mirror of https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule.git synced 2025-03-14 06:29:16 +01:00
Rémi Lanvin c68668b195 Fix incorrect calculation from partially filled cache
When resuming calculation from a partially filled cache,
if the time is the last second of the day, this causes the generator
to consider the wrong frame of reference and therefore generate
the wrong occurrences.
Ref #160
2025-02-21 09:15:24 +01:00

2416 lines
76 KiB
Executable File

* Licensed under the MIT license.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file.
* @author Rémi Lanvin <remi@cloudconnected.fr>
* @link https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule
namespace RRule;
* Check that a variable is not empty.
* 0 and '0' are considered NOT empty.
* @param mixed $var Variable to be checked
* @return bool
function not_empty($var)
return ! empty($var) || $var === 0 || $var === '0';
* Python-like modulo.
* The % operator in PHP returns the remainder of a / b, but differs from
* some other languages in that the result will have the same sign as the
* dividend. For example, -1 % 8 == -1, whereas in some other languages
* (such as Python) the result would be 7. This function emulates the more
* correct modulo behavior, which is useful for certain applications such as
* calculating an offset index in a circular list.
* @param int $a The dividend.
* @param int $b The divisor.
* @return int $a % $b where the result is between 0 and $b
* (either 0 <= x < $b
* or $b < x <= 0, depending on the sign of $b).
* @copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors.
function pymod($a, $b)
$x = $a % $b;
// If $x and $b differ in sign, add $b to wrap the result to the correct sign.
return ($x * $b < 0) ? $x + $b : $x;
* Check if a year is a leap year.
* @param int $year The year to be checked.
* @return bool
function is_leap_year($year)
if ($year % 4 !== 0) {
return false;
if ($year % 100 !== 0) {
return true;
if ($year % 400 !== 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Implementation of RRULE as defined by RFC 5545 (iCalendar).
* Heavily based on python-dateutil/rrule
* Some useful terms to understand the algorithms and variables naming:
* - "yearday" = day of the year, from 0 to 365 (on leap years) - `date('z')`
* - "weekday" = day of the week (ISO-8601), from 1 (MO) to 7 (SU) - `date('N')`
* - "monthday" = day of the month, from 1 to 31
* - "wkst" = week start, the weekday (1 to 7) which is the first day of week.
* Default is Monday (1). In some countries it's Sunday (7).
* - "weekno" = number of the week in the year (ISO-8601)
* CAREFUL with this bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62476
* @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545
* @link https://labix.org/python-dateutil
class RRule implements RRuleInterface
use RRuleTrait;
const SECONDLY = 7;
const MINUTELY = 6;
const HOURLY = 5;
const DAILY = 4;
const WEEKLY = 3;
const MONTHLY = 2;
const YEARLY = 1;
* Frequency names.
* Used internally for conversion but public if a reference list is needed.
const FREQUENCIES = array(
'HOURLY' => self::HOURLY,
'DAILY' => self::DAILY,
'WEEKLY' => self::WEEKLY,
'YEARLY' => self::YEARLY
* Weekdays numbered from 1 (ISO-8601 or `date('N')`).
* Used internally but public if a reference list is needed.
const WEEKDAYS = array(
'MO' => 1,
'TU' => 2,
'WE' => 3,
'TH' => 4,
'FR' => 5,
'SA' => 6,
'SU' => 7
* @var array original rule
protected $rule = array(
'DTSTART' => null,
'FREQ' => null,
'UNTIL' => null,
'COUNT' => null,
'INTERVAL' => 1,
'BYSECOND' => null,
'BYMINUTE' => null,
'BYHOUR' => null,
'BYDAY' => null,
'BYMONTHDAY' => null,
'BYYEARDAY' => null,
'BYWEEKNO' => null,
'BYMONTH' => null,
'BYSETPOS' => null,
'WKST' => 'MO'
// parsed and validated values
protected $dtstart = null;
protected $freq = null;
protected $until = null;
protected $count = null;
protected $interval = null;
protected $bysecond = null;
protected $byminute = null;
protected $byhour = null;
protected $byweekday = null;
protected $byweekday_nth = null;
protected $bymonthday = null;
protected $bymonthday_negative = null;
protected $byyearday = null;
protected $byweekno = null;
protected $bymonth = null;
protected $bysetpos = null;
protected $wkst = null;
protected $timeset = null;
// cache variables
protected $total = null;
protected $cache = array();
// Public interface
* The constructor needs the entire rule at once.
* There is no setter after the class has been instantiated,
* because in order to validate some BYXXX parts, we need to know
* the value of some other parts (FREQ or other BXXX parts).
* @param mixed $parts An assoc array of parts, or a RFC string.
public function __construct($parts, $dtstart = null)
if (is_string($parts)) {
$parts = RfcParser::parseRRule($parts, $dtstart);
$parts = array_change_key_case($parts, CASE_UPPER);
else {
if ($dtstart) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$dtstart argument has no effect if not constructing from a string');
if (is_array($parts)) {
$parts = array_change_key_case($parts, CASE_UPPER);
else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'The first argument must be a string or an array (%s provided)',
// validate extra parts
$unsupported = array_diff_key($parts, $this->rule);
if (! empty($unsupported)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Unsupported parameter(s): '
$parts = array_merge($this->rule, $parts);
$this->rule = $parts; // save original rule
if (is_string($parts['WKST'])) {
$parts['WKST'] = strtoupper($parts['WKST']);
if (array_key_exists($parts['WKST'], self::WEEKDAYS)) {
$this->wkst = self::WEEKDAYS[$parts['WKST']];
if (!$this->wkst) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'The WKST rule part must be one of the following: '
.implode(', ',array_keys(self::WEEKDAYS))
if (is_integer($parts['FREQ'])) {
if ($parts['FREQ'] <= self::SECONDLY && $parts['FREQ'] >= self::YEARLY) {
$this->freq = $parts['FREQ'];
elseif (is_string($parts['FREQ'])) {
$parts['FREQ'] = strtoupper($parts['FREQ']);
if (array_key_exists($parts['FREQ'], self::FREQUENCIES)) {
$this->freq = self::FREQUENCIES[$parts['FREQ']];
if (!$this->freq) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'The FREQ rule part must be one of the following: '
.implode(', ',array_keys(self::FREQUENCIES))
if (filter_var($parts['INTERVAL'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 1))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'The INTERVAL rule part must be a positive integer (> 0)'
$this->interval = (int) $parts['INTERVAL'];
if (not_empty($parts['DTSTART'])) {
try {
$this->dtstart = self::parseDate($parts['DTSTART']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Failed to parse DTSTART ; it must be a valid date, timestamp or \DateTime object'
else {
$this->dtstart = new \DateTime(); // for PHP 7.1+ this contains microseconds which causes many problems
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') >= 0) {
// remove microseconds
// UNTIL (optional)
if (not_empty($parts['UNTIL'])) {
try {
$this->until = self::parseDate($parts['UNTIL']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Failed to parse UNTIL ; it must be a valid date, timestamp or \DateTime object'
// COUNT (optional)
if (not_empty($parts['COUNT'])) {
if (filter_var($parts['COUNT'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 1))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('COUNT must be a positive integer (> 0)');
$this->count = (int) $parts['COUNT'];
if ($this->until && $this->count) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The UNTIL or COUNT rule parts MUST NOT occur in the same rule');
// infer necessary BYXXX rules from DTSTART, if not provided
if (! (not_empty($parts['BYWEEKNO']) || not_empty($parts['BYYEARDAY']) || not_empty($parts['BYMONTHDAY']) || not_empty($parts['BYDAY']))) {
switch ($this->freq) {
case self::YEARLY:
if (! not_empty($parts['BYMONTH'])) {
$parts['BYMONTH'] = array((int) $this->dtstart->format('m'));
$parts['BYMONTHDAY'] = array((int) $this->dtstart->format('j'));
case self::MONTHLY:
$parts['BYMONTHDAY'] = array((int) $this->dtstart->format('j'));
case self::WEEKLY:
$parts['BYDAY'] = array(array_search($this->dtstart->format('N'), self::WEEKDAYS));
// BYDAY (translated to byweekday for convenience)
if (not_empty($parts['BYDAY'])) {
if (! is_array($parts['BYDAY'])) {
$parts['BYDAY'] = explode(',',$parts['BYDAY']);
$this->byweekday = array();
$this->byweekday_nth = array();
foreach ($parts['BYDAY'] as $value) {
$value = trim(strtoupper($value));
$valid = preg_match('/^([+-]?[0-9]+)?([A-Z]{2})$/', $value, $matches);
if (! $valid || (not_empty($matches[1]) && ($matches[1] == 0 || $matches[1] > 53 || $matches[1] < -53)) || ! array_key_exists($matches[2], self::WEEKDAYS)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYDAY value: '.$value);
if ($matches[1]) {
$this->byweekday_nth[] = array(self::WEEKDAYS[$matches[2]], (int)$matches[1]);
else {
$this->byweekday[] = self::WEEKDAYS[$matches[2]];
if (! empty($this->byweekday_nth)) {
if (! ($this->freq === self::MONTHLY || $this->freq === self::YEARLY)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The BYDAY rule part MUST NOT be specified with a numeric value when the FREQ rule part is not set to MONTHLY or YEARLY.');
if ($this->freq === self::YEARLY && not_empty($parts['BYWEEKNO'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The BYDAY rule part MUST NOT be specified with a numeric value with the FREQ rule part set to YEARLY when the BYWEEKNO rule part is specified.');
// The BYMONTHDAY rule part specifies a COMMA-separated list of days
// of the month. Valid values are 1 to 31 or -31 to -1. For
// example, -10 represents the tenth to the last day of the month.
