mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 12:29:15 +01:00
added proper image support
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,6 +95,14 @@ typedef struct VkDevice_T
int numQueues[numQueueFamilies];
} _device;
typedef struct VkSwapchain_T
_image* images;
uint32_t numImages;
uint32_t backbufferIdx;
VkSurfaceKHR surface;
} _swapchain;
* https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/html/vkspec.html#vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
* When pLayerName parameter is NULL, only extensions provided by the Vulkan implementation or by implicitly enabled layers are returned. When pLayerName is the name of a layer,
@ -587,12 +595,12 @@ VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(
pSurfaceCapabilities->minImageCount = 1; //min 1
pSurfaceCapabilities->maxImageCount = 2; //TODO max 2 for double buffering for now...
pSurfaceCapabilities->currentExtent.width = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->bufs[0].width;
pSurfaceCapabilities->currentExtent.height = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->bufs[0].height;
pSurfaceCapabilities->minImageExtent.width = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->bufs[0].width; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->minImageExtent.height = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->bufs[0].height; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->maxImageExtent.width = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->bufs[0].width; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->maxImageExtent.height = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->bufs[0].height; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->currentExtent.width = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->width;
pSurfaceCapabilities->currentExtent.height = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->height;
pSurfaceCapabilities->minImageExtent.width = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->width; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->minImageExtent.height = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->height; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->maxImageExtent.width = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->width; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->maxImageExtent.height = ((modeset_dev*)surface)->height; //TODO
pSurfaceCapabilities->maxImageArrayLayers = 1; //TODO maybe more layers for cursor etc.
pSurfaceCapabilities->supportedTransforms = VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR; //TODO no rotation for now
pSurfaceCapabilities->currentTransform = VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY_BIT_KHR; //TODO get this from dev
@ -711,7 +719,43 @@ VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateSwapchainKHR(
//TODO: allocator is ignored for now
assert(pAllocator == 0);
*pSwapchain = pCreateInfo->surface; //TODO
*pSwapchain = malloc(sizeof(_swapchain));
_swapchain* s = *pSwapchain;
//TODO flags, layers, queue sharing, pretransform, composite alpha, present mode..., clipped, oldswapchain
//TODO external sync on surface, oldswapchain
s->images = malloc(sizeof(_image) * pCreateInfo->minImageCount);
s->backbufferIdx = 0;
s->numImages = pCreateInfo->minImageCount;
s->surface = pCreateInfo->surface;
for(int c = 0; c < pCreateInfo->minImageCount; ++c)
//TODO image format, color space
//rest is filled out by create fb
s->images[c].width = pCreateInfo->imageExtent.width;
s->images[c].height = pCreateInfo->imageExtent.height;
s->images[c].depth = 1;
s->images[c].layers = 1;
s->images[c].miplevels = 1;
s->images[c].samples = 1; //TODO
s->images[c].usageBits = pCreateInfo->imageUsage;
int res = modeset_create_fb(controlFd, &s->images[c]); assert(res == 0);
res = modeset_fb_for_dev(controlFd, s->surface, &s->images[c]); assert(res == 0);
return VK_SUCCESS;
@ -735,26 +779,26 @@ VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(
const int numImages = 2;
_swapchain* s = swapchain;
*pSwapchainImageCount = numImages;
*pSwapchainImageCount = s->numImages;
return VK_SUCCESS;
int arraySize = *pSwapchainImageCount;
int elementsWritten = min(numImages, arraySize);
int elementsWritten = min(s->numImages, arraySize);
for(int c = 0; c < elementsWritten; ++c)
pSwapchainImages[c] = c;
pSwapchainImages[c] = &s->images[c];
*pSwapchainImageCount = elementsWritten;
if(elementsWritten < numImages)
if(elementsWritten < s->numImages)
@ -993,7 +1037,7 @@ VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdClearColorImage(
//TODO implement VkImage to be able to clear backbuffer
@ -1043,9 +1087,8 @@ VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkAcquireNextImageKHR(
//TODO we need to keep track of currently acquired images?
