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synced 2025-03-22 13:19:48 +01:00
cleaned up a bit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,1810 +0,0 @@
# Arabic translations for the Arduino IDE.
# Copyright (C) 2012
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Arduino IDE package.
# Belal M.R. Affouri <belal@eshtre.com>, 2012.
# Ameen Sarsour <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Arduino 1.01\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: belal@eshtre.com \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-8 18:10 +0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-09 12:00 +0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Belal Affouri <>\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic\n"
"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: Editor.java:366
msgid "No files were added to the sketch."
msgstr "لا يوجد ملفات اضيفت للسكتش."
#: Editor.java:369 Sketch.java:996
msgid "One file added to the sketch."
msgstr "ملف واحد اضيف للسكتش"
#: Editor.java:373
#, java-format
msgid "{0} files added to the sketch."
msgstr "{0} ملفات اضيفت للسكتش."
#: Editor.java:484
msgid "File"
msgstr "ملف"
#: Editor.java:486 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "New"
msgstr "جديد"
#: Editor.java:494 Base.java:903
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "...افتح"
#: Editor.java:503
msgid "Sketchbook"
msgstr "سكتش بوك"
#: Editor.java:509
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "أمثلة"
#: Editor.java:514 Editor.java:1977
msgid "Close"
msgstr "إغلاق"
#: Editor.java:522 Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2421 EditorToolbar.java:41
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Save"
msgstr "حفظ"
#: Editor.java:530
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "حفظ بإسم..."
#: Editor.java:538 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "رفع"
#: Editor.java:546 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Upload Using Programmer"
msgstr "رفع بواسطة المبرمجة"
#: Editor.java:556
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "اعدادات الصفحة"
#: Editor.java:564
msgid "Print"
msgstr "اطبع"
#: Editor.java:576 Preferences.java:291
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "تفضيلات"
#: Editor.java:586 Base.java:782
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "خروج"
#: Editor.java:600
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "سكتش"
#: Editor.java:602
msgid "Verify / Compile"
msgstr "تدقيق \\ ترجم"
#: Editor.java:629
msgid "Import Library..."
msgstr "...استيراد مكتبة"
#: Editor.java:634
msgid "Show Sketch Folder"
msgstr "اعرض مجلد السكتش"
#: Editor.java:643
msgid "Add File..."
msgstr "...اضف ملف"
#: Editor.java:656
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "ادوات"
#: Editor.java:662 EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Serial Monitor"
msgstr "مراقب السيريال"
#: Editor.java:682
msgid "Board"
msgstr "لوحة"
#: Editor.java:690
msgid "Serial Port"
msgstr "منفذ السيريال"
#: Editor.java:695
msgid "Programmer"
msgstr "المبرمجة"
#: Editor.java:699
msgid "Burn Bootloader"
msgstr "احرق البوتلودر"
#: Editor.java:923
msgid "serialMenu is null"
msgstr "قائمة-السيريال فارغة"
#: Editor.java:927 Editor.java:934
msgid "name is null"
msgstr "الاسم فارغ"
#: Editor.java:986
msgid "error retrieving port list"
msgstr "خطأ في استرجاع قائمة المنفذ"
#: Editor.java:1002
msgid "Help"
msgstr "مساعدة"
#: Editor.java:1041
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "الشروع في العمل"
#: Editor.java:1049
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "البيئة"
#: Editor.java:1057
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "استكشاف الاخطاء واصلاحها"
#: Editor.java:1065
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "مرجع"
#: Editor.java:1073 Editor.java:2728
msgid "Find in Reference"
msgstr "ابحث في المرجع"
#: Editor.java:1083
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "اسئلة متكررة"
#: Editor.java:1091
msgid "Visit Arduino.cc"
msgstr "Arduino.cc زر "
#: Editor.java:1094
msgid "http://arduino.cc/"
msgstr "http://arduino.cc/"
#: Editor.java:1102
msgid "About Arduino"
msgstr "عن الاردوينو"
#: Editor.java:1116
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "عدل"
#: Editor.java:1119 Editor.java:1341
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "تراجع"
#: Editor.java:1124 Editor.java:1126 Editor.java:1376
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "اعادة"
#: Editor.java:1135 Editor.java:2652
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "قص"
#: Editor.java:1143 Editor.java:2660
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "نسخ"
#: Editor.java:1151 Editor.java:2668
msgid "Copy for Forum"
msgstr "انسخ للمنتدى"
#: Editor.java:1163 Editor.java:2676
msgid "Copy as HTML"
msgstr "انسخ ك HTML"
#: Editor.java:1175 Editor.java:2684
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "لصق"
#: Editor.java:1184 Editor.java:2692
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "اختر الكل"
#: Editor.java:1194 Editor.java:2702
msgid "Comment/Uncomment"
msgstr "ملاحظة \\ الغاء الملاحظة"
#: Editor.java:1202 Editor.java:2710
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "زيادة البادئة"
#: Editor.java:1210 Editor.java:2718
msgid "Decrease Indent"
msgstr "تقليل البادئة"
#: Editor.java:1220
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "...ابحث"
#: Editor.java:1235
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "ابحث التالي"
#: Editor.java:1245
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "ابحث السابق"
#: Editor.java:1255
msgid "Use Selection For Find"
msgstr "استخدم المظلل للبحث"
#: Editor.java:1816
msgid "First select a word to find in the reference."
msgstr ".اختر الكلمة الاولى لإيجاد المرجع"
#: Editor.java:1823
#, java-format
msgid "No reference available for \"{0}\""
msgstr "\"{0}\"لا يوجد مرجع متاح ل "
#: Editor.java:1826
#, java-format
msgid "{0}.html"
msgstr "{0}.html"
#: Editor.java:1843 Sketch.java:1647
msgid "Compiling sketch..."
msgstr "...ترجمة السكتش"
#: Editor.java:1864 Editor.java:1881
msgid "Done compiling."
msgstr ".انتهاء الترجمة"
#: Editor.java:1973
#, java-format
msgid "Save changes to \"{0}\"? "
msgstr "\"{0}\" حفظ التغييرات ل "
#: Editor.java:2006
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Do you "
"want to save changes to this sketch<BR> before closing?</b><p>If you don't "
"save, your changes will be lost."
msgstr "<html dir=\"RTL\"> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p { font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>هل تريد حفظ الغييرات لهذا السكتش<BR>قبل الاغلاق ؟</b><p>اذا لم ترد الحفظ , سوف تفقد جميع التغييرات."
#: Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589
#: Sketch.java:741 Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:78
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "الغاء"
#: Editor.java:2017
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "لا تحفظ"
#: Editor.java:2089
msgid "Bad file selected"
msgstr "اختيار ملف سيئ"
#: Editor.java:2090
msgid ""
"Processing can only open its own sketches\n"
"and other files ending in .ino or .pde"
msgstr "المعالجة يمكن فقط ان تفتح السكتشات الخاصة بها\nوالملفات التي تعدل في .pde او .ino"
#: Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589 Sketch.java:741
#: Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:79
msgid "OK"
msgstr "موافق"
#: Editor.java:2100
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The file \"{0}\" needs to be inside\n"
"a sketch folder named \"{1}\".\n"
"Create this folder, move the file, and continue?"
msgstr "الملف \"{0}\" بحاجة لأن يكون بداخل \n\"{1}\" مجلد السكتش المسمى \n أنشاء المجلد ونقل الملفات والمتباعة؟"
#: Editor.java:2109
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "نقل"
#: Editor.java:2120 Editor.java:2131 Editor.java:2141 Editor.java:2159
#: Sketch.java:479 Sketch.java:485 Sketch.java:500 Sketch.java:507
#: Sketch.java:530 Sketch.java:547 Base.java:1861 Preferences.java:252
msgid "Error"
msgstr "خطأ"
#: Editor.java:2122
#, java-format
msgid "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Can't open sketch."
msgstr "المجلد المسكى \"{0}\" موجود مسبقا. لا يمكن فتح السكتش"
#: Editor.java:2132
msgid "Could not create the sketch folder."
msgstr ".لا يمكن انشاء مجلد السكتش"
#: Editor.java:2141
msgid "Could not copy to a proper location."
msgstr "لا يمكن النسخ لمكان مناسب"
#: Editor.java:2159
msgid "Could not create the sketch."
msgstr ".لا يمكن انشاء السكتش"
#: Editor.java:2166
#, java-format
msgid "{0} | Arduino {1}"
msgstr "{0} | أردوينو {1}"
#: Editor.java:2223 Editor.java:2261
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "...حفظ"
#: Editor.java:2228 Editor.java:2264
msgid "Done Saving."
msgstr "...انتهاء الحفظ"
#: Editor.java:2270
msgid "Save Canceled."
msgstr ".الغاء الحفظ"
#: Editor.java:2296
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port {0} not found.\n"
"Retry the upload with another serial port?"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2331
msgid "Uploading to I/O Board..."
msgstr ".منفذ السيريال {0} غير موجود \n"
#: Editor.java:2348 Editor.java:2384
msgid "Done uploading."
msgstr "التحميل انتهى"
#: Editor.java:2356 Editor.java:2392
msgid "Upload canceled."
msgstr "التحميل ألغي"
#: Editor.java:2420
msgid "Save changes before export?"
msgstr "حفظالتغييرات فبل التصدير ؟"
#: Editor.java:2435
msgid "Export canceled, changes must first be saved."
msgstr ".التصدير الغي , يجب حفظ التغييرات"
#: Editor.java:2457
msgid "Burning bootloader to I/O Board (this may take a minute)..."
msgstr "حرق البوتلودر للوحة ال I/O (يمكن ان يستغرق دقيقة ) ..."
#: Editor.java:2463
msgid "Done burning bootloader."
msgstr "النتهاء حرق البوتلودر"
#: Editor.java:2465 Editor.java:2469 Editor.java:2473
msgid "Error while burning bootloader."
msgstr "خطأ خلال عملية حرق البوتلودر"
#: Editor.java:2500
msgid "Printing..."
msgstr "...طباعة "
#: Editor.java:2517
msgid "Done printing."
msgstr "...انتهاء الطباعة"
#: Editor.java:2520
msgid "Error while printing."
msgstr ".خطأ خلال الطباعة "
#: Editor.java:2524
msgid "Printing canceled."
msgstr "الطباعة الغيت"
#: Editor.java:2572
#, java-format
msgid "Bad error line: {0}"
msgstr "خطأ سيئ السطر : {0}"
#: Editor.java:2641
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "افتح الرابط"
#: UpdateCheck.java:53
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
#: UpdateCheck.java:103
msgid ""
"A new version of Arduino is available,\n"
"would you like to visit the Arduino download page?"
msgstr "اصدار جديد من الارديونو متاح حاليا,\n هل ترغب بزيارة صفحة الارديونو؟"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:76
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "نعم"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:77
msgid "No"
msgstr "لا"
#: UpdateCheck.java:111
msgid "Update"
msgstr "تحديث"
#: UpdateCheck.java:118
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
#: FindReplace.java:80
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "بحث :"
#: FindReplace.java:81
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "استبدال ب:"
#: FindReplace.java:96
msgid "Ignore Case"
msgstr "تجاهل الحالة"
#: FindReplace.java:105
msgid "Wrap Around"
msgstr "التف حول"
#: FindReplace.java:120 FindReplace.java:131
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "استبدال الكل"
#: FindReplace.java:121 FindReplace.java:130 Sketch.java:1050
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "استبدال"
#: FindReplace.java:122 FindReplace.java:129
msgid "Replace & Find"
msgstr "اسبدال و بحث"
#: FindReplace.java:123 FindReplace.java:128
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "السابق"
#: FindReplace.java:124 FindReplace.java:127
msgid "Find"
msgstr "بحث"
#: SerialMonitor.java:93
msgid "Send"
msgstr "ارسل"
#: SerialMonitor.java:110
msgid "Autoscroll"
msgstr "Autoscroll"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "No line ending"
msgstr "نهاية السطر غير موجودة"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Newline"
msgstr "سطر جديد"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Carriage return"
msgstr "اعادة الحمل"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Both NL & CR"
msgstr "كلاهما NL & CR"
#: SerialMonitor.java:130 SerialMonitor.java:133
msgid " baud"
msgstr " baud"
#: Serial.java:147
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' already in use. Try quiting any programs that may be "
"using it."
msgstr "المنفذ التسلسلي ''{0}'' مستخدم حاليا. حاول اغلاق اي برامج تستخدم ذلك المنفذ."
#: Serial.java:154
#, java-format
msgid "Error opening serial port ''{0}''."
msgstr "خطأ في فتح المنفذ التسلسل ''{0}''."
#: Serial.java:167
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > "
"Serial Port menu?"
msgstr "المنفذ التسلسل ''{0}'' غير موجود. هل قمت بإختيار المنفذ الصحيح من قائمة الادوات > المنفذ التل"
#: Serial.java:424
#, java-format
msgid ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer is too small for the {0} bytes up to and "
"including char {1}"
msgstr ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer is too small for the {0} bytes up to and "
"including char {1}"
#: Serial.java:567
#, java-format
msgid "Error inside Serial.{0}()"
msgstr "Serial.{0}() خطأ داخل "
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:91
msgid "Auto Format"
msgstr "تنسيق تلقائي"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:913 tools/format/src/AutoFormat.java:54
msgid "No changes necessary for Auto Format."
msgstr "لا يوجد تغييرات ضرورية للتنسيق التلقائي."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:919
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right parentheses."
msgstr "التنسيق التلقائي الغي: كثير من الاقواس اليمين"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:922
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left parentheses."
msgstr "التنسيق التلقائي الغي: كثير من الاقواس لجهة الشمال"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:928
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right curly braces."
msgstr "التنسيق التلقائي الغي: كثير من الاقواس الملتوية لجهة اليمين"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:931
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left curly braces."
msgstr "التنسيق التلقائي الغي: كثير من الاقواس الملتوية لجهة الشمال"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:941
msgid "Auto Format finished."
msgstr "التنسيق التلقائي انتهى"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:41 tools/FixEncoding.java:58
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:79
msgid "Fix Encoding & Reload"
msgstr "الترميز و أعد التحميل"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:57
msgid "Discard all changes and reload sketch?"
msgstr "تجاهل كل التغييرات واعد تحميل السكتش"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:77
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to fix the file encoding.\n"
"Do not attempt to save this sketch as it may overwrite\n"
"the old version. Use Open to re-open the sketch and try again.\n"
msgstr "خطأ اثناء محاولة تصحيح ترميز الملف.\nلا تقم بحفظ هذا الملف حيث يمكن ان يكتب فوقه الاصدار القديم\nاستخدم فتح للإعادة. فتح السكتس وحاول مرة اخرى"
#: tools/Archiver.java:48
msgid "Archive Sketch"
msgstr "ارشفة السكتش"
#: tools/Archiver.java:59
msgid "yyMMdd"
msgstr "yyMMdd"
#: tools/Archiver.java:74
msgid "Couldn't archive sketch"
msgstr "لا يمكن ارشفة السكتش"
#: tools/Archiver.java:75
msgid ""
"Archiving the sketch has been canceled because\n"
"the sketch couldn't save properly."
msgstr "ارشفة السكتش الغيت لأنه\nالسكتش لا يمكن حفظه بشكل مناسب"
#: tools/Archiver.java:109
msgid "Archive sketch as:"
msgstr "ارشفة السكتش ك:"
#: tools/Archiver.java:139
msgid "Archive sketch canceled."
msgstr "ارشفة السكتش الغيت "
#: SketchCode.java:83
#, java-format
msgid "Error while loading code {0}"
msgstr "خطأ اثناء تحميل الكود {0}"
#: SketchCode.java:258
#, java-format
msgid ""
"\"{0}\" contains unrecognized characters.If this code was created with an "
"older version of Processing,you may need to use Tools -> Fix Encoding & "
"Reload to updatethe sketch to use UTF-8 encoding. If not, you may need "
"todelete the bad characters to get rid of this warning."
msgstr "\"{0}\" يحتوي على احرف غير معرفة . اذا انشئ الكود مع اصدار اقدم من المعالجة , يلزمك ان تستخدم ادوات -> اصلاح الترميز واعد\nالتحميل لتحديث السكتش ليستخدم ترميز UTF-8 . غير ذلك يمكنك ان تحذف الاحرف الغير معرفة للتخلص من هذا التحذير."
#: Sketch.java:278 Sketch.java:307 Sketch.java:581 Sketch.java:970
msgid "Sketch is Read-Only"
msgstr "السكتش للقرائة فقط"
#: Sketch.java:279 Sketch.java:308 Sketch.java:582 Sketch.java:971
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n"
"and try again."
msgstr "\"read-only\"بعض الملفات معلمة ب\nتحتاج لإعادة حفظ في مكان آخر,\nو حاول مرة اخرى"
#: Sketch.java:286
msgid "Name for new file:"
msgstr "اسم لملف جديد :"
#: Sketch.java:298
msgid "Sketch is Untitled"
msgstr "السكتش تم تحديثه"
#: Sketch.java:299
msgid ""
"How about saving the sketch first \n"
"before trying to rename it?"
msgstr "هل ترغب بحفظ السكتش اولا\nقبل اعادة تسميه"
#: Sketch.java:359 Sketch.java:366 Sketch.java:377
msgid "Problem with rename"
msgstr "مشكلة في اعادة التسمية"
#: Sketch.java:360
msgid "The name cannot start with a period."
msgstr "الاسم لا يمكن ان يبدأ بمسافة."
#: Sketch.java:368
#, java-format
msgid "\".{0}\" is not a valid extension."
msgstr "\".{0}\" امتداد غير صالح"
#: Sketch.java:378
msgid ""
"The main file can't use an extension.\n"
"(It may be time for your to graduate to a\n"
"\"real\" programming environment)"
msgstr "الملف الرئيسي لا يستطيع استخدام الامتداد.\n(قد يكون الوقت قد حان لتخريجه ل\nبيئة برمجية حقيقية)"
#: Sketch.java:400 Sketch.java:414 Sketch.java:423 Sketch.java:863
msgid "Nope"
msgstr "لا يا صديقي"
#: Sketch.java:402
#, java-format
msgid "A file named \"{0}\" already exists in \"{1}\""
msgstr "الملف المسمى \"{0}\" موجود مسبقا في \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:415
msgid "You can't have a .cpp file with the same name as the sketch."
msgstr "لا يمكن ان يكون لديك ملف .cpp مع نفس اسم السكتش "
#: Sketch.java:425
msgid ""
"You can't rename the sketch to \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr "\"{0}\"لا يمكن اعادة تسمية السكتش ل\nلأن السكتش مسبقا لديه ملف .cpp مع نفس الاسم"
#: Sketch.java:459
msgid "Cannot Rename"
msgstr "لا يمكن اعاعدة التسمية"
#: Sketch.java:461
#, java-format
msgid "Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named \"{0}\" already exists."
msgstr "اسف, السكتش (او المجلد ) مسمى ب \"{0}\" مستخدم مسبقا"
#: Sketch.java:479
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (0)"
msgstr "لا يمكن اعادة تسمية السكتش . (0)"
#: Sketch.java:487 Sketch.java:532
#, java-format
msgid "Could not rename \"{0}\" to \"{1}\""
msgstr "لا يمكن اعادة تسمية \"{0}\" الى \"{1}\""
بعض الملفات معلمة ب \"read-only\" , لذلك سوف تحتاج ان
#: Sketch.java:500
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (1)"
msgstr "لا يمكن اعادة تسمية الملف . (1)"
#: Sketch.java:507
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (2)"
msgstr "لا يمكن اعادة تسمية الملف . (2)"
#: Sketch.java:544
msgid "createNewFile() returned false"
msgstr "createNewFile() returned false"
#: Sketch.java:591
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?"
msgstr "هل انت متأكد انك تريد حذف السكتش ؟"
#: Sketch.java:592
#, java-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?"
msgstr "هل انت متأكد انك تريد حذف \"{0}\"؟"
#: Sketch.java:595 EditorHeader.java:314
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "حذف"
#: Sketch.java:620
msgid "Couldn't do it"
msgstr "لا يمكن فعل ذلك"
#: Sketch.java:621
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete \"{0}\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن حذف \"{0}\"."
#: Sketch.java:651
msgid "removeCode: internal error.. could not find code"
msgstr "removeCode: خطأ داخلي .. لا يمكن ايجاد الكود"
#: Sketch.java:724
msgid "Sketch is read-only"
msgstr "السكتش للقرائة فقط"
#: Sketch.java:725
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save this sketch to another location."
msgstr "بعض الملفات معلمة ب \"read-only\" , لذلك سوف تحتاج ان\nتعيد حفظ السكتش في مكان آخر."