// The BYMONTHDAY rule part MUST NOT be specified when the FREQ rule
// part is set to WEEKLY.
if (not_empty($parts['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
if ($this->freq === self::WEEKLY) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The BYMONTHDAY rule part MUST NOT be specified when the FREQ rule part is set to WEEKLY.');
if (! is_array($parts['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
$parts['BYMONTHDAY'] = explode(',',$parts['BYMONTHDAY']);
$this->bymonthday = array();
$this->bymonthday_negative = array();
foreach ($parts['BYMONTHDAY'] as $value) {
if (!$value || filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => -31, 'max_range' => 31))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYMONTHDAY value: '.$value.' (valid values are 1 to 31 or -31 to -1)');
$value = (int) $value;
if ($value < 0) {
$this->bymonthday_negative[] = $value;
else {
$this->bymonthday[] = $value;
if (not_empty($parts['BYYEARDAY'])) {
if ($this->freq === self::DAILY || $this->freq === self::WEEKLY || $this->freq === self::MONTHLY) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The BYYEARDAY rule part MUST NOT be specified when the FREQ rule part is set to DAILY, WEEKLY, or MONTHLY.');
if (! is_array($parts['BYYEARDAY'])) {
$parts['BYYEARDAY'] = explode(',',$parts['BYYEARDAY']);
$this->bysetpos = array();
foreach ($parts['BYYEARDAY'] as $value) {
if (! $value || filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => -366, 'max_range' => 366))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYSETPOS value: '.$value.' (valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1)');
$this->byyearday[] = (int) $value;
if (not_empty($parts['BYWEEKNO'])) {
if ($this->freq !== self::YEARLY) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The BYWEEKNO rule part MUST NOT be used when the FREQ rule part is set to anything other than YEARLY.');
if (! is_array($parts['BYWEEKNO'])) {
$parts['BYWEEKNO'] = explode(',',$parts['BYWEEKNO']);
$this->byweekno = array();
foreach ($parts['BYWEEKNO'] as $value) {
if (! $value || filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => -53, 'max_range' => 53))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYWEEKNO value: '.$value.' (valid values are 1 to 53 or -53 to -1)');
$this->byweekno[] = (int) $value;
// The BYMONTH rule part specifies a COMMA-separated list of months
// of the year. Valid values are 1 to 12.
if (not_empty($parts['BYMONTH'])) {
if (! is_array($parts['BYMONTH'])) {
$parts['BYMONTH'] = explode(',',$parts['BYMONTH']);
$this->bymonth = array();
foreach ($parts['BYMONTH'] as $value) {
if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 1, 'max_range' => 12))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYMONTH value: '.$value);
$this->bymonth[] = (int) $value;
if (not_empty($parts['BYSETPOS'])) {
if (! (not_empty($parts['BYWEEKNO']) || not_empty($parts['BYYEARDAY'])
|| not_empty($parts['BYMONTHDAY']) || not_empty($parts['BYDAY'])
|| not_empty($parts['BYMONTH']) || not_empty($parts['BYHOUR'])
|| not_empty($parts['BYMINUTE']) || not_empty($parts['BYSECOND']))) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The BYSETPOS rule part MUST only be used in conjunction with another BYxxx rule part.');
if (! is_array($parts['BYSETPOS'])) {
$parts['BYSETPOS'] = explode(',',$parts['BYSETPOS']);
$this->bysetpos = array();
foreach ($parts['BYSETPOS'] as $value) {
if (! $value || filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => -366, 'max_range' => 366))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYSETPOS value: '.$value.' (valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1)');
$this->bysetpos[] = (int) $value;
if (not_empty($parts['BYHOUR'])) {
if (! is_array($parts['BYHOUR'])) {
$parts['BYHOUR'] = explode(',',$parts['BYHOUR']);
$this->byhour = array();
foreach ($parts['BYHOUR'] as $value) {
if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 23))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYHOUR value: '.$value);
$this->byhour[] = (int) $value;
elseif ($this->freq < self::HOURLY) {
$this->byhour = array((int) $this->dtstart->format('G'));
if (not_empty($parts['BYMINUTE'])) {
if (! is_array($parts['BYMINUTE'])) {
$parts['BYMINUTE'] = explode(',',$parts['BYMINUTE']);
$this->byminute = array();
foreach ($parts['BYMINUTE'] as $value) {
if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 59))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYMINUTE value: '.$value);
$this->byminute[] = (int) $value;
elseif ($this->freq < self::MINUTELY) {
$this->byminute = array((int) $this->dtstart->format('i'));
if (not_empty($parts['BYSECOND'])) {
if (! is_array($parts['BYSECOND'])) {
$parts['BYSECOND'] = explode(',',$parts['BYSECOND']);
$this->bysecond = array();
foreach ($parts['BYSECOND'] as $value) {
// yes, "60" is a valid value, in (very rare) cases on leap seconds
// December 31, 2005 23:59:60 UTC is a valid date...
// so is 2012-06-30T23:59:60UTC
if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 60))) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BYSECOND value: '.$value);
$this->bysecond[] = (int) $value;
elseif ($this->freq < self::SECONDLY) {
$this->bysecond = array((int) $this->dtstart->format('s'));
if ($this->freq < self::HOURLY) {
// for frequencies DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY AND YEARLY, we can build
// an array of every time of the day at which there should be an
// occurrence - default, if no BYHOUR/BYMINUTE/BYSECOND are provided
// is only one time, and it's the DTSTART time. This is a cached version
// if you will, since it'll never change at these frequencies
$this->timeset = array();
foreach ($this->byhour as $hour) {
foreach ($this->byminute as $minute) {
foreach ($this->bysecond as $second) {
$this->timeset[] = array($hour,$minute,$second);
* Return the internal rule array, as it was passed to the constructor.
* @return array
public function getRule()
return $this->rule;
* Magic string converter.
