#include "ConsecutivePoolAllocator.h" #include "CustomAssert.h" #include #include ConsecutivePoolAllocator createConsecutivePoolAllocator(char* b, unsigned bs, unsigned s) { assert(b); //only allocated memory assert(bs >= sizeof(void*)); //we need to be able to store assert(s%bs==0); //we want a size that is the exact multiple of block size assert(s >= bs); //at least 1 element ConsecutivePoolAllocator pa = { .buf = b, .nextFreeBlock = (uint32_t*)b, .blockSize = bs, .size = s }; //initialize linked list of free pointers uint32_t* ptr = pa.nextFreeBlock; unsigned last = s/bs - 1; for(unsigned c = 0; c < last; ++c) { *ptr = (char*)ptr + bs; ptr = (char*)ptr + bs; } *ptr = 0; //last element return pa; } void destroyConsecutivePoolAllocator(ConsecutivePoolAllocator* pa) { //actual memory freeing is done by caller pa->buf = 0; pa->nextFreeBlock = 0; pa->blockSize = 0; pa->size = 0; } //allocate numBlocks consecutive memory //return an offset into the pool buffer, as pool could be reallocated! uint32_t consecutivePoolAllocate(ConsecutivePoolAllocator* pa, uint32_t numBlocks) { assert(pa); assert(pa->buf); assert(numBlocks); //CPAdebugPrint(pa); uint32_t* ptr = pa->nextFreeBlock; if(!ptr) { return -1; //no free blocks } for(; ptr; ptr = *ptr) { uint32_t found = 1; char* nextBlock = (char*)ptr + pa->blockSize; uint32_t* nextFree = *ptr; for(uint32_t c = 1; c != numBlocks; ++c) { if(nextBlock == nextFree) { nextFree = *nextFree; nextBlock += pa->blockSize; } else { found = 0; break; } } if(found) { //set the next free block to the one that the last block we allocated points to uint32_t* nextFreeBlockCandidate = *(uint32_t*)((char*)ptr + (numBlocks - 1) * pa->blockSize); if(pa->nextFreeBlock == ptr) { pa->nextFreeBlock = nextFreeBlockCandidate; break; } uint32_t* prevPtr = pa->nextFreeBlock; uint32_t* currPtr = prevPtr; for(; currPtr; currPtr = *currPtr) { if(currPtr == ptr) { break; } prevPtr = currPtr; } assert(currPtr); *prevPtr = nextFreeBlockCandidate; break; } if(!(*ptr)) { return -1; } } //TODO debug stuff, not for release if(ptr) memset(ptr, 0, numBlocks * pa->blockSize); return (char*)ptr - pa->buf; } //free numBlocks consecutive memory void consecutivePoolFree(ConsecutivePoolAllocator* pa, void* p, uint32_t numBlocks) { assert(pa); assert(pa->buf); assert(p); assert(numBlocks); //TODO debug stuff, not for release memset(p, 0, numBlocks * pa->blockSize); //if linked list of free entries is empty if(!pa->nextFreeBlock) { //then restart linked list pa->nextFreeBlock = p; char* listPtr = pa->nextFreeBlock; for(uint32_t c = 0; c < numBlocks - 1; ++c) { *(uint32_t*)listPtr = listPtr + pa->blockSize; listPtr += pa->blockSize; } //end list *(uint32_t*)listPtr = 0; } else { //if list is not empty, try to form consecutive parts //search free list to see if the freed element fits anywhere uint32_t found = 0; for(uint32_t* listPtr = pa->nextFreeBlock; listPtr; listPtr = *listPtr) { //if the freed block fits in the list somewhere if(((char*)listPtr + pa->blockSize) == p) { //add it into the list uint32_t* tmp = *listPtr; *listPtr = p; //reconstruct linked list within the freed element char* ptr = *listPtr; for(uint32_t c = 0; c < numBlocks - 1; ++c) { *(uint32_t*)ptr = ptr + pa->blockSize; ptr += pa->blockSize; } //set the last element to point to the one after *(uint32_t*)ptr = tmp; found = 1; } } if(!found) { //if it doesn't fit anywhere, just simply add it to the linked list uint32_t* tmp = pa->nextFreeBlock; pa->nextFreeBlock = p; char* listPtr = pa->nextFreeBlock; for(uint32_t c = 0; c < numBlocks - 1; ++c) { *(uint32_t*)listPtr = listPtr + pa->blockSize; listPtr += pa->blockSize; } //set the last element to point to the one after *(uint32_t*)listPtr = tmp; } } } uint32_t consecutivePoolReAllocate(ConsecutivePoolAllocator* pa, void* currentMem, uint32_t currNumBlocks) { assert(pa); assert(pa->buf); assert(currentMem); assert(currNumBlocks); uint32_t* nextCandidate = (char*)currentMem + pa->blockSize * currNumBlocks; uint32_t* prevPtr = 0; for(uint32_t* listPtr = pa->nextFreeBlock; listPtr; listPtr = *listPtr) { if(listPtr == nextCandidate) { //update next free block to be the one after our current candidate if(prevPtr) { *prevPtr = *listPtr; pa->nextFreeBlock = prevPtr; } else if(*listPtr) { pa->nextFreeBlock = *listPtr; } return (char*)currentMem - pa->buf; } prevPtr = listPtr; } { //try to allocate one more block uint32_t newMemOffset = consecutivePoolAllocate(pa, currNumBlocks + 1); if(newMemOffset == -1) { return -1; } //copy over old content memcpy(pa->buf + newMemOffset, currentMem, currNumBlocks * pa->blockSize); //free current element consecutivePoolFree(pa, currentMem, currNumBlocks); return newMemOffset; } } void* getCPAptrFromOffset(ConsecutivePoolAllocator* pa, uint32_t offset) { assert(pa); assert(pa->buf); assert(offset < pa->size); return pa->buf + offset; } void CPAdebugPrint(ConsecutivePoolAllocator* pa) { fprintf(stderr, "\nCPA Debug Print\n"); fprintf(stderr, "pa->buf %p\n", pa->buf); fprintf(stderr, "pa->nextFreeBlock %p\n", pa->nextFreeBlock); fprintf(stderr, "Linear walk:\n"); for(char* ptr = pa->buf; ptr != pa->buf + pa->size; ptr += pa->blockSize) { fprintf(stderr, "%p: %p, ", ptr, *(uint32_t*)ptr); } fprintf(stderr, "\nLinked List walk:\n"); for(uint32_t* ptr = pa->nextFreeBlock; ptr; ptr = *ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "%p: %p, ", ptr, *ptr); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }