mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:29:18 +01:00
559 lines
17 KiB
559 lines
17 KiB
require_once 'ykval-config.php';
require_once 'ykval-common.php';
require_once 'ykval-db.php';
class SyncLib
public $syncServers = null;
public $dbConn = null;
function __construct($logname='ykval-synclib')
global $baseParams;
$this->syncServers = $baseParams['__YKVAL_SYNC_POOL__'];
$this->db=new Db($baseParams['__YKVAL_DB_DSN__'],
function isConnected()
return $this->isConnected;
function DbTimeToUnix($db_time)
$unix=strptime($db_time, '%F %H:%M:%S');
return mktime($unix[tm_hour], $unix[tm_min], $unix[tm_sec], $unix[tm_mon]+1, $unix[tm_mday], $unix[tm_year]+1900);
function UnixToDbTime($unix)
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $unix);
function getServer($index)
if (isset($this->syncServers[$index])) return $this->syncServers[$index];
else return "";
function getClientData($client)
$res=$this->db->customQuery("SELECT id, secret FROM clients WHERE active AND id='" . $client . "'");
if($res->rowCount()>0) return $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
else return false;
function getLast()
$res=$this->db->last('queue', 1);
return array('queued'=>$res['queued'],
public function getQueueLength()
return count($this->db->last('queue', null));
public function createInfoString($otpParams, $localParams)
return 'yk_publicname=' . $otpParams['yk_publicname'] .
'&yk_counter=' . $otpParams['yk_counter'] .
'&yk_use=' . $otpParams['yk_use'] .
'&yk_high=' . $otpParams['yk_high'] .
'&yk_low=' . $otpParams['yk_low'] .
'&nonce=' . $otpParams['nonce'] .
',local_counter=' . $localParams['yk_counter'] .
'&local_use=' . $localParams['yk_use'];
public function otpParamsFromInfoString($info) {
$out=explode(",", $info);
parse_str($out[0], $params);
return $params;
public function otpPartFromInfoString($info) {
$out=explode(",", $info);
return $out[0];
public function localParamsFromInfoString($info)
$out=explode(",", $info);
parse_str($out[1], $params);
return array('yk_counter'=>$params['local_counter'],
public function queue($otpParams, $localParams)
$info=$this->createInfoString($otpParams, $localParams);
$this->otpParams = $otpParams;
$this->localParams = $localParams;
foreach ($this->syncServers as $server) {
if(! $this->db->save('queue', array('queued'=>$queued,
'info'=>$info))) $res=False;
return $res;
public function getNumberOfServers()
if (is_array($this->syncServers)) return count($this->syncServers);
else return 0;
public function log($level, $msg, $params=NULL)
$logMsg=$this->logname . ':' . $level . ':' . $msg;
if ($params) $logMsg .= ' modified=' . $params['modified'] .
' nonce=' . $params['nonce'] .
' yk_publicname=' . $params['yk_publicname'] .
' yk_counter=' . $params['yk_counter'] .
' yk_use=' . $params['yk_use'] .
' yk_high=' . $params['yk_high'] .
' yk_low=' . $params['yk_low'];
function getLocalParams($yk_publicname)
$this->log("notice", "searching for " . $yk_publicname . " (" . $yk_publicname . ") in local db");
$res = $this->db->findBy('yubikeys', 'yk_publicname', $yk_publicname,1);
if (!$res) {
$this->log('notice', 'Discovered new identity ' . $yk_publicname);
$this->db->save('yubikeys', array('yk_publicname'=>$yk_publicname,
$res=$this->db->findBy('yubikeys', 'yk_publicname', $yk_publicname, 1);
if ($res) {
$this->log("notice", "counter found in db ", $localParams);
return $localParams;
} else {
$this->log('notice', 'params for identity ' . $yk_publicname . ' not found in database');
return false;
private function parseParamsFromMultiLineString($str)
preg_match("/^modified=([0-9]*)/m", $str, $out);
preg_match("/^yk_publicname=([[:alpha:]]*)/m", $str, $out);
preg_match("/^yk_counter=([0-9]*)/m", $str, $out);
preg_match("/^yk_use=([0-9]*)/m", $str, $out);
preg_match("/^yk_high=([0-9]*)/m", $str, $out);
preg_match("/^yk_low=([0-9]*)/m", $str, $out);
preg_match("/^nonce=([[:alnum:]]*)/m", $str, $out);
return $resParams;
public function updateDbCounters($params)
$res=$this->db->lastBy('yubikeys', 'yk_publicname', $params['yk_publicname']);
if (isset($res['id'])) {
$condition='('.$params['yk_counter'].'>yk_counter or ('.$params['yk_counter'].'=yk_counter and ' .