#: Sketch.java:743
msgid ""
"In Arduino 1.0, the default file extension has changed\n"
"from .pde to .ino. New sketches (including those created\n"
"by \"Save-As\" will use the new extension. The extension\n"
"of existing sketches will be updated on save, but you can\n"
"disable this in the Preferences dialog.\n"
"Save sketch and update its extension?"
msgstr "في Arduino 1.0 الامتداد التلقائي قد تغير\nمن .pde الى .ino. السكتشات الجديدة سوف تستخدم الامتداد الجديد -\nايضا الملفات الملفات المنشأة بواسطة حفظ بإسم - الامتداد للملفات الموجودة\nسوف يحدث عند الحفظ. لكن يمكنك ان تتحكم بذلك من قائمة الخصائص\nحفظ السكتش وتحديث الامتداد ؟"
#: Sketch.java:750
msgid ".pde -> .ino"
msgstr ".pde -> .ino"
#: Sketch.java:829
msgid "Save sketch folder as..."
msgstr "حفظ مجلد السكتش الى ..."
#: Sketch.java:865
msgid ""
"You can't save the sketch as \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr "\"{0}\"لا يمكنك حبظ السكتش بـ\nلان سكتش موجود فعلا."
#: Sketch.java:886
msgid "How very Borges of you"
msgstr "ما هذه السخافة"
#: Sketch.java:887
msgid ""
"You cannot save the sketch into a folder\n"
"inside itself. This would go on forever."
msgstr "لا يمكن حفظ السكتش الى نفسه\nربما يسير الى الابد."
#: Sketch.java:979
msgid "Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch"
msgstr "اختيار الصورة او ملف لنسخه الى السكتش"
#: Sketch.java:1047
#, java-format
msgid "Replace the existing version of {0}?"
msgstr "استبدال الاصدار الموجود {0}?"
#: Sketch.java:1069 Sketch.java:1092
msgid "Error adding file"
msgstr "مشكلة في اضافة الملف"
#: Sketch.java:1070
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete the existing ''{0}'' file."
msgstr "''{0}''لا يمكن حذف الملف"
#: Sketch.java:1078
msgid "You can't fool me"
msgstr "لا يمكنك خداعي"
#: Sketch.java:1079
msgid ""
"This file has already been copied to the\n"
"location from which where you're trying to add it.\n"
"I ain't not doin nuthin'."
msgstr "هذا الملف تم بالفعل نسخه الى\nالموقع الذي تحاول اضافته اليه."
#: Sketch.java:1093
#, java-format
msgid "Could not add ''{0}'' to the sketch."
msgstr "لا يمكن اضافة ''{0}'' الى السكتش."
#: Sketch.java:1393 Sketch.java:1424
msgid "Build folder disappeared or could not be written"
msgstr "مجلد البناء غير موجود او انه لايمكن الكتابة عليه"
#: Sketch.java:1408
msgid "Could not find main class"
msgstr "لا يوجد الكلاس الاساسي"
#: Sketch.java:1433
#, java-format
msgid "Uncaught exception type: {0}"
msgstr "نوع المشكلة غير محدد: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1465
#, java-format
msgid "Problem moving {0} to the build folder"
msgstr "مشكلة في نقل {0} الى الفولدر البناء"
#: Sketch.java:1661
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr "رفع"
#: Sketch.java:1684
#, java-format
msgid "Binary sketch size: {0} bytes (of a {1} byte maximum)"
msgstr "حجم السكتش المترجم: {0} بايت ( {1} كحد أقصى"
#: Sketch.java:1689
msgid "Couldn't determine program size: {0}"
msgstr "لا يمكن تحديد حجم البرنامج {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1694
msgid ""
"Sketch too big; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for "
"tips on reducing it."
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size السكتش كبير جدا; راجع\nملاحظات لاختصاره."
#: Sketch.java:1754
msgid "Missing the */ from the end of a /* comment */"
msgstr "نهاية التعليق /* غير موجود /* تعليق*/"
#: Sketch.java:1796
msgid "Sketch Disappeared"
msgstr "السكتش غير موجود"
#: Sketch.java:1797
msgid ""
"The sketch folder has disappeared.\n"
" Will attempt to re-save in the same location,\n"
"but anything besides the code will be lost."
msgstr ""
"مجلد السكتش اختفى.\n"
" حاول اعادة حفظه في نفس المكان,\n"
"ولكن سيتم فقدان الكود."
#: Sketch.java:1810
msgid "Could not re-save sketch"
msgstr "لا يمكن اعادة نسخ السكتش"
#: Sketch.java:1811
msgid ""
"Could not properly re-save the sketch. You may be in trouble at this point,\n"
"and it might be time to copy and paste your code to another text editor."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكنه اعادة حفظ. الامر خطير,\n"
"ويجب عليك نسخ النص ولصقه في محرر نصوص اخر."
#: Sketch.java:2060
msgid ""
"The sketch name had to be modified. Sketch names can only consist\n"
"of ASCII characters and numbers (but cannot start with a number).\n"
"They should also be less less than 64 characters long."
msgstr ""
"اسم السكتش تم تغيره. اسم التكتش يجب ان يكون\n"
"عنصرامن ASCII او رقم (لكن لا يجوز ان يبدأ رقم).\n"
"يجب ان يكون اقل من 64 حرف ورقم."
#: debug/Uploader.java:52
msgid "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
msgstr "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
#: debug/Uploader.java:54 debug/Compiler.java:43
#, java-format
msgid "Compiler error, please submit this code to {0}"
msgstr "خطأ في الترجمة, رجاءا ارسل الكود الى {0}"
#: debug/Uploader.java:199
#, java-format
msgid ""
"the selected serial port {0} does not exist or your board is not connected"
msgstr ""
"رقم المنفذ port {0} المختار غير موجود او ان البورد غير موصول"
#: debug/Uploader.java:203
msgid ""
"Device is not responding, check the right serial port is selected or RESET "
"the board right before exporting"
msgstr ""
"الجهاز لا يستجيب, تأكد من المنفذ port او قم باعدات التشغيل RESET "
"للبورد قبل الرفع"
#: debug/Uploader.java:209
msgid ""
"Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions."
msgstr ""
"مشكلة في الرفع الى البورد. راجع http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload fعلى سبيل الاقتراح ."
#: debug/Uploader.java:213
msgid ""
"Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board from the Tools "
"> Board menu?"
msgstr ""
"وجد خطأ في المايكرو كونترولر. هل انت متاكد من نوع البورد المختار في قائمة الأدوات"
#: debug/Compiler.java:41
msgid "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
msgstr "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
#: debug/Compiler.java:79
msgid "No board selected; please choose a board from the Tools > Board menu."
msgstr "لم تختار البورد; رجاءا اختار البورد من قائمة أدوات > بورد."
#: debug/Compiler.java:422
#, java-format
msgid "{0} returned {1}"
msgstr "{0} أرجع {1}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:426
msgid "Error compiling."
msgstr "خطأ في الترجمة"
#: debug/Compiler.java:465
msgid "Please import the SPI library from the Sketch > Import Library menu."
msgstr "رجاءا استورد مكتبة الSPI من سكاتش > استيرادة "
#: debug/Compiler.java:466
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 0019, the Ethernet library depends on the SPI library.\n"
"You appear to be using it or another library that depends on the SPI "
msgstr ""
"كما في الاردوينو 0019, مكتبة الـ Ethernet معتمدة على مكتبة SPI.\n"
"ربما عليك استخدام مكتبة اخرى معتمدة على SPI "
#: debug/Compiler.java:471
msgid "The 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported."
msgstr "الـ 'BYTE' لم تعد مدعومة."
#: debug/Compiler.java:472
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported.\n"
"Please use Serial.write() instead.\n"
msgstr ""
"كما في الاردوينو 1.0, الـ 'BYTE' لم تعد مدعومة.\n"
"رجاءا استخدم الــ Serial.write().\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:477
msgid "The Server class has been renamed EthernetServer."
msgstr "الـ Server class أعيد تسميته الى EthernetServer."
#: debug/Compiler.java:478
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Server class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetServer.\n"
msgstr ""
"كما في الأدرونو 1.0, Server class في Ethernet أعيد تسميته الى "
#: debug/Compiler.java:483
msgid "The Client class has been renamed EthernetClient."
msgstr "الـ Client class أعيد تسميته الى EthernetClient."
#: debug/Compiler.java:484
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Client class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetClient.\n"
msgstr ""
"كم هو في الأردوينو 1.0, Client class في مكتبة Ethernet أعيد تسميته الى"
#: debug/Compiler.java:489
msgid "The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp."
msgstr "The Udp class أعيد تسميته الى EthernetUdp."
#: debug/Compiler.java:490
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library has been renamed to "
msgstr ""
"كما هو في الأردوينو 1.0 , الـ Udp class في مكتبة Ethernet تم اعادة تسميته الى"
#: debug/Compiler.java:495
msgid "Wire.send() has been renamed Wire.write()."
msgstr "Wire.send() أعيدت تسميته الى Wire.write()."""
#: debug/Compiler.java:496
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.send() function was renamed to Wire.write() for "
"consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"كما هو في الاردوينو 1.0, الـ Wire.send() تم اعادة تسميته الى Wire.write() "
"من اجل التناسق مع المكتبات الأخرى.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:501
msgid "Wire.receive() has been renamed Wire.read()."
msgstr "Wire.receive() تم اعادة تسميتها الىWire.read()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:502
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.receive() function was renamed to Wire.read() "
"for consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"كما هو في اردوينو 1.0, الـ Wire.receive() تم اعادة تسميته الى Wire.read() "
"من اجل التناسق مع المكتبات الأخرى.\n"
#: EditorConsole.java:152
msgid "Console Error"
msgstr "خطأ في وحدة التحكم Console"
#: EditorConsole.java:153
msgid ""
"A problem occurred while trying to open the\n"
"files used to store the console output."
msgstr ""
"حدثت مشكلة اثناء فتح\n"
"ملفات تستخدم لتخزين المخرجات."
#: Base.java:184
msgid "Non-fatal error while setting the Look & Feel."
msgstr "خطأ غير ضار اثناى اعداد الواجهة والشعور"
#: Base.java:185
msgid "The error message follows, however Arduino should run fine."
msgstr "اتباع راسالة الخطأ، على كل حال ستعمل الاردوينو بشكل جيد"
#: Base.java:220
msgid "Problem Setting the Platform"
msgstr "اعدادات المنصة خاطئة"
#: Base.java:221
msgid ""
"An unknown error occurred while trying to load\n"
"platform-specific code for your machine."
msgstr ""
"مشكلة غير معروفة اثناء تحميل\n"
"المنصة المخصصة على جهازك."
#: Base.java:232
msgid "Please install JDK 1.5 or later"
msgstr "الرجاء تنصيب JDK 1.5 أو احدث"
#: Base.java:233
msgid ""
"Arduino requires a full JDK (not just a JRE)\n"
"to run. Please install JDK 1.5 or later.\n"
"More information can be found in the reference."
msgstr ""
"الاردوينو بحاجة الى JDK وليس فقط JRE لكي يشتغل\n"
"الرجاء تنصيب JDK 1.5 أو أحدث.\n"
"مزيد من التفاصيل تجدها في المراجع."
#: Base.java:257
msgid "Sketchbook folder disappeared"
msgstr "مجلد السكتش بوك مختفي"
#: Base.java:258
msgid ""
"The sketchbook folder no longer exists.\n"
"Arduino will switch to the default sketchbook\n"
"location, and create a new sketchbook folder if\n"
"necessary. Arduino will then stop talking about\n"
"himself in the third person."
msgstr ""
"مجلد السكتش بوك لم يعد موجودا.\n"
"سينتقل الاردوينو الى مكان السكتش بوك\n"
"الافتراضي, او انشاء واحد جديد اذا تطلب الأمرif\n"
". الاردوينو سيوقف الحديث \n"
"عن نفسه."
#: Base.java:532
msgid "Time for a Break"
msgstr "وقت الاستراحة"
#: Base.java:533
msgid ""
"You've reached the limit for auto naming of new sketches\n"
"for the day. How about going for a walk instead?"
msgstr ""
"لقد وصلت الى الحد الاقصى للتسمية التلقائية"
"لليوم. ماذا عن الخروج في نزهة بدل الليوم?"
#: Base.java:537
msgid "Sunshine"
msgstr "أشعة الشمس"
#: Base.java:538
msgid "No really, time for some fresh air for you."
msgstr "لا يا صديقي , حان الوقت لتأخذ فترة راحة قصيرة "
#: Base.java:633
msgid "Open an Arduino sketch..."
msgstr "فتح الاردوينو سكتش"
#: Base.java:772
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Are you "
"sure you want to Quit?</b><p>Closing the last open sketch will quit Arduino."
msgstr "<html dir=\"RTL\"> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p { font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>هل انت متأكد من الخروج ؟</b><p>اغلاق اخر سكتش سوف يغلق الارديونو."
#: Base.java:970
msgid "Contributed"
msgstr "مساهمة"
#: Base.java:1095
msgid "Sketch Does Not Exist"
msgstr "السكتش غير موجود"
#: Base.java:1096
msgid ""
"The selected sketch no longer exists.\n"
"You may need to restart Arduino to update\n"
"the sketchbook menu."
msgstr ""
"السكتش المحدد لم يعد موجودا.\n"
"يجب اعادة تشغيل الاردوينو للتحديث\n"
"قائمة السكتش بوك."
#: Base.java:1125
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The sketch \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Sketch names must contain only basic letters and numbers\n"
"(ASCII-only with no spaces, and it cannot start with a number).\n"
"To get rid of this message, remove the sketch from\n"
msgstr ""
"السكتش \"{0}\" لا يمكن استخدامه.\n"
"اسم السكتش يجب ان يحتوي حروف وارقام فقط\n"
"(حروف من دون فراغات,ولا يمكن ان يبدأ في رقم).\n"
"لتخلص من هذه الرسالة, احذف السكتش من \n"
#: Base.java:1132
msgid "Ignoring sketch with bad name"
msgstr "تجاهل السكتش ذات الاسم الخاطئ"
#: Base.java:1202
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The library \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n"
"(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"
msgstr ""
"المكتبة \"{0}\" لا يمكن استخدامها.\n"
"اسم المكتبة يجب ان يكون حروف وارقام فقط.\n"
"(لا فراغات ولا يمكن البدء في رقم)"
#: Base.java:1207
msgid "Ignoring bad library name"
msgstr "تجاهل اسم المكتبة الخاطئ"
#: Base.java:1432
msgid "Problem getting data folder"
msgstr "مشكلة في الحصول على مجلد البيانات"
#: Base.java:1433
msgid "Error getting the Arduino data folder."
msgstr "مشكلة في الحصول على مجلد بيانات الاردوينو"
#: Base.java:1440
msgid "Settings issues"
msgstr "ضبط القضايا"
#: Base.java:1441
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your settings."
msgstr ""
"الاردوينو لا تعمل لعدم\n"
"تمكنها من انشاء مجلد لحفظ الاعدادات."
#: Base.java:1602
msgid "You forgot your sketchbook"
msgstr "لقد نسيت السكتشبوك (sketchbook)"
#: Base.java:1603
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your sketchbook."
msgstr ""
"الارديوينو لم تتمكن من التشغيل بسبب انها \n"
"لا تستطيع انشاء مجلد لحفظ السكتشبوك (sketchbook)."
#: Base.java:1623
msgid "Select (or create new) folder for sketches..."
msgstr "اختيار(او انشاء جديد) لمجلد السكتش"
#: Base.java:1647
msgid "Problem Opening URL"
msgstr "مشكلة في فتح عنوان URL"
#: Base.java:1648
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the URL\n"
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن فتح عنوان URL \n"
#: Base.java:1671
msgid "Problem Opening Folder"
msgstr "مشكلة في فتح المجلد"
#: Base.java:1672
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the folder\n"
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن فتح المجلد\n"
#: Base.java:1785
msgid "Guide_MacOSX.html"
msgstr "Guide_MacOSX.html"
#: Base.java:1787
msgid "Guide_Windows.html"
msgstr "Guide_Windows.html"
#: Base.java:1789
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
#: Base.java:1794
msgid "index.html"
msgstr "index.html"
#: Base.java:1799
msgid "Guide_Environment.html"
msgstr "Guide_Environment.html"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "environment"
msgstr "البيئة"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "platforms.html"
msgstr "platforms.html"
#: Base.java:1809
msgid "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
msgstr "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
#: Base.java:1814
msgid "FAQ.html"
msgstr "FAQ.html"
#: Base.java:1826
msgid "Message"
msgstr "رسالة"
#: Base.java:1842
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "تحذير"
#: Base.java:2196
#, java-format
msgid "Could not remove old version of {0}"
msgstr "لا يمكن حذف الاصدار السابق {0}"
#: Base.java:2206
#, java-format
msgid "Could not replace {0}"
msgstr "لا يمكن استبدال {0}"
#: Base.java:2247 Base.java:2270
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete {0}"
msgstr "لا يمكن حذف {0}"
#: EditorHeader.java:292
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "تبويب جديد"
#: EditorHeader.java:300
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "اعادة تسمية "
#: EditorHeader.java:326
msgid "Previous Tab"
msgstr "التبويب السابق"
#: EditorHeader.java:340
msgid "Next Tab"
msgstr "تبويب جديد"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "فحص"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Open"
msgstr "فتح"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "New Editor Window"
msgstr "نافذة تحرير جديدة"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Open in Another Window"
msgstr "فتح نافذة اخرى"
#: Platform.java:167
msgid "No launcher available"
msgstr "لا يوجد منصة متاحة"
#: Platform.java:168
msgid ""
"Unspecified platform, no launcher available.\n"
"To enable opening URLs or folders, add a \n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" line to preferences.txt"
msgstr ""
"المنصة غير محددة، المشغل غير متاح.\n"
"اضف سطر \"launcher=/path/to/app\" الى preferences.txt"
#: Theme.java:52
msgid ""
"Could not read color theme settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Processing."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن قرائة اعتدادات الالوان.\n"
"يجب عليك اعادة تنصيب العملية"
#: Preferences.java:80
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "استعراض"
#: Preferences.java:115
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:116
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:117
msgid "Chinese Taiwan"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:118
msgid "Danish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:119
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:120
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:121
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:122
msgid "Filipino"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:123
msgid "Galician"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:124
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:125
msgid "Greek"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:126
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:127
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:128
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:129
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:130
msgid "Persian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:131
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:132
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:133
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:222
msgid ""
"Could not read default settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Arduino."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن قرائة الاعدادات الافتراضية"
"يجب عليك اعادت تنصيب الاردوينو"
#: Preferences.java:254
#, java-format
msgid "Could not read preferences from {0}"
msgstr "لا يمكن قرائة الخصائص من {0} "
#: Preferences.java:273
msgid "Error reading preferences"
msgstr "خطا في قراءة الخصائص"
#: Preferences.java:275
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Error reading the preferences file. Please delete (or move)\n"
"{0} and restart Arduino."
msgstr ""
"خطافي قرائة ملف الخصائص . رجاءا احذف (او انقل )\n"
"{0} ثم اعد تشغيل الارديونو"
#: Preferences.java:311
msgid "Sketchbook location:"
msgstr "مكان السكتش"
#: Preferences.java:326
msgid "Select new sketchbook location"
msgstr "اختيار مكان السكتش الجديد"
#: Preferences.java:350
msgid "Editor font size: "
msgstr "حجم خط المحرر :"
#: Preferences.java:354 Preferences.java:442
msgid " (requires restart of Arduino)"
msgstr "(يتطلب اعادت تشغيل للأردوينو)"
#: Preferences.java:367
msgid "Show verbose output during: "
msgstr "عرض المخرجات خلال"
#: Preferences.java:369
msgid "compilation "
msgstr "ترجمة"
#: Preferences.java:371
msgid "upload"
msgstr "رفع"
#: Preferences.java:389
msgid "Use external editor"
msgstr "استعمال محرر خارجي"
#: Preferences.java:399
msgid "Check for updates on startup"
msgstr "افحص التحديثات عند التشغيل"
#: Preferences.java:408
msgid "Update sketch files to new extension on save (.pde -> .ino)"
msgstr "تحديث ملفات السكتش ملف الى الامتداد الجديد عند الحفظ (.pde -> .ino)"
#: Preferences.java:419
msgid "Automatically associate .ino files with Arduino"
msgstr "دمج .ino بشكل تلقائي مع الاردوينو"
#: Preferences.java:454
msgid "More preferences can be edited directly in the file"
msgstr "يمكن تعديل خصائص اكثر بتعديل الملف بشكل مباشر"
#: Preferences.java:483
msgid "(edit only when Arduino is not running)"
msgstr "(لا يمكن التحرير والأردوينو تعمل)"
#: Preferences.java:630
#, java-format
msgid "ignoring invalid font size {0}"
msgstr "تجاهل الخطأ في حجم الخط {0}"
@ -1,1611 +0,0 @@
# Hungarian translations for PACKAGE package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Robert Cseh <tavir@tavir.hu>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Robert Cseh<tavir@tavir.hu>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-03 10:24-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-04 10:24-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Cseh <tavir@tavir.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
"Language: hu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: Editor.java:366
msgid "No files were added to the sketch."
msgstr "Nem lett file hozzáadva a Sketch-hez."
