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//* Arduino String Test
//* (C) 2010 by Rick Anderson
//* Open source as per standard Arduino code
//* Oct 16, 2010 <ROA> Started on String Test
#include "HardwareSerial.h"
#include <ArduinoTestSuite.h>
void setup()
int startMemoryUsage;
ATS_begin("Arduino", "Test of String Library");
* Test Variable Setup
* Best practive set all your test variables prior to teseting.
* This is required for Memory tests.
String stringOne = String("stringThree = ");
String stringTwo = String("this string");
String stringThree = String ();
char charResult[100];
* Run the tests
// adding a constant integer to a string:
stringThree = stringOne + 123;
//strcpy(charResult, "\0");
stringThree.toCharArray(charResult, sizeof(charResult));
ATS_PrintTestStatus("1. Adding a constant integer to a string:", strcmp(charResult,"stringThree = 123" ) == 0);
// adding a constant long interger to a string:
stringThree = stringOne + 123456789;
stringThree.toCharArray(charResult, sizeof(charResult));
ATS_PrintTestStatus("2. Adding a constant long interger to a string", strcmp(charResult,"stringThree = 123456789" ) == 0);
// adding a constant character to a string:
stringThree = stringOne + 'A';
stringThree.toCharArray(charResult, sizeof(charResult));
ATS_PrintTestStatus("3. Adding a constant character to a string", strcmp(charResult,"stringThree = A" ) == 0);
// adding a constant string to a string:
stringThree = stringOne + "abc";
stringThree.toCharArray(charResult, sizeof(charResult));
ATS_PrintTestStatus("4. Adding a constant string variable to a string", strcmp(charResult,"stringThree = abc" ) == 0);
//"5. Adding a constant long interger to a string"
stringThree = stringOne + stringTwo;
stringThree.toCharArray(charResult, sizeof(charResult));
ATS_PrintTestStatus("5. Adding a constant long interger to a string", strcmp(charResult,"stringThree = this string" ) == 0);
* setup up String Comparison Operater Tests
stringOne = String("this");
stringTwo = String("that");
// two strings equal:
ATS_PrintTestStatus("6. Two strings equal",stringOne == "this");
// two strings not equal:
ATS_PrintTestStatus("7. Two strings not equal",stringOne != stringTwo);
// two strings not equal (case sensitivity matters):
stringOne = "This";
stringTwo = "this";
ATS_PrintTestStatus("8. Two strings not equal [case sensitivity matters]", stringOne != stringTwo);
// you can also use equals() to see if two strings are the same:
stringOne = "this";
stringTwo = "this";
ATS_PrintTestStatus("9. Equals() method equals", stringOne.equals(stringTwo));
// you can also use not equals() to see if two strings are not the same:
stringOne = String("This");
stringTwo = String("this");
ATS_PrintTestStatus("10. Not equals() method equals", !stringOne.equals(stringTwo));
// or perhaps you want to ignore case:
ATS_PrintTestStatus("11. EqualsIgnoreCase() method equals", stringOne.equalsIgnoreCase(stringTwo));
// a numeric string compared to the number it represents:
stringOne = "1";
int numberOne = 1;
ATS_PrintTestStatus("12. A numeric string compared to the number it represents", stringOne == numberOne);
// two numeric strings compared:
stringOne = "2";
stringTwo = "1";
ATS_PrintTestStatus("13. Two numeric strings compared",stringOne >= stringTwo);
// comparison operators can be used to compare strings for alphabetic sorting too:
stringOne = String("Brown");
ATS_PrintTestStatus("14. comparison operator < can be used to compare strings for alphabetic sorting ",stringOne < "Charles");
ATS_PrintTestStatus("15. comparison operator > can be used to compare strings for alphabetic sorting ",stringOne > "Adams");
ATS_PrintTestStatus("16. comparison operator <= can be used to compare strings for alphabetic sorting ",stringOne <= "Browne");
ATS_PrintTestStatus("17. comparison operator >= can be used to compare strings for alphabetic sorting ",stringOne >= "Brow");
// the compareTo() operator also allows you to compare strings
stringOne = "Cucumber";
stringTwo = "Cucuracha";
ATS_PrintTestStatus("18. The compareTo() operator also allows you to compare strings", stringOne.compareTo(stringTwo) < 0);
// compareTo() String with numnber > String with number:
stringOne = "Sensor: 50";
stringTwo= "Sensor: 150";
ATS_PrintTestStatus("19. The compareTo() String with integers", stringOne.compareTo(stringTwo) < 0);
// compareTo() String with numnber > String with number append integer, matches example code:
stringOne = "Sensor: ";
stringTwo= "Sensor: ";
stringOne += 50;
stringTwo += 150;
ATS_PrintTestStatus("20. The compareTo() compare strings with appended integers", stringOne.compareTo(stringTwo) < 0);
* setup up String Append Operation Tests
// Serious awful problem here
stringOne = String("Sensor ");
stringTwo = String("value");
stringOne += stringTwo;
ATS_PrintTestStatus("21. Adding string to string += ", stringOne.equals("Sensor value"));
ATS_PrintTestStatus("22. The compareTo() compare strings with appended integers", stringOne.compareTo(stringTwo) < 0);
* Test complete
void loop()