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Installation and Configuration of Yubikey KSM
The Yubikey KSM module is responsible for storing AES keys and
providing two interfaces:
* Decrypting an OTP
* Adding new AES keys
It is intentionally not possible to extract the AES keys or to make
modifications to the database content, see link:Design_Goals.adoc[Design Goals].
The installation procedure documented below applies to any Unix-like
environment, although it was written for Debian GNU/Linux version 5.0
(aka "lenny").
Since version 1.1 of the YK-KSM, any database supported by the PHP PDO
interface is supported by the YK-KSM. To give concrete examples, we
will here explain how to set it up using MySQL or PostgreSQL. Note
that you only need to install either MySQL or PostgreSQL (or any other
supported database), not both!
Step 1: YK-KSM Installation
First you should download and install the latest YK-KSM release:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo apt-get install wget make help2man
user@ksm:~$ wget https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-ksm/Releases/yubikey-ksm-1.15.tgz
user@ksm:~$ wget https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-ksm/Releases/yubikey-ksm-1.15.tgz.sig
user@ksm:~$ gpg --verify yubikey-ksm-1.15.tgz.sig
user@ksm:~$ tar xfz yubikey-ksm-1.15.tgz
user@ksm:~$ cd yubikey-ksm-1.15
user@ksm:~/yubikey-ksm-1.15$ sudo make install
Alternatively, you may also check out YK-KSM from its source code repository. For example:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo apt-get install git make help2man
user@ksm:~$ git clone git://github.com/Yubico/yubikey-ksm.git
user@ksm:~$ cd yubikey-ksm
user@ksm:~/yubikey-ksm$ sudo make install
The rest of this documentation will assume you have installed the
YK-KSM with 'make install'.
Step 2: Install web server and PHP
You will need to install a web server with PHP5 and the PHP mcrypt
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mcrypt
Any web server with PHP support should work.
Step 3A: MySQL Installation
Install the required packages:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server php5-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl
The installation asks you for a MySQL "root" password, and I recommend
to specify one.
To avoid having to specify a password when using the 'mysql' tool
interactively, you can store the password in ~/.my.cnf, see
/usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian.gz. For example:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ cat > .my.cnf
user = root
First create the database and the tables as follows:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ echo 'create database ykksm' | mysql
user@ksm:~$ mysql ykksm < /usr/share/doc/yubikey-ksm/ykksm-db.sql
You should also create database users for the decrypt and import
interfaces, normally called 'ykksmreader' and 'ykksmimporter':
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ mysql --silent ykksm
mysql> CREATE USER 'ykksmreader';
mysql> GRANT SELECT ON ykksm.yubikeys TO 'ykksmreader'@'localhost';
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'ykksmreader'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('yourpassword');
mysql> CREATE USER 'ykksmimporter';
mysql> GRANT INSERT ON ykksm.yubikeys TO 'ykksmimporter'@'localhost';
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'ykksmimporter'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('otherpassword');
mysql> \q
Step 3B: PostgreSQL Installation
Install some packages:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo apt-get install postgresql php5-pgsql libdbd-pg-perl
The database needs to be initialized as follows:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo su postgres
postgres@ksm:~$ createdb ykksm
postgres@ksm:~$ psql ykksm < /usr/share/doc/yubikey-ksm/ykksm-db.sql
You also need to create a user for the decrypt interface, normally
called 'ykksmreader':
[source, sh]
postgres@ksm:~$ psql ykksm -q
ykksm=# CREATE USER ykksmreader PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
ykksm=# GRANT SELECT ON yubikeys TO ykksmreader;
ykksm=# CREATE USER ykksmimporter PASSWORD 'otherpassword';
ykksm=# GRANT INSERT ON yubikeys TO ykksmimporter;
ykksm=# \q
During installation and debugging it may be useful to watch the
database log entries:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo tail -F /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-*-main.log &
Step 4: Include path configuration
Set the include path by creating a file /etc/php5/conf.d/ykksm.ini
with the following content:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/php5/conf.d/ykksm.ini'
include_path = "/etc/yubico/ksm:/usr/share/yubikey-ksm"
user@ksm:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
The paths are the default, if you installed the YK-KSM in some other
place you need to modify the paths.