#: Editor.java:369 Sketch.java:996
msgid "One file added to the sketch."
msgstr "Egy file a Sketch-hez hozzáadásra került."
#: Editor.java:373
#, java-format
msgid "{0} files added to the sketch."
msgstr "{0} file a Sketch-hez hozzáadásra került."
#: Editor.java:484
msgid "File"
msgstr "File"
#: Editor.java:486 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "New"
msgstr "Új"
#: Editor.java:494 Base.java:903
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Megnyit..."
#: Editor.java:503
msgid "Sketchbook"
msgstr "Sketchbook"
#: Editor.java:509
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Minták"
#: Editor.java:514 Editor.java:1977
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Kilépés"
#: Editor.java:522 Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2421 EditorToolbar.java:41
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Mentés"
#: Editor.java:530
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Mentés másként ..."
#: Editor.java:538 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Feltöltés"
#: Editor.java:546 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Upload Using Programmer"
msgstr "Feltöltés programozóval"
#: Editor.java:556
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Oldalbeállítás"
#: Editor.java:564
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Nyomtatás"
#: Editor.java:576 Preferences.java:293
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Beállítások"
#: Editor.java:586 Base.java:782
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Kilépés"
#: Editor.java:600
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Sketch"
#: Editor.java:602
msgid "Verify / Compile"
msgstr "Ellenőrzés / Fordítás"
#: Editor.java:629
msgid "Import Library..."
msgstr "Függvény importálás..."
#: Editor.java:634
msgid "Show Sketch Folder"
msgstr "Sketch mappa"
#: Editor.java:643
msgid "Add File..."
msgstr "File hozzáadása..."
#: Editor.java:656
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Eszközök"
#: Editor.java:662 EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Serial Monitor"
msgstr "Soros monitor"
#: Editor.java:682
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Alappanel"
#: Editor.java:690
msgid "Serial Port"
msgstr "Soros port"
#: Editor.java:695
msgid "Programmer"
msgstr "Programozó"
#: Editor.java:699
msgid "Burn Bootloader"
msgstr "Bootloader beégetése"
#: Editor.java:923
msgid "serialMenu is null"
msgstr "Üres a serialMenü"
#: Editor.java:927 Editor.java:934
msgid "name is null"
msgstr "a név: üres"
#: Editor.java:986
msgid "error retrieving port list"
msgstr "hiba a portlista lekérésekor"
#: Editor.java:1002
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Súgó"
#: Editor.java:1041
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Első lépések"
#: Editor.java:1049
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Környezet"
#: Editor.java:1057
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Hibaelhárítás"
#: Editor.java:1065
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referencia"
#: Editor.java:1073 Editor.java:2728
msgid "Find in Reference"
msgstr "Keresés a Referenciák közt"
#: Editor.java:1083
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Gyakran ismételt kérdések"
#: Editor.java:1091
msgid "Visit Arduino.cc"
msgstr "arduino.cc honlap megnyitása"
#: Editor.java:1094
msgid "http://arduino.cc/"
msgstr "http://arduino.cc/"
#: Editor.java:1102
msgid "About Arduino"
msgstr "Arduino névjegy"
#: Editor.java:1116
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Szerkesztés"
#: Editor.java:1119 Editor.java:1341
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Mégse"
#: Editor.java:1124 Editor.java:1126 Editor.java:1376
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Mégis"
#: Editor.java:1135 Editor.java:2652
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Kivágás"
#: Editor.java:1143 Editor.java:2660
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Másolás"
#: Editor.java:1151 Editor.java:2668
msgid "Copy for Forum"
msgstr "Másolás a Fórumhoz"
#: Editor.java:1163 Editor.java:2676
msgid "Copy as HTML"
msgstr "Másolás HTML-ként"
#: Editor.java:1175 Editor.java:2684
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Beillesztés"
#: Editor.java:1184 Editor.java:2692
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Minden kijelölése"
#: Editor.java:1194 Editor.java:2702
msgid "Comment/Uncomment"
msgstr "Megjegyzés/Mégsem"
#: Editor.java:1202 Editor.java:2710
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Behúzás növelése"
#: Editor.java:1210 Editor.java:2718
msgid "Decrease Indent"
msgstr "Behúzás csökkentése"
#: Editor.java:1220
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Keresés..."
#: Editor.java:1235
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Következő keresése"
#: Editor.java:1245
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Előző keresése"
#: Editor.java:1255
msgid "Use Selection For Find"
msgstr "Kiválasztás használata kereséshez"
#: Editor.java:1816
msgid "First select a word to find in the reference."
msgstr "Először egy szót kell választani a Referenciák közti kereséshez."
#: Editor.java:1823
#, java-format
msgid "No reference available for \"{0}\""
msgstr "Referencia nem található a {0} bejegyzéshez"
#: Editor.java:1826
#, java-format
msgid "{0}.html"
msgstr "{0}.html"
#: Editor.java:1843 Sketch.java:1647
msgid "Compiling sketch..."
msgstr "Sketch fordítása..."
#: Editor.java:1864 Editor.java:1881
msgid "Done compiling."
msgstr "Fordítás kész."
#: Editor.java:1973
#, java-format
msgid "Save changes to \"{0}\"? "
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2006
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Do you "
"want to save changes to this sketch<BR> before closing?</b><p>If you don't "
"save, your changes will be lost."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Változtatás "
"mentése a kilépés előtt a sketck-be?</b><p>Mentés nékül a változtatások elvesznek."
#: Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589
#: Sketch.java:741 Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:78
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Mégse"
#: Editor.java:2017
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "Nincs mentés"
#: Editor.java:2089
msgid "Bad file selected"
msgstr "Hibás file van kiválasztva"
#: Editor.java:2090
msgid ""
"Processing can only open its own sketches\n"
"and other files ending in .ino or .pde"
msgstr ""
"Processing csak a saját állományát tudja megnyitni\n"
"és az .ino vagy .pde kiterjesztésűeket"
#: Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589 Sketch.java:741
#: Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:79
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: Editor.java:2100
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The file \"{0}\" needs to be inside\n"
"a sketch folder named \"{1}\".\n"
"Create this folder, move the file, and continue?"
msgstr ""
"A \"{0}\" file-nak a {1} mappán belül kell lennie.\n"
"Mi legyen?\n"
"Mappa létrehozása, file mozgatása és folytatás?"
#: Editor.java:2109
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "Átmozgatás"
#: Editor.java:2120 Editor.java:2131 Editor.java:2141 Editor.java:2159
#: Sketch.java:479 Sketch.java:485 Sketch.java:500 Sketch.java:507
#: Sketch.java:530 Sketch.java:547 Base.java:1861 Preferences.java:254
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hiba"
#: Editor.java:2122
#, java-format
msgid "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Can't open sketch."
msgstr "A {0} mappa már létezik. Sketch nem megnyitható."
#: Editor.java:2132
msgid "Could not create the sketch folder."
msgstr "Sketch mappája nem hozható létre."
#: Editor.java:2141
msgid "Could not copy to a proper location."
msgstr "Nem másolható a megfelelő helyre."
#: Editor.java:2159
msgid "Could not create the sketch."
msgstr "Sketch nem hozható létre."
#: Editor.java:2166
#, java-format
msgid "{0} | Arduino {1}"
msgstr "{0} | Arduino {1}"
#: Editor.java:2223 Editor.java:2261
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Mentés..."
#: Editor.java:2228 Editor.java:2264
msgid "Done Saving."
msgstr "Mentés kész."
#: Editor.java:2270
msgid "Save Canceled."
msgstr "Mentés megszakítva."
#: Editor.java:2296
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port {0} not found.\n"
"Retry the upload with another serial port?"
msgstr ""
"{0} soros port nem található.\n"
"Másik soros porton megismételjük?"
#: Editor.java:2331
msgid "Uploading to I/O Board..."
msgstr "Feltöltés alappanelre..."
#: Editor.java:2348 Editor.java:2384
msgid "Done uploading."
msgstr "Feltöltés kész."
#: Editor.java:2356 Editor.java:2392
msgid "Upload canceled."
msgstr "Feltöltés megszakítva."
#: Editor.java:2420
msgid "Save changes before export?"
msgstr "Exportálás előtt mentés?"
#: Editor.java:2435
msgid "Export canceled, changes must first be saved."
msgstr "Exportálás megszakítva. Először menteni kell!"
#: Editor.java:2457
msgid "Burning bootloader to I/O Board (this may take a minute)..."
msgstr "Bootloader égetése (néhány percet vesz igénybe)..."
#: Editor.java:2463
msgid "Done burning bootloader."
msgstr "Bootloader égetés kész."
#: Editor.java:2465 Editor.java:2469 Editor.java:2473
msgid "Error while burning bootloader."
msgstr "Hiba lépett fel a bootloader égetésekor."
#: Editor.java:2500
msgid "Printing..."
msgstr "Nyomtatás..."
#: Editor.java:2517
msgid "Done printing."
msgstr "Nyomtatás kész."
#: Editor.java:2520
msgid "Error while printing."
msgstr "Hiba a nyomtatás során."
#: Editor.java:2524
msgid "Printing canceled."
msgstr "Nyomtatás megszakítva."
#: Editor.java:2572
#, java-format
msgid "Bad error line: {0}"
msgstr "Hibás sor: {0}"
#: Editor.java:2641
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "URL megnyitása"
#: UpdateCheck.java:53
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
#: UpdateCheck.java:103
msgid ""
"A new version of Arduino is available,\n"
"would you like to visit the Arduino download page?"
msgstr ""
"Új kiadás jelent meg Arduino-ból,\n"
"megmutassam a letöltési oldalt?"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:76
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Igen"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:77
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nem"
#: UpdateCheck.java:111
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Frissítés"
#: UpdateCheck.java:118
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
#: FindReplace.java:80
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Keresés:"
#: FindReplace.java:81
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Csere erre:"
#: FindReplace.java:96
msgid "Ignore Case"
msgstr "Kisbetű-nagybetű független"
#: FindReplace.java:105
msgid "Wrap Around"
msgstr "Teljesen szövegben"
#: FindReplace.java:120 FindReplace.java:131
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Mindent cserél"
#: FindReplace.java:121 FindReplace.java:130 Sketch.java:1050
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Cserél"
#: FindReplace.java:122 FindReplace.java:129
msgid "Replace & Find"
msgstr "Keres és cserél"
#: FindReplace.java:123 FindReplace.java:128
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Előző"
#: FindReplace.java:124 FindReplace.java:127
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Keres"
#: SerialMonitor.java:93
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Küld"
#: SerialMonitor.java:110
msgid "Autoscroll"
msgstr "Autogörgetés"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "No line ending"
msgstr "Nincs sorlezárás"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Newline"
msgstr "Soremelés"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Carriage return"
msgstr "Kocsi-vissza"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Both NL & CR"
msgstr "Soremelés és Kocsi-vissza"
#: SerialMonitor.java:130 SerialMonitor.java:133
msgid " baud"
msgstr " baud"
#: Serial.java:147
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' already in use. Try quiting any programs that may be "
"using it."
msgstr ""
"''{0}'' soros port használatban van. A programból való"
"kilépés után próbálja újra."
#: Serial.java:154
#, java-format
msgid "Error opening serial port ''{0}''."
msgstr "Hiba a "{0}" soros port megnyitása során."
#: Serial.java:167
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > "
"Serial Port menu?"
msgstr ""
"A ''{0}'' soros port nem található. Választani az Eszközök > "
"Soros port alatt lehetséges."
#: Serial.java:424
#, java-format
msgid ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer is too small for the {0} bytes up to and "
"including char {1}"
msgstr ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer túl kicsi {0} byte befogadására "
"és ideértve a {1} karaktert"
#: Serial.java:567
#, java-format
msgid "Error inside Serial.{0}()"
msgstr "Hiba a Serial.{0}()-ban"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:91
msgid "Auto Format"
msgstr "Autoformázás"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:913 tools/format/src/AutoFormat.java:54
msgid "No changes necessary for Auto Format."
msgstr "Nem szükséges semmilyen változtatás autoformázáshoz."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:919
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right parentheses."
msgstr "Autoformázás megszakítva: túl sok a zárójel."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:922
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left parentheses."
msgstr "Autoformázás megszakítva: túl sok nyitó zárójel."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:928
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right curly braces."
msgstr "Autoformázás megszakítva: túl sok záró kapcsos-zárójel."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:931
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left curly braces."
msgstr "Autoformázás megszakítva: túl sok nyitó kapcsos-zárójel."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:941
msgid "Auto Format finished."
msgstr "Autoformázás befejeződött."
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:41 tools/FixEncoding.java:58
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:79
msgid "Fix Encoding & Reload"
msgstr "Betöltéskor autoformázás"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:57
msgid "Discard all changes and reload sketch?"
msgstr "Módosítások elvetése és Sketch újratöltése?"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:77
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to fix the file encoding.\n"
"Do not attempt to save this sketch as it may overwrite\n"
"the old version. Use Open to re-open the sketch and try again.\n"
msgstr ""
"Hiba lépett fel a file fixálása/javítása során.\n"
"Nem javasolt a felülírásos mentés.\n"
"A Sketch újra-megnyitása talán megoldja a problémát.\n"
#: tools/Archiver.java:48
msgid "Archive Sketch"
msgstr "Sketch archiválás"
#: tools/Archiver.java:59
msgid "yyMMdd"
msgstr "yyMMdd"
#: tools/Archiver.java:74
msgid "Couldn't archive sketch"
msgstr "Sketch nem archiválható"
#: tools/Archiver.java:75
msgid ""
"Archiving the sketch has been canceled because\n"
"the sketch couldn't save properly."
msgstr ""
"A Sketch archiválása megszakadt, mivel\n"
"a Sketch pontos mentése nem volt lehetséges."
#: tools/Archiver.java:109
msgid "Archive sketch as:"
msgstr "Sketch archiválása, mint:"
#: tools/Archiver.java:139
msgid "Archive sketch canceled."
msgstr "Sketch archiválása megszakítva."
#: SketchCode.java:83
#, java-format
msgid "Error while loading code {0}"
msgstr "Hiba a kód betöltése közben: {0}""
#: SketchCode.java:258
#, java-format
msgid ""
"\"{0}\" contains unrecognized characters.If this code was created with an "
"older version of Processing,you may need to use Tools -> Fix Encoding & "
"Reload to updatethe sketch to use UTF-8 encoding. If not, you may need "
"todelete the bad characters to get rid of this warning."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:278 Sketch.java:307 Sketch.java:581 Sketch.java:970
msgid "Sketch is Read-Only"
msgstr "Sketch csak olvasható"
#: Sketch.java:279 Sketch.java:308 Sketch.java:582 Sketch.java:971
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n"
"and try again."
msgstr ""
"Néhány file csak olvasható, így más helyre mentés után\n"
"meg kell újra próbálni.\n"
#: Sketch.java:286
msgid "Name for new file:"
msgstr "Új file neve:"
#: Sketch.java:298
msgid "Sketch is Untitled"
msgstr "A Sketch most Névtelen"
#: Sketch.java:299
msgid ""
"How about saving the sketch first \n"
"before trying to rename it?"
msgstr ""
"A Sketch csak mentés után\n"
"nevezhető át!"
#: Sketch.java:359 Sketch.java:366 Sketch.java:377
msgid "Problem with rename"
msgstr "Hiba az átnevezés során"
#: Sketch.java:360
msgid "The name cannot start with a period."
msgstr "A név nem kezdődhet periódus-jellel."
#: Sketch.java:368
#, java-format
msgid "\".{0}\" is not a valid extension."
msgstr "\".{0}\" nem megfelelő kiterjesztés."
#: Sketch.java:378
msgid ""
"The main file can't use an extension.\n"
"(It may be time for your to graduate to a\n"
"\"real\" programming environment)"
msgstr ""
"A fő-file nem tartalmazhat kiterjesztést.\n"
"(Talán itt az idő, hogy megismerje a\n"
"\"valódi\" programozási környezetet)"
#: Sketch.java:400 Sketch.java:414 Sketch.java:423 Sketch.java:863
msgid "Nope"
msgstr "Dehogy, nem"
#: Sketch.java:402
#, java-format
msgid "A file named \"{0}\" already exists in \"{1}\""
msgstr "A \"{0}\" file már létezik a \"{1}\" mappában!"
#: Sketch.java:415
msgid "You can't have a .cpp file with the same name as the sketch."
msgstr "Nem lehet azonos néven a .cpp állomány, mint a Sketch."
#: Sketch.java:425
msgid ""
"You can't rename the sketch to \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Nem nevezhető át a Sketch, mert létezik a \"{0}\"\n"
"nevű .cpp állomány."
#: Sketch.java:459
msgid "Cannot Rename"
msgstr "Átnevezési hiba"
#: Sketch.java:461
#, java-format
msgid "Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named \"{0}\" already exists."
msgstr "Hiba: Sketch (vagy mappa) már létezik \"{0}\" néven."
#: Sketch.java:479
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (0)"
msgstr "A Sketch nem nevezhető át :(0)."
#: Sketch.java:487 Sketch.java:532
#, java-format
msgid "Could not rename \"{0}\" to \"{1}\""
msgstr "Nem nevezhető át: \"{0}\" -> \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:500
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (1)"
msgstr "Nem nevezhető át a Sketch: (1)"
#: Sketch.java:507
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (2)"
msgstr "Nem nevezhető át a Sketch (2)."
#: Sketch.java:544
msgid "createNewFile() returned false"
msgstr "a createNewFile() hibát jelzett"
#: Sketch.java:591
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?"
msgstr "Tényleg törölni kell a Sketch-et? Biztosan?"
#: Sketch.java:592
#, java-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?"
msgstr "A(z) \"{0}\" állomány tényleg törlésre kerüljön?"
#: Sketch.java:595 EditorHeader.java:314
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Törlés"
#: Sketch.java:620
msgid "Couldn't do it"
msgstr "Nem tudom megtenni"
#: Sketch.java:621
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete \"{0}\"."
msgstr "Nem törölhető file: \"{0}\"."
#: Sketch.java:651
msgid "removeCode: internal error.. could not find code"
msgstr "removeCode: belső hiba... Kód nem található"
#: Sketch.java:724
msgid "Sketch is read-only"
msgstr "A Sketch csak olvasható"
#: Sketch.java:725
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save this sketch to another location."
msgstr ""
"Néhány file csak olvasható, így el kell menteni egy\n"
"másik mappába."
#: Sketch.java:743
msgid ""
"In Arduino 1.0, the default file extension has changed\n"
"from .pde to .ino. New sketches (including those created\n"
"by \"Save-As\" will use the new extension. The extension\n"
"of existing sketches will be updated on save, but you can\n"
"disable this in the Preferences dialog.\n"
"Save sketch and update its extension?"
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino 1.0-ban az alappértelmezett kiterjesztés megváltozott\n"
".pde-ről .ino-ra. Az új Sketck-ek (ideértve a Mentés másként... létrehozottakat is)\n"
"már az új kiterjesztést használják. A mentés\n"
"közbeni átnevezés tiltható a Beállítások menüpontban.\n"
"Sketch mentése és kiterjesztés frissítése?"
#: Sketch.java:750
msgid ".pde -> .ino"
msgstr ".pde -> .ino"
#: Sketch.java:829
msgid "Save sketch folder as..."
msgstr "Sketch mentése, mint..."
#: Sketch.java:865
msgid ""
"You can't save the sketch as \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Sketch nem menthető, mint \"{0}\,"\n"
"mert már van ilyen .cpp állomány."
#: Sketch.java:886
msgid "How very Borges of you"
msgstr "Nono!"
#: Sketch.java:887
msgid ""
"You cannot save the sketch into a folder\n"
"inside itself. This would go on forever."
msgstr ""
"Sketch nem menthető a mappába.\n"
"Így egy végtelen történetté alakulna."
#: Sketch.java:979
msgid "Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch"
msgstr "Kép vagy egyéb adat választása a Sketch-be másoláshoz"
#: Sketch.java:1047
#, java-format
msgid "Replace the existing version of {0}?"
msgstr "A meglevő {0} cseréje?"
#: Sketch.java:1069 Sketch.java:1092
msgid "Error adding file"
msgstr "File hozzáadási hiba"
#: Sketch.java:1070
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete the existing ''{0}'' file."
msgstr "Nem törölhető a meglevő ''{0}'' file."
#: Sketch.java:1078
msgid "You can't fool me"
msgstr "Ne bolondozzon velem"
#: Sketch.java:1079
msgid ""
"This file has already been copied to the\n"
"location from which where you're trying to add it.\n"
"I ain't not doin nuthin'."
msgstr ""
"A file már másolásra került a mappába\n"
"ahonnan hozzá próbálta adni.\"
"Még mindig nem végrehajtható."
#: Sketch.java:1093
#, java-format
msgid "Could not add ''{0}'' to the sketch."
msgstr "A ''{0}'' nem adható hozzá a Sketch-hez."