* @see RRule::rfcString()
* @return string a rfc string
public function __toString()
return $this->rfcString();
* Format a rule according to RFC 5545
* @param bool $include_timezone Whether to generate a rule with timezone identifier on DTSTART (and UNTIL) or not.
* @return string
public function rfcString($include_timezone = true)
$str = '';
if ($this->rule['DTSTART']) {
if (! $include_timezone) {
$str = sprintf(
else {
$dtstart = clone $this->dtstart;
$timezone_name = $dtstart->getTimeZone()->getName();
if (strpos($timezone_name,':') !== false) {
// handle unsupported timezones like "+02:00"
// we convert them to UTC to generate a valid string
// note: there is possibly other weird timezones out there that we should catch
$dtstart->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$timezone_name = 'UTC';
if (in_array($timezone_name, array('UTC','GMT','Z'))) {
$str = sprintf(
else {
$str = sprintf(
$parts = array();
foreach ($this->rule as $key => $value) {
if ($key === 'DTSTART') {
if ($key === 'INTERVAL' && $value == 1) {
if ($key === 'WKST' && $value === 'MO') {
if ($key === 'UNTIL' && $value) {
if (! $include_timezone) {
$tmp = clone $this->until;
// put until on the same timezone as DTSTART
$parts[] = 'UNTIL='.$tmp->format('Ymd\THis');
else {
// according to the RFC, UNTIL must be in UTC
$tmp = clone $this->until;
$tmp->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$parts[] = 'UNTIL='.$tmp->format('Ymd\THis\Z');
if ($key === 'FREQ' && $value && !array_key_exists($value, self::FREQUENCIES)) {
$frequency_key = array_search($value, self::FREQUENCIES);
if ($frequency_key !== false) {
$value = $frequency_key;
if ($value !== NULL) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = implode(',',$value);
$parts[] = strtoupper(str_replace(' ','',"$key=$value"));
$str .= implode(';',$parts);
return $str;
* Take a RFC 5545 string and returns an array (to be given to the constructor)
* @param string $string The rule to be parsed
* @return array
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException on error
static public function parseRfcString($string)
trigger_error('parseRfcString() is deprecated - use new RRule(), RRule::createFromRfcString() or \RRule\RfcParser::parseRRule() if necessary',E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return RfcParser::parseRRule($string);
* Take a RFC 5545 string and returns either a RRule or a RSet.
* @param string $string The RFC string
* @param bool $force_rset Force a RSet to be returned.
* @return RRule|RSet
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException on error
static public function createFromRfcString($string, $force_rset = false)
$class = '\RRule\RSet';
if (! $force_rset) {
// try to detect if we have a RRULE or a set
$upper_string = strtoupper($string);
$nb_rrule = substr_count($upper_string, 'RRULE');
if ($nb_rrule == 0) {
$class = '\RRule\RRule';
elseif ($nb_rrule > 1) {
$class = '\RRule\RSet';
else {
$class = '\RRule\RRule';
if (strpos($upper_string, 'EXDATE') !== false || strpos($upper_string, 'RDATE') !== false || strpos($upper_string, 'EXRULE') !== false) {
$class = '\RRule\RSet';
return new $class($string);
* Clear the cache.
* It isn't recommended to use this method while iterating.
* @return $this
public function clearCache()
$this->total = null;
$this->cache = array();
return $this;
// RRule interface
* Return true if the rrule has an end condition, false otherwise
* @return bool
public function isFinite()
return $this->count || $this->until;
* Return true if the rrule has no end condition (infinite)
* @return bool
public function isInfinite()
return ! $this->count && ! $this->until;
* Return true if $date is an occurrence.
* This method will attempt to determine the result programmatically.
* However depending on the BYXXX rule parts that have been set, it might
* not always be possible. As a last resort, this method will loop
* through all occurrences until $date. This will incurr some performance
* penalty.
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function occursAt($date)
$date = self::parseDate($date);
// convert timezone to dtstart timezone for comparison
if (in_array($date, $this->cache)) {
// in the cache (whether cache is complete or not)
return true;
elseif ($this->total !== null) {
// cache complete and not in cache
return false;
// let's start with the obvious
if ($date < $this->dtstart || ($this->until && $date > $this->until)) {
return false;
// now the BYXXX rules (expect BYSETPOS)
if ($this->byhour && ! in_array($date->format('G'), $this->byhour)) {
return false;
if ($this->byminute && ! in_array((int) $date->format('i'), $this->byminute)) {
return false;
if ($this->bysecond && ! in_array((int) $date->format('s'), $this->bysecond)) {
return false;
// we need some more variables before we continue
list($year, $month, $day, $yearday, $weekday) = explode(' ',$date->format('Y n j z N'));
$masks = array();
$masks['weekday_of_1st_yearday'] = date_create($year.'-01-01 00:00:00')->format('N');
$masks['yearday_to_weekday'] = array_slice(self::WEEKDAY_MASK, $masks['weekday_of_1st_yearday']-1);
if (is_leap_year($year)) {
$masks['year_len'] = 366;
$masks['last_day_of_month'] = self::LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH_366;
else {
$masks['year_len'] = 365;
$masks['last_day_of_month'] = self::LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH;
$month_len = $masks['last_day_of_month'][$month] - $masks['last_day_of_month'][$month-1];
if ($this->bymonth && ! in_array($month, $this->bymonth)) {
return false;
if ($this->bymonthday || $this->bymonthday_negative) {
$monthday_negative = -1 * ($month_len - $day + 1);
if (! in_array($day, $this->bymonthday) && ! in_array($monthday_negative, $this->bymonthday_negative)) {
return false;
if ($this->byyearday) {
// caution here, yearday starts from 0 !
$yearday_negative = -1*($masks['year_len'] - $yearday);
if (! in_array($yearday+1, $this->byyearday) && ! in_array($yearday_negative, $this->byyearday)) {
return false;
if ($this->byweekday || $this->byweekday_nth) {
// we need to summon some magic here
$this->buildNthWeekdayMask($year, $month, $day, $masks);
if (! in_array($weekday, $this->byweekday) && ! isset($masks['yearday_is_nth_weekday'][$yearday])) {
return false;
if ($this->byweekno) {
// more magic
$this->buildWeeknoMask($year, $month, $day, $masks);
if (! isset($masks['yearday_is_in_weekno'][$yearday])) {
return false;
// so now we have exhausted all the BYXXX rules (except bysetpos),
// we still need to consider frequency and interval
list($start_year, $start_month) = explode('-',$this->dtstart->format('Y-m'));
switch ($this->freq) {
case self::YEARLY:
if (($year - $start_year) % $this->interval !== 0) {
return false;
case self::MONTHLY:
// we need to count the number of months elapsed
$diff = (12 - $start_month) + 12*($year - $start_year - 1) + $month;
if (($diff % $this->interval) !== 0) {
return false;
case self::WEEKLY:
// count nb of days and divide by 7 to get number of weeks
// we add some days to align dtstart with wkst
$diff = $date->diff($this->dtstart);
$diff = (int) (($diff->days + pymod($this->dtstart->format('N') - $this->wkst,7)) / 7);
if ($diff % $this->interval !== 0) {
return false;
case self::DAILY:
// count nb of days
$diff = $date->diff($this->dtstart);
if ($diff->days % $this->interval !== 0) {
return false;
// XXX: I'm not sure the 3 formulas below take the DST into account...
case self::HOURLY:
$diff = $date->diff($this->dtstart);
$diff = $diff->h + $diff->days * 24;
if ($diff % $this->interval !== 0) {
return false;
case self::MINUTELY:
$diff = $date->diff($this->dtstart);
$diff = $diff->i + $diff->h * 60 + $diff->days * 1440;
if ($diff % $this->interval !== 0) {
return false;
case self::SECONDLY:
$diff = $date->diff($this->dtstart);
// XXX does not account for leap second (should it?)