$params['yk_use'] . '>yk_use))' ;
if(! $this->db->conditional_update('yubikeys',
error_log("ykval-synclib:critical: failed to update internal DB with new counters");
return false;
} else {
if (mysql_affected_rows()>0) $this->log("notice", "updated database ", $params);
else $this->log('notice', 'database not updated', $params);
return true;
} else return false;
public function countersHigherThan($p1, $p2)
if ($p1['yk_counter'] > $p2['yk_counter'] ||
($p1['yk_counter'] == $p2['yk_counter'] &&
$p1['yk_use'] > $p2['yk_use'])) return true;
else return false;
public function countersHigherThanOrEqual($p1, $p2)
if ($p1['yk_counter'] > $p2['yk_counter'] ||
($p1['yk_counter'] == $p2['yk_counter'] &&
$p1['yk_use'] >= $p2['yk_use'])) return true;
else return false;
public function countersEqual($p1, $p2) {
return ($p1['yk_counter']==$p2['yk_counter']) && ($p1['yk_use']==$p2['yk_use']);
public function deleteQueueEntry($answer)
preg_match('/url=(.*)\?/', $answer, $out);
debug("server=" . $server);
public function reSync($older_than=10, $timeout)
/* Loop over all unique servers in queue */
$res=$this->db->customQuery("select distinct server from queue WHERE (queued_time < DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL " . $older_than . " MINUTE) or queued_time is null)");
error_log("found " . mysql_num_rows($res) . " unique servers");
return true;
# TODO: move statement to DB class, this looks grotesque
$res=$this->db->customQuery("select * from queue WHERE (queued_time < DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL " . $older_than . " MINUTE) or queued_time is null) and server='" . $server . "'");
$this->log('notice', "found " . mysql_num_rows($res) . " old queue entries");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
foreach ($collection as $row) {
$this->log('notice', "server=" . $row['server'] . " , info=" . $row['info']);
$urls[]=$row['server'] .
"?otp=" . $row['otp'] .
"&modified=" . $row['modified'] .
"&" . $this->otpPartFromInfoString($row['info']);
/* Send out until no URL's left, or a timeout */
foreach($urls as $url) {
$ch = curl_init($this->url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "YK-VAL");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ($response==False) {
$this->log('warning', 'Timeout. Stopping queue resync at the moment');
return false;
if (preg_match("/^OK/", $respone)) {
$this->log("notice", "response contains ", $resParams);
/* Update database counters */
/* Warnings and deletion */
preg_match("/url=(.*)\?.*otp=([[:alpha:]]*)/", $answer, $out);
$this->log('notice', 'Searching for entry with' .
' server=' . $server .
' otp=' . $otp);
$this->log('notice', 'found ' . count($entries) . ' entries');
if (count($entries)>1) $this->log('warning', 'Multiple queue entries with the same OTP. We could have an OTP replay attempt in the system');
foreach($entries as $entry) {
/* Warnings */
/* Check for warnings
If received sync response have lower counters than locally saved
last counters (indicating that remote server wasn't synced)
if ($this->countersHigherThan($localParams, $resParams)) {
$this->log("warning", "queued:Remote server out of sync, local counters ", $localParams);
$this->log("warning", "queued:Remote server out of sync, remote counters ", $resParams);
/* If received sync response have higher counters than locally saved
last counters (indicating that local server wasn't synced)
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $localParams)) {
$this->log("warning", "queued:Local server out of sync, local counters ", $localParams);
$this->log("warning", "queued:Local server out of sync, remote counters ", $resParams);
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $otpParams) ||
($this->countersEqual($resParams, $otpParams) &&
$resParams['nonce']!=$otpParams['nonce'])) {
/* If received sync response have higher counters than OTP or same counters with different nonce
(indicating REPLAYED_OTP)
$this->log("warning", "queued:replayed OTP, remote counters " , $resParams);
$this->log("warning", "queued:replayed OTP, otp counters", $otpParams);
/* Deletion */
$this->log('notice', 'deleting queue entry with id=' . $entry['id']);
$this->db->deleteByMultiple('queue', array('id'=>$entry['id']));
return true;
public function sync($ans_req, $timeout=1)
Construct URLs
$res=$this->db->findByMultiple('queue', array("modified"=>$this->otpParams['modified'], "random_key"=>$this->random_key));
foreach ($res as $row) {
$urls[]=$row['server'] .