#: Sketch.java:1393 Sketch.java:1424
msgid "Build folder disappeared or could not be written"
msgstr "A fordítási mappa elérhetetlen vagy írásvédett."
#: Sketch.java:1408
msgid "Could not find main class"
msgstr "A fő programosztály (main class) nem található"
#: Sketch.java:1433
#, java-format
msgid "Uncaught exception type: {0}"
msgstr "Hibás kivétel típus: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1465
#, java-format
msgid "Problem moving {0} to the build folder"
msgstr "Hiba a {0} fordítási mappába mozgatása során"
#: Sketch.java:1661
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr "Feltöltés..."
#: Sketch.java:1684
#, java-format
msgid "Binary sketch size: {0} bytes (of a {1} byte maximum)"
msgstr "Sketch mérete: {0} byte (maximálisan lehetséges: {1} byte)"
#: Sketch.java:1689
msgid "Couldn't determine program size: {0}"
msgstr "Nem meghatározható a {0} program mérete"
#: Sketch.java:1694
msgid ""
"Sketch too big; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for "
"tips on reducing it."
msgstr "Túl nagy a Sketch; méret csökkentéséhez a http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size oldalon találhatóak tippek."
#: Sketch.java:1754
msgid "Missing the */ from the end of a /* comment */"
msgstr "Hiányzik a megjegyzés záró */ jel"
#: Sketch.java:1796
msgid "Sketch Disappeared"
msgstr "A Sketch elveszett"
#: Sketch.java:1797
msgid ""
"The sketch folder has disappeared.\n"
" Will attempt to re-save in the same location,\n"
"but anything besides the code will be lost."
msgstr ""
"A Sketch mappája elveszett.\n"
"A Sketch újramentésre kerül,\n"
"a kód egyes részei megsemmisülhettek."
#: Sketch.java:1810
msgid "Could not re-save sketch"
msgstr "Nem lehetséges a Sketch újramentése"
#: Sketch.java:1811
msgid ""
"Could not properly re-save the sketch. You may be in trouble at this point,\n"
"and it might be time to copy and paste your code to another text editor."
msgstr ""
"Tökéletesen nem lehetséges a Sketch újramentése. A megoldás jelen helyzetben, hogy\n"
"a szerkesztőből a kódot kimásolja egy másik szerkesztőprogramba."
#: Sketch.java:2060
msgid ""
"The sketch name had to be modified. Sketch names can only consist\n"
"of ASCII characters and numbers (but cannot start with a number).\n"
"They should also be less less than 64 characters long."
msgstr ""
"A Sketch neve módosításra került. Az elnevezése csak\n"
"ASCII betűket, számokat tartalmazhat (de nem kezdődhet számmal).\n"
"Valamint a név hossza nem haladhatja meg a 64 karaktert."
#: debug/Uploader.java:52
msgid "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
msgstr "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
#: debug/Uploader.java:54 debug/Compiler.java:43
#, java-format
msgid "Compiler error, please submit this code to {0}"
msgstr "Fordítási hiba, ezt a kódot kérem küldje el a {0} címre"
#: debug/Uploader.java:199
#, java-format
msgid ""
"the selected serial port {0} does not exist or your board is not connected"
msgstr "kiválasztott {0} port nem elérhető vagy az alappanel nincs csatlakoztatva"
#: debug/Uploader.java:203
msgid ""
"Device is not responding, check the right serial port is selected or RESET "
"the board right before exporting"
msgstr ""
"Eszköz nem válaszol: talán hibás port lett kiválasztva, vagy a panel"
"újraindítása szükséges exportálás előtt"
#: debug/Uploader.java:209
msgid ""
"Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions."
msgstr ""
"Hiba a feltöltés során. A hiba elhárítása a "
"http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/ oldalon a Troubleshooting#upload alatt került leírásra."
#: debug/Uploader.java:213
msgid ""
"Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board from the Tools "
"> Board menu?"
msgstr ""
"Nem megfelelő mikrokontroller lett kiválasztva. Pontosítani az Eszközök "
"> Alappanelek menüben lehet."
#: debug/Compiler.java:41
msgid "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
msgstr "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
#: debug/Compiler.java:79
msgid "No board selected; please choose a board from the Tools > Board menu."
msgstr "Nincs alappanel kiválasztva. Választani az Eszközök > Alappanel menüből lehet."
#: debug/Compiler.java:422
#, java-format
msgid "{0} returned {1}"
msgstr "{0} eredménye {1}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:426
msgid "Error compiling."
msgstr "Hiba a fordítás során."
#: debug/Compiler.java:465
msgid "Please import the SPI library from the Sketch > Import Library menu."
msgstr "Az SPI függvények használatához a Sketch > Függvény import alatt az SPI-re van szüksége."
#: debug/Compiler.java:466
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 0019, the Ethernet library depends on the SPI library.\n"
"You appear to be using it or another library that depends on the SPI "
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino-0019 óta az Ethernet függvények kapcsolódnak az SPI függvényekhez.\n"
"Ez így használható, vagy másik függvény alkalmazható az SPI kezelésére.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:471
msgid "The 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported."
msgstr "A 'BYTE' kulcsszó nem támogatott."
#: debug/Compiler.java:472
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported.\n"
"Please use Serial.write() instead.\n"
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino 1.0 alatt a 'BYTE' kulcsszó nem támogatott.\n"
"Helyette a Serial.write() használható.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:477
msgid "The Server class has been renamed EthernetServer."
msgstr "A Server függvényosztály EthernetServer névre hallgat."
#: debug/Compiler.java:478
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Server class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetServer.\n"
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino 1.0-ban, az Ethernet függvény Server osztálya EthernetServer-re változott.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:483
msgid "The Client class has been renamed EthernetClient."
msgstr "A Client osztály új neve: EthernetClient"
#: debug/Compiler.java:484
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Client class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetClient.\n"
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino 1.0-ban az Ethernet függvény Client osztály új neve: EthernetClient.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:489
msgid "The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp."
msgstr "Az Udp osztály új neve: EthernetUdp."
#: debug/Compiler.java:490
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library has been renamed to "
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino 1.0-ban az Ethernet függvény Udp osztály új neve: EthernetUdp.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:495
msgid "Wire.send() has been renamed Wire.write()."
msgstr "A Wire.send() új neve: Wire.write()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:496
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.send() function was renamed to Wire.write() for "
"consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino 1.0-ban a Wire.send() funkció ún neve: Wire.write(), az egyéb függvényekkel analóg módon.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:501
msgid "Wire.receive() has been renamed Wire.read()."
msgstr "A Wire.receive() új neve: Wire.read()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:502
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.receive() function was renamed to Wire.read() "
"for consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Az Arduino 1.0-ban a Wire.receive() funkció ún neve: Wire.read(), az egyéb függvényekkel analóg módon.\n"
#: EditorConsole.java:152
msgid "Console Error"
msgstr "Konzol hiba"
#: EditorConsole.java:153
msgid ""
"A problem occurred while trying to open the\n"
"files used to store the console output."
msgstr ""
"Hiba lépett fel, miközben a megnyitott file\n"
"a konzolt használta volna."
#: Base.java:184
msgid "Non-fatal error while setting the Look & Feel."
msgstr "Nem-végzetes hiba a kinézet beállítása során (a program férfi géneket hordoz)."
#: Base.java:185
msgid "The error message follows, however Arduino should run fine."
msgstr "A hibaüzenetet követően az Arduino megfelelően működik."
#: Base.java:220
msgid "Problem Setting the Platform"
msgstr "A keretrendszer konfigurálása során hiba lépett fel"
#: Base.java:221
msgid ""
"An unknown error occurred while trying to load\n"
"platform-specific code for your machine."
msgstr "Rendszerfüggő kód betöltése során\n "
"hiba lépett fel (A hiba az Ön gépében van.)"
#: Base.java:232
msgid "Please install JDK 1.5 or later"
msgstr "A futtatáshoz telepített Java 1.5 vagy újabb szoftverkörnyezet szükséges"
#: Base.java:233
msgid ""
"Arduino requires a full JDK (not just a JRE)\n"
"to run. Please install JDK 1.5 or later.\n"
"More information can be found in the reference."
msgstr "Az Arduino futtatásához teljes telepítésű JDK (Java Fejlesztői Környezet)"
"szükséges, nem elegendő csak a JRE (Java futtatókörnyezet)"
"A JDK 1.5 vagy újabb szofver telepítése szükséges"
"Bővebb információ a Referenciák közt található."
#: Base.java:257
msgid "Sketchbook folder disappeared"
msgstr "A sketchbook mappa elérhetetlen"
#: Base.java:258
msgid ""
"The sketchbook folder no longer exists.\n"
"Arduino will switch to the default sketchbook\n"
"location, and create a new sketchbook folder if\n"
"necessary. Arduino will then stop talking about\n"
"himself in the third person."
msgstr "A sketchbook mappa nem érhető el.\n"
"Az alapértelmezett hely lesz kiválasztva, és\n"
"itt létrehozva a sketch mappa."
#: Base.java:532
msgid "Time for a Break"
msgstr "Itt az idő szünetet tartani"
#: Base.java:533
msgid ""
"You've reached the limit for auto naming of new sketches\n"
"for the day. How about going for a walk instead?"
msgstr "Meghaladtad az egy napra jutó új sketch-ek létrehozási\n "
"számát. Nem kéne sétálni egyet - pihenésül?"
#: Base.java:537
msgid "Sunshine"
msgstr "Napfény"
#: Base.java:538
msgid "No really, time for some fresh air for you."
msgstr "Hoppá, itt az idő levegőznöd egyet."
#: Base.java:633
msgid "Open an Arduino sketch..."
msgstr "Arduino Sketch megnyitása..."
#: Base.java:772
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Are you "
"sure you want to Quit?</b><p>Closing the last open sketch will quit Arduino."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Biztosan ki akarsz lépni?</b><p>Az utolsó Sketch bezárásával az Arduino kilép."
#: Base.java:970
msgid "Contributed"
msgstr "Hozzáadás"
#: Base.java:1095
msgid "Sketch Does Not Exist"
msgstr "Sketch nem megnyitható"
#: Base.java:1096
msgid ""
"The selected sketch no longer exists.\n"
"You may need to restart Arduino to update\n"
"the sketchbook menu."
msgstr ""
"A kiválasztott Sketch nem érhető el.\n"
"A Sketchbook menü frissítéséhez az Arduino\n"
"újraindítása szükséges."
#: Base.java:1125
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The sketch \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Sketch names must contain only basic letters and numbers\n"
"(ASCII-only with no spaces, and it cannot start with a number).\n"
"To get rid of this message, remove the sketch from\n"
msgstr ""
"A sketch \"{0}\" Sketch nem használható.\n"
"A Sketch neve csak angol abc betűit, számokat\n"
"tartalmazhat, szóköz nélkül és az első betűje nem lehet szám.\n"
"A hibás Sketch-et távolítsd el a mappából:\n"
#: Base.java:1132
msgid "Ignoring sketch with bad name"
msgstr "Hibás Sketch név kihagyása"
#: Base.java:1202
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The library \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n"
"(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"
msgstr ""
"A \"{0}\" könyvtár nem használható.\n"
"A neve az angol abc betűit és számokat tartalmazhat\n"
"(szóköz nem lehet benne és nem kezdődhet számmal)."
#: Base.java:1207
msgid "Ignoring bad library name"
msgstr "Hibás könyvtárnév kihagyása"
#: Base.java:1432
msgid "Problem getting data folder"
msgstr "Probléma a könyvtár elérésekor"
#: Base.java:1433
msgid "Error getting the Arduino data folder."
msgstr "Hiba az Arduino data könyvtár elérésekor."
#: Base.java:1440
msgid "Settings issues"
msgstr "Kimenetek beállítása"
#: Base.java:1441
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your settings."
msgstr ""
"Arduino nem futtatható, mert nem hozható létre\n"
"a felhasználói beállítások mappája."
#: Base.java:1602
msgid "You forgot your sketchbook"
msgstr "Felejtsd el a Sketchbook-ot"
#: Base.java:1603
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your sketchbook."
msgstr ""
"Arduino nem futtatható, mert nem hozható létre\n"
"a felhasználói Sketch mentések mappája."
#: Base.java:1623
msgid "Select (or create new) folder for sketches..."
msgstr "Válassz (vagy hozz létre) mappát a Sketch-eknek..."
#: Base.java:1647
msgid "Problem Opening URL"
msgstr "Hiba az URL megnyitásakor"
#: Base.java:1648
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the URL\n"
msgstr ""
"Nem nyitható meg az URL:\n"
#: Base.java:1671
msgid "Problem Opening Folder"
msgstr "Hiba a mappa megnyitásakor"
#: Base.java:1672
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the folder\n"
msgstr ""
"Nem nyitható meg a mappa:\n"
#: Base.java:1785
msgid "Guide_MacOSX.html"
msgstr "Guide_MacOSX.html"
#: Base.java:1787
msgid "Guide_Windows.html"
msgstr "Guide_Windows.html"
#: Base.java:1789
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
#: Base.java:1794
msgid "index.html"
msgstr "index.html"
#: Base.java:1799
msgid "Guide_Environment.html"
msgstr "Guide_Environment.html"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "environment"
msgstr "környezet"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "platforms.html"
msgstr "platforms.html"
#: Base.java:1809
msgid "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
msgstr "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
#: Base.java:1814
msgid "FAQ.html"
msgstr "FAQ.html"
#: Base.java:1826
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Üzenet"
#: Base.java:1842
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Figyelmeztetés"
#: Base.java:2196
#, java-format
msgid "Could not remove old version of {0}"
msgstr "Nem törölhető a {0} régi verziója"
#: Base.java:2206
#, java-format
msgid "Could not replace {0}"
msgstr "Nem cserélhető: {0}"
#: Base.java:2247 Base.java:2270
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete {0}"
msgstr "Nem törölhető: {0}"
#: EditorHeader.java:292
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "Új fül"
#: EditorHeader.java:300
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Átnevezés"
#: EditorHeader.java:326
msgid "Previous Tab"
msgstr "Előző fül"
#: EditorHeader.java:340
msgid "Next Tab"
msgstr "Következő fül"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "Ellenőrzés"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Megnyitás"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "New Editor Window"
msgstr "Új szerkesztőablak"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Open in Another Window"
msgstr "Megnyitás új ablakban"
#: Platform.java:167
msgid "No launcher available"
msgstr "Nem indítható"
#: Platform.java:168
msgid ""
"Unspecified platform, no launcher available.\n"
"To enable opening URLs or folders, add a \n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" line to preferences.txt"
msgstr ""
"Nem ismert platform, indítás nem lehetséges.\n"
"Az URL vagy mappa megnyitásához a preferences.txt-ben a\n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" sor hozzáadása szükséges"
#: Theme.java:52
msgid ""
"Could not read color theme settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Processing."
msgstr ""
"Nem olvasható a színséma,\n"
"a Processing újratelepítésére van szükség."
#: Preferences.java:80
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Tallóz"
#: Preferences.java:115
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:116
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:117
msgid "Chinese Taiwan"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:118
msgid "Danish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:119
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:120
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:121
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:122
msgid "Filipino"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:123
msgid "Galician"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:124
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:125
msgid "Greek"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:126
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:127
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:128
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:129
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:130
msgid "Persian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:131
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:132
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:133
msgid "Russian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:134
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:224
msgid ""
"Could not read default settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Az alapértelezett beállítások nem olvashatóak\n"
"Az Arduino újratelepítése szükséges."
#: Preferences.java:256
#, java-format
msgid "Could not read preferences from {0}"
msgstr ""
"A beállítások nem olvashatóak: {0}"
#: Preferences.java:275
msgid "Error reading preferences"
msgstr "Alapbeállítások olvasása közben hiba lépett fel"
#: Preferences.java:277
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Error reading the preferences file. Please delete (or move)\n"
"{0} and restart Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Hiba a beállítások olvasása során. Kérem törölje (vagy mozgassa el) a\n"
"{0} file-t és indítsa újra az Arduino-t!"
#: Preferences.java:313
msgid "Sketchbook location:"
msgstr "Sketchbook helye:"
#: Preferences.java:328
msgid "Select new sketchbook location"
msgstr "Válasszon új Sketchbook mappát"
#: Preferences.java:352
msgid "Editor font size: "
msgstr "Szerkesztő betűméret:"
#: Preferences.java:356 Preferences.java:444
msgid " (requires restart of Arduino)"
msgstr " (Arduino újraindítása szükséges)"
#: Preferences.java:369
msgid "Show verbose output during: "
msgstr "Log mutatása:"
#: Preferences.java:371
msgid "compilation "
msgstr "fordításkor "
#: Preferences.java:373
msgid "upload"
msgstr "feltöltéskor"
#: Preferences.java:382
msgid "Verify code after upload"
msgstr "Kód ellenőrzés feltöltés után"
#: Preferences.java:391
msgid "Use external editor"
msgstr "Külső szerkesztő használata"
#: Preferences.java:401
msgid "Check for updates on startup"
msgstr "Újabb verzió ellenőrzése indításkor"
#: Preferences.java:410
msgid "Update sketch files to new extension on save (.pde -> .ino)"
msgstr "Sketch frissítése az új kiterjesztéssel (.pde -> .ino)"
#: Preferences.java:421
msgid "Automatically associate .ino files with Arduino"
msgstr "Automatikus kiterjesztés-hozzárendelés: .ino->Arduino"
#: Preferences.java:431
msgid "Preferred Language: "
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:456
msgid "More preferences can be edited directly in the file"
msgstr "További számos beállítás elérhető a file közvetlen szerkesztésével"
#: Preferences.java:485
msgid "(edit only when Arduino is not running)"
msgstr "(csak akkor szerkeszthető, ha az Arduino nem fut)"
#: Preferences.java:632
#, java-format
msgid "ignoring invalid font size {0}"
msgstr "hibás fontméret kihagyása: {0}"
@ -1,1628 +0,0 @@
# Norwegian bokmål translations for PACKAGE package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Rune Fauske <rune.fauske@gmail.com>, 2012
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-29 10:24-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-29 10:24-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Rune Fauske <>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian bokmål\n"
"Language: nb_no\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: Base.java:181
msgid "Non-fatal error while setting the Look & Feel."
msgstr "Ikkefatal feil under tilordning av Look & Feel."
#: Base.java:182
msgid "The error message follows, however Arduino should run fine."
msgstr "Feilmeldingen følger. Arduino vil imidlertid kjøre fint."
#: Base.java:217
msgid "Problem Setting the Platform"
msgstr "Problemer under setting av platform"
#: Base.java:218
msgid ""
"An unknown error occurred while trying to load\n"
"platform-specific code for your machine."
msgstr ""
"En ukjent feil oppstod under lasting av\n"
"plattformspesifik kode for din maskin."
#: Base.java:229
msgid "Please install JDK 1.5 or later"
msgstr "Vennligst installer JDK 1.5 eller nyere"
#: Base.java:230
msgid ""
"Arduino requires a full JDK (not just a JRE)\n"
"to run. Please install JDK 1.5 or later.\n"
"More information can be found in the reference."
msgstr ""
"Arduino er avhengig av JDK (ikke bare JRE)\n"
"for å kjøre. Vennligst innstaller JDK 1.5 eller nyere.\n"
"Mer informasjon finnes i referansedokumentasjonen."
#: Base.java:254
msgid "Sketchbook folder disappeared"
msgstr "Mappen for skisser er forsvunnet"
#: Base.java:255
msgid ""
"The sketchbook folder no longer exists.\n"
"Arduino will switch to the default sketchbook\n"
"location, and create a new sketchbook folder if\n"
"necessary. Arduino will then stop talking about\n"
"himself in the third person."
msgstr ""
"Mappen for skisser eksisterer ikke lenger.\n"
"Arduino vil nå gå over til å bruke standard mappe for\n"
"skisser, og hvis nødvendig opprette en ny mappe\n."
"Etterpå vil Arduino slutte å omtale seg selv i\n"
"tredje person."
#: Base.java:529
msgid "Time for a Break"
msgstr "Tid for pause"
#: Base.java:530
msgid ""
"You've reached the limit for auto naming of new sketches\n"
"for the day. How about going for a walk instead?"
msgstr ""
"Du har nådd maksimalt antall skissenavn som kan genereres\n"
"automatisk i løpet av en dag. Hva med å ta seg en tur i stedet?"
#: Base.java:534
msgid "Sunshine"
msgstr "Solskinn"
#: Base.java:535
msgid "No really, time for some fresh air for you."
msgstr "Ærlig talt, nå er det på tide med litt frisk luft."
#: Base.java:630
msgid "Open an Arduino sketch..."
msgstr "Åpne en Arduino skisse..."
#: Base.java:769
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Are you "
"sure you want to Quit?</b><p>Closing the last open sketch will quit Arduino."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Er du "
"sikker på at du vil avslutte?</b><p>Lukker du den siste skissen, avsluttes Arduino."
#: Base.java:779 Editor.java:586
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Avslutt"
#: Base.java:900 Editor.java:494
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Åpne..."