$diff = $diff->s + $diff->i * 60 + $diff->h * 3600 + $diff->days * 86400;
if ($diff % $this->interval !== 0) {
return false;
throw new \Exception('Unimplemented frequency');
// now we are left with 2 rules BYSETPOS and COUNT
// - I think BYSETPOS *could* be determined without loooping by considering
// the current set, calculating all the occurrences of the current set
// and determining the position of $date in the result set.
// However I'm not convinced it's worth it.
// - I don't see any way to determine COUNT programmatically, because occurrences
// might sometimes be dropped (e.g. a 29 Feb on a normal year, or during
// the switch to DST) and not counted in the final set
if (! $this->count && ! $this->bysetpos) {
return true;
// so... as a fallback we have to loop
foreach ($this as $occurrence) {
if ($occurrence == $date) {
return true; // lucky you!
if ($occurrence > $date) {
// we ended the loop without finding
return false;
// ArrayAccess interface
* @internal
* @return bool
public function offsetExists($offset)
return is_numeric($offset) && $offset >= 0 && ! is_float($offset) && $offset < count($this);
* @internal
* @return mixed
public function offsetGet($offset)
if (! is_numeric($offset) || $offset < 0 || is_float($offset)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Illegal offset type: '.gettype($offset));
if (isset($this->cache[$offset])) {
// found in cache
return clone $this->cache[$offset];
elseif ($this->total !== null) {
// cache complete and not found in cache
return null;
// not in cache and cache not complete, we have to loop to find it
$i = 0;
foreach ($this as $occurrence) {
if ($i == $offset) {
return $occurrence;
if ($i > $offset) {
return null;
* @internal
* @return void
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
throw new \LogicException('Setting a Date in a RRule is not supported');
* @internal
* @return void
public function offsetUnset($offset)
throw new \LogicException('Unsetting a Date in a RRule is not supported');
// Countable interface
* Returns the number of occurrences in this rule. It will have go
* through the whole recurrence, if this hasn't been done before, which
* introduces a performance penalty.
* @return int
public function count()
if ($this->isInfinite()) {
throw new \LogicException('Cannot count an infinite recurrence rule.');
if ($this->total === null) {
foreach ($this as $occurrence) {}
return $this->total;
// Internal methods
// where all the magic happens
* Return an array of days of the year (numbered from 0 to 365)
* of the current timeframe (year, month, week, day) containing the current date
* @param int $year
* @param int $month
* @param int $day
* @param array $masks
* @return array
protected function getDaySet($year, $month, $day, array $masks)
switch ($this->freq) {
case self::YEARLY:
return range(0,$masks['year_len']-1);
case self::MONTHLY:
$start = $masks['last_day_of_month'][$month-1];
$stop = $masks['last_day_of_month'][$month];
return range($start, $stop - 1);
case self::WEEKLY:
// on first iteration, the first week will not be complete
// we don't backtrack to the first day of the week, to avoid
// crossing year boundary in reverse (i.e. if the week started
// during the previous year), because that would generate
// negative indexes (which would not work with the masks)
$set = array();
$i = (int) date_create($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day.' 00:00:00')->format('z');
$start = $i;
for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
$set[] = $i;
$i += 1;
if ($masks['yearday_to_weekday'][$i] == $this->wkst) {
return $set;
case self::DAILY:
case self::HOURLY:
case self::MINUTELY:
case self::SECONDLY:
$i = (int) date_create($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day.' 00:00:00')->format('z');
return array($i);
* Calculate the yeardays corresponding to each Nth weekday
* (in BYDAY rule part).
* For example, in Jan 1998, in a MONTHLY interval, "1SU,-1SU" (first Sunday
* and last Sunday) would be transformed into [3=>true,24=>true] because
* the first Sunday of Jan 1998 is yearday 3 (counting from 0) and the
* last Sunday of Jan 1998 is yearday 24 (counting from 0).
* @param int $year (not used)
* @param int $month
* @param int $day (not used)
* @param array $masks
* @return null (modifies $masks parameter)
protected function buildNthWeekdayMask($year, $month, $day, array & $masks)
$masks['yearday_is_nth_weekday'] = array();
if ($this->byweekday_nth) {
$ranges = array();
if ($this->freq == self::YEARLY) {
if ($this->bymonth) {
foreach ($this->bymonth as $bymonth) {
$ranges[] = array(
$masks['last_day_of_month'][$bymonth - 1],
$masks['last_day_of_month'][$bymonth] - 1
else {
$ranges = array(array(0, $masks['year_len'] - 1));
elseif ($this->freq == self::MONTHLY) {
$ranges[] = array(
$masks['last_day_of_month'][$month - 1],
$masks['last_day_of_month'][$month] - 1
if ($ranges) {
// Weekly frequency won't get here, so we may not
// care about cross-year weekly periods.
foreach ($ranges as $tmp) {
list($first, $last) = $tmp;
foreach ($this->byweekday_nth as $tmp) {
list($weekday, $nth) = $tmp;
if ($nth < 0) {
$i = $last + ($nth + 1) * 7;
$i = $i - pymod($masks['yearday_to_weekday'][$i] - $weekday, 7);
else {
$i = $first + ($nth - 1) * 7;
$i = $i + (7 - $masks['yearday_to_weekday'][$i] + $weekday) % 7;
if ($i >= $first && $i <= $last) {
$masks['yearday_is_nth_weekday'][$i] = true;
* Calculate the yeardays corresponding to the week number
* (in the WEEKNO rule part).
* Because weeks can cross year boundaries (that is, week #1 can start the
* previous year, and week 52/53 can continue till the next year), the
* algorithm is quite long.
* @param int $year
* @param int $month (not used)
* @param int $day (not used)
* @param array $masks
* @return null (modifies $masks)
protected function buildWeeknoMask($year, $month, $day, array & $masks)
$masks['yearday_is_in_weekno'] = array();
// calculate the index of the first wkst day of the year
// 0 means the first day of the year is the wkst day (e.g. wkst is Monday and Jan 1st is a Monday)
// n means there is n days before the first wkst day of the year.
// if n >= 4, this is the first day of the year (even though it started the year before)
$first_wkst = (7 - $masks['weekday_of_1st_yearday'] + $this->wkst) % 7;
if($first_wkst >= 4) {
$first_wkst_offset = 0;
// Number of days in the year, plus the days we got from last year.
$nb_days = $masks['year_len'] + $masks['weekday_of_1st_yearday'] - $this->wkst;
// $nb_days = $masks['year_len'] + pymod($masks['weekday_of_1st_yearday'] - $this->wkst,7);
else {
$first_wkst_offset = $first_wkst;
// Number of days in the year, minus the days we left in last year.
$nb_days = $masks['year_len'] - $first_wkst;
$nb_weeks = (int) ($nb_days / 7) + (int) (($nb_days % 7) / 4);
// alright now we now when the first week starts
// and the number of weeks of the year
// so we can generate a map of every yearday that are in the weeks
// specified in byweekno
foreach ($this->byweekno as $n) {
if ($n < 0) {
$n = $n + $nb_weeks + 1;
if ($n <= 0 || $n > $nb_weeks) {
if ($n > 1) {
$i = $first_wkst_offset + ($n - 1) * 7;
if ($first_wkst_offset != $first_wkst) {
// if week #1 started the previous year
// realign the start of the week
$i = $i - (7 - $first_wkst);
else {
$i = $first_wkst_offset;
// now add 7 days into the resultset, stopping either at 7 or
// if we reach wkst before (in the case of short first week of year)
for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
$masks['yearday_is_in_weekno'][$i] = true;
$i = $i + 1;
if ($masks['yearday_to_weekday'][$i] == $this->wkst) {
// if we asked for week #1, it's possible that the week #1 of next year
// already started this year. Therefore we need to return also the matching
// days of next year.
if (in_array(1, $this->byweekno)) {
// Check week number 1 of next year as well
// TODO: Check -numweeks for next year.
