#include "common.h" #include "kernel/vc4_packet.h" #include "../QPUassembler/qpu_assembler.h" /* * https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/html/vkspec.html#vkCmdBindPipeline */ void rpi_vkCmdBindPipeline(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint, VkPipeline pipeline) { assert(commandBuffer); _commandBuffer* cb = commandBuffer; if(pipelineBindPoint == VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS) { cb->graphicsPipeline = pipeline; } else if(pipelineBindPoint == VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE) { cb->computePipeline = pipeline; } } //TODO multiple attachments void patchShaderDepthStencilBlending(uint64_t** instructions, uint32_t* size, const VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo* dsi, const VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* bas, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator) { assert(instructions); assert(size); assert(dsi); uint32_t numExtraInstructions = 0; numExtraInstructions += dsi->depthWriteEnable || dsi->stencilTestEnable; uint32_t values[3]; uint32_t numValues; encodeStencilValue(values, &numValues, dsi->front, dsi->back, dsi->stencilTestEnable); numExtraInstructions += numValues * 2; uint32_t newSize = *size + numExtraInstructions * sizeof(uint64_t); uint64_t* tmp = ALLOCATE(newSize, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); memset(tmp, 0, newSize); memcpy(tmp + numExtraInstructions, *instructions, *size); ///"sig_load_imm ; r0 = load32.always(0xF497EEFF‬) ; nop = load32() ;" //stencil setup state ///"sig_none ; tlb_stencil_setup = or.always(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" for(uint32_t c = 0; c < numValues; ++c) { tmp[c] = encode_load_imm(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 32 + c, 39, values[c]); //r0 = load32.always(values[c]) tmp[numValues + c] = encode_alu(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 43, 39, 0, 21, 0, 0, c, c, 0, 0); //tlb_stencil_setup = or.always(r0, r0) } ///"sig_none ; tlb_z = or.always(b, b, nop, rb15) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" if(dsi->depthWriteEnable || dsi->stencilTestEnable) { tmp[numValues*2] = encode_alu(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 44, 39, 0, 21, 0, 15, 7, 7, 0, 0); } //TODO patch blending //TODO optimise /// patch shader so that r0 will contain whatever would be written to tlb_color_all /// r0 contains sRGBA //"sig_none ; r0 = or.always(a, a, uni, nop) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// load dRGBA to r1 /// load tbl color dRGBA to r4 //"sig_color_load ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; r1 = v8min.always(r4, r4) ;" /// if Sfactor is ZERO //"sig_small_imm ; r2 = or.always(b, b, nop, 0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is ONE //"sig_small_imm ; r2 = or.always(b, b, nop, -1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is sCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = or.always(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is 1-sCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is dCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = or.always(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is 1-dCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is sALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is 1-sALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r2, r2) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is dALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is 1-dALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r2, r2) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Sfactor is cCOLOR, 1-cCOLOR, cALPHA, 1-cALPHA = 0xffffffff //"sig_load_imm ; r2 = load32.always(0xffffffff) ; nop = load32() ;" /// if Sfactor is sALPHASat //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //sAAAA //"sig_none ; r3.8888 = or.always.8d(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //dAAAA //"sig_none ; r3 = not.always(r3, r3) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //1-dAAAA //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; r2 = v8min.always(r2, r3) ;" //min(sAAAA, 1-dAAAA) //"sig_load_imm ; r3 = load32.always(0xff000000) ; nop = load32() ;" //load alpha = 1 //"sig_small_imm ; r2 = or.always(r2, r3) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //set alpha to 1 /// Multiply sRGBA and source factor //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; r0 = v8muld.always(r0, r2) ;" /// if Dfactor is ZERO //"sig_small_imm ; r2 = or.always(b, b, nop, 0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is ONE //"sig_small_imm ; r2 = or.always(b, b, nop, -1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is sCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = or.always(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is 1-sCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is dCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = or.always(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is 1-dCOLOR //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is sALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is 1-sALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r2, r2) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is dALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is 1-dALPHA //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //"sig_none ; r2 = not.always(r2, r2) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" /// if Dfactor is cCOLOR, 1-cCOLOR, cALPHA, 1-cALPHA = 0xffffffff //"sig_load_imm ; r2 = load32.always(0xffffffff) ; nop = load32() ;" /// if Dfactor is sALPHASat //"sig_none ; r2.8888 = or.always.8d(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //sAAAA //"sig_none ; r3.8888 = or.always.8d(r1, r1) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //dAAAA //"sig_none ; r3 = not.always(r3, r3) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //1-dAAAA //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; r2 = v8min.always(r2, r3) ;" //min(sAAAA, 1-dAAAA) //"sig_load_imm ; r3 = load32.always(0xff000000) ; nop = load32() ;" //load alpha = 1 //"sig_small_imm ; r2 = or.always(r2, r3) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //set alpha to 1 /// Multiply dRGBA and destination factor //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; r1 = v8muld.always(r1, r2) ;" /// If Equation is ADD: //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; tlb_color_all = v8adds.always(r0, r1) ;" /// If Equation is SUB: //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; tlb_color_all = v8subs.always(r0, r1) ;" /// If Equation is rSUB: //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; tlb_color_all = v8subs.always(r1, r0) ;" /// retain nops etc. //"sig_end ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //"sig_none ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //"sig_unlock_score ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ; nop = nop(r0, r0) ;" //replace instructions pointer FREE(*instructions); *instructions = tmp; *size = newSize; } /* * https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/html/vkspec.html#vkCreateGraphicsPipelines */ VkResult rpi_vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, uint32_t createInfoCount, const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfos, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipeline* pPipelines) { assert(device); assert(createInfoCount > 0); assert(pCreateInfos); assert(pPipelines); if(pipelineCache) { UNSUPPORTED(pipelineCache); } //TODO pipeline caches //TODO flags for(int c = 0; c < createInfoCount; ++c) { _pipeline* pip = ALLOCATE(sizeof(_pipeline), 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memset(pip->names, 0, sizeof(char*)*6); memset(pip->modules, 0, sizeof(_shaderModule*)*6); for(int d = 0; d < pCreateInfos[c].stageCount; ++d) { uint32_t idx = ulog2(pCreateInfos[c].pStages[d].stage); pip->modules[idx] = pCreateInfos[c].pStages[d].module; _shaderModule* s = pip->modules[idx]; pip->names[idx] = ALLOCATE(strlen(pCreateInfos[c].pStages[d].pName)+1, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip->names[idx]) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pip->names[idx], pCreateInfos[c].pStages[d].pName, strlen(pCreateInfos[c].pStages[d].pName)+1); //patch fragment shader if(pCreateInfos[c].pStages[d].stage & VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT) { patchShaderDepthStencilBlending(&s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT], &s->sizes[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT], pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState, pCreateInfos[c].pColorBlendState->pAttachments, pAllocator); //TODO if debug... for(uint64_t e = 0; e < s->sizes[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT] / 8; ++e) { printf("%#llx ", s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT][e]); disassemble_qpu_asm(s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT][e]); } printf("\n"); s->bos[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT] = vc4_bo_alloc_shader(controlFd, s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT], &s->sizes[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_FRAGMENT]); } if(pCreateInfos[c].pStages[d].stage & VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT) { //TODO if debug... for(uint64_t e = 0; e < s->sizes[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_VERTEX] / 8; ++e) { printf("%#llx ", s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_VERTEX][e]); disassemble_qpu_asm(s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_VERTEX][e]); } printf("\n"); for(uint64_t e = 0; e < s->sizes[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_COORDINATE] / 