#: Base.java:967
msgid "Contributed"
msgstr "Bidratt"
#: Base.java:1092
msgid "Sketch Does Not Exist"
msgstr "Skissen eksisterer ikke"
#: Base.java:1093
msgid ""
"The selected sketch no longer exists.\n"
"You may need to restart Arduino to update\n"
"the sketchbook menu."
msgstr ""
"Den valgte skissen eksisterer ikke lenger.\n"
"Du må kanskje starte om Arduino for å oppdatere\n"
#: Base.java:1122
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The sketch \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Sketch names must contain only basic letters and numbers\n"
"(ASCII-only with no spaces, and it cannot start with a number).\n"
"To get rid of this message, remove the sketch from\n"
msgstr ""
"Skissen \"{0}\" kan ikke benyttes.\n"
"Skissenavn kan kun inneholde bokstaver og tall\n"
"(kun ASCII, ingen mellomrom, og kan ikke starte med et tall).\n"
"For å bli kvitt denne meldingen, fjern skissen fra\n"
#: Base.java:1129
msgid "Ignoring sketch with bad name"
msgstr "Overser skisse med ugyldig navn"
#: Base.java:1199
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The library \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n"
"(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"
msgstr ""
"Biblioteket \"{0}\" kan ikke benyttes.\n"
"Biblioteksnavn kan kun inneholde bokstaver og tall.\n"
"(kun ASCII, ingen mellomrom, og kan ikke starte med et tall)"
#: Base.java:1204
msgid "Ignoring bad library name"
msgstr "Overser ugyldig biblioteksnavn"
#: Base.java:1429
msgid "Problem getting data folder"
msgstr "Problem ved henting av datamappe"
#: Base.java:1430
msgid "Error getting the Arduino data folder."
msgstr "Feil oppstod ved henting av datamappe for Arduino"
#: Base.java:1437
msgid "Settings issues"
msgstr "Problemer med innstillinger"
#: Base.java:1438
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your settings."
msgstr ""
"Arduino kan ikke kjøre fordi det ikke var mulig\n"
"å opprette en mappe for dine innstillinger."
#: Base.java:1599
msgid "You forgot your sketchbook"
msgstr "Du glemte skisseboken din"
#: Base.java:1600
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your sketchbook."
msgstr ""
"Arduino kan ikke kjøre fordi det ikke var mulig\n"
"å opprette en mappe til å lagre skisseboken din."
#: Base.java:1620
msgid "Select (or create new) folder for sketches..."
msgstr "Velg (eller opprett ny) mappe for skisser..."
#: Base.java:1644
msgid "Problem Opening URL"
msgstr "Problemer ved åpning av URL"
#: Base.java:1645
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the URL\n"
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke åpne URLen\n"
#: Base.java:1668
msgid "Problem Opening Folder"
msgstr "Problem ved åpning av mappe"
#: Base.java:1669
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the folder\n"
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke åpne mappen\n"
#: Base.java:1782
msgid "Guide_MacOSX.html"
msgstr "Guide_MacOSX.html"
#: Base.java:1784
msgid "Guide_Windows.html"
msgstr "Guide_Windows.html"
#: Base.java:1786
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
#: Base.java:1791
msgid "index.html"
msgstr "index.html"
#: Base.java:1796
msgid "Guide_Environment.html"
msgstr "Guide_Environment.html"
#: Base.java:1801
msgid "environment"
msgstr "miljø"
#: Base.java:1801
msgid "platforms.html"
msgstr "platforms.html"
#: Base.java:1806
msgid "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
msgstr "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
#: Base.java:1811
msgid "FAQ.html"
msgstr "FAQ.html"
#: Base.java:1823
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Melding"
#: Base.java:1839
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Advarsel"
#: Base.java:1858 Editor.java:2120 Editor.java:2131 Editor.java:2141
#: Editor.java:2159 Preferences.java:178 Sketch.java:479 Sketch.java:485
#: Sketch.java:500 Sketch.java:507 Sketch.java:530 Sketch.java:547
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Feil"
#: Base.java:2193
#, java-format
msgid "Could not remove old version of {0}"
msgstr "Kunne ikke fjerne gammel versjon av {0}"
#: Base.java:2203
#, java-format
msgid "Could not replace {0}"
msgstr "Kunne ikke erstatte {0}"
#: Base.java:2244 Base.java:2267
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete {0}"
msgstr "Kunne ikke slette {0}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:41
msgid "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
msgstr "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
#: debug/Compiler.java:43 debug/Uploader.java:54
#, java-format
msgid "Compiler error, please submit this code to {0}"
msgstr "Kompilatorfeil, vennligst send denne koden til {0}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:79
msgid "No board selected; please choose a board from the Tools > Board menu."
msgstr "Ingen kort valgt, vennligs velg et kort fra Verktøy > Kort menyen."
#: debug/Compiler.java:422
#, java-format
msgid "{0} returned {1}"
msgstr "{0} returnerte {1}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:426
msgid "Error compiling."
msgstr "Feil ved kompilering."
#: debug/Compiler.java:465
msgid "Please import the SPI library from the Sketch > Import Library menu."
msgstr "Vennligst importer SPI biblioteket fra Skisse > Importer bibliotek menyen."
#: debug/Compiler.java:466
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 0019, the Ethernet library depends on the SPI library.\n"
"You appear to be using it or another library that depends on the SPI "
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduino 0019, er Ethernet bilioteket avhengig av SPI biblioteket.\n"
"Det ser ut som du benytter et bibliotek som er avhangig av SPI "
#: debug/Compiler.java:471
msgid "The 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported."
msgstr "'BYTE' nøkkelordet er ikke støttet lenger."
#: debug/Compiler.java:472
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported.\n"
"Please use Serial.write() instead.\n"
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduino 1.0, er ikke 'BYTE' nøkkelordet lenger støttet.\n"
"Vennligst benytt Serial.write() i stedet.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:477
msgid "The Server class has been renamed EthernetServer."
msgstr "Server klassen har blitt omdøpt til EthernetServer."
#: debug/Compiler.java:478
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Server class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetServer.\n"
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduino 1.0 er Server klassen i Ethernet biblioteket blitt omdøpt "
"til EthernetServer.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:483
msgid "The Client class has been renamed EthernetClient."
msgstr "Client klassen har blitt omdøpt til EthernetClient."
#: debug/Compiler.java:484
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Client class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetClient.\n"
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduino 1.0 er Client klassen i Ethernet biblioteket blitt omdøpt"
"til EthernetClient.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:489
msgid "The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp."
msgstr "Udp klassen har blitt omdøpt til EthernetUdp"
#: debug/Compiler.java:490
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library has been renamed to "
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduino 1.0 er Udp klassen i Ethernet biblioteket blitt omdøpt til "
#: debug/Compiler.java:495
msgid "Wire.send() has been renamed Wire.write()."
msgstr "Wire.send() har blitt omdøpt til Wire.write()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:496
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.send() function was renamed to Wire.write() for "
"consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduino 1.0 er Wire.send() funksjonen omdøpt til Wire.write() for "
"konsistens med andre bibliotek.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:501
msgid "Wire.receive() has been renamed Wire.read()."
msgstr "Wire.recive() har blitt omdøpt til Wire.read()"
#: debug/Compiler.java:502
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.receive() function was renamed to Wire.read() "
"for consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduion 1.0 er Wire.receive() funksjonen omdøpt til Wire.read() "
"for konsistens med andre bibliotek.\n"
#: debug/Uploader.java:52
msgid "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
msgstr "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
#: debug/Uploader.java:199
#, java-format
msgid ""
"the selected serial port {0} does not exist or your board is not connected"
msgstr ""
"den valgte serieporten {0} eksisterer ikke, eller kortet ditt er ikke tilkoblet"
#: debug/Uploader.java:203
msgid ""
"Device is not responding, check the right serial port is selected or RESET "
"the board right before exporting"
msgstr ""
"Enheten svarer ikke, sjekk at riktig serieport er valgt eller RESET "
"kortet like før eksportering"
#: debug/Uploader.java:209
msgid ""
"Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions."
msgstr ""
"Problemer ved opplasting til kortet. Se http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload for forslag."
#: debug/Uploader.java:213
msgid ""
"Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board from the Tools "
"> Board menu?"
msgstr ""
"Feil mikrokontroller funnet. Valgte du riktig kort fra Verktøy "
"> Kort menyen?"
#: Editor.java:366
msgid "No files were added to the sketch."
msgstr "Ingen filer ble lagt til skissen."
#: Editor.java:369 Sketch.java:996
msgid "One file added to the sketch."
msgstr "En fil ble lagt til skissen."
#: Editor.java:373
#, java-format
msgid "{0} files added to the sketch."
msgstr "{0} filer ble lagt til skissen."
#: Editor.java:484
msgid "File"korean
msgstr "Fil"
#: Editor.java:486 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "New"
msgstr "Ny"
#: Editor.java:503
msgid "Sketchbook"
msgstr "Skissebok"
#: Editor.java:509
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Eksempler"
#: Editor.java:514 Editor.java:1977
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Lukk"
#: Editor.java:522 Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2421 EditorToolbar.java:41
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lagre"
#: Editor.java:530
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Lagre som..."
#: Editor.java:538 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Last opp"
#: Editor.java:546 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Upload Using Programmer"
msgstr "Last opp med en Programmerer"
#: Editor.java:556
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Sideoppsett"
#: Editor.java:564
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Skriv ut"
#: Editor.java:576 Preferences.java:217
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Innstillinger"
#: Editor.java:600
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Skisse"
#: Editor.java:602
msgid "Verify / Compile"
msgstr "Verifiser / Kompiler"
#: Editor.java:629
msgid "Import Library..."
msgstr "Importer bibliotek..."
#: Editor.java:634
msgid "Show Sketch Folder"
msgstr "Vis skissemappe"
#: Editor.java:643
msgid "Add File..."
msgstr "Legg til fil..."
#: Editor.java:656
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Verktøy"
#: Editor.java:662 EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Serial Monitor"
msgstr "Seriell overvåker"
#: Editor.java:682
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Kort"
#: Editor.java:690
msgid "Serial Port"
msgstr "Serieport"
#: Editor.java:695
msgid "Programmer"
msgstr "Programmerer"
#: Editor.java:699
msgid "Burn Bootloader"
msgstr "Brenne oppstartslaster"
#: Editor.java:923
msgid "serialMenu is null"
msgstr "seriemeny er null"
#: Editor.java:927 Editor.java:934
msgid "name is null"
msgstr "navn er null"
#: Editor.java:986
msgid "error retrieving port list"
msgstr "feil ved henting av portliste"
#: Editor.java:1002
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hjelp"
#: Editor.java:1041
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Kom i gang"
#: Editor.java:1049
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Miljø"
#: Editor.java:1057
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Feilsøking"
#: Editor.java:1065
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referanse"
#: Editor.java:1073 Editor.java:2728
msgid "Find in Reference"
msgstr "Finn i Referanse"
#: Editor.java:1083
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Ofte spurte spørsmål"
#: Editor.java:1091
msgid "Visit Arduino.cc"
msgstr "Besøk Arduino.cc"
#: Editor.java:1094
msgid "http://arduino.cc/"
msgstr "http://arduino.cc/"
#: Editor.java:1102
msgid "About Arduino"
msgstr "Om Arduino"
#: Editor.java:1116
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Rediger"
#: Editor.java:1119 Editor.java:1341
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Angre"
#: Editor.java:1124 Editor.java:1126 Editor.java:1376
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Gjør om"
#: Editor.java:1135 Editor.java:2652
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Klipp ut"
#: Editor.java:1143 Editor.java:2660
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopier"
#: Editor.java:1151 Editor.java:2668
msgid "Copy for Forum"
msgstr "Kopier for Forum"
#: Editor.java:1163 Editor.java:2676
msgid "Copy as HTML"
msgstr "Kopier som HTML"
#: Editor.java:1175 Editor.java:2684
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Lim inn"
#: Editor.java:1184 Editor.java:2692
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Velg alt"
#: Editor.java:1194 Editor.java:2702
msgid "Comment/Uncomment"
msgstr "Kommenter/Fjern kommentar"
#: Editor.java:1202 Editor.java:2710
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Mer innrykk"
#: Editor.java:1210 Editor.java:2718
msgid "Decrease Indent"
msgstr "Mindre innrykk"
#: Editor.java:1220
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Finn..."
#: Editor.java:1235
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Finn neste"
#: Editor.java:1245
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Finn forrige"
#: Editor.java:1255
msgid "Use Selection For Find"
msgstr "Finn i utvalg"
#: Editor.java:1816
msgid "First select a word to find in the reference."
msgstr "Velg først et ord å finne i referansen."
#: Editor.java:1823
#, java-format
msgid "No reference available for \"{0}\""
msgstr "Ingen referanse tilgjengelig for \"{0}\""
#: Editor.java:1826
#, java-format
msgid "{0}.html"
msgstr "{0}.html"
#: Editor.java:1843 Sketch.java:1647
msgid "Compiling sketch..."
msgstr "Kompilerer skisse..."
#: Editor.java:1864 Editor.java:1881
msgid "Done compiling."
msgstr "Kompilering er ferdig."
#: Editor.java:1973
#, java-format
msgid "Save changes to \"{0}\"? "
msgstr "Lagre endringer i \"{0}\"? "
#: Editor.java:2006
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Do you "
"want to save changes to this sketch<BR> before closing?</b><p>If you don't "
"save, your changes will be lost."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Vil du "
"lagre endringer i denne skissen<BR> før den lukkes?</b><p>Hvis du ikke "
"lagrer, vil endringene gå tapt."
#: Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Preferences.java:78
#: Sketch.java:589 Sketch.java:741 Sketch.java:1046
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Avbryt"
#: Editor.java:2017
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "Ikke lagre"
#: Editor.java:2089
msgid "Bad file selected"
msgstr "Ugyldig fil valgt"
#: Editor.java:2090
msgid ""
"Processing can only open its own sketches\n"
"and other files ending in .ino or .pde"
msgstr ""
"Processing kan kun åpne egne skisser\n"
"og andre filer som slutter med .ino eller .pde"
#: Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Preferences.java:79 Sketch.java:589
#: Sketch.java:741 Sketch.java:1046
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: Editor.java:2100
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The file \"{0}\" needs to be inside\n"
"a sketch folder named \"{1}\".\n"
"Create this folder, move the file, and continue?"
msgstr ""
"Filen \"{0}\" må ligge i en skissemappe\n"
"med følgende navn \"{1}\".\n"
"Opprett denne mappen, flytt filen og fortsett?"
#: Editor.java:2109
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "Flytter"
#: Editor.java:2122
#, java-format
msgid "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Can't open sketch."
msgstr "En mappe med følgende navn \"{0}\" eksisterer allerede. Kan ikke åpne skissen."
#: Editor.java:2132
msgid "Could not create the sketch folder."
msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette skissemappen."
#: Editor.java:2141
msgid "Could not copy to a proper location."
msgstr "Kunne ikke kopiere til en riktig plassering."
#: Editor.java:2159
msgid "Could not create the sketch."
msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette skissen."
#: Editor.java:2166
#, java-format
msgid "{0} | Arduino {1}"
msgstr "{0} | Arduino {1}"
#: Editor.java:2223 Editor.java:2261
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Lagrer..."
#: Editor.java:2228 Editor.java:2264
msgid "Done Saving."
msgstr "Lagret"
#: Editor.java:2270
msgid "Save Canceled."
msgstr "Lagring avbrutt"
#: Editor.java:2296
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port {0} not found.\n"
"Retry the upload with another serial port?"
msgstr ""
"Fant ikke serieporten {0}.\n"
"Last opp på nytt med en anne serieport?"
#: Editor.java:2331
msgid "Uploading to I/O Board..."
msgstr "Laster opp til I/O kort..."
#: Editor.java:2348 Editor.java:2384
msgid "Done uploading."
msgstr "Opplasting ferdig."
#: Editor.java:2356 Editor.java:2392
msgid "Upload canceled."
msgstr "Opplasting avbrutt."
#: Editor.java:2420
msgid "Save changes before export?"
msgstr "Lagre endringer før eksport?"
#: Editor.java:2435
msgid "Export canceled, changes must first be saved."
msgstr "Eksport avbrutt, endringer må lagres først."
#: Editor.java:2457
msgid "Burning bootloader to I/O Board (this may take a minute)..."
msgstr "Brenner oppstartslaster til I/O kort (dette kan ta et minutt..."
#: Editor.java:2463
msgid "Done burning bootloader."
msgstr "Brenning av oppstartslaster er ferdig"
#: Editor.java:2465 Editor.java:2469 Editor.java:2473
msgid "Error while burning bootloader."
msgstr "Feil under brenning av oppstartslaster."
#: Editor.java:2500
msgid "Printing..."
msgstr "Skriver ut..."
#: Editor.java:2517
msgid "Done printing."
msgstr "Utskrift ferdig."
#: Editor.java:2520
msgid "Error while printing."
msgstr "Feil under utskrift."
#: Editor.java:2524
msgid "Printing canceled."
msgstr "Utskrift avbrutt."
#: Editor.java:2572
#, java-format
msgid "Bad error line: {0}"
msgstr "Ugyldig feil på linje: {0}"
#: Editor.java:2641
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "Åpne URL"
#: EditorConsole.java:152
msgid "Console Error"
msgstr "Konsollfeil"
#: EditorConsole.java:153
msgid ""
"A problem occurred while trying to open the\n"
"files used to store the console output."
msgstr ""
"Det oppstod et problem under åpning av filer brukt\n"
"til lagring av tekst fra konsoll."
#: EditorHeader.java:292
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "Ny fane"
#: EditorHeader.java:300
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Døp om"
#: EditorHeader.java:314 Sketch.java:595
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Slett"
#: EditorHeader.java:326
msgid "Previous Tab"
msgstr "Forrige fane"
#: EditorHeader.java:340
msgid "Next Tab"
msgstr "Neste fane"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "Verifiser"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Åpne"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "New Editor Window"
msgstr "Nytt redigeringsvindu"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Open in Another Window"
msgstr "Åpne i et annet vindu"
#: FindReplace.java:80
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Finn:"
#: FindReplace.java:81
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Bytt ut med:"
#: FindReplace.java:96
msgid "Ignore Case"
msgstr "Ikke skill mellom store og små bokstaver"
#: FindReplace.java:105
msgid "Wrap Around"
msgstr "Fortsett fra toppen igjen"
#: FindReplace.java:120 FindReplace.java:131
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Erstatt alle"
#: FindReplace.java:121 FindReplace.java:130 Sketch.java:1050
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Erstatt"
#: FindReplace.java:122 FindReplace.java:129
msgid "Replace & Find"
msgstr "Erstatt & Finn"
#: FindReplace.java:123 FindReplace.java:128
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Forrige"
#: FindReplace.java:124 FindReplace.java:127
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Finn"
#: Platform.java:167
msgid "No launcher available"
msgstr "Ikke noe startprogramm tilgjengelig"
#: Platform.java:168
msgid ""
"Unspecified platform, no launcher available.\n"
"To enable opening URLs or folders, add a \n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" line to preferences.txt"
msgstr ""
"Uspesifisert platform er ikke lenger tilgjengelig.\n"
"Legg til \"launcher=/sti/til/app\" i preferences.txt"
"for å kunne åpne URLer og mapper."
#: Preferences.java:76 UpdateCheck.java:108
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: Preferences.java:77 UpdateCheck.java:108
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nei"
#: Preferences.java:80
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Bla i gjennom"
#: Preferences.java:115
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Katalansk"
#: Preferences.java:116
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr "Kinesisk forenklet"
#: Preferences.java:117
msgid "Chinese Taiwan"
msgstr "Kinesik Taiwan"
#: Preferences.java:118
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Dansk"
#: Preferences.java:119
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Nederlandsk"
#: Preferences.java:120
msgid "English"
msgstr "Engelsk"
#: Preferences.java:121
msgid "French"
msgstr "Fransk"
#: Preferences.java:122
msgid "Filipino"
msgstr "Filippinsk"
#: Preferences.java:123
msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Galisisk"
#: Preferences.java:124
msgid "German"
msgstr "Tysk"
#: Preferences.java:125
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Gresk"
#: Preferences.java:126
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Ungarsk"
#: Preferences.java:127
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiensk"
#: Preferences.java:128
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japansk"
#: Preferences.java:129
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "Latvisk"
#: Preferences.java:130
msgid "Persian"
msgstr "Persisk"
#: Preferences.java:131
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr "Portugisisk (Brasil)"
#: Preferences.java:132
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Rumensk"
#: Preferences.java:133
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spansk"
#: Preferences.java:148
msgid ""
"Could not read default settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke lese standard innstillinger.\n"
"Du må installere Arduino på nytt."