$i = $first_wkst_offset + $nb_weeks * 7;
if ($first_wkst_offset != $first_wkst) {
$i = $i - (7 - $first_wkst);
if ($i < $masks['year_len']) {
// If week starts in next year, we don't care about it.
for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
$masks['yearday_is_in_weekno'][$i] = true;
$i += 1;
if ($masks['yearday_to_weekday'][$i] == $this->wkst) {
if ($first_wkst_offset) {
// Check last week number of last year as well.
// If first_wkst_offset is 0, either the year started on week start,
// or week number 1 got days from last year, so there are no
// days from last year's last week number in this year.
if (! in_array(-1, $this->byweekno)) {
$weekday_of_1st_yearday = date_create(($year-1).'-01-01 00:00:00')->format('N');
$first_wkst_offset_last_year = (7 - $weekday_of_1st_yearday + $this->wkst) % 7;
$last_year_len = 365 + is_leap_year($year - 1);
if ($first_wkst_offset_last_year >= 4) {
$first_wkst_offset_last_year = 0;
$nb_weeks_last_year = 52 + (int) ((($last_year_len + ($weekday_of_1st_yearday - $this->wkst) % 7) % 7) / 4);
else {
$nb_weeks_last_year = 52 + (int) ((($masks['year_len'] - $first_wkst_offset) % 7) /4);
else {
$nb_weeks_last_year = -1;
if (in_array($nb_weeks_last_year, $this->byweekno)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $first_wkst_offset; $i++) {
$masks['yearday_is_in_weekno'][$i] = true;
* Build an array of every time of the day that matches the BYXXX time
* criteria.
* It will only process $this->frequency at one time. So:
* - for HOURLY frequencies it builds the minutes and second of the given hour
* - for MINUTELY frequencies it builds the seconds of the given minute
* - for SECONDLY frequencies, it returns an array with one element
* This method is called everytime an increment of at least one hour is made.
* @param int $hour
* @param int $minute
* @param int $second
* @return array
protected function getTimeSet($hour, $minute, $second)
switch ($this->freq) {
case self::HOURLY:
$set = array();
foreach ($this->byminute as $minute) {
foreach ($this->bysecond as $second) {
// should we use another type?
$set[] = array($hour, $minute, $second);
// sort ?
return $set;
case self::MINUTELY:
$set = array();
foreach ($this->bysecond as $second) {
// should we use another type?
$set[] = array($hour, $minute, $second);
// sort ?
return $set;
case self::SECONDLY:
return array(array($hour, $minute, $second));
throw new \LogicException('getTimeSet called with an invalid frequency');
* This is the main method, where all of the magic happens.
* The main idea is: a brute force loop testing all the dates, made fast by
* not relying on date() functions
* There is one big loop that examines every interval of the given frequency
* (so every day, every week, every month or every year), constructs an
* array of all the yeardays of the interval (for daily frequencies, the array
* only has one element, for weekly 7, and so on), and then filters out any
* day that do no match BYXXX parts.
* The algorithm does not try to be "smart" in calculating the increment of
* the loop. That is, for a rule like "every day in January for 10 years"
* the algorithm will loop through every day of the year, each year, generating
* some 3650 iterations (+ some to account for the leap years).
* This is a bit counter-intuitive, as it is obvious that the loop could skip
* all the days in February till December since they are never going to match.
* Fortunately, this approach is still super fast because it doesn't rely
* on date() or DateTime functions, and instead does all the date operations
* manually, either arithmetically or using arrays as converters.
* Another quirk of this approach is that because the granularity is by day,
* higher frequencies (hourly, minutely and secondly) have to have
* their own special loops within the main loop, making the whole thing quite
* convoluted.
* Moreover, at such frequencies, the brute-force approach starts to really
* suck. For example, a rule like
* "Every minute, every Jan 1st between 10:00 and 10:59, for 10 years"
* requires a tremendous amount of useless iterations to jump from Jan 1st 10:59
* at year 1 to Jan 1st 10.00 at year 2.
* In order to make a "smart jump", we would have to have a way to determine
* the gap between the next occurrence arithmetically. I think that would require
* to analyze each "BYXXX" rule part that "Limit" the set (see the RFC page 43)
* at the given frequency. For example, a YEARLY frequency doesn't need "smart
* jump" at all; MONTHLY and WEEKLY frequencies only need to check BYMONTH;
* DAILY frequency needs to check BYMONTH, BYMONTHDAY and BYDAY, and so on.
* The check probably has to be done in reverse order, e.g. for DAILY frequencies
* attempt to jump to the next weekday (BYDAY) or next monthday (BYMONTHDAY)
* (I don't know yet which one first), and then if that results in a change of
* month, attempt to jump to the next BYMONTH, and so on.
* @return \DateTime|null
public function getIterator()
$total = 0;
$occurrence = null;
$dtstart = null;
$dayset = null;
// go through the cache first
foreach ($this->cache as $occurrence) {
yield clone $occurrence; // since DateTime is not immutable, avoid any problem
$total += 1;
// if the cache as been used up completely and we now there is nothing else,
// we can stop the generator
if ($total === $this->total) {
return; // end generator
if ($occurrence) {
$dtstart = clone $occurrence; // since DateTime is not immutable, clone to avoid any problem
elseif ($dtstart === null) {
$dtstart = clone $this->dtstart;
if ($this->freq === self::WEEKLY) {
// we align the start date to the WKST, so we can then
// simply loop by adding +7 days. The Python lib does some
// calculation magic at the end of the loop (when incrementing)
// to realign on first pass.
$tmp = clone $dtstart;
$tmp = $tmp->modify('-'.pymod($dtstart->format('N') - $this->wkst,7).'days');
list($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second) = explode(' ',$tmp->format('Y n j G i s'));
else {
list($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second) = explode(' ',$dtstart->format('Y n j G i s'));
// remove leading zeros
$minute = (int) $minute;
$second = (int) $second;
// we initialize the timeset
if ($this->freq < self::HOURLY) {
// daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
// we don't need to calculate a new timeset
$timeset = $this->timeset;
else {
// initialize empty if it's not going to occur on the first iteration
if (
($this->freq >= self::HOURLY && $this->byhour && ! in_array($hour, $this->byhour))
|| ($this->freq >= self::MINUTELY && $this->byminute && ! in_array($minute, $this->byminute))
|| ($this->freq >= self::SECONDLY && $this->bysecond && ! in_array($second, $this->bysecond))
) {
$timeset = array();
else {
$timeset = $this->getTimeSet($hour, $minute, $second);
// if we restarted the calculation from cache, we know that dtstart has already been yielded
// so we can skip ahead to the next second to avoid the same date to be yielded again
// we need to do that after the correct frame as been set (see https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule/issues/160)
if ($occurrence) {
if ($this->freq === self::SECONDLY) {
$dtstart = $dtstart->modify('+'.$this->interval.'second');
else {
$dtstart = $dtstart->modify('+1second');
$max_cycles = self::MAX_CYCLES[$this->freq <= self::DAILY ? $this->freq : self::DAILY];
for ($i = 0; $i < $max_cycles; $i++) {
// 1. get an array of all days in the next interval (day, month, week, etc.)
