319 lines
12 KiB
319 lines
12 KiB
import os, re, sys
from time import strftime
from datetime import datetime
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## Declaring the points for first line plot
#X1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
#Y1 = [2,4,6,8,10]
## Setting the figure size
#fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
## plotting the first plot
#plt.plot(X1, Y1, label = "plot 1")
## Declaring the points for second line plot
#X2 = [1,2,3,4,5]
#Y2 = [1,4,9,16,25]
## plotting the second plot
#plt.plot(X2, Y2, label = "plot 2")
## Labeling the X-axis
## Labeling the Y-axis
## Give a title to the graph
#plt.title('Two plots on the same graph')
## Show a legend on the plot
##Saving the plot as an image
#fig.savefig('line plot.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150)
##Showing the plot
# [03/16/2012 22:53:45] [@Asdffljklasdfj] [@Asdffljklasdfj] [Unnatural Might {1781509484707840}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Unnatural Might {1781509484707840}] ()
# [21:18:16.172] [@Comendatore] [@Comendatore] [] [Event {836045448945472}: EnterCombat {836045448945489}] (Asation (8 Player Story))
#[date] [src] [target] [ability] [effect] (value) <threat>
#src = [foo {id}] or [@player]
# ability = abil {id}
# effect = type:effect
# value = # or # type
# roll? int
listEncounters = [
## The Dread Fortress
'Nefra, Who Bars the Way {3266533082005504}','Gate Commander Draxus {3273924720721920}','Grob\'thok, Who Feeds the Forge {3273929015689216}','Corruptor Zero {3273933310656512}','Dread Master Brontes {3273937605623808}',
## Eternity Vault
'Soa {2289823159156736}',
'The Writhing Horror {2938874321960960}','Heirad {2938002443599872}','Ciphas {2938011033534464}','Kel\'sara {2938006738567168}','Operator IX {2942606648541184}','Kephess the Undying {2937620191510528}','The Terror From Beyond {2978340776443904}','The Terror From Beyond {3025233229381632}',
'The Eyeless {3328380611067904}','Golden Fury {3232800408862720}','Golden Fury {3232817588731904}',
## The False Emperor
'Tregg the Destroyer {1690314444111872}','Jindo Krey {770959514533888}','HK-47 {770955219566592}','Chondrus Berani {1690331623981056}','Sith Entity {1695962326106112}','Forsaken Sith Lord {781830076760064}','Darth Malgus {770963809501184}',
## Battle of Rishi
'Marko Ka {3533564083699712}','Rarrook {3533559788732416}','Lord Vodd {3533585558536192}','Shield Squadron Unit 1 {3533594148470784}','Darth Yun {4257506591244288}',
## Objective Meridian
'Commander Aster {4258021987319808}','Darth Malgus {4257502296276992}',
## Heart of Ruin
'Colossal Monolith {3541140406009856}',
'Toxxun {3340011382505472}',
## Mutated Geonosian Queen
'Mutated Geonosian Queen {4197299739688960}',
'SCYVA {4108140513591296}'
dmgTypes = ['energy','elemental','kinetic','internal']
instTypes = ['Story','Veteran','Master']
zoneNames = [
# Planet zones
'Corellia','Coruscant','CZ-198','Rishi','Taris','Tatooine','Voss','Yavin 4','Ziost',
# Instances zones
'Asation','Lair of the Eyeless','Toborro\'s Palace Courtyard','The False Emperor','Battle of Rishi','Objective Meridian','Hive of the Mountain Queen',
# Operations Zones
'Valley of the Machine Gods'
class Event:
regex = r'[\[<\(]([^\[<\(\]>\)]*)[\]>\)]'
def __init__(self, x):
data = re.findall(Event.regex, x)
self.to_string = ' '.join(data)
dateandtime = datetime.strptime(list(sys.argv[1].split("_"))[1]+" "+data[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
self.date = dateandtime
self.source = Entity(data[1])
self.target = Entity(data[2])
self.ability = Ability(data[3])
self.effect = Effect(data[4])
self.value = Value(data[5])
self.threat = Threat(data[6])
class Entity:
def __init__(self, x):
if not x:
self.name = x
self.player = False
#print(x+" is not a player !")
elif x[0] == '@':
self.name = x[1:]
self.player = True
#print(x+" is a player !")
self.name = x
self.player = False
#print(x+" is not a player !")
