mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 06:54:19 +01:00
522 lines
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522 lines
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require_once 'ykval-config.php';
require_once 'ykval-common.php';
require_once 'ykval-db.php';
require_once 'ykval-log.php';
class SyncLib
public $syncServers = null;
public $dbConn = null;
function __construct($logname='ykval-synclib')
$this->myLog = new Log($logname);
global $baseParams;
$this->syncServers = $baseParams['__YKVAL_SYNC_POOL__'];
$this->db = Db::GetDatabaseHandle($baseParams, $logname);
function addField($name, $value)
$this->myLog->addField($name, $value);
$this->db->addField($name, $value);
function isConnected()
return $this->isConnected;
function DbTimeToUnix($db_time)
$unix=strptime($db_time, '%F %H:%M:%S');
return mktime($unix[tm_hour], $unix[tm_min], $unix[tm_sec], $unix[tm_mon]+1, $unix[tm_mday], $unix[tm_year]+1900);
function UnixToDbTime($unix)
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $unix);
function getServer($index)
if (isset($this->syncServers[$index])) return $this->syncServers[$index];
else return "";
function getClientData($client)
$res = $this->db->customQuery("SELECT id, secret FROM clients WHERE active='1' AND id='" . $client . "'");
$r = $this->db->fetchArray($res);
if ($r) return $r;
else return false;
public function getQueueLength()
return count($this->db->findBy('queue', null, null, null));
public function createInfoString($otpParams, $localParams)
return 'yk_publicname=' . $otpParams['yk_publicname'] .
'&yk_counter=' . $otpParams['yk_counter'] .
'&yk_use=' . $otpParams['yk_use'] .
'&yk_high=' . $otpParams['yk_high'] .
'&yk_low=' . $otpParams['yk_low'] .
'&nonce=' . $otpParams['nonce'] .
',local_counter=' . $localParams['yk_counter'] .
'&local_use=' . $localParams['yk_use'];
public function otpParamsFromInfoString($info) {
$out=explode(",", $info);
parse_str($out[0], $params);
return $params;
public function otpPartFromInfoString($info) {
$out=explode(",", $info);
return $out[0];
public function localParamsFromInfoString($info)
$out=explode(",", $info);
parse_str($out[1], $params);
return array('yk_counter'=>$params['local_counter'],
public function queue($otpParams, $localParams)
$info=$this->createInfoString($otpParams, $localParams);
$this->otpParams = $otpParams;
$this->localParams = $localParams;
foreach ($this->syncServers as $server) {
if(! $this->db->save('queue', array('queued'=>$queued,
'info'=>$info))) $res=False;
return $res;
public function getNumberOfServers()
if (is_array($this->syncServers)) return count($this->syncServers);
else return 0;
public function log($priority, $msg, $params=NULL)
if ($params) $logMsg .= ' modified=' . $params['modified'] .
' nonce=' . $params['nonce'] .
' yk_publicname=' . $params['yk_publicname'] .
' yk_counter=' . $params['yk_counter'] .
' yk_use=' . $params['yk_use'] .
' yk_high=' . $params['yk_high'] .