// we filter out from this array all days that do not match the BYXXX conditions
// to speed things up, we use days of the year (day numbers) instead of date
if ($dayset === null) {
// rebuild the various masks and converters
// these arrays will allow fast date operations
// without relying on date() methods
if (empty($masks) || $masks['year'] != $year || $masks['month'] != $month) {
$masks = array('year' => '','month'=>'');
// only if year has changed
if ($masks['year'] != $year) {
$masks['leap_year'] = is_leap_year($year);
$masks['year_len'] = 365 + (int) $masks['leap_year'];
$masks['weekday_of_1st_yearday'] = date_create($year."-01-01 00:00:00")->format('N');
$masks['yearday_to_weekday'] = array_slice(self::WEEKDAY_MASK, $masks['weekday_of_1st_yearday']-1);
if ($masks['leap_year']) {
$masks['yearday_to_month'] = self::MONTH_MASK_366;
$masks['yearday_to_monthday'] = self::MONTHDAY_MASK_366;
$masks['yearday_to_monthday_negative'] = self::NEGATIVE_MONTHDAY_MASK_366;
$masks['last_day_of_month'] = self::LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH_366;
else {
$masks['yearday_to_month'] = self::MONTH_MASK;
$masks['yearday_to_monthday'] = self::MONTHDAY_MASK;
$masks['yearday_to_monthday_negative'] = self::NEGATIVE_MONTHDAY_MASK;
$masks['last_day_of_month'] = self::LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH;
if ($this->byweekno) {
$this->buildWeeknoMask($year, $month, $day, $masks);
// everytime month or year changes
if ($this->byweekday_nth) {
$this->buildNthWeekdayMask($year, $month, $day, $masks);
$masks['year'] = $year;
$masks['month'] = $month;
// calculate the current set
$dayset = $this->getDaySet($year, $month, $day, $masks);
$filtered_set = array();
// filter out the days based on the BYXXX rules
foreach ($dayset as $yearday) {
if ($this->bymonth && ! in_array($masks['yearday_to_month'][$yearday], $this->bymonth)) {
if ($this->byweekno && ! isset($masks['yearday_is_in_weekno'][$yearday])) {
if ($this->byyearday) {
if (! in_array($yearday + 1, $this->byyearday) && ! in_array(- $masks['year_len'] + $yearday,$this->byyearday)) {
if (($this->bymonthday || $this->bymonthday_negative)
&& ! in_array($masks['yearday_to_monthday'][$yearday], $this->bymonthday)
&& ! in_array($masks['yearday_to_monthday_negative'][$yearday], $this->bymonthday_negative)) {
if (($this->byweekday || $this->byweekday_nth)
&& ! in_array($masks['yearday_to_weekday'][$yearday], $this->byweekday)
&& ! isset($masks['yearday_is_nth_weekday'][$yearday])) {
$filtered_set[] = $yearday;
$dayset = $filtered_set;
// if BYSETPOS is set, we need to expand the timeset to filter by pos
// so we make a special loop to return while generating
// TODO this is not needed with a generator anymore
// we can yield directly within the loop
if ($this->bysetpos && $timeset) {
$filtered_set = array();
foreach ($this->bysetpos as $pos) {
$n = count($timeset);
if ($pos < 0) {
$pos = $n * count($dayset) + $pos;
else {
$pos = $pos - 1;
$div = (int) ($pos / $n); // daypos
$mod = $pos % $n; // timepos
if (isset($dayset[$div]) && isset($timeset[$mod])) {
$yearday = $dayset[$div];
$time = $timeset[$mod];
// used as array key to ensure uniqueness
$tmp = $year.':'.$yearday.':'.$time[0].':'.$time[1].':'.$time[2];
if (! isset($filtered_set[$tmp])) {
$occurrence = \DateTime::createFromFormat(
'Y z H:i:s',
"$year $yearday 00:00:00",
$occurrence->setTime($time[0], $time[1], $time[2]);
$filtered_set[$tmp] = $occurrence;
$dayset = $filtered_set;
// 2. loop, generate a valid date, and yield the result
// at the same time, we check the end condition and return null if
// we need to stop
if ($this->bysetpos && $timeset) {
// while ( ($occurrence = current($dayset)) !== false ) {
foreach ($dayset as $occurrence) {
// consider end conditions
if ($this->until && $occurrence > $this->until) {
$this->total = $total; // save total for count() cache
// next($dayset);
if ($occurrence >= $dtstart) { // ignore occurrences before DTSTART
if ($this->count && $total >= $this->count) {
$this->total = $total;
$total += 1;
$this->cache[] = clone $occurrence;
yield clone $occurrence; // yield
$i = 0; // reset the max cycles counter, since we yieled a result
else {
// normal loop, without BYSETPOS
foreach ($dayset as $yearday) {
$occurrence = \DateTime::createFromFormat(
'Y z H:i:s',
"$year $yearday 00:00:00",
// while ( ($time = current($timeset)) !== false ) {
foreach ($timeset as $time) {
$occurrence->setTime($time[0], $time[1], $time[2]);
// consider end conditions
if ($this->until && $occurrence > $this->until) {
$this->total = $total; // save total for count() cache
if ($occurrence >= $dtstart) { // ignore occurrences before DTSTART
if ($this->count && $total >= $this->count) {
$this->total = $total;
$total += 1;
$this->cache[] = clone $occurrence;
yield clone $occurrence; // yield
$i = 0; // reset the max cycles counter, since we yieled a result
// 3. we reset the loop to the next interval
$days_increment = 0;
switch ($this->freq) {
case self::YEARLY:
// we do not care about $month or $day not existing,
// they are not used in yearly frequency
$year = $year + $this->interval;
case self::MONTHLY:
// we do not care about the day of the month not existing
// it is not used in monthly frequency
$month = $month + $this->interval;
if ($month > 12) {
$div = (int) ($month / 12);
$mod = $month % 12;
$month = $mod;
$year = $year + $div;
if ($month == 0) {
$month = 12;
$year = $year - 1;
case self::WEEKLY:
$days_increment = $this->interval*7;
case self::DAILY:
$days_increment = $this->interval;
// For the time frequencies, things are a little bit different.
// We could just add "$this->interval" hours, minutes or seconds
// to the current time, and go through the main loop again,
// but since the frequencies are so high and needs to much iteration
// it's actually a bit faster to have custom loops and only
// call the DateTime method at the very end.
case self::HOURLY:
if (empty($dayset)) {
// an empty set means that this day has been filtered out
// by one of the BYXXX rule. So there is no need to
// examine it any further, we know nothing is going to
// occur anyway.
// so we jump to one iteration right before next day
$hour += ((int) ((23 - $hour) / $this->interval)) * $this->interval;
$found = false;
for ($j = 0; $j < self::MAX_CYCLES[self::HOURLY]; $j++) {
$hour += $this->interval;
$div = (int) ($hour / 24);
$mod = $hour % 24;
if ($div) {
$hour = $mod;
$days_increment += $div;
if (! $this->byhour || in_array($hour, $this->byhour)) {
$found = true;
if (! $found) {
$this->total = $total; // save total for count cache
return; // stop the iterator
$timeset = $this->getTimeSet($hour, $minute, $second);
case self::MINUTELY:
if (empty($dayset)) {
$minute += ((int) ((1439 - ($hour*60+$minute)) / $this->interval)) * $this->interval;
$found = false;
for ($j = 0; $j < self::MAX_CYCLES[self::MINUTELY]; $j++) {
$minute += $this->interval;
$div = (int) ($minute / 60);
$mod = $minute % 60;
if ($div) {
$minute = $mod;
$hour += $div;
$div = (int) ($hour / 24);
$mod = $hour % 24;
if ($div) {
$hour = $mod;
$days_increment += $div;
if ((! $this->byhour || in_array($hour, $this->byhour)) &&
(! $this->byminute || in_array($minute, $this->byminute))) {
$found = true;
if (! $found) {
$this->total = $total; // save total for count cache
return; // stop the iterator
$timeset = $this->getTimeSet($hour, $minute, $second);
case self::SECONDLY:
if (empty($dayset)) {
$second += ((int) ((86399 - ($hour*3600 + $minute*60 + $second)) / $this->interval)) * $this->interval;
$found = false;
for ($j = 0; $j < self::MAX_CYCLES[self::SECONDLY]; $j++) {
$second += $this->interval;
$div = (int) ($second / 60);
$mod = $second % 60;
if ($div) {
$second = $mod;
$minute += $div;
$div = (int) ($minute / 60);
$mod = $minute % 60;
if ($div) {
$minute = $mod;
$hour += $div;
$div = (int) ($hour / 24);
$mod = $hour % 24;
if ($div) {
$hour = $mod;
$days_increment += $div;
if ((! $this->byhour || in_array($hour, $this->byhour))
&& (! $this->byminute || in_array($minute, $this->byminute))
&& (! $this->bysecond || in_array($second, $this->bysecond))) {
$found = true;
if (! $found) {
$this->total = $total; // save total for count cache
return; // stop the iterator
$timeset = $this->getTimeSet($hour, $minute, $second);
// here we take a little shortcut from the Python version, by using DateTime
if ($days_increment) {
list($year,$month,$day) = explode('-',date_create("$year-$month-$day")->modify("+ $days_increment days")->format('Y-n-j'));
$dayset = null; // reset the loop
$this->total = $total; // save total for count cache
return; // stop the iterator
// constants
// Every mask is 7 days longer to handle cross-year weekly periods.