#: Preferences.java:254
#, java-format
msgid "Could not read preferences from {0}"
msgstr "Klarte ikke å lese innstillinger fra {0}"
#: Preferences.java:201
msgid "Error reading preferences"
msgstr "Feil under lesing av innstillinger"
#: Preferences.java:201
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Error reading the preferences file. Please delete (or move)\n"
"{0} and restart Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Feil ved lesing av filen med innstillinger. Vennligst slett (eller flytt)\n"
"{0} og start Arduino på nytt."
#: Preferences.java:311
msgid "Sketchbook location:"
msgstr "Skissebok plassering:"
#: Preferences.java:326
msgid "Select new sketchbook location"
msgstr "Velg en ny plassering for skisseboken"
#: Preferences.java:350
msgid "Editor font size: "
msgstr "Skriftstørrelse for redigeringsprogrammet: "
#: Preferences.java:354 Preferences.java:442
msgid " (requires restart of Arduino)"
msgstr " (krever omstart av Arduino)"
#: Preferences.java:367
msgid "Show verbose output during: "
msgstr "Vis detaljert informasjon under: "
#: Preferences.java:369
msgid "compilation "
msgstr "kompilering "
#: Preferences.java:371
msgid "upload"
msgstr "last opp"
#: Preferences.java:380
msgid "Verify code after upload"
msgstr "Sjekk kode etter opplasting"
#: Preferences.java:389
msgid "Use external editor"
msgstr "Bruk eksternt redigeringsprogram"
#: Preferences.java:399
msgid "Check for updates on startup"
msgstr "Se etter oppdateringer ved oppstart"
#: Preferences.java:408
msgid "Update sketch files to new extension on save (.pde -> .ino)"
msgstr "Oppdater skissefilene til ny filtype under lagring (.pde -> .ino)"
#: Preferences.java:419
msgid "Automatically associate .ino files with Arduino"
msgstr "Automatisk assosier .ino filer med Arduino"
#: Preferences.java:429
msgid "Preferred Language: "
msgstr "Forretrukket språk: "
#: Preferences.java:454
msgid "More preferences can be edited directly in the file"
msgstr "Flere instillinger kan redigeres direkte i filen"
#: Preferences.java:484
msgid "(edit only when Arduino is not running)"
msgstr "(redigeres kun når Arduino ikke kjører)"
#: Preferences.java:630
#, java-format
msgid "ignoring invalid font size {0}"
msgstr "ser bort fra ugyldig skriftstørrelse {0}"
#: Serial.java:147
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' already in use. Try quiting any programs that may be "
"using it."
msgstr ""
"Serieporten ''{0}'' er allerede i bruk. Prøv å avslutte eventuelle program som kan tenkes å "
"benytte den."
#: Serial.java:154
#, java-format
msgid "Error opening serial port ''{0}''."
msgstr "Feil ved åpning av serieport ''{0}''."
#: Serial.java:167
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > "
"Serial Port menu?"
msgstr ""
"Fant ikke serieporten ''{0}''. Valgte du den riktige fra Verktøy > "
"Serieport menyen?"
#: Serial.java:424
#, java-format
msgid ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer is too small for the {0} bytes up to and "
"including char {1}"
msgstr ""
"Byte bufferet for readByteUntil() er for lite for {0} byter opp til "
"og med char {1}"
#: Serial.java:567
#, java-format
msgid "Error inside Serial.{0}()"
msgstr "Feil i Serial.{0}()"
#: SerialMonitor.java:93
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Send"
#: SerialMonitor.java:110
msgid "Autoscroll"
msgstr "Bla automatisk"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "No line ending"
msgstr "Ingen linjeslutt"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Newline"
msgstr "Linjeskift"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Carriage return"
msgstr "Vognretur"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Both NL & CR"
msgstr "Både NL & CR"
#: SerialMonitor.java:130 SerialMonitor.java:133
msgid " baud"
msgstr " baud"
#: Sketch.java:278 Sketch.java:307 Sketch.java:581 Sketch.java:970
msgid "Sketch is Read-Only"
msgstr "Skissen er skrivebeskyttet"
#: Sketch.java:279 Sketch.java:308 Sketch.java:582 Sketch.java:971
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n"
"and try again."
msgstr ""
"Noen filer er markert som \"skrivebeskyttet\". Derfor må \n"
"skissen lagres på nytt i en annen lokasjon\n"
"og prøv på nytt."
#: Sketch.java:286
msgid "Name for new file:"
msgstr "Navn på ny fil:"
#: Sketch.java:298
msgid "Sketch is Untitled"
msgstr "Skissen har ikke navn"
#: Sketch.java:299
msgid ""
"How about saving the sketch first \n"
"before trying to rename it?"
msgstr ""
"Hva med å lagre skissen før \n"
"du prøver å omdøpe den?"
#: Sketch.java:359 Sketch.java:366 Sketch.java:377
msgid "Problem with rename"
msgstr "Omdøping feilet"
#: Sketch.java:360
msgid "The name cannot start with a period."
msgstr "Navnet kan ikke starte med punktum."
#: Sketch.java:368
#, java-format
msgid "\".{0}\" is not a valid extension."
msgstr "\".{0}\" er ikke en gyldig filtype"
#: Sketch.java:378
msgid ""
"The main file can't use an extension.\n"
"(It may be time for your to graduate to a\n"
"\"real\" programming environment)"
msgstr ""
"Hovedfilen kan ikke ha etternavn.\n"
"(Kanskje det er på tide for deg å ta steget opp til et\n"
"\"skikkelig\" programmeringsmiljø)"
#: Sketch.java:400 Sketch.java:414 Sketch.java:423 Sketch.java:863
msgid "Nope"
msgstr "Niks"
#: Sketch.java:402
#, java-format
msgid "A file named \"{0}\" already exists in \"{1}\""
msgstr "Det eksisterer allerede en fil med navn \"{0}\" i \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:415
msgid "You can't have a .cpp file with the same name as the sketch."
msgstr "Du kan ikke ha en .cpp fil med sammen navn som skissen."
#: Sketch.java:425
msgid ""
"You can't rename the sketch to \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Du kan ikke omdøpe skissen til \"{0}\"\n"
"fordi skissen allerede har en .cpp fil med samme navn."
#: Sketch.java:459
msgid "Cannot Rename"
msgstr "Kan ikke døpe om"
#: Sketch.java:461
#, java-format
msgid "Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named \"{0}\" already exists."
msgstr "Beklager, en skisse (eller mappe) med navnet \"{0}\" eksisterer allerede."
#: Sketch.java:479
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (0)"
msgstr "Kunne ikke omdøpe skissen. {0}"
#: Sketch.java:487 Sketch.java:532
#, java-format
msgid "Could not rename \"{0}\" to \"{1}\""
msgstr "Kunne ikke omdøpe \"{0}\" til \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:500
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (1)"
msgstr "Kunne ikke omdøpe skissen. {1}"
#: Sketch.java:507
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (2)"
msgstr "Kunne ikke omdøpe skissen. {2}"
#: Sketch.java:544
msgid "createNewFile() returned false"
msgstr "createNewFile() returnerte negativ"
#: Sketch.java:591
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?"
msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne skissen?"
#: Sketch.java:592
#, java-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?"
msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil slette \"{0}\"?"
#: Sketch.java:620
msgid "Couldn't do it"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gjøre det"
#: Sketch.java:621
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete \"{0}\"."
msgstr "Kunne ikke slette \"{0}\"."
#: Sketch.java:651
msgid "removeCode: internal error.. could not find code"
msgstr "removeCode: intern feil.. kunne ikke finne kode"
#: Sketch.java:724
msgid "Sketch is read-only"
msgstr "Skissen er skrivebeskyttet"
#: Sketch.java:725
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save this sketch to another location."
msgstr ""
"Fordi noen filer er merket \"skrivebeskyttet\", må \n"
"denne skissen lagres på nytt til en annen lokasjon."
#: Sketch.java:743
msgid ""
"In Arduino 1.0, the default file extension has changed\n"
"from .pde to .ino. New sketches (including those created\n"
"by \"Save-As\" will use the new extension. The extension\n"
"of existing sketches will be updated on save, but you can\n"
"disable this in the Preferences dialog.\n"
"Save sketch and update its extension?"
msgstr ""
"Fra Arduino 1.0 har standard filtypen blitt endret\n"
"fra .pde til .ino. Nye skisser (også de oppretten via \n"
"\"Lagre som\") vil benytte den nye filtypen. Eksisterende\n"
"skisser vil bli oppdatert med den nye filtype ved lagring.\n"
"Dette kan deaktiveres i dialogen for innstillinger.\n"
"Lagre skissen og oppdater filtypen?"
#: Sketch.java:750
msgid ".pde -> .ino"
msgstr ".pde -> .ino"
#: Sketch.java:829
msgid "Save sketch folder as..."
msgstr "Lagre skissemappe som..."
#: Sketch.java:865
msgid ""
"You can't save the sketch as \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Du kan ikke lagre skissen som \"{0}\"\n"
"fordi skissen allrede har en .cpp fil med samme navn."
#: Sketch.java:886
msgid "How very Borges of you"
msgstr "Dette var surrealistisk"
#: Sketch.java:887
msgid ""
"You cannot save the sketch into a folder\n"
"inside itself. This would go on forever."
msgstr ""
"Du kan ikke lagre skissen i en mappe inn \n"
"i seg selv. Dette vil fortsette i all evighet."
#: Sketch.java:979
msgid "Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch"
msgstr "Velg et bilde eller en annen datafil som skal kopieres til skissen"
#: Sketch.java:1047
#, java-format
msgid "Replace the existing version of {0}?"
msgstr "Erstatt den eksisterende versjonen av {0}?"
#: Sketch.java:1069 Sketch.java:1092
msgid "Error adding file"
msgstr "Feil ved tillegging av fil"
#: Sketch.java:1070
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete the existing ''{0}'' file."
msgstr "Kunne ikke slette den eksisterende ''{0}'' filen."
#: Sketch.java:1078
msgid "You can't fool me"
msgstr "Du lurer ikke meg"
#: Sketch.java:1079
msgid ""
"This file has already been copied to the\n"
"location from which where you're trying to add it.\n"
"I ain't not doin nuthin'."
msgstr ""
"Denne filen har allerede blitt kopiert til den\n"
"lokasjonen som du prøver å legge den til.\n"
"Kan'ke gjøre ikkeno'."
#: Sketch.java:1093
#, java-format
msgid "Could not add ''{0}'' to the sketch."
msgstr "Kunne ikke legge ''{0}'' til skissen."
#: Sketch.java:1393 Sketch.java:1424
msgid "Build folder disappeared or could not be written"
msgstr "Byggemappen forsvant eller kunne ikke skrives til"
#: Sketch.java:1408
msgid "Could not find main class"
msgstr "Kunne ikke finne 'main' klassen"
#: Sketch.java:1433
#, java-format
msgid "Uncaught exception type: {0}"
msgstr "Ufanget unntak av typen: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1465
#, java-format
msgid "Problem moving {0} to the build folder"
msgstr "Feil under flytting av {0} til byggemappen"
#: Sketch.java:1661
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr "Laster opp..."
#: Sketch.java:1684
#, java-format
msgid "Binary sketch size: {0} bytes (of a {1} byte maximum)"
msgstr "Binær skissestørrelse: {0} byter (av {1} byter maksimum)"
#: Sketch.java:1689
msgid "Couldn't determine program size: {0}"
msgstr "Kunne ikke bestemme størrelsen av programmet: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1694
msgid ""
"Sketch too big; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for "
"tips on reducing it."
msgstr ""
"Skissen er for stor. Se http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for "
"forslag til hvordan størrelsen kan reduseres"
#: Sketch.java:1754
msgid "Missing the */ from the end of a /* comment */"
msgstr "/* mangler fra enden til en /* kommentar */"
#: Sketch.java:1796
msgid "Sketch Disappeared"
msgstr "Skissen forsvant"
#: Sketch.java:1797
msgid ""
"The sketch folder has disappeared.\n"
" Will attempt to re-save in the same location,\n"
"but anything besides the code will be lost."
msgstr ""
"Skissemappen har forsvunnet.\n"
" Vil forsøke å lagre på nytt i samme lokasjon,\n"
"men alt utenom kildekoden vil gå tapt."
#: Sketch.java:1810
msgid "Could not re-save sketch"
msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre skissen på nytt"
#: Sketch.java:1811
msgid ""
"Could not properly re-save the sketch. You may be in trouble at this point,\n"
"and it might be time to copy and paste your code to another text editor."
msgstr ""
"Skissen kunne ikke lagres på nytt. Det kan tenkes at du er ille ute nå\n"
"og det er på tide å kopiere og lime inn kildekoden i et annet redigeringsprogram."
#: Sketch.java:2060
msgid ""
"The sketch name had to be modified. Sketch names can only consist\n"
"of ASCII characters and numbers (but cannot start with a number).\n"
"They should also be less less than 64 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Navnet på skissen måtte endres. Skissenavn kan kun inneholde\n"
"ASCII karakterer og nummer (men kan ikke starte med et nummer).\n"
"De bør også være kortere en 64 karakterer."
#: SketchCode.java:83
#, java-format
msgid "Error while loading code {0}"
msgstr "File ved lasting av koden {0}"
#: SketchCode.java:258
#, java-format
msgid ""
"\"{0}\" contains unrecognized characters.If this code was created with an "
"older version of Processing,you may need to use Tools -> Fix Encoding & "
"Reload to updatethe sketch to use UTF-8 encoding. If not, you may need "
"todelete the bad characters to get rid of this warning."
msgstr ""
"\"{0}\" inneholder ukjente karakterer. Hvis denne kildekoden var laget med en "
"eldre versjon av Processing, må du kanskje bruke Verktøy -> Fiks tegnkoding & "
"Last på nytt for å oppdatere skissen til å benytte UTF-8 koding. Hvis ikke må "
"du kanskje slette de ukjente karakterene for å blit kvitt denne feilmeldingen."
#: Theme.java:52
msgid ""
"Could not read color theme settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Processing."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke lese instillinger for fargetema.\n"
"Du må installere Processing på nytt."
#: tools/Archiver.java:48
msgid "Archive Sketch"
msgstr "Arkiver skisse"
#: tools/Archiver.java:59
msgid "yyMMdd"
msgstr "yyMMdd"
#: tools/Archiver.java:74
msgid "Couldn't archive sketch"
msgstr "Kunne ikke arkivere skisse"
#: tools/Archiver.java:75
msgid ""
"Archiving the sketch has been canceled because\n"
"the sketch couldn't save properly."
msgstr ""
"Arkivering av skissen ble avbrutt fordi\n"
"skissen ikke kunne lagres."
#: tools/Archiver.java:109
msgid "Archive sketch as:"
msgstr "Arkiver skissen som:"
#: tools/Archiver.java:139
msgid "Archive sketch canceled."
msgstr "Arkivering av skissen avbrutt."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:91
msgid "Auto Format"
msgstr "Autoformater"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:913 tools/format/src/AutoFormat.java:54
msgid "No changes necessary for Auto Format."
msgstr "Ingen endringer nødvendig for autoformatering."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:919
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right parentheses."
msgstr "Autoformatering avbrutt: For mange høyreparanteser."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:922
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left parentheses."
msgstr "Autoformatering avbrutt: For mange venstreparanteser."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:928
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right curly braces."
msgstr "Autoformatering avbrutt: For mange høyre klammeparantes."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:931
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left curly braces."
msgstr "Autoformatering avbrutt: For mange venstre klammeparantes."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:941
msgid "Auto Format finished."
msgstr "Autoformatering ferdig."
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:41 tools/FixEncoding.java:58
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:79
msgid "Fix Encoding & Reload"
msgstr "Fiks tegnkoding & Last på nytt"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:57
msgid "Discard all changes and reload sketch?"
msgstr "Forkast alle endringer og last skissen på nytt?"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:77
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to fix the file encoding.\n"
"Do not attempt to save this sketch as it may overwrite\n"
"the old version. Use Open to re-open the sketch and try again.\n"
msgstr ""
"Det oppstod en feil under reparering av tegnkoding for filen.\n"
"Ikke forsøk å lagre denne skissen siden den kan overskrive\n"
"den gamle versjonen. Benytt Åpne for å åpne skissen på nytt og prøv igjen.\n"
#: UpdateCheck.java:53
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
#: UpdateCheck.java:103
msgid ""
"A new version of Arduino is available,\n"
"would you like to visit the Arduino download page?"
msgstr ""
"En ny versjon av Arduino er tilgjengelig,\n"
"ønsker du å besøke nedlastingssiden for Arduino?"
#: UpdateCheck.java:111
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Oppdater"
#: UpdateCheck.java:118
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
@ -1,1621 +0,0 @@
# Polish translations for PACKAGE package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Maciej Wojnicki, Maciej Wójciga <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-01 10:24-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-01 10:24-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Maciej Wojnicki, Maciej Wójciga <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: Editor.java:366
msgid "No files were added to the sketch."
msgstr "Żadne pliki nie zostały dodane do szkicu."
#: Editor.java:369 Sketch.java:996
msgid "One file added to the sketch."
msgstr "Jeden plik został dodany do szkicu"
#: Editor.java:373
#, java-format
msgid "{0} files added to the sketch."
msgstr "{0} zostało dodanych do szkicu"
#: Editor.java:484
msgid "File"
msgstr "Plik"
#: Editor.java:486 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nowy"
#: Editor.java:494 Base.java:903
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Otwórz..."
#: Editor.java:503
msgid "Sketchbook"
msgstr "Szkicownik"
#: Editor.java:509
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Przykłady"
#: Editor.java:514 Editor.java:1977
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij"
#: Editor.java:522 Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2421 EditorToolbar.java:41
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Zapisz"
#: Editor.java:530
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Zapisz jako..."
#: Editor.java:538 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Załaduj"
#: Editor.java:546 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Upload Using Programmer"
msgstr "Załaduj używając programatora"
#: Editor.java:556
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Ustawienia strony"
#: Editor.java:564
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Drukuj"
#: Editor.java:576 Preferences.java:263
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencje"
#: Editor.java:586 Base.java:782
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Wyjście"
#: Editor.java:600
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Szkic"
#: Editor.java:602
msgid "Verify / Compile"
msgstr "Weryfikuj / Kompiluj"
#: Editor.java:629
msgid "Import Library..."
msgstr "Importuj bibliotekę..."
#: Editor.java:634
msgid "Show Sketch Folder"
msgstr "Pokaż folder szkicu"
#: Editor.java:643
msgid "Add File..."
msgstr "Dodaj plik..."
#: Editor.java:656
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Narzędzia"
#: Editor.java:662 EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Serial Monitor"
msgstr "Monitor portu szeregowego"
#: Editor.java:682
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Płytka"
#: Editor.java:690
msgid "Serial Port"
msgstr "Port szeregowy"
#: Editor.java:695
msgid "Programmer"
msgstr "Programator"
#: Editor.java:699
msgid "Burn Bootloader"
msgstr "Wypal Bootloader"
#: Editor.java:923
msgid "serialMenu is null"
msgstr "serialMenu jest null"
#: Editor.java:927 Editor.java:934
msgid "name is null"
msgstr "nazwa jest null"
#: Editor.java:986
msgid "error retrieving port list"
msgstr "problem z pozyskaniem listy portów"
#: Editor.java:1002
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"
#: Editor.java:1041
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Jak zacząć"
#: Editor.java:1049
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Środowiski"
#: Editor.java:1057
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Rozwiązywanie problemów"
#: Editor.java:1065
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Dokumentacja"
#: Editor.java:1073 Editor.java:2728
msgid "Find in Reference"
msgstr "Znajdź w dokumentacji"
#: Editor.java:1083
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Często zadawane pytania"
#: Editor.java:1091
msgid "Visit Arduino.cc"
msgstr "Odwiedź Arduino.cc"
#: Editor.java:1094
msgid "http://arduino.cc/"
msgstr "http://arduino.cc/"
#: Editor.java:1102
msgid "About Arduino"
msgstr "O Arduino"
#: Editor.java:1116
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edycja"
#: Editor.java:1119 Editor.java:1341
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Cofnij"
#: Editor.java:1124 Editor.java:1126 Editor.java:1376
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Ponów"
#: Editor.java:1135 Editor.java:2652
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Wytnij"
#: Editor.java:1143 Editor.java:2660
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiuj"
#: Editor.java:1151 Editor.java:2668
msgid "Copy for Forum"
msgstr "Kopiuj dla Forum"
#: Editor.java:1163 Editor.java:2676
msgid "Copy as HTML"
msgstr "Kopiuj jako HTML"
#: Editor.java:1175 Editor.java:2684
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Wklej"
#: Editor.java:1184 Editor.java:2692
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystko"
#: Editor.java:1194 Editor.java:2702
msgid "Comment/Uncomment"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1202 Editor.java:2710
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Zwiększ wcięcie"
#: Editor.java:1210 Editor.java:2718
msgid "Decrease Indent"
msgstr "Zmniejsz wcięcie"
#: Editor.java:1220
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Znajdź..."