' yk_low=' . $params['yk_low'];
if ($this->myLog) $this->myLog->log($priority, $logMsg);
else error_log("Warning: myLog uninitialized in ykval-synclib.php. Message is " . $logMsg);
function getLocalParams($yk_publicname)
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "searching for yk_publicname " . $yk_publicname . " in local db");
$res = $this->db->findBy('yubikeys', 'yk_publicname', $yk_publicname, 1);
if (!$res) {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, 'Discovered new identity ' . $yk_publicname);
$this->db->save('yubikeys', array('active'=>1,
'nonce'=> '0000000000000000',
$res=$this->db->findBy('yubikeys', 'yk_publicname', $yk_publicname,1);
if ($res) {
$localParams=array('modified' => $res['modified'],
'nonce' => $res['nonce'],
'active' => $res['active'],
'yk_publicname' => $yk_publicname,
'yk_counter' => $res['yk_counter'],
'yk_use' => $res['yk_use'],
'yk_high' => $res['yk_high'],
'yk_low' => $res['yk_low']);
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "yubikey found in db ", $localParams);
return $localParams;
} else {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, 'params for yk_publicname ' . $yk_publicname . ' not found in database');
return false;
private function parseParamsFromMultiLineString($str)
$i = preg_match("/^modified=(-1|[0-9]+)/m", $str, $out);
if ($i != 1) {
$this->log(LOG_ALERT, "cannot parse modified value: $str");
$i = preg_match("/^yk_publicname=([cbdefghijklnrtuv]+)/m", $str, $out);
if ($i != 1) {
$this->log(LOG_ALERT, "cannot parse publicname value: $str");
$i = preg_match("/^yk_counter=(-1|[0-9]+)/m", $str, $out);
if ($i != 1) {
$this->log(LOG_ALERT, "cannot parse counter value: $str");
$i = preg_match("/^yk_use=(-1|[0-9]+)/m", $str, $out);
if ($i != 1) {
$this->log(LOG_ALERT, "cannot parse use value: $str");
preg_match("/^yk_high=(-1|[0-9]+)/m", $str, $out);
if ($i != 1) {
$this->log(LOG_ALERT, "cannot parse high value: $str");
preg_match("/^yk_low=(-1|[0-9]+)/m", $str, $out);
if ($i != 1) {
$this->log(LOG_ALERT, "cannot parse low value: $str");
preg_match("/^nonce=([[:alnum:]]+)/m", $str, $out);
if ($i != 1) {
$this->log(LOG_ALERT, "cannot parse counter value: $str");
return $resParams;
public function updateDbCounters($params)
if (isset($params['yk_publicname'])) {
$condition='('.$params['yk_counter'].'>yk_counter or ('.$params['yk_counter'].'=yk_counter and ' .
$params['yk_use'] . '>yk_use))' ;
if(! $this->db->conditionalUpdateBy('yubikeys', 'yk_publicname', $params['yk_publicname'],
$this->log(LOG_CRIT, 'failed to update internal DB with new counters');
return false;
} else
if ($this->db->rowCount()>0) $this->log(LOG_INFO, "updated database ", $params);
else $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'database not updated', $params);
return true;
} else return false;
public function countersHigherThan($p1, $p2)
if ($p1['yk_counter'] > $p2['yk_counter'] ||
($p1['yk_counter'] == $p2['yk_counter'] &&
$p1['yk_use'] > $p2['yk_use'])) return true;
else return false;
public function countersHigherThanOrEqual($p1, $p2)
if ($p1['yk_counter'] > $p2['yk_counter'] ||
($p1['yk_counter'] == $p2['yk_counter'] &&
$p1['yk_use'] >= $p2['yk_use'])) return true;
else return false;
public function countersEqual($p1, $p2) {
return ($p1['yk_counter']==$p2['yk_counter']) && ($p1['yk_use']==$p2['yk_use']);
public function deleteQueueEntry($answer)
preg_match('/url=(.*)\?/', $answer, $out);
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "deleting server=" . $server .
" modified=" . $this->otpParams['modified'] .
" server_nonce=" . $this->server_nonce);
public function reSync($older_than=60, $timeout)
$this->log(LOG_INFO, 'starting resync');
/* Loop over all unique servers in queue */
$server_res=$this->db->customQuery("select distinct server from queue WHERE queued < " . $queued_limit . " or queued is null");
while ($my_server=$this->db->fetchArray($server_res)) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Processing queue for server " . $my_server['server']);
$res=$this->db->customQuery("select * from queue WHERE (queued < " . $queued_limit . " or queued is null) and server='" . $my_server['server'] . "'");
$ch = curl_init();
while ($entry=$this->db->fetchArray($res)) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "server=" . $entry['server'] . ", server_nonce=" . $entry['server_nonce'] . ", info=" . $entry['info']);
$url=$entry['server'] .
"?otp=" . $entry['otp'] .
"&modified=" . $entry['modified'] .