const MONTH_MASK = [
const MONTH_MASK_366 = [
const MONTHDAY_MASK_366 = [
const WEEKDAY_MASK = [
const LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH_366 = [
0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366
0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365
* @var array
* Maximum number of cycles after which a calendar repeats itself. This
* is used to detect infinite loop: if no occurrence has been found
* after this numbers of cycles, we can abort.
* The Gregorian calendar cycle repeat completely every 400 years
* (146,097 days or 20,871 weeks).
* A smaller cycle would be 28 years (1,461 weeks), but it only works
* if there is no dropped leap year in between.
* 2100 will be a dropped leap year, but I'm going to assume it's not
* going to be a problem anytime soon, so at the moment I use the 28 years
* cycle.
const MAX_CYCLES = [
// self::YEARLY => 400,
// self::MONTHLY => 4800,
// self::WEEKLY => 20871,
// self::DAILY => 146097, // that's a lot of cycles, it takes a few seconds to detect infinite loop
self::YEARLY => 28,
self::MONTHLY => 336,
self::WEEKLY => 1461,
self::DAILY => 10227,
self::HOURLY => 24,
self::MINUTELY => 1440,
self::SECONDLY => 86400 // that's a lot of cycles too
// i18n methods
// these could be moved into a separate class maybe, since it's not always necessary
* @var array Stores translations once loaded (so we don't have to reload them all the time)
static protected $i18n = array();
* @var bool if intl extension is loaded
static protected $intl_loaded = null;
* Select a translation in $array based on the value of $n
* Used for selecting plural forms.
* @param mixed $array Array with multiple forms or a string
* @param string $n
* @return string
static protected function i18nSelect($array, $n)
if (! is_array($array)) {
return $array;
if (array_key_exists($n, $array)) {
return $array[$n];
elseif (array_key_exists('else', $array)) {
return $array['else'];
else {
return ''; // or throw?
* Create a comma-separated list, with the last item added with an " and "
* Example: Monday, Tuesday and Friday
* @param array $array
* @param string $and Translation for "and"
* @return string
static protected function i18nList(array $array, $and = 'and ')
if (count($array) > 1) {
$last = array_splice($array, -1);
return sprintf(
'%s %s%s',
implode(', ',$array),
else {
return $array[0];
* Test if intl extension is loaded
* @return bool
static protected function intlLoaded()
if (self::$intl_loaded === null) {
self::$intl_loaded = extension_loaded('intl');
return self::$intl_loaded;
* Parse a locale and returns a list of files to load.
* For example "fr_FR" will produce "fr" and "fr_FR"
* @param $locale
* @param null $use_intl
* @return array
static protected function i18nFilesToLoad($locale, $use_intl = null)
if ($use_intl === null) {
$use_intl = self::intlLoaded();
$files = array();
if ($use_intl) {
$parsed = \Locale::parseLocale($locale);
$files[] = $parsed['language'];
if (isset($parsed['region'])) {
$files[] = $parsed['language'].'_'.$parsed['region'];
else {
if (! preg_match('/^([a-z]{2})(?:(?:_|-)[A-Z][a-z]+)?(?:(?:_|-)([A-Za-z]{2}))?(?:(?:_|-)[A-Z]*)?(?:\.[a-zA-Z\-0-9]*)?$/', $locale, $matches)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The locale option does not look like a valid locale: $locale. For more option install the intl extension.");
$files[] = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[2])) {
$files[] = $matches[1].'_'.strtoupper($matches[2]);
return $files;
* Load a translation file in memory.
* Will load the basic first (e.g. "en") and then the region-specific if any
* (e.g. "en_GB"), merging as necessary.
* So region-specific translation files don't need to redefine every strings.
* @param string $locale
* @param string|null $fallback
* @param bool $use_intl
* @param string $custom_path
* @return array
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
static protected function i18nLoad($locale, $fallback = null, $use_intl = null, $custom_path = null)
$files = self::i18nFilesToLoad($locale, $use_intl);
$base_path = __DIR__.'/i18n';
$result = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
// if the file exists in $custom_path, it overrides the default
if ($custom_path && is_file("$custom_path/$file.php")) {
$path = "$custom_path/$file.php";
else {
$path = "$base_path/$file.php";
if (isset(self::$i18n[$path])) {
$result = array_merge($result, self::$i18n[$path]);
elseif (is_file($path) && is_readable($path)) {
self::$i18n[$path] = include $path;
$result = array_merge($result, self::$i18n[$path]);
else {
self::$i18n[$path] = array();
if (empty($result)) {
if (!is_null($fallback)) {
return self::i18nLoad($fallback, null, $use_intl);
throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to load translations for '$locale'");
return $result;
* Format a rule in a human readable string
* `intl` extension is required.
* Available options
* | Name | Type | Description
* |-------------------|---------|------------
* | `use_intl` | bool | Use the intl extension or not (autodetect)
* | `locale` | string | The locale to use (autodetect)
* | `fallback` | string | Fallback locale if main locale is not found (default en)
* | `date_formatter` | callable| Function used to format the date (takes date, returns formatted)
* | `explicit_infinite`| bool | Mention "forever" if the rule is infinite (true)
* | `dtstart` | bool | Mention the start date (true)
* | `include_start` | bool |
* | `start_time_only` | bool | Mention the time of day only, without the date
* | `include_until` | bool |
* | `custom_path` | string |
* @param array $opt
* @return string
public function humanReadable(array $opt = array())
if (! isset($opt['use_intl'])) {
$opt['use_intl'] = self::intlLoaded();
$default_opt = array(
'use_intl' => self::intlLoaded(),
'locale' => null,
'date_formatter' => null,
'fallback' => 'en',
'explicit_infinite' => true,
'include_start' => true,
'start_time_only' => false,
'include_until' => true,
'custom_path' => null
// attempt to detect default locale
if ($opt['use_intl']) {
$default_opt['locale'] = \Locale::getDefault();
} else {
$default_opt['locale'] = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);
if (!$default_opt['locale'] || $default_opt['locale'][0] == 'C') {
$default_opt['locale'] = 'en';
if ($opt['use_intl']) {
$default_opt['date_format'] = isset($opt['start_time_only']) && $opt['start_time_only'] ? \IntlDateFormatter::NONE : \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT;
if ($this->freq >= self::SECONDLY || not_empty($this->rule['BYSECOND'])) {
$default_opt['time_format'] = \IntlDateFormatter::LONG;
elseif ($this->freq >= self::HOURLY || not_empty($this->rule['BYHOUR']) || not_empty($this->rule['BYMINUTE'])) {
$default_opt['time_format'] = \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT;
else {
$default_opt['time_format'] = isset($opt['start_time_only']) && $opt['start_time_only'] ? \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT : \IntlDateFormatter::NONE;
$opt = array_merge($default_opt, $opt);
$i18n = self::i18nLoad($opt['locale'], $opt['fallback'], $opt['use_intl'], $opt['custom_path']);
if ($opt['date_formatter'] && ! is_callable($opt['date_formatter'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The option date_formatter must callable');
if (! $opt['date_formatter']) {
if ($opt['use_intl']) {
$timezone = $this->dtstart->getTimezone()->getName();
if ($timezone === 'Z') {
$timezone = 'GMT'; // otherwise IntlDateFormatter::create fails because... reasons.