Step 5: Logging
The PHP interface uses syslog for logging of incoming requests. The
facility is set in ykksm-config.php but defaults the LOG_LOCAL0. To
place these messages in a separate file, you can add the following to
/etc/syslog.conf, or if you use rsyslog, create a file
/etc/rsyslog.d/ykksm.conf with this content:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/rsyslog.d/ykksm.conf'
local0.* -/var/log/ykksm.log
user@ksm:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart
The '-' before the filename avoids syncing the file after each write,
which is recommended for performance.
The log file can grow large quickly, so it is a good idea to setup
rotation of log files. Here is an example that rotates the log file
weekly. Create a file /etc/logrotate.d/ykksm like this:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/logrotate.d/ykksm'
/var/log/ykksm.log {
rotate 9999
invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload > /dev/null
Step 5.1: Fix default log (optional)
Unfortunately, most default syslog configuration, including the
syslog.conf configuration file on Debian, will also log all entries to
/var/log/syslog and/or /var/log/messages.
I am not aware of any way to avoid this without modifying these other
rules. To avoid YK-KSM log entries in these other files, you must
modify the default rules. For example, edit the following lines of
/etc/rsyslog.conf (or /etc/syslog.conf if you don't use rsyslog):
[source, sh]
*.*;auth,authpriv.none -/var/log/syslog
mail,news.none -/var/log/messages
Change them into:
[source, sh]
*.*;auth,authpriv.none,local0.none -/var/log/syslog
mail,news.none -/var/log/messages
Step 6: Decrypt OTP Interface
The interface to decrypt OTPs is implemented using a PHP script. You
can place the script under any URL, but we recommend serving it as
http://ykksm.example.org/wsapi/decrypt. The simplest way is to use
the 'symlink' rule in our makefile:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo make -f /usr/share/doc/yubikey-ksm/ykksm.mk symlink
install -d /var/www/wsapi
ln -sf /usr/share/yubikey-ksm/.htaccess /var/www/wsapi/.htaccess
ln -sf /usr/share/yubikey-ksm/ykksm-decrypt.php /var/www/wsapi/decrypt.php
You may also run the commands manually.
Step 7: YK-KSM Configuration
You need to edit the ykksm-config.php script. An example file is
included in YK-KSM as 'ykksm-config.php'. It is normally installed as
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo cat /etc/yubico/ksm/ykksm-config.php
$db_dsn = "mysql:dbname=ykksm;host=";
$db_username = "ykksmreader";
$db_password = "yourpassword";
$db_options = array();
$logfacility = LOG_LOCAL0;
Be careful about the user permissions and ownership so that unrelated
users on the system cannot read the database password.
Typically you only need to modify the database password, and possibly
the database definition in $db_dsn. Example DSN for a MySQL setup:
[source, sh]
$db_dsn = "mysql:dbname=ykksm;host=";
An example DSN for a PostgreSQL setup:
[source, sh]
$db_dsn = "pgsql:dbname=ykksm;host=";
The End
You now have a YK-KSM up and running. You can test the service by
requesting a URL. Using wget, for example:
[source, sh]
user@ksm:~$ sudo apt-get install wget
user@ksm:~$ wget -q -O - 'http://localhost/wsapi/decrypt?otp=dteffujehknhfjbrjnlnldnhcujvddbikngjrtgh'
ERR Unknown yubikey
You will need to import keys into the database for the decrypt function
to do anything useful. See link:Server_Hardening.adoc[Server Hardening]
on how to improve security of your system. Likely next steps are
link:Generate_KSM_Key.adoc[Generate KSM Key],
link:Generate_Keys.adoc[Generate Keys] and/or
link:Import_Keys_To_KSM.adoc[Import Keys To KSM].