//TODO wait timeout?
VkSurfaceKHR surf = (VkSurfaceKHR)swapchain;
*pImageIndex = ((modeset_dev*)surf)->front_buf ^ 1; //return back buffer index
*pImageIndex = ((_swapchain*)swapchain)->backbufferIdx; //return back buffer index
//signal semaphore
int semVal; sem_getvalue((sem_t*)semaphore, &semVal); assert(semVal <= 0); //make sure semaphore is unsignalled
@ -1180,7 +1223,9 @@ VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkQueuePresentKHR(
for(int c = 0; c < pPresentInfo->swapchainCount; ++c)
modeset_swapbuffer(controlFd, (modeset_dev*)pPresentInfo->pSwapchains[c], pPresentInfo->pImageIndices[c]);
_swapchain* s = pPresentInfo->pSwapchains[c];
modeset_present_buffer(controlFd, (modeset_dev*)s->surface, &s->images[s->backbufferIdx]);
s->backbufferIdx = (s->backbufferIdx + 1) % s->numImages;
return VK_SUCCESS;
@ -1292,7 +1337,17 @@ VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkDestroySwapchainKHR(
//TODO: allocator is ignored for now
assert(pAllocator == 0);
//TODO flush all ops
_swapchain* s = swapchain;
for(int c = 0; c < s->numImages; ++c)
modeset_destroy_fb(controlFd, &s->images[c]);
@ -51,8 +51,6 @@
static int modeset_find_crtc(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn,
struct modeset_dev *dev);
static int modeset_create_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf);
static void modeset_destroy_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf);
static int modeset_setup_dev(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn,
struct modeset_dev *dev);
@ -138,19 +136,25 @@ modeset_dev* modeset_create(int fd)
// free resources again
return ret_dev;
int modeset_fb_for_dev(int fd, modeset_dev* dev, _image* buffer)
int ret;
struct modeset_dev *iter;
struct modeset_buf *buf;
for (iter = ret_dev; iter; iter = iter->next) {
//struct modeset_buf *buf;
for (iter = dev; iter; iter = iter->next) {
iter->saved_crtc = drmModeGetCrtc(fd, iter->crtc);
buf = &iter->bufs[iter->front_buf];
ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, iter->crtc, buf->fb, 0, 0,
ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, iter->crtc, buffer->fb, 0, 0,
&iter->conn, 1, &iter->mode);
if (ret)
printf("cannot set CRTC for connector %u (%d): %m\n",
iter->conn, errno);
return ret_dev;
return 0;
@ -182,12 +186,10 @@ static int modeset_setup_dev(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn,
// copy the mode information into our device structure and into both buffers
memcpy(&dev->mode, &conn->modes[0], sizeof(dev->mode));
dev->bufs[0].width = conn->modes[0].hdisplay;
dev->bufs[0].height = conn->modes[0].vdisplay;
dev->bufs[1].width = conn->modes[0].hdisplay;
dev->bufs[1].height = conn->modes[0].vdisplay;
dev->width = conn->modes[0].hdisplay;
dev->height = conn->modes[0].vdisplay;
printf("mode for connector %u is %ux%u\n",
conn->connector_id, dev->bufs[0].width, dev->bufs[0].height);
conn->connector_id, dev->width, dev->height);
// find a crtc for this connector
ret = modeset_find_crtc(fd, res, conn, dev);
@ -197,6 +199,14 @@ static int modeset_setup_dev(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn,
return ret;
return 0;
/*static int modeset_create_swapchain(int fd, drmModeConnector *conn, struct modeset_dev *dev)
int ret;
// create framebuffer #1 for this CRTC
ret = modeset_create_fb(fd, &dev->bufs[0]);
if (ret) {
@ -215,7 +225,7 @@ static int modeset_setup_dev(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn,
return 0;
* modeset_find_crtc() stays the same.