} elseif (preg_match('/[-+]\d{2}/',$timezone)) {
$timezone = 'GMT'.$timezone; // otherwise IntlDateFormatter::create fails because... other reasons.
$formatter = \IntlDateFormatter::create(
if (! $formatter) {
throw new \RuntimeException('IntlDateFormatter::create() failed. Error Code: '.intl_get_error_code().' "'. intl_get_error_message().'" (this should not happen, please open a bug report!)');
$opt['date_formatter'] = function($date) use ($formatter) {
return $formatter->format($date);
else {
$opt['date_formatter'] = function ($date) use ($opt) {
$format = $opt['start_time_only'] ? 'H:i:s' : 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
return $date->format($format);
$parts = array(
'freq' => '',
'byweekday' => '',
'bymonth' => '',
'byweekno' => '',
'byyearday' => '',
'bymonthday' => '',
'byhour' => '',
'byminute' => '',
'bysecond' => '',
'bysetpos' => ''
// Every (INTERVAL) FREQ...
$freq_str = strtolower(array_search($this->freq, self::FREQUENCIES));
$parts['freq'] = strtr(
self::i18nSelect($i18n[$freq_str], $this->interval),
'%{interval}' => $this->interval
// BYXXX rules
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYMONTH'])) {
$tmp = $this->bymonth;
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
$value = $i18n['months'][$value];
$parts['bymonth'] = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['bymonth'], count($tmp)), array(
'%{months}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
if ($freq_str == 'yearly') {
// if a yearly frequency is being displayed by month, then switch "of the year" text to be monthly
$freq_str = 'monthly';
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYWEEKNO'])) {
// XXX negative week number are not great here
$tmp = $this->byweekno;
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
$value = strtr($i18n['nth_weekno'], array(
'%{n}' => $value
$parts['byweekno'] = strtr(
self::i18nSelect($i18n['byweekno'], count($this->byweekno)),
'%{weeks}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYYEARDAY'])) {
$tmp = $this->byyearday;
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
$value = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n[$value>0?'nth_yearday':'-nth_yearday'],$value), array(
'%{n}' => abs($value)
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['byyearday'], count($tmp)), array(
'%{yeardays}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
// ... of the month
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['x_of_the_y'], 'yearly'), array(
'%{x}' => $tmp
$parts['byyearday'] = $tmp;
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYMONTHDAY'])) {
$parts['bymonthday'] = array();
if ($this->bymonthday) {
$tmp = $this->bymonthday;
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
$value = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['nth_monthday'],$value), array(
'%{n}' => $value
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['bymonthday'], count($tmp)), array(
'%{monthdays}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
// ... of the month
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['x_of_the_y'], 'monthly'), array(
'%{x}' => $tmp
$parts['bymonthday'][] = $tmp;
if ($this->bymonthday_negative) {
$tmp = $this->bymonthday_negative;
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
$value = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['-nth_monthday'],$value), array(
'%{n}' => -$value
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['bymonthday'], count($tmp)), array(
'%{monthdays}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
// ... of the month
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['x_of_the_y'], 'monthly'), array(
'%{x}' => $tmp
$parts['bymonthday'][] = $tmp;
// because the 'on the Xth day' strings start with the space, and the "and" ends with a space
// it's necessary to collapse double spaces into one
// this behaviour was introduced in https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule/pull/95
$parts['bymonthday'] = str_replace(' ',' ',implode(' '.$i18n['and'],$parts['bymonthday']));
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYDAY'])) {
$parts['byweekday'] = array();
if ($this->byweekday) {
$tmp = $this->byweekday;
$selector = 'weekdays';
$days_names = $i18n['weekdays'];
$prefix = '';
if (!empty($i18n['shorten_weekdays_in_list']) && count($tmp) > 1) {
// special case for Hebrew (and possibly other languages)
// see https://github.com/rlanvin/php-rrule/pull/95 for the reasoning
$selector = 'weekdays_shortened_for_list';
$prefix = $i18n['shorten_weekdays_days'];
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
$value = $i18n[$selector][$value];
$parts['byweekday'][] = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['byweekday'], count($tmp)), array(
'%{weekdays}' => $prefix . self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
if ($this->byweekday_nth) {
$tmp = $this->byweekday_nth;
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
list($day, $n) = $value;
$value = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n[$n>0?'nth_weekday':'-nth_weekday'], $n), array(
'%{weekday}' => $i18n['weekdays'][$day],
'%{n}' => abs($n)
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['byweekday'], count($tmp)), array(
'%{weekdays}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
// ... of the year|month
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['x_of_the_y'], $freq_str), array(
'%{x}' => $tmp
$parts['byweekday'][] = $tmp;
$parts['byweekday'] = implode(' '.$i18n['and'],$parts['byweekday']);
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYHOUR'])) {
$tmp = $this->byhour;
foreach ($tmp as &$value) {
$value = strtr($i18n['nth_hour'], array(
'%{n}' => $value
$parts['byhour'] = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['byhour'],count($tmp)), array(
'%{hours}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYMINUTE'])) {
$tmp = $this->byminute;
foreach ($tmp as &$value) {
$value = strtr($i18n['nth_minute'], array(
'%{n}' => $value
$parts['byminute'] = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['byminute'],count($tmp)), array(
'%{minutes}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
if (not_empty($this->rule['BYSECOND'])) {
$tmp = $this->bysecond;
foreach ($tmp as &$value) {
$value = strtr($i18n['nth_second'], array(
'%{n}' => $value
$parts['bysecond'] = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['bysecond'],count($tmp)), array(
'%{seconds}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
if ($this->bysetpos) {
$tmp = $this->bysetpos;
foreach ($tmp as & $value) {
$value = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n[$value>0?'nth_setpos':'-nth_setpos'],$value), array(
'%{n}' => abs($value)
$tmp = strtr(self::i18nSelect($i18n['bysetpos'], count($tmp)), array(
'%{setpos}' => self::i18nList($tmp, $i18n['and'])
$parts['bysetpos'] = $tmp;
if ($opt['include_start']) {
// from X
if ($opt['start_time_only']) {
$value = $this->freq >= self::HOURLY ? 'startingtimeofday' : 'timeofday';
} else {
$value = 'dtstart';
$parts['start'] = strtr($i18n[$value], array(
'%{date}' => $opt['date_formatter']($this->dtstart)
// to X, or N times, or indefinitely
if ($opt['include_until']) {
if (! $this->until && ! $this->count) {
if ($opt['explicit_infinite']) {
$parts['end'] = $i18n['infinite'];
elseif ($this->until) {
$parts['end'] = strtr($i18n['until'], array(
'%{date}' => $opt['date_formatter']($this->until)
elseif ($this->count) {
$parts['end'] = strtr(
self::i18nSelect($i18n['count'], $this->count),
'%{count}' => $this->count
$parts = array_filter($parts);
$str = implode('',$parts);
return $str;