"&" . $this->otpPartFromInfoString($entry['info']);
/* Send out sync request */
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, 'url is ' . $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "YK-VAL");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ($response==False) {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, 'Timeout. Stopping queue resync for server ' . $entry['server']);
if (preg_match("/status=OK/", $response)) {
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, "response contains ", $resParams);
/* Update database counters */
/* Retrieve info from entry info string */
/* This is the counter values we had in our database *before* processing the current OTP. */
/* This is the data from the current OTP. */
/* Fetch current information from our database */
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, "validation params: ", $validationParams);
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, "OTP params: ", $otpParams);
/* Check for warnings */
if ($this->countersHigherThan($validationParams, $resParams)) {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Remote server out of sync compared to counters at validation request time. ");
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $validationParams)) {
if ($this->countersEqual($resParams, $otpParams)) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Remote server had received the current counter values already. ");
} else {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Local server out of sync compared to counters at validation request time. ");
if ($this->countersHigherThan($localParams, $resParams)) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, "Remote server out of sync compared to current local counters. ");
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $localParams)) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, "Local server out of sync compared to current local counters. Local server updated. ");
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $otpParams)) {
$this->log(LOG_ERR, "Remote server has higher counters than OTP. This response would have marked the OTP as invalid. ");
elseif ($this->countersEqual($resParams, $otpParams) &&
$resParams['nonce']!=$otpParams['nonce']) {
$this->log(LOG_ERR, "Remote server has equal counters as OTP and nonce differs. This response would have marked the OTP as invalid.");
/* Deletion */
$this->log(LOG_INFO, 'deleting queue entry with modified=' . $entry['modified'] .
' server_nonce=' . $entry['server_nonce'] .
' server=' . $entry['server']);
} else if (preg_match("/status=BAD_OTP/", $response)) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, "Remote server says BAD_OTP, pointless to try again, removing from queue.");
} else {
$this->log(LOG_ERR, "Remote server refused our sync request. Check remote server logs.");
} /* End of loop over each queue entry for a server */
} /* End of loop over each distinct server in queue */
return true;
public function sync($ans_req, $timeout=1)
Construct URLs
$res=$this->db->findByMultiple('queue', array("modified"=>$this->otpParams['modified'], "server_nonce"=>$this->server_nonce));
foreach($res as $row) {
$urls[]=$row['server'] .
"?otp=" . $row['otp'] .
"&modified=" . $row['modified'] .
"&" . $this->otpPartFromInfoString($row['info']);
Send out requests
$ans_arr=$this->retrieveURLasync_wrap($urls, $ans_req, $timeout);
if (!is_array($ans_arr)) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'No responses from validation server pool');
Parse responses
$localParams = $this->localParams;
$this->answers = count($ans_arr);
$this->valid_answers = 0;
foreach ($ans_arr as $answer){
/* Parse out parameters from each response */
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, "local db contains ", $localParams);
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, "response contains ", $resParams);
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, "OTP contains " , $this->otpParams);
/* Update internal DB (conditional) */
/* Check for warnings
See http://code.google.com/p/yubikey-val-server-php/wiki/ServerReplicationProtocol
NOTE: We use localParams for validationParams comparison since they are actually the
same in this situation and we have them at hand.
if ($this->countersHigherThan($localParams, $resParams)) {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Remote server out of sync");
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $localParams)) {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Local server out of sync");
if ($this->countersEqual($resParams, $localParams) &&
$resParams['nonce']!=$localParams['nonce']) {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Servers out of sync. Nonce differs. ");
if ($this->countersEqual($resParams, $localParams) &&
$resParams['modified']!=$localParams['modified']) {
$this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Servers out of sync. Modified differs. ");
if ($this->countersHigherThan($resParams, $this->otpParams)){
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'OTP is replayed. Sync response counters higher than OTP counters.');
elseif ($this->countersEqual($resParams, $this->otpParams) &&
$resParams['nonce']!=$this->otpParams['nonce']) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'OTP is replayed. Sync response counters equal to OTP counters and nonce differs.');
} else {
/* The answer is ok since a REPLAY was not indicated */
/* Delete entry from table */
NULL queued_time for remaining entries in queue, to allow
daemon to take care of them as soon as possible. */
$this->db->updateBy('queue', 'server_nonce', $this->server_nonce,
/* Return true if valid answers equals required answers.
Since we only obtain the required amount of answers from
retrieveAsync this indicates that all answers were actually valid.
Otherwise, return false. */
if ($this->valid_answers==$ans_req) return True;
else return False;
public function getNumberOfValidAnswers()
if (isset($this->valid_answers)) return $this->valid_answers;
else return 0;
public function getNumberOfAnswers()
if (isset($this->answers)) return $this->answers;
else return 0;
function retrieveURLasync_wrap ($urls, $ans_req=1, $timeout=1.0)
return retrieveURLasync("YK-VAL sync", $urls, $this->myLog, $ans_req, $match="status=OK", $returl=True, $timeout);