#: Editor.java:1235
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Znajdź następne"
#: Editor.java:1245
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Znajdź wcześniejsze"
#: Editor.java:1255
msgid "Use Selection For Find"
msgstr "Szukaj według zaznaczenia"
#: Editor.java:1816
msgid "First select a word to find in the reference."
msgstr "Najpierw zaznacz słowo aby wyszukać je w dokumentacji."
#: Editor.java:1823
#, java-format
msgid "No reference available for \"{0}\""
msgstr "Nie ma dokumentacji dla \"{0}\""
#: Editor.java:1826
#, java-format
msgid "{0}.html"
msgstr "{0}.html"
#: Editor.java:1843 Sketch.java:1647
msgid "Compiling sketch..."
msgstr "Kompiluję szkic..."
#: Editor.java:1864 Editor.java:1881
msgid "Done compiling."
msgstr "Kompilowanie zakończone."
#: Editor.java:1973
#, java-format
msgid "Save changes to \"{0}\"? "
msgstr "Zapisać zmiany jako \"{0}\"?"
#: Editor.java:2006
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Do you "
"want to save changes to this sketch<BR> before closing?</b><p>If you don't "
"save, your changes will be lost."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany w tym szkicu<BR> przed zamknięciem?</b><p>Jeśli ich nie zapiszesz, "
"zmiany będą utracone."
#: Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589
#: Sketch.java:741 Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:78
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"
#: Editor.java:2017
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "Nie zapisuj"
#: Editor.java:2089
msgid "Bad file selected"
msgstr "Wybrano niepoprawny plik"
#: Editor.java:2090
msgid ""
"Processing can only open its own sketches\n"
"and other files ending in .ino or .pde"
msgstr ""
"Processing może otwierać tylko własne szkice\n"
"i inne pliki z rozszerzeniem .ino lub .pde"
#: Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589 Sketch.java:741
#: Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:79
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: Editor.java:2100
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The file \"{0}\" needs to be inside\n"
"a sketch folder named \"{1}\".\n"
"Create this folder, move the file, and continue?"
msgstr ""
"Plik \"{0}\" musi być wewnątrz\n"
"folderu szkicu o nazwie \"{1}\".\n"
"Utwórzyć folder, przenieść plik i kontynuować?"
#: Editor.java:2109
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "Przenoszę"
#: Editor.java:2120 Editor.java:2131 Editor.java:2141 Editor.java:2159
#: Sketch.java:479 Sketch.java:485 Sketch.java:500 Sketch.java:507
#: Sketch.java:530 Sketch.java:547 Base.java:1861 Preferences.java:224
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Błąd"
#: Editor.java:2122
#, java-format
msgid "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Can't open sketch."
msgstr "Folder o nazwie \"{0}\" już istnieje. Nie mogę otworzyć szkicu."
#: Editor.java:2132
msgid "Could not create the sketch folder."
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć folderu szkicu."
#: Editor.java:2141
msgid "Could not copy to a proper location."
msgstr "Nie można przenieść do odpowiedniej lokalizacji."
#: Editor.java:2159
msgid "Could not create the sketch."
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć szkicu."
#: Editor.java:2166
#, java-format
msgid "{0} | Arduino {1}"
msgstr "{0} | Arduino {1}"
#: Editor.java:2223 Editor.java:2261
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Zapisuję..."
#: Editor.java:2228 Editor.java:2264
msgid "Done Saving."
msgstr "Zapisano."
#: Editor.java:2270
msgid "Save Canceled."
msgstr "Anulowano zapisywanie."
#: Editor.java:2296
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port {0} not found.\n"
"Retry the upload with another serial port?"
msgstr ""
"Port szeregowy {0} nie został znaleziony.\n"
"Ponówić ładowanie danych przez inny port?"
#: Editor.java:2331
msgid "Uploading to I/O Board..."
msgstr "Ładuję dane na płytkę…"
#: Editor.java:2348 Editor.java:2384
msgid "Done uploading."
msgstr "Ładowanie zakończone pomyślnie."
#: Editor.java:2356 Editor.java:2392
msgid "Upload canceled."
msgstr "Ładowanie anulowane."
#: Editor.java:2420
msgid "Save changes before export?"
msgstr "Zapisać zmiany przed eksportowaniem?"
#: Editor.java:2435
msgid "Export canceled, changes must first be saved."
msgstr "Eksportowanie anulowane, zmiany muszą zostać najpierw zapisane."
#: Editor.java:2457
msgid "Burning bootloader to I/O Board (this may take a minute)..."
msgstr "Wypalanie bootloadera na płytce (może to potrwać chwilę)…"
#: Editor.java:2463
msgid "Done burning bootloader."
msgstr "Wypalanie bootloadera zakończone pomyślnie."
#: Editor.java:2465 Editor.java:2469 Editor.java:2473
msgid "Error while burning bootloader."
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas wypalania bootloadera."
#: Editor.java:2500
msgid "Printing..."
msgstr "Drukuję..."
#: Editor.java:2517
msgid "Done printing."
msgstr "Drukowanie zakończone."
#: Editor.java:2520
msgid "Error while printing."
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas drukowania."
#: Editor.java:2524
msgid "Printing canceled."
msgstr "Drukowanie anulowane."
#: Editor.java:2572
#, java-format
msgid "Bad error line: {0}"
msgstr "Bład w linii: {0}"
#: Editor.java:2641
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "Otwórz URL"
#: UpdateCheck.java:53
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
#: UpdateCheck.java:103
msgid ""
"A new version of Arduino is available,\n"
"would you like to visit the Arduino download page?"
msgstr ""
"Nowa wersja Arduino jest już dostępna,\n"
"czy chciałbyć odwiedzić oficjalną stronę Arduino?"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:76
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:77
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
#: UpdateCheck.java:111
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualizacja"
#: UpdateCheck.java:118
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
#: FindReplace.java:80
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Znajdź"
#: FindReplace.java:81
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Zamień"
#: FindReplace.java:96
msgid "Ignore Case"
msgstr "Ignoruj"
#: FindReplace.java:105
msgid "Wrap Around"
msgstr ""
#: FindReplace.java:120 FindReplace.java:131
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr ""
#: FindReplace.java:121 FindReplace.java:130 Sketch.java:1050
msgid "Replace"
msgstr ""
#: FindReplace.java:122 FindReplace.java:129
msgid "Replace & Find"
msgstr ""
#: FindReplace.java:123 FindReplace.java:128
msgid "Previous"
msgstr ""
#: FindReplace.java:124 FindReplace.java:127
msgid "Find"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:93
msgid "Send"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:110
msgid "Autoscroll"
msgstr "Autoprzewijanie"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "No line ending"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Newline"
msgstr "Nowa linia (NL)"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Carriage return"
msgstr "Powrót do początku linii (CR)"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Both NL & CR"
msgstr "Zarówno NL jak i CR"
#: SerialMonitor.java:130 SerialMonitor.java:133
msgid " baud"
msgstr " bodów"
#: Serial.java:147
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' already in use. Try quiting any programs that may be "
"using it."
msgstr ""
"Port szeregowy ''{0}'' jest obecnie w uzyciu. Spróbuj zamknąć programy które mogą "
"go używać."
#: Serial.java:154
#, java-format
msgid "Error opening serial port ''{0}''."
msgstr "Błąd podczas otwierania portu szeregowego ''{0}''."
#: Serial.java:167
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > "
"Serial Port menu?"
msgstr ""
"Port szeregowy ''{0}'' nie został znaleziony. Czy wybrałeś prawidłowy z menu Narzędzia (Tools) > "
"Port szeregowy (Serial Port) ?"
#: Serial.java:424
#, java-format
msgid ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer is too small for the {0} bytes up to and "
"including char {1}"
msgstr ""
"Bufor bajtowy readBytesUntil() jest za mały dla {0} bajtów "
"włącznie z char {1}"
#: Serial.java:567
#, java-format
msgid "Error inside Serial.{0}()"
msgstr "Błąd w Serial.{0}()"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:91
msgid "Auto Format"
msgstr "Automatyczne formatowanie"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:913 tools/format/src/AutoFormat.java:54
msgid "No changes necessary for Auto Format."
msgstr ""
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:919
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right parentheses."
msgstr ""
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:922
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left parentheses."
msgstr ""
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:928
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right curly braces."
msgstr ""
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:931
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left curly braces."
msgstr ""
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:941
msgid "Auto Format finished."
msgstr "Automatyczne formatowanie zakończone."
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:41 tools/FixEncoding.java:58
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:79
msgid "Fix Encoding & Reload"
msgstr "Napraw kodowanie i załaduj ponownie"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:57
msgid "Discard all changes and reload sketch?"
msgstr "Odrzucić wszystkie zmiany i przeładować szkic?"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:77
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to fix the file encoding.\n"
"Do not attempt to save this sketch as it may overwrite\n"
"the old version. Use Open to re-open the sketch and try again.\n"
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił błąd podczas próby naprawienia kodowania pliku.\n"
"Nie próbuj zapisać tego szkicu ponieważ może on nadpisać\n"
"poprzednią wersję. Użyj Otwórz aby ponownie otworzyć szkic i spróbuj jeszcze raz.\n"
#: tools/Archiver.java:48
msgid "Archive Sketch"
msgstr "Archiwizuj szkic"
#: tools/Archiver.java:59
msgid "yyMMdd"
msgstr "rrMMdd"
#: tools/Archiver.java:74
msgid "Couldn't archive sketch"
msgstr "Nie można było zarchiwizować szkicu"
#: tools/Archiver.java:75
msgid ""
"Archiving the sketch has been canceled because\n"
"the sketch couldn't save properly."
msgstr ""
"Archiwizowanie szkicu zostało anulowane ponieważ\n"
"szkic nie mógł być zapisany poprawnie."
#: tools/Archiver.java:109
msgid "Archive sketch as:"
msgstr "Archiwizuj szkic jako:"
#: tools/Archiver.java:139
msgid "Archive sketch canceled."
msgstr "Archiwizacja szkicu anulowana."
#: SketchCode.java:83
#, java-format
msgid "Error while loading code {0}"
msgstr "Błąd podczas wgrywania kodu {0}"
#: SketchCode.java:258
#, java-format
msgid ""
"\"{0}\" contains unrecognized characters.If this code was created with an "
"older version of Processing,you may need to use Tools -> Fix Encoding & "
"Reload to updatethe sketch to use UTF-8 encoding. If not, you may need "
"todelete the bad characters to get rid of this warning."
msgstr ""
"\"{0}\" zawiera nierozpoznawalne znaki. Jeżeli kod był stworzony przy pomocy "
"starszej wersji Processing, wejdź do menu Tools -> Fix Encoding & "
"Reload w celu zaktualizowania szkicu do używania kodowania UTF-8. Jeśli to nie zadziała, "
"usuń wszystkie błędne znaki w celu pozbycia się tego ostrzeżenia."
#: Sketch.java:278 Sketch.java:307 Sketch.java:581 Sketch.java:970
msgid "Sketch is Read-Only"
msgstr "Ten szkic jest oznaczony jako \"Tylko do odczytu\" "
#: Sketch.java:279 Sketch.java:308 Sketch.java:582 Sketch.java:971
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n"
"and try again."
msgstr ""
"Niektóre pliki są oznaczone jako \"Tylko do odczytu\", więc musisz\n"
"zachować szkic w innej lokalizacji i spróbować ponownie."
#: Sketch.java:286
msgid "Name for new file:"
msgstr "Nazwa nowego pliku:"
#: Sketch.java:298
msgid "Sketch is Untitled"
msgstr "Szkic nie ma nazwy"
#: Sketch.java:299
msgid ""
"How about saving the sketch first \n"
"before trying to rename it?"
msgstr ""
"Czy chciałbyś zachować ten plik \n"
"przed zmianą jego nazwy?"
#: Sketch.java:359 Sketch.java:366 Sketch.java:377
msgid "Problem with rename"
msgstr "Problem ze zmianą nazwy"
#: Sketch.java:360
msgid "The name cannot start with a period."
msgstr "Nazwa nie może zaczynać się od kropki."
#: Sketch.java:368
#, java-format
msgid "\".{0}\" is not a valid extension."
msgstr "\".{0}\" nie jest prawidłowym rozszerzeniem."
#: Sketch.java:378
msgid ""
"The main file can't use an extension.\n"
"(It may be time for your to graduate to a\n"
"\"real\" programming environment)"
msgstr ""
"Plik główny nie może używać rozszerzenia.\n"
"(Być może nadszedł czas abyś zaczął używać\n"
"\"prawdziwego\" środowiska programistycznego?)"
#: Sketch.java:400 Sketch.java:414 Sketch.java:423 Sketch.java:863
msgid "Nope"
msgstr "Nie"
#: Sketch.java:402
#, java-format
msgid "A file named \"{0}\" already exists in \"{1}\""
msgstr "Plik o nazwie \"{0}\" już istnieje w \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:415
msgid "You can't have a .cpp file with the same name as the sketch."
msgstr "Nie możesz używać pliku .cpp o tej samej nazwie co szkic."
#: Sketch.java:425
msgid ""
"You can't rename the sketch to \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Nie możesz zmienić nazwy szkicu na \"{0}\"\n"
"ponieważ szkic już posiada plik .cpp o tej samej nazwie."
#: Sketch.java:459
msgid "Cannot Rename"
msgstr "Nie można zmienić nazwy"
#: Sketch.java:461
#, java-format
msgid "Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named \"{0}\" already exists."
msgstr "Szkic (lub folder) o nazwie \"{0}\" już istnieje."
#: Sketch.java:479
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (0)"
msgstr "Nie można zmienić nazwy szkicu. (0)"
#: Sketch.java:487 Sketch.java:532
#, java-format
msgid "Could not rename \"{0}\" to \"{1}\""
msgstr "Nie można zmienić nazwy \"{0}\" na \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:500
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (1)"
msgstr "Nie można zmienić nazwy szkicu. (1)"
#: Sketch.java:507
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (2)"
msgstr "Nie można zmienić nazwy szkicu. (2)"
#: Sketch.java:544
msgid "createNewFile() returned false"
msgstr "funkcja createNewFile() zwróciła false"
#: Sketch.java:591
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?"
msgstr "Czy jesteś pewny że chcesz usunąć ten szkic?"
#: Sketch.java:592
#, java-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?"
msgstr "Czy jesteś pewny że chcesz usunąć \"{0}\"?"
#: Sketch.java:595 EditorHeader.java:314
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
#: Sketch.java:620
msgid "Couldn't do it"
msgstr "Nie można było tego zrobić"
#: Sketch.java:621
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete \"{0}\"."
msgstr "Nie można usunąć \"{0}\"."
#: Sketch.java:651
msgid "removeCode: internal error.. could not find code"
msgstr "removeCode: internal error.. nie można znaleźć kodu"
#: Sketch.java:724
msgid "Sketch is read-only"
msgstr "Ten szkic jest oznaczony jako \"Tylko do odczytu\" "
#: Sketch.java:725
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save this sketch to another location."
msgstr ""
"Niektóre pliki są oznaczone jako \"Tylko do odczytu\", więc musisz\n"
"zachować szkic w innej lokalizacji."
#: Sketch.java:743
msgid ""
"In Arduino 1.0, the default file extension has changed\n"
"from .pde to .ino. New sketches (including those created\n"
"by \"Save-As\" will use the new extension. The extension\n"
"of existing sketches will be updated on save, but you can\n"
"disable this in the Preferences dialog.\n"
"Save sketch and update its extension?"
msgstr ""
"W Arduino 1.0 zmieniło się domyślne rozszerzenie pliku\n"
"z .pde na .ino. Nowe szkice (włącznie z tymi stworzonymi\n"
"przez \"Zapisz jako\" będą używać nowego rozszerzenia.\n"
"Rozszerzenia istniejących szkiców będą zmieniane podczas zapisywania,\n"
"jednak możesz wyłączyć tą opcję w ustawieniach.\n"
"Zapisać szkic i zmienić jego rozszerzenie?"
#: Sketch.java:750
msgid ".pde -> .ino"
msgstr ".pde -> .ino"
#: Sketch.java:829
msgid "Save sketch folder as..."
msgstr "Zapisz folder szkicu jako..."
#: Sketch.java:865
msgid ""
"You can't save the sketch as \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Nie możesz zapisać szkicu jako \"{0}\"\n"
"ponieważ szkic już posiada plik .cpp o tej samej nazwie."
#: Sketch.java:886
msgid "How very Borges of you"
msgstr "To trochę nielogiczne"
#: Sketch.java:887
msgid ""
"You cannot save the sketch into a folder\n"
"inside itself. This would go on forever."
msgstr ""
"Nie możesz zapisać szkicu w folderze znajdującym się\n"
"w swoim środku. To by trwało w nieskończoność."
#: Sketch.java:979
msgid "Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch"
msgstr "Wybierz obraz lub plik z innymi danymi do wklejenia do Twojego szkicu"
#: Sketch.java:1047
#, java-format
msgid "Replace the existing version of {0}?"
msgstr "Zamienić istniejącą już wersję {0}?"
#: Sketch.java:1069 Sketch.java:1092
msgid "Error adding file"
msgstr "Błąd podczas dodawania pliku"
#: Sketch.java:1070
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete the existing ''{0}'' file."
msgstr "Nie można było usunąć istniejącego pliku ''{0}''."
#: Sketch.java:1078
msgid "You can't fool me"
msgstr "Nie przechytrzysz mnie."
#: Sketch.java:1079
msgid ""
"This file has already been copied to the\n"
"location from which where you're trying to add it.\n"
"I ain't not doin nuthin'."
msgstr ""
"Ten plik już został skopiowany do miejsca\n"
"z którego chcesz go dodać.\n"
"Nie zrobię tego."
#: Sketch.java:1093
#, java-format
msgid "Could not add ''{0}'' to the sketch."
msgstr "Nie można dodać ''{0}'' do szkicu."
#: Sketch.java:1393 Sketch.java:1424
msgid "Build folder disappeared or could not be written"
msgstr "Folder projektu nie został odnaleziony lub nie mógł zostać zapisany"
#: Sketch.java:1408
msgid "Could not find main class"
msgstr "Nie można było znaleźć klasy głównej"
#: Sketch.java:1433
#, java-format
msgid "Uncaught exception type: {0}"
msgstr "Nierozpoznany rodzaj wyjątku: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1465
#, java-format
msgid "Problem moving {0} to the build folder"
msgstr "Wystąpił problem podczas przenoszenia {0} do folderu projektu"
#: Sketch.java:1661
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr "Ładowanie..."
#: Sketch.java:1684
#, java-format
msgid "Binary sketch size: {0} bytes (of a {1} byte maximum)"
msgstr "Wielkość binarna szkicu: {0} bajtów (maksymalnie: {1} bajtów)"
#: Sketch.java:1689
msgid "Couldn't determine program size: {0}"
msgstr "Nie można określić wielkości pliku: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1694
msgid ""
"Sketch too big; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for "
"tips on reducing it."
msgstr ""
"Szkic jest za duży; zobacz porady na http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size "
"w celu zmniejszenia go."
#: Sketch.java:1754
msgid "Missing the */ from the end of a /* comment */"
msgstr "Brakuje */ na końcu /* komentarza */"
#: Sketch.java:1796
msgid "Sketch Disappeared"
msgstr "Szkic zniknął"
#: Sketch.java:1797
msgid ""
"The sketch folder has disappeared.\n"
" Will attempt to re-save in the same location,\n"
"but anything besides the code will be lost."
msgstr ""
"Folder szkicu zniknął.\n"
"Ponowię probę aby zapisać szkic w tym samym miejscu,\n"
"jednak wszystkie dane oprócz kodu zostaną utracone."
#: Sketch.java:1810
msgid "Could not re-save sketch"
msgstr "Nie można było ponownie zapisać szkicu"
#: Sketch.java:1811
msgid ""
"Could not properly re-save the sketch. You may be in trouble at this point,\n"
"and it might be time to copy and paste your code to another text editor."
msgstr ""
"Nie można było prawidłowo ponownie zapisać pliku. Może to być początek kłopotów,\n"
"dlatego najlepiej skopiuj kod i przeklej go do innego edytora tekstu."
#: Sketch.java:2060
msgid ""
"The sketch name had to be modified. Sketch names can only consist\n"
"of ASCII characters and numbers (but cannot start with a number).\n"
"They should also be less less than 64 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Nazwa pliku musiała być zmieniona. Nazwy szkiców mogą zawierać jedynie\n"
"znaki ASCII oraz liczby (ale nie mogą zaczynać się od liczby).\n"
"Powinny również zawierać mniej niż 64 znaki."
