mirror of https://github.com/Yubico/yubico-pam.git synced 2025-03-23 00:19:48 +01:00

Change to make releases from Github.

This commit is contained in:
Fredrik Thulin 2011-02-16 22:21:41 +01:00
parent 4b7fe7e880
commit 6825604968

View File

@ -48,16 +48,23 @@ check_PROGRAMS = test
# Dist docs from wiki.
EXTRA_DIST = doc/ReadMe.wiki doc/TwoFactorPAMConfiguration.wiki doc/UbuntuFreeRadiusYubiKey.wiki doc/YubiKeyAndFreeRADIUSviaPAM.wiki doc/YubiKeyAndFreeRADIUSwithsinglefactorauthenticationviaPAM.wiki doc/YubiKeyAndOpenVPNviaPAM.wiki doc/YubikeyAndRadiusViaPAM.wiki doc/YubikeyAndSSHViaPAM.wiki
EXTRA_DIST = doc/ReadMe.asciidoc doc/TwoFactorPAMConfiguration.asciidoc doc/UbuntuFreeRadiusYubiKey.asciidoc doc/YubiKeyAndFreeRADIUSviaPAM.asciidoc doc/YubiKeyAndFreeRADIUSwithsinglefactorauthenticationviaPAM.asciidoc doc/YubiKeyAndOpenVPNviaPAM.asciidoc doc/YubikeyAndRadiusViaPAM.asciidoc doc/YubikeyAndSSHViaPAM.asciidoc
# Release
cd $(srcdir) && git2cl > ChangeLog
perl -pe "s,^EXTRA_DIST = .*,EXTRA_DIST = `echo doc/*.wiki`," < Makefile.am > tmp
diff -ur Makefile.am tmp || (echo 'error: please update Makefile.am'; exit 1)
cd $(srcdir) && git submodule update
cd $(srcdir)/doc && git pull
perl -pe "s,^EXTRA_DIST = .*,EXTRA_DIST = `cd $(srcdir) && ls doc/*.asciidoc | grep -v Todo.ascii | xargs echo`," \
< $(srcdir)/Makefile.am > check-doc-dist.tmp
diff -ur $(srcdir)/Makefile.am check-doc-dist.tmp || \
(rm -f check-doc-dist.tmp; echo 'error: please update $(srcdir)/Makefile.am to include all docs'; exit 1)
rm -f check-doc-dist.tmp
diff -ur $(srcdir)/README $(srcdir)/doc/ReadMe.asciidoc || \
(echo 'error: README and doc/ReadMe.asciidoc does not match!'; exit 1)
PROJECT = yubico-pam
@ -68,15 +75,12 @@ release:
make check-doc-dist ChangeLog distcheck
gpg --detach-sign --default-key $(KEYID) $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
gpg --verify $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz.sig
svn copy https://$(PROJECT).googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ \
https://$(PROJECT).googlecode.com/svn/tags/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) \
-m "Tagging the $(VERSION) release of the $(PACKAGE) project."
cd $(srcdir) && git push
cd $(srcdir) && git tag -u $(KEYID)! -m $(VERSION) v$(VERSION)
cd $(srcdir) && git push --tags
mkdir -p ../releases/$(PACKAGE)/ && \
cp -v $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz* ../releases/$(PACKAGE)/
googlecode_upload.py -s "OpenPGP signature for $(PACKAGE) $(VERSION)." \
googlecode_upload.py -s "$(PACKAGE) $(VERSION)" \
cp README ../wiki-$(PROJECT)/ReadMe.wiki && \
cd ../wiki-$(PROJECT) && \
svn commit -m Sync. ReadMe.wiki