class Ability:
def __init__(self, x):
self.name = x
class Effect:
def __init__(self, x):
if not x:
self.type = ''
self.detail = ''
foo = x.split(':')
if len(foo) > 1:
self.type = foo[0]
self.detail = foo[1]
self.type = x
self.detail = ''
#class Value:
#def __init__(self, x):
#if not x:
#self.value = 0
#self.type = ''
#foo = x.replace('*','').split(' ')
#self.value = int(foo[0])
#if len(foo) > 1:
#self.type = foo[1]
# [20:06:53.053] [@Comendatore] [@Comendatore] [] [Event {836045448945472}: EnterCombat {836045448945489}] (Ziost)
# [21:31:45.974] [@Comendatore] [@Comendatore] [] [Event {836045448945472}: EnterCombat {836045448945489}] (Hive of the Mountain Queen (8 Player Story))
# [21:32:18.105] [@Bidobulle] [@Comendatore] [Slow-release Medpac {3406415871868928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Heal {836045448945500}] (5683*)
# [21:32:19.499] [@Bidobulle] [@Comendatore] [Slow-release Medpac {3406415871868928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Heal {836045448945500}] (3641)
# [22:37:11.036] [@Comendatore] [Colossal Monolith {3541140406009856}:15814000004760] [Shocked {2044520397013249}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (165 energy {836045448940874}) <1646>
# [22:37:46.168] [@Comendatore] [Colossal Monolith {3541140406009856}:15814000004760] [Ion Storm {3389987621961728}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (20879* elemental {836045448940875}) <52197>
# [22:37:51.623] [Colossal Monolith {3541140406009856}:15814000004760] [@Comendatore] [Great Slam {3543287889657856}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (86 kinetic {836045448940873} -shield {836045448945509} (86 absorbed {836045448945511})) <86>
# [22:38:30.231] [Colossal Monolith {3541140406009856}:15814000004760] [@Comendatore] [Bleeding {3546045258662192}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (10668 internal {836045448940876}) <10668>
class Value:
def __init__(self, x):
if not x:
self.value = 0
self.type = ''
foo = x.replace('*','')
#if not re.search('[a-zA-Z]+', x):
if any(z in foo for z in dmgTypes) and not any(y in foo for y in instTypes) or not any(w in foo for w in zoneNames) or foo.isdigit():
foo = x.replace('*','').split(' ')
if foo[0].isdigit():
self.value = int(foo[0])
self.value = 0
if len(foo) > 1:
self.type = foo[1]
self.type = ''
class Threat:
def __init__(self, x):
if not x:
self.value = 0
self.type = ''
foo = x.replace('*','').split(' ')
self.value = int(foo[0])
if len(foo) > 1:
self.type = foo[1]
#date, source, target, ability, effect.type/detail, value.value/type, threat
# multiple sources
# more interesting output, graphs? What about that metric site? Google charts?
# App engine seems fun
# Details for abilities:
# dmg per ability
# Combine multiple entries per ability
def main():
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
filename = 'combat_2020-07-25_22_39_58_532658.txt'
print('File not specified, defaulting to ' + filename)
filename = sys.argv[1]
file = open(filename, 'r')
events = []
for line in file.readlines():
players = set([event.source.name for event in events])
fights = []
isBoss = False
fight = []
for event in events:
if 'EnterCombat' in event.effect.detail:
fight = []
#isBoss = False
if 'Death' in event.effect.detail:
#if any(t in event.target.name for t in listEncounters):
#isBoss = False
for event in fight:
if any(t in event.target.name for t in listEncounters):
isBoss = True
if isBoss:
fight = []
if 'ExitCombat' in event.effect.detail:
#if any(t in event.effect.detail for t in ['ExitCombat','Death']):
isBoss = False
for event in fight:
if any(t in event.target.name for t in listEncounters):
isBoss = True
if isBoss:
fight = []
for i, fight in enumerate(fights):
duration = fight[-1].date - fight[0].date
for event in fight:
if any(t in event.target.name for t in listEncounters):
namedTarget = event.target.name.split(' {')
namedTarget = namedTarget[0]
#print('\nCombat Statistics for Fight # %d (duration: %s)' %(i+1, str(duration)))
print('\nCombat Statistics for Fight #%d -> %s (%s)' %(i+1, namedTarget, str(duration)))
print("Started: " + str(fight[0].date) +" Ended: " + str(fight[-1].date))
for player in players:
if '{' not in player:
dmg = 0
tdmg = 0
heal = 0
theal = 0
threat = 0
death = False
for event in fight:
## Domages done by player (DPS)
if event.source.name == player and 'Damage ' in event.effect.detail:
dmg += event.value.value
## Domages taken by player (DTPS)
if event.target.name == player and 'Damage ' in event.effect.detail:
tdmg += event.value.value
## Heal done by player (HPS)
if event.source.name == player and 'Heal ' in event.effect.detail:
heal += event.value.value
## Heal received by player (HTPS)
if event.target.name == player and 'Heal ' in event.effect.detail:
theal += event.value.value
## Generated threat by player (TPS)
if event.source.name == player and event.threat.value:
threat += event.threat.value
## Dead
if event.source.name == player and 'Death' in event.effect.detail:
death = True
secs = duration.seconds
if not secs:
secs = 1
if dmg:
print('%s did %d damage in %s (%d DPS)' % (player, dmg, str(duration), dmg/secs))
if tdmg:
print('%s took %d damage in %s (%d DTPS)' % (player, tdmg, str(duration), tdmg/secs))
if heal:
print('%s did %d heals in %s (%d HPS)' % (player, heal, str(duration), heal/secs))
if theal:
print('%s received %d heals in %s (%d HTPS)' % (player, theal, str(duration), theal/secs))
if threat:
print('%s did %d threat in %s (%d TPS)' % (player, threat, str(duration), threat/secs))
if death:
print('%s died on %s' % (player, namedTarget))
#print("\n".join([event.to_string for event in events]))
if __name__ == "__main__":