#: debug/Uploader.java:52
msgid "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
msgstr "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
#: debug/Uploader.java:54 debug/Compiler.java:43
#, java-format
msgid "Compiler error, please submit this code to {0}"
msgstr "Błąd kompilatora, prześlij ten kod do {0}"
#: debug/Uploader.java:199
#, java-format
msgid ""
"the selected serial port {0} does not exist or your board is not connected"
msgstr ""
"port szeregowy {0} nie istnieje lub twoja płytka nie jest podłączona"
#: debug/Uploader.java:203
msgid ""
"Device is not responding, check the right serial port is selected or RESET "
"the board right before exporting"
msgstr ""
"Urządzenie nie odpowiada, sprawdź czy wybrano odpowiedni port szeregowy "
"lub zresetuj płytkę przed eksportowaniem szkicu"
#: debug/Uploader.java:209
msgid ""
"Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions."
msgstr ""
"Problem z przesyłaniem danych na płytkę. Sprawdź http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload aby otrzymać więcej informacji."
#: debug/Uploader.java:213
msgid ""
"Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board from the Tools "
"> Board menu?"
msgstr ""
"Wykryto inny mikrokontroler. Czy wybrałeś odpowiedni model płytki z menu Narzędzia (Tools) "
"> Model płytki (Board)?"
#: debug/Compiler.java:41
msgid "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
msgstr "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
#: debug/Compiler.java:79
msgid "No board selected; please choose a board from the Tools > Board menu."
msgstr "Nie wybrano modelu płytki; proszę wybierz model z menu Narzędzia (Tools) > Model płytki(Board)."
#: debug/Compiler.java:422
#, java-format
msgid "{0} returned {1}"
msgstr "{0} zwrócił {1}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:426
msgid "Error compiling."
msgstr "Błąd kompilacji"
#: debug/Compiler.java:465
msgid "Please import the SPI library from the Sketch > Import Library menu."
msgstr "Zaimportuj bibliotekę SPI z Szkic (Sketch) > Importuj bibliotekę (Import Library)."
#: debug/Compiler.java:466
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 0019, the Ethernet library depends on the SPI library.\n"
"You appear to be using it or another library that depends on the SPI "
msgstr ""
"Od wersji Arduino 0019, biblioteka Ethernet zależy od biblioteki SPI.\n"
"Wygląda na to że używasz innej bilioteki również zależnej od biblioteki SPI."
#: debug/Compiler.java:471
msgid "The 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported."
msgstr "Słowo 'BYTE' nie jest już wspierane."
#: debug/Compiler.java:472
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported.\n"
"Please use Serial.write() instead.\n"
msgstr ""
"Od wersji Arduino 1.0, słowo 'BYTE' nie jest wspierane.\n"
"Użyj proszę funkcji Serial.write()\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:477
msgid "The Server class has been renamed EthernetServer."
msgstr "Klasa Server zmieniła nazwę na EthernetServer."
#: debug/Compiler.java:478
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Server class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetServer.\n"
msgstr ""
"Od wersji Arduino 1.0, klasa Server z biblioteki Ethernet zmieniła nazwę "
"na EthernetServer.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:483
msgid "The Client class has been renamed EthernetClient."
msgstr "Klasa Client zmieniła nazwę na EthernetClient."
#: debug/Compiler.java:484
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Client class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetClient.\n"
msgstr ""
"Od wersji Arduino 1.0, klasa Client z biblioteki Ethernet zmieniła nazwę "
"na EthernetClient.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:489
msgid "The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp."
msgstr "Klasa Udp zmieniła nazwę na EthernetUdp."
#: debug/Compiler.java:490
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library has been renamed to "
msgstr ""
"Od wersji Arduino 1.0, klasa Udp z biblioteki Ethernet zmieniła nazwę na "
#: debug/Compiler.java:495
msgid "Wire.send() has been renamed Wire.write()."
msgstr "Funkcja Wire.send() zmieniła nazwę na Wire.write()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:496
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.send() function was renamed to Wire.write() for "
"consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Od wersji Arduino 1.0, funkcja Wire.send() zmieniła nazwę Wire.write() aby "
"zachować spójność nazewnictwa z innymi bibliotekami.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:501
msgid "Wire.receive() has been renamed Wire.read()."
msgstr "Funkcja Wire.receive() zmieniła nazwę na Wire.read()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:502
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.receive() function was renamed to Wire.read() "
"for consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Od wersji 1.0, funkcja Wire.receive() zmieniła nazwę na Wire.read() "
"zachować spójność nazewnictwa z innymi bibliotekami.\n"
#: EditorConsole.java:152
msgid "Console Error"
msgstr "Błąd konsoli"
#: EditorConsole.java:153
msgid ""
"A problem occurred while trying to open the\n"
"files used to store the console output."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił błąd podczas otwierania plików\n"
"przechowujących wartość wyjścia konsoli."
#: Base.java:184
msgid "Non-fatal error while setting the Look & Feel."
msgstr "Błąd podczas ustawiania Look & Feel."
#: Base.java:185
msgid "The error message follows, however Arduino should run fine."
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd opisany poniżej, Arduino powinno jednak pracować poprawnie."
#: Base.java:220
msgid "Problem Setting the Platform"
msgstr "Błąd podczas ustawiania platformy"
#: Base.java:221
msgid ""
"An unknown error occurred while trying to load\n"
"platform-specific code for your machine."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas próby wgrania\n"
"kodu specyficznego dla platformy na Twoje urządzenie."
#: Base.java:232
msgid "Please install JDK 1.5 or later"
msgstr "Zainstaluj JDK 1.5 lub nowsze."
#: Base.java:233
msgid ""
"Arduino requires a full JDK (not just a JRE)\n"
"to run. Please install JDK 1.5 or later.\n"
"More information can be found in the reference."
msgstr ""
"Arduino wymaga pełnego JDK (nie tylko JRE)\n"
"do działania. Zainstaluj JDK 1.5 lud nowsze.\n"
"Więcej informacji na ten temat znajdziesz w dokumentacji"
#: Base.java:257
msgid "Sketchbook folder disappeared"
msgstr "Folder szkicownika nie istnieje."
#: Base.java:258
msgid ""
"The sketchbook folder no longer exists.\n"
"Arduino will switch to the default sketchbook\n"
"location, and create a new sketchbook folder if\n"
"necessary. Arduino will then stop talking about\n"
"himself in the third person."
msgstr ""
"Folder szkicownika (Sketchbook) nie istnieje.\n"
"Arduino spróbuje utworzyć folder szkicownika\n"
"w domyślnej lokalizacji jeśli to konieczne.\n"
"Potem Arduino przestanie gadać o sobie\n"
"w trzeciej osobie."
#: Base.java:532
msgid "Time for a Break"
msgstr "Czas na przerwę"
#: Base.java:533
msgid ""
"You've reached the limit for auto naming of new sketches\n"
"for the day. How about going for a walk instead?"
msgstr ""
"Wykorzystałeś limit auto-nazw szkicy\n"
"na dzisiaj. Może pora na spacer?"
#: Base.java:537
msgid "Sunshine"
msgstr "Słońce!"
#: Base.java:538
msgid "No really, time for some fresh air for you."
msgstr "Naprawdę, czas na odrobinę świeżego powietrza."
#: Base.java:633
msgid "Open an Arduino sketch..."
msgstr "Otwórz szkic Arduino..."
#: Base.java:772
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Are you "
"sure you want to Quit?</b><p>Closing the last open sketch will quit Arduino."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz wyjść?</b><p>Zamknięcie ostatniego szkicu spowoduje zamknięcie Arduino."
#: Base.java:970
msgid "Contributed"
msgstr "Przekazane"
#: Base.java:1095
msgid "Sketch Does Not Exist"
msgstr "Szkic nie istnieje"
#: Base.java:1096
msgid ""
"The selected sketch no longer exists.\n"
"You may need to restart Arduino to update\n"
"the sketchbook menu."
msgstr ""
"Wybrany szkic nie istnieje.\n"
"Być może musisz zrestartować Arduino\n"
"aby odświeżyć listę szkiców."
#: Base.java:1125
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The sketch \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Sketch names must contain only basic letters and numbers\n"
"(ASCII-only with no spaces, and it cannot start with a number).\n"
"To get rid of this message, remove the sketch from\n"
msgstr ""
"Nazwa szkicu \"{0}\" nie może zostać użyta.\n"
"Nazwy szkiców mogą zawierać jedynie podstawowe litery i cyfry\n"
"(ASCII, bez spacji, nie mogą zaczynać się cyfrą).\n"
"Aby pozbyć się tej wiadomości, usuń szkic z\n"
#: Base.java:1132
msgid "Ignoring sketch with bad name"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1202
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The library \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n"
"(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1207
msgid "Ignoring bad library name"
msgstr "Ignoruj błędną nazwę szkicu"
#: Base.java:1432
msgid "Problem getting data folder"
msgstr "Problem z dostępem do folderu z danymi."
#: Base.java:1433
msgid "Error getting the Arduino data folder."
msgstr "Problem z dostępem do folderu danych Arduino."
#: Base.java:1440
msgid "Settings issues"
msgstr "Problem z ustawieniami"
#: Base.java:1441
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your settings."
msgstr ""
"Arduino nie zostanie uruchomione bo nie może\n"
"stworzyć folderu do przechowywania ustawień."
#: Base.java:1602
msgid "You forgot your sketchbook"
msgstr "Zapomniałeś o folderze szkicownika"
#: Base.java:1603
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your sketchbook."
msgstr ""
"Arduino nie zostanie uruchomione\n"
"ponieważ nie może utworzyć folderu do przechowania Twojego szkicu."
#: Base.java:1623
msgid "Select (or create new) folder for sketches..."
msgstr "Wybierz (albo utwórz) folder szkiców..."
#: Base.java:1647
msgid "Problem Opening URL"
msgstr "Problem z otworzeniem URL"
#: Base.java:1648
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the URL\n"
msgstr "Nie mogę otworzyć URL\n"
#: Base.java:1671
msgid "Problem Opening Folder"
msgstr "Problem z otworzeniem folderu"
#: Base.java:1672
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the folder\n"
msgstr ""
"Nie mogę otworzyć folderu\n"
#: Base.java:1785
msgid "Guide_MacOSX.html"
msgstr "Guide_MacOSX.html"
#: Base.java:1787
msgid "Guide_Windows.html"
msgstr "Guide_Windows.html"
#: Base.java:1789
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
#: Base.java:1794
msgid "index.html"
msgstr "index.html"
#: Base.java:1799
msgid "Guide_Environment.html"
msgstr "Guide_Environment.html"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "environment"
msgstr "środowisko"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "platforms.html"
msgstr "platforms.html"
#: Base.java:1809
msgid "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
msgstr "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
#: Base.java:1814
msgid "FAQ.html"
msgstr "FAQ.html"
#: Base.java:1826
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Wiadomość"
#: Base.java:1842
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Ostrzeżenie"
#: Base.java:2196
#, java-format
msgid "Could not remove old version of {0}"
msgstr "Could not remove old version of {0}"
#: Base.java:2206
#, java-format
msgid "Could not replace {0}"
msgstr "Nie można zamienić {0}"
#: Base.java:2247 Base.java:2270
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete {0}"
msgstr "Nie można usunąć {0}"
#: EditorHeader.java:292
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "Nowa zakładka"
#: EditorHeader.java:300
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę"
#: EditorHeader.java:326
msgid "Previous Tab"
msgstr "Wcześniejsza zakładka"
#: EditorHeader.java:340
msgid "Next Tab"
msgstr "Następna zakładka"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "Weryfikuj"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Otwórz"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "New Editor Window"
msgstr "Nowe okno edytora"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Open in Another Window"
msgstr "Otwórz w nowym oknie"
#: Platform.java:167
msgid "No launcher available"
msgstr "Brak dostępnego lounchera"
#: Platform.java:168
msgid ""
"Unspecified platform, no launcher available.\n"
"To enable opening URLs or folders, add a \n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" line to preferences.txt"
msgstr ""
"Brak określonej platformy, brak dostępnego launchera.\n"
"Aby umożliwić otwieranie URL oraz folderów, dodaj linię\n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" do pliku preferences.txt"
#: Theme.java:52
msgid ""
"Could not read color theme settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Processing."
msgstr ""
"Nie można odczytać ustawień kolorów szablonu.\n"
"Musisz przeinstalować Processing."
#: Preferences.java:80
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Przeglądaj"
#: Preferences.java:83
msgid "System Default"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:84
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Kataloński"
#: Preferences.java:85
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr "Chiński uproszczony"
#: Preferences.java:86
msgid "Chinese Traditional"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:87
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Duński"
#: Preferences.java:88
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Holenderski"
#: Preferences.java:89
msgid "English"
msgstr "Angielski"
#: Preferences.java:90
msgid "French"
msgstr "Francuski"
#: Preferences.java:91
msgid "Filipino"
msgstr "Filipiński"
#: Preferences.java:92
msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Galijski"
#: Preferences.java:93
msgid "German"
msgstr "Niemiecki"
#: Preferences.java:94
msgid "Greek"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:95
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:96
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Włoski"
#: Preferences.java:97
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:98
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "Litewski"
#: Preferences.java:99
msgid "Persian"
msgstr "Perski"
#: Preferences.java:100
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:101
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Rumuński"
#: Preferences.java:102
msgid "Russian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:103
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Hiszpański"
#: Preferences.java:194
msgid ""
"Could not read default settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Nie można odczytać ustawień.\n"
"Musisz przeinstalować Arduino."
#: Preferences.java:226
#, java-format
msgid "Could not read preferences from {0}"
msgstr "Nie można odczytać preferencji z"
#: Preferences.java:245
msgid "Error reading preferences"
msgstr "Błąd odczytywania preferencji"
#: Preferences.java:247
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Error reading the preferences file. Please delete (or move)\n"
"{0} and restart Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Błąd odczytywania pliku preferencji. Skasuj go (lub przenieś)\n"
"{0} i zrestartuj Arduino."
#: Preferences.java:283
msgid "Sketchbook location:"
msgstr "Lokalizacja szkicownika"
#: Preferences.java:298
msgid "Select new sketchbook location"
msgstr "Ustal nową lokalizcję szkicownika"
#: Preferences.java:321
msgid "Editor language: "
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:326 Preferences.java:342
msgid " (requires restart of Arduino)"
msgstr " (wymaga zrestartowania Arduino)"
#: Preferences.java:338
msgid "Editor font size: "
msgstr "Wielkość czcionki edytora"
#: Preferences.java:355
msgid "Show verbose output during: "
msgstr "Pokaż pełen raport podczas: "
#: Preferences.java:357
msgid "compilation "
msgstr "kompilacja"
#: Preferences.java:359
msgid "upload"
msgstr "załaduj"
#: Preferences.java:368
msgid "Verify code after upload"
msgstr "Weryfikuj kod po załadowaniu"
#: Preferences.java:377
msgid "Use external editor"
msgstr "Użyj zewnętrznego edytora"
#: Preferences.java:387
msgid "Check for updates on startup"
msgstr "Sprawdź aktualizacje podczas uruchamiania"
#: Preferences.java:396
msgid "Update sketch files to new extension on save (.pde -> .ino)"
msgstr "Aktualizuj rozszerzenie szkiców podczas zapisywania (.pde -> .ino)"
#: Preferences.java:407
msgid "Automatically associate .ino files with Arduino"
msgstr "Automatycznie przypisz pliki .ino do Arduino"
#: Preferences.java:417
msgid "More preferences can be edited directly in the file"
msgstr "Więcej preferencji może być edytowanych bezpośrednio w pliku"
#: Preferences.java:446
msgid "(edit only when Arduino is not running)"
msgstr "(edytuj tylko kiedy Arduino jest uruchomione)"
#: Preferences.java:593
#, java-format
msgid "ignoring invalid font size {0}"
msgstr "ignorowanie błędnej wielkości czcionki {0}"
@ -1,1628 +0,0 @@
# Russian translations for PACKAGE package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# David A. Mellis <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-02 09:00+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-09 18:26+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Stanislav I. Ashmanov and Evgeniy Maskalev <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: Editor.java:366
msgid "No files were added to the sketch."
msgstr "Файлы не добавлены."
#: Editor.java:369 Sketch.java:996
msgid "One file added to the sketch."
msgstr "Один файл добавлен к скетчу."
#: Editor.java:373
#, java-format
msgid "{0} files added to the sketch."
msgstr "К скетчу было добавлено файлов: {0}."
#: Editor.java:484
msgid "File"
msgstr "Файл"
#: Editor.java:486 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "New"
msgstr "Создать"
#: Editor.java:494 Base.java:903
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Открыть..."
#: Editor.java:503
msgid "Sketchbook"
msgstr "Папка со скетчами"
#: Editor.java:509
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Примеры"
#: Editor.java:514 Editor.java:1977
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Закрыть"
#: Editor.java:522 Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2421 EditorToolbar.java:41
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Сохранить"
#: Editor.java:530
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Сохранить как..."
#: Editor.java:538 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Загрузить"
#: Editor.java:546 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Upload Using Programmer"
msgstr "Загрузить с помощью программатора"
#: Editor.java:556
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Настройки печати"
#: Editor.java:564
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Печать"
#: Editor.java:576 Preferences.java:293
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Настройки"
#: Editor.java:586 Base.java:782
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Выход"
#: Editor.java:600
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Скетч"
#: Editor.java:602
msgid "Verify / Compile"
msgstr "Проверить / Компилировать"
#: Editor.java:629
msgid "Import Library..."
msgstr "Импортировать библиотеку..."
#: Editor.java:634
msgid "Show Sketch Folder"
msgstr "Показать папку скетчей"
#: Editor.java:643
msgid "Add File..."
msgstr "Добавить файл..."
#: Editor.java:656
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Сервис"
#: Editor.java:662 EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Serial Monitor"
msgstr "Монитор порта"
#: Editor.java:682
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Плата"
#: Editor.java:690
msgid "Serial Port"
msgstr "Последовательный порт"
#: Editor.java:695
msgid "Programmer"
msgstr "Программатор"
#: Editor.java:699
msgid "Burn Bootloader"
msgstr "Записать загрузчик"
#: Editor.java:923
msgid "serialMenu is null"
msgstr "Меню последовательного порта пусто"
#: Editor.java:927 Editor.java:934
msgid "name is null"
msgstr "нет имени"
#: Editor.java:986
msgid "error retrieving port list"
msgstr "ошибка получения списка портов"
#: Editor.java:1002
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Справка"
#: Editor.java:1041
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Начало работы"
#: Editor.java:1049
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Среда разработки"
#: Editor.java:1057
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Поиск неполадок"
#: Editor.java:1065
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Содержание"
#: Editor.java:1073 Editor.java:2728
msgid "Find in Reference"
msgstr "Найти в справке"
#: Editor.java:1083
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Часто задаваемые вопросы"
#: Editor.java:1091
msgid "Visit Arduino.cc"
msgstr "Перейти на Arduino.cc"
#: Editor.java:1094
msgid "http://arduino.cc/"
msgstr "http://arduino.cc/"
#: Editor.java:1102
msgid "About Arduino"
msgstr "О программе"
#: Editor.java:1116
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Правка"
#: Editor.java:1119 Editor.java:1341
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Отменить"
#: Editor.java:1124 Editor.java:1126 Editor.java:1376
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Вернуть"
#: Editor.java:1135 Editor.java:2652
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Вырезать"
#: Editor.java:1143 Editor.java:2660
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Копировать"
#: Editor.java:1151 Editor.java:2668
msgid "Copy for Forum"
msgstr "Копировать для форума"
#: Editor.java:1163 Editor.java:2676
msgid "Copy as HTML"
msgstr "Копировать как HTML"
#: Editor.java:1175 Editor.java:2684
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Вставить"
#: Editor.java:1184 Editor.java:2692
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Выделить всё"
#: Editor.java:1194 Editor.java:2702
msgid "Comment/Uncomment"
msgstr "Комментировать/Раскомментировать"
#: Editor.java:1202 Editor.java:2710
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Увеличить отступ"
#: Editor.java:1210 Editor.java:2718
msgid "Decrease Indent"
msgstr "Уменьшить отступ"
#: Editor.java:1220
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Найти..."
#: Editor.java:1235
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Найти следующее"
#: Editor.java:1245
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Найти предыдущее"
#: Editor.java:1255
msgid "Use Selection For Find"
msgstr "Найти выбранное"
#: Editor.java:1816
msgid "First select a word to find in the reference."
msgstr "Сначала выберите слово для поиска в справке"
#: Editor.java:1823
#, java-format
msgid "No reference available for \"{0}\""
msgstr "Нет ссылок для \"{0}\""
#: Editor.java:1826
#, java-format
msgid "{0}.html"
msgstr "{0}.html"
#: Editor.java:1843 Sketch.java:1647
msgid "Compiling sketch..."
msgstr "Компилирование..."
#: Editor.java:1864 Editor.java:1881
msgid "Done compiling."
msgstr "Компилирование выполнено"
#: Editor.java:1973
#, java-format
msgid "Save changes to \"{0}\"? "
msgstr "Сохранить изменения в \"{0}\"? "
#: Editor.java:2006
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Do you "
"want to save changes to this sketch<BR> before closing?</b><p>If you don't "
"save, your changes will be lost."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Вы "
"хотите сохранить изменения в этом скетче<BR> перед закрытием?</b><p>Если вы "
"не сохраните, все изменения будут утеряны."
#: Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