(f"Creating nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/booter_{load}-{version}.bin") os.makedirs(f"{outputpath}/nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/", exist_ok = True) with open(f"{outputpath}/nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/booter_{load}-{version}.bin", "wb") as f: # Extract the actual scrubber firmware array = f"kgspBinArchiveBooter{LOAD}Ucode_{GPU}_image_prod_data" firmware = getbytes(filename, array) firmware_size = len(firmware) # Extract the signatures array = f"kgspBinArchiveBooter{LOAD}Ucode_{GPU}_sig_prod_data" signatures = getbytes(filename, array) signatures_size = len(signatures) if signatures_size % sigsize: raise MyException(f"signature file size for {array} is uneven value of {sigsize}") num_sigs = int(signatures_size / sigsize); if num_sigs < 1: raise MyException(f"invalid number of signatures {num_sigs}") # First, add the nvfw_bin_hdr header total_size = round_up_to_base(120 + signatures_size + firmware_size, 256) firmware_offset = 120 + signatures_size f.write(struct.pack("<6L", 0x10de, 1, total_size, 24, firmware_offset, firmware_size)) # Second, add the nvfw_hs_header_v2 header patch_loc_offset = 60 + signatures_size patch_sig_offset = patch_loc_offset + 4 meta_data_offset = patch_sig_offset + 4 num_sig_offset = meta_data_offset + 12 header_offset = num_sig_offset + 4 f.write(struct.pack("<9L", 60, signatures_size, patch_loc_offset, patch_sig_offset, meta_data_offset, 12, num_sig_offset, header_offset, 36)) # Third, the actual signatures f.write(signatures) # Extract the patch location array = f"kgspBinArchiveBooter{LOAD}Ucode_{GPU}_patch_loc_data" bytes = getbytes(filename, array) patchloc = struct.unpack("<L", bytes)[0] # Extract the patch meta variables array = f"kgspBinArchiveBooter{LOAD}Ucode_{GPU}_patch_meta_data" bytes = getbytes(filename, array) fuse_ver, engine_id, ucode_id = struct.unpack("<LLL", bytes) # Fourth, patch_loc[], patch_sig[], fuse_ver, engine_id, ucode_id, and num_sigs f.write(struct.pack("<6L", patchloc, 0, fuse_ver, engine_id, ucode_id, num_sigs)) # Extract the descriptor (nvkm_gsp_booter_fw_hdr) array = f"kgspBinArchiveBooter{LOAD}Ucode_{GPU}_header_prod_data" descriptor = getbytes(filename, array) # Fifth, the descriptor f.write(descriptor) # And finally, the actual scrubber image f.write(firmware) # GPU memory scrubber, needed for some GPUs and configurations def scrubber(gpu, sigsize): global outputpath global version # Unfortunately, RM breaks convention with the scrubber image and labels # the files and arrays with AD10X instead of AD102. GPUX = f"{gpu[:-1].upper()}X" filename = f"src/nvidia/generated/g_bindata_ksec2GetBinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_{GPUX}.c" print(f"Creating nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/scrubber-{version}.bin") os.makedirs(f"{outputpath}/nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/", exist_ok = True) with open(f"{outputpath}/nvidia/{gpu}/gsp/scrubber-{version}.bin", "wb") as f: # Extract the actual scrubber firmware array = f"ksec2BinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_{GPUX}_image_prod_data[]" firmware = getbytes(filename, array) firmware_size = len(firmware) # Extract the signatures array = f"ksec2BinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_{GPUX}_sig_prod_data" signatures = getbytes(filename, array) signatures_size = len(signatures) if signatures_size % sigsize: raise MyException(f"signature file size for {array} is uneven value of {sigsize}") num_sigs = int(signatures_size / sigsize); if num_sigs < 1: raise MyException(f"invalid number of signatures {num_sigs}") # First, add the nvfw_bin_hdr header total_size = round_up_to_base(120 + signatures_size + firmware_size, 256) firmware_offset = 120 + signatures_size f.write(struct.pack("<6L", 0x10de, 1, total_size, 24, firmware_offset, firmware_size)) # Second, add the nvfw_hs_header_v2 header patch_loc_offset = 60 + signatures_size patch_sig_offset = patch_loc_offset + 4 meta_data_offset = patch_sig_offset + 4 num_sig_offset = meta_data_offset + 12 header_offset = num_sig_offset + 4 f.write(struct.pack("<9L", 60, signatures_size, patch_loc_offset, patch_sig_offset, meta_data_offset, 12, num_sig_offset, header_offset, 36)) # Third, the actual signatures f.write(signatures) # Extract the patch location array = f"ksec2BinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_{GPUX}_patch_loc_data" bytes = getbytes(filename, array) patchloc = struct.unpack("<L", bytes)[0] # Extract the patch meta variables array = f"ksec2BinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_{GPUX}_patch_meta_data" bytes = getbytes(filename, array) fuse_ver, engine_id, ucode_id = struct.unpack("<LLL", bytes) # Fourth, patch_loc[], patch_sig[], fuse_ver, engine_id, ucode_id, and num_sigs f.write(struct.pack("<6L", patchloc, 0, fuse_ver, engine_id, ucode_id, num_sigs)) # Extract the descriptor (nvkm_gsp_booter_fw_hdr) array = f"ksec2BinArchiveSecurescrubUcode_{GPUX}_header_prod_data" descriptor = getbytes(filename, array) # Fifth, the descriptor f.write(descriptor) # And finally, the actual scrubber image f.write(firmware) def main(): global outputpath global version parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Extract firmware binaries from the OpenRM git repository' ' in a format expected by the Nouveau device driver.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', default = os.getcwd(), help = 'Path to source directory (where version.mk exists)') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd() + '/_out'), help = 'Path to target directory (where files will be written)') args = parser.parse_args() os.chdir(args.input) with open("version.mk") as f: version = re.search(r'^NVIDIA_VERSION = ([^\s]+)', f.read(), re.MULTILINE).group(1) print(f"Generating files for version {version}") # Normal version strings are of the format xxx.yy.zz, which are all # numbers. If it's a normal version string, convert it to a single number, # as Nouveau currently expects. Otherwise, leave it alone. if set(version) <= set('0123456789.'): version = version.replace(".", "") outputpath = args.output; print(f"Writing files to {outputpath}") os.makedirs(f"{outputpath}/nvidia", exist_ok = True) booter("tu102", "load", 16) booter("tu102", "unload", 16) bootloader("tu102", "_") booter("tu116", "load", 16) booter("tu116", "unload", 16) # TU11x uses the same bootloader as TU10x booter("ga100", "load", 384) booter("ga100", "unload", 384) bootloader("ga100", "_") booter("ga102", "load", 384) booter("ga102", "unload", 384) bootloader("ga102", "_prod_") booter("ad102", "load", 384) booter("ad102", "unload", 384) bootloader("ad102", "_prod_") # scrubber("ad102", 384) # Not currently used by Nouveau if __name__ == "__main__": main()