@ -305,7 +315,7 @@ static int modeset_find_crtc(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn,
* modeset_setup_dev() so we can use them here.
static int modeset_create_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf)
int modeset_create_fb(int fd, _image *buf)
struct drm_mode_create_dumb creq;
struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb dreq;
@ -341,6 +351,7 @@ static int modeset_create_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf)
return ret;
// prepare buffer for memory mapping
memset(&mreq, 0, sizeof(mreq));
mreq.handle = buf->handle;
@ -374,6 +385,7 @@ static int modeset_create_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf)
// clear the framebuffer to 0
memset(buf->map, 0, buf->size);
return 0;
@ -385,12 +397,12 @@ static int modeset_create_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf)
* We simply unmap the buffer, remove the drm-FB and destroy the memory buffer.
static void modeset_destroy_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf)
void modeset_destroy_fb(int fd, _image* buf)
struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb dreq;
// unmap buffer
munmap(buf->map, buf->size);
//munmap(buf->map, buf->size);
// delete framebuffer
drmModeRmFB(fd, buf->fb);
@ -435,24 +447,25 @@ static void modeset_destroy_fb(int fd, struct modeset_buf *buf)
* vertical-sync.
void modeset_swapbuffer(int fd, modeset_dev* dev, unsigned index)
void modeset_present_buffer(int fd, modeset_dev* dev, _image* buffer)
//TODO use index!!
struct modeset_dev *iter;
struct modeset_buf *buf;
//struct modeset_buf *buf;
int ret;
for (iter = dev; iter; iter = iter->next) {
buf = &iter->bufs[iter->front_buf ^ 1];
for (iter = dev; iter; iter = iter->next)
//buf = &iter->bufs[iter->front_buf ^ 1];
ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, iter->crtc, buf->fb, 0, 0,
ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, iter->crtc, buffer->fb, 0, 0,
&iter->conn, 1, &iter->mode);
if (ret)
printf("cannot flip CRTC for connector %u (%d): %m\n",
iter->conn, errno);
iter->front_buf ^= 1;
// iter->front_buf ^= 1;
@ -482,8 +495,8 @@ void modeset_destroy(int fd, modeset_dev* dev)
// destroy framebuffers
modeset_destroy_fb(fd, &iter->bufs[1]);
modeset_destroy_fb(fd, &iter->bufs[0]);
//modeset_destroy_fb(fd, &iter->bufs[1]);
//modeset_destroy_fb(fd, &iter->bufs[0]);
// free allocated memory
@ -17,31 +17,35 @@ extern "C" {
#include <xf86drm.h>
#include <xf86drmMode.h>
typedef struct modeset_buf {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t stride;
uint32_t size;
typedef struct VkImage_T
uint32_t handle;
uint8_t *map;
uint32_t fb;
} modeset_buf;
uint32_t fb; //needed for swapchain
uint32_t width, height, depth;
uint32_t miplevels, layers, samples, size, stride;
uint32_t usageBits;
} _image;
typedef struct modeset_dev {
struct modeset_dev *next;
unsigned int front_buf;
struct modeset_buf bufs[2];
//unsigned int front_buf;
//struct modeset_buf bufs[2];
drmModeModeInfo mode;
uint32_t conn;
uint32_t crtc;
drmModeCrtc *saved_crtc;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
} modeset_dev;
modeset_dev* modeset_create(int fd);
void modeset_swapbuffer(int fd, modeset_dev* dev, unsigned index);
void modeset_present_buffer(int fd, modeset_dev* dev, _image* buffer);
void modeset_destroy(int fd, modeset_dev* dev);
int modeset_create_fb(int fd, _image *buf);
void modeset_destroy_fb(int fd, _image *buf);
int modeset_fb_for_dev(int fd, modeset_dev* dev, _image* buffer);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user