8; ++e) { printf("%#llx ", s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_COORDINATE][e]); disassemble_qpu_asm(s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_COORDINATE][e]); } printf("\n"); s->bos[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_COORDINATE] = vc4_bo_alloc_shader(controlFd, s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_COORDINATE], &s->sizes[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_COORDINATE]); s->bos[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_VERTEX] = vc4_bo_alloc_shader(controlFd, s->instructions[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_VERTEX], &s->sizes[RPI_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_VERTEX]); } } pip->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount = pCreateInfos[c].pVertexInputState->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount; pip->vertexAttributeDescriptions = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkVertexInputAttributeDescription) * pip->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip->vertexAttributeDescriptions) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pip->vertexAttributeDescriptions, pCreateInfos[c].pVertexInputState->pVertexAttributeDescriptions, sizeof(VkVertexInputAttributeDescription) * pip->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount); pip->vertexBindingDescriptionCount = pCreateInfos[c].pVertexInputState->vertexBindingDescriptionCount; pip->vertexBindingDescriptions = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkVertexInputBindingDescription) * pip->vertexBindingDescriptionCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip->vertexBindingDescriptions) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pip->vertexBindingDescriptions, pCreateInfos[c].pVertexInputState->pVertexBindingDescriptions, sizeof(VkVertexInputBindingDescription) * pip->vertexBindingDescriptionCount); pip->topology = pCreateInfos[c].pInputAssemblyState->topology; pip->primitiveRestartEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pInputAssemblyState->primitiveRestartEnable; //tessellation ignored pip->viewportCount = pCreateInfos[c].pViewportState->viewportCount; pip->viewports = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkViewport) * pip->viewportCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip->viewports) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pip->viewports, pCreateInfos[c].pViewportState->pViewports, sizeof(VkViewport) * pip->viewportCount); pip->scissorCount = pCreateInfos[c].pViewportState->scissorCount; pip->scissors = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkRect2D) * pip->viewportCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip->scissors) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pip->scissors, pCreateInfos[c].pViewportState->pScissors, sizeof(VkRect2D) * pip->scissorCount); pip->depthClampEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->depthClampEnable; pip->rasterizerDiscardEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->rasterizerDiscardEnable; pip->polygonMode = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->polygonMode; pip->cullMode = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->cullMode; pip->frontFace = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->frontFace; pip->depthBiasEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->depthBiasEnable; pip->depthBiasConstantFactor = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->depthBiasConstantFactor; pip->depthBiasClamp = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->depthBiasClamp; pip->depthBiasSlopeFactor = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->depthBiasSlopeFactor; pip->lineWidth = pCreateInfos[c].pRasterizationState->lineWidth; pip->rasterizationSamples = pCreateInfos[c].pMultisampleState->rasterizationSamples; pip->sampleShadingEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pMultisampleState->sampleShadingEnable; pip->minSampleShading = pCreateInfos[c].pMultisampleState->minSampleShading; if(pCreateInfos[c].pMultisampleState->pSampleMask) { pip->sampleMask = *pCreateInfos[c].pMultisampleState->pSampleMask; } else { pip->sampleMask = 0; } pip->alphaToCoverageEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pMultisampleState->alphaToCoverageEnable; pip->alphaToOneEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pMultisampleState->alphaToOneEnable; pip->depthTestEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->depthTestEnable; pip->depthWriteEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->depthWriteEnable; pip->depthCompareOp = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->depthCompareOp; pip->depthBoundsTestEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->depthBoundsTestEnable; pip->stencilTestEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->stencilTestEnable; pip->front = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->front; pip->back = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->back; pip->minDepthBounds = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->minDepthBounds; pip->maxDepthBounds = pCreateInfos[c].pDepthStencilState->maxDepthBounds; pip->logicOpEnable = pCreateInfos[c].pColorBlendState->logicOpEnable; pip->logicOp = pCreateInfos[c].pColorBlendState->logicOp; pip->attachmentCount = pCreateInfos[c].pColorBlendState->attachmentCount; pip->attachmentBlendStates = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState) * pip->attachmentCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip->attachmentBlendStates) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pip->attachmentBlendStates, pCreateInfos[c].pColorBlendState->pAttachments, sizeof(VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState) * pip->attachmentCount); memcpy(pip->blendConstants, pCreateInfos[c].pColorBlendState, sizeof(float)*4); if(pCreateInfos[c].pDynamicState) { pip->dynamicStateCount = pCreateInfos[c].pDynamicState->dynamicStateCount; pip->dynamicStates = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkDynamicState)*pip->dynamicStateCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pip->dynamicStates) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pip->dynamicStates, pCreateInfos[c].pDynamicState->pDynamicStates, sizeof(VkDynamicState)*pip->dynamicStateCount); } else { pip->dynamicStateCount = 0; pip->dynamicStates = 0; } pip->layout = pCreateInfos[c].layout; pip->renderPass = pCreateInfos[c].renderPass; pip->subpass = pCreateInfos[c].subpass; //TODO derivative pipelines ignored pPipelines[c] = pip; } return VK_SUCCESS; } void rpi_vkDestroyPipeline(VkDevice device, VkPipeline pipeline, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator) { assert(device); _pipeline* pip = pipeline; if(pip) { FREE(pip->dynamicStates); FREE(pip->attachmentBlendStates); FREE(pip->scissors); FREE(pip->viewports); FREE(pip->vertexBindingDescriptions); FREE(pip->vertexAttributeDescriptions); for(int c = 0; c < 6; ++c) { FREE(pip->names[c]); } FREE(pip); } } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL rpi_vkMergePipelineCaches( VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache dstCache, uint32_t srcCacheCount, const VkPipelineCache* pSrcCaches) { UNSUPPORTED(rpi_vkMergePipelineCaches); return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL rpi_vkGetPipelineCacheData( VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, size_t* pDataSize, void* pData) { UNSUPPORTED(rpi_vkGetPipelineCacheData); return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL rpi_vkDestroyPipelineCache( VkDevice device, VkPipelineCache pipelineCache, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator) { UNSUPPORTED(rpi_vkDestroyPipelineCache); } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL rpi_vkCreatePipelineLayout( VkDevice device, const VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipelineLayout* pPipelineLayout) { assert(device); assert(pCreateInfo); assert(pPipelineLayout); _pipelineLayout* pl = ALLOCATE(sizeof(_pipelineLayout), 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pl) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } pl->setLayoutCount = pCreateInfo->setLayoutCount; pl->pushConstantRangeCount = pCreateInfo->pushConstantRangeCount; if(pCreateInfo->setLayoutCount > 0 && pCreateInfo->pSetLayouts) { pl->setLayouts = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkDescriptorSetLayout)*pCreateInfo->setLayoutCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pl->setLayouts) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pl->setLayouts, pCreateInfo->pSetLayouts, sizeof(VkDescriptorSetLayout)*pCreateInfo->setLayoutCount); } if(pCreateInfo->pushConstantRangeCount > 0 && pCreateInfo->pPushConstantRanges) { pl->pushConstantRanges = ALLOCATE(sizeof(VkPushConstantRange)*pCreateInfo->pushConstantRangeCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if(!pl->pushConstantRanges) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } memcpy(pl->pushConstantRanges, pCreateInfo->pPushConstantRanges, sizeof(VkPushConstantRange)*pCreateInfo->pushConstantRangeCount); } pl->descriptorSetBindingMap = createMap(ALLOCATE(sizeof(_descriptorSet*)*pCreateInfo->setLayoutCount, 1, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT), pCreateInfo->setLayoutCount); *pPipelineLayout = pl; return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL rpi_vkDestroyPipelineLayout( VkDevice device, VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator) { //TODO } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL rpi_vkCreatePipelineCache( VkDevice device, const VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkPipelineCache* pPipelineCache) { UNSUPPORTED(rpi_vkCreatePipelineCache); return VK_SUCCESS; }