"?otp=" . $row['otp'] .
"&modified=" . $row['modified'] .
"&" . $this->otpPartFromInfoString($row['info']);
Send out requests
$ans_arr=$this->retrieveURLasync($urls, $ans_req, $timeout);
if (!is_array($ans_arr)) {
$this->log('warning', 'No responses from validation server pool');
Parse responses
$localParams = $this->localParams;
$this->answers = count($ans_arr);
$this->valid_answers = 0;
foreach ($ans_arr as $answer){
/* Parse out parameters from each response */
$this->log("notice", "local db contains ", $localParams);
$this->log("notice", "response contains ", $resParams);
/* Update internal DB (conditional) */
/* Check for warnings
If received sync response have lower counters than local db
(indicating that remote server wasn't synced)
if ($this->countersHigherThan($localParams, $resParams)) {
$this->log("warning", "Remote server out of sync, local counters ", $localParams);
$this->log("warning", "Remote server out of sync, remote counters ", $resParams);
/* If received sync response have higher counters than local db
(indicating that local server wasn't synced)
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $localParams)) {
$this->log("warning", "Local server out of sync, local counters ", $localParams);
$this->log("warning", "Local server out of sync, remote counters ", $resParams);
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $this->otpParams) ||
($this->countersEqual($resParams, $this->otpParams) &&
$resParams['nonce']!=$this->otpParams['nonce'])) {
/* If received sync response have higher counters than OTP or same counters with different nonce
(indicating REPLAYED_OTP)
$this->log("warning", "replayed OTP, remote counters " , $resParams);
$this->log("warning", "replayed OTP, otp counters", $this->otpParams);
} else {
/* The answer is ok since a REPLAY was not indicated */
/* Delete entry from table */
NULL queued_time for remaining entries in queue, to allow
daemon to take care of them as soon as possible. */
$this->db->updateBy('queue', 'random_key', $this->random_key,
/* Return true if valid answers equals required answers.
Since we only obtain the required amount of answers from
retrieveAsync this indicates that all answers were actually valid.
Otherwise, return false. */
if ($this->valid_answers==$ans_req) return True;
else return False;
public function getNumberOfValidAnswers()
if (isset($this->valid_answers)) return $this->valid_answers;
else return 0;
public function getNumberOfAnswers()
if (isset($this->answers)) return $this->answers;
else return 0;
This function takes a list of URLs. It will return the content of
the first successfully retrieved URL, whose content matches ^OK.
The request are sent asynchronously. Some of the URLs can fail
with unknown host, connection errors, or network timeout, but as
long as one of the URLs given work, data will be returned. If all
URLs fail, data from some URL that did not match parameter $match
(defaults to ^OK) is returned, or if all URLs failed, false.
function retrieveURLasync ($urls, $ans_req=1, $timeout=1.0) {
$mh = curl_multi_init();
$ch = array();
foreach ($urls as $id => $url) {
error_log("url is " . $url);
$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "YK-VAL");
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $handle);
$ch[$handle] = $handle;
$str = false;
$ans_count = 0;
$ans_arr = array();
do {
while (($mrc = curl_multi_exec($mh, $active)) == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM)
while ($info = curl_multi_info_read($mh)) {
debug ("YK-KSM multi", $info);
if ($info['result'] == CURL_OK) {
$str = curl_multi_getcontent($info['handle']);
if (preg_match("/status=OK/", $str)) {
$error = curl_error ($info['handle']);
$errno = curl_errno ($info['handle']);
$cinfo = curl_getinfo ($info['handle']);
debug("YK-KSM errno/error: " . $errno . "/" . $error, $cinfo);
debug("found entry");
$ans_arr[]="url=" . $cinfo['url'] . "\n" . $str;
if ($ans_count >= $ans_req) {
foreach ($ch as $h) {
curl_multi_remove_handle ($mh, $h);
curl_close ($h);
curl_multi_close ($mh);
return $ans_arr;
curl_multi_remove_handle ($mh, $info['handle']);
curl_close ($info['handle']);
unset ($ch[$info['handle']]);
curl_multi_select ($mh);
} while($active);
foreach ($ch as $h) {
curl_multi_remove_handle ($mh, $h);
curl_close ($h);
curl_multi_close ($mh);
if ($ans_count>0) return $ans_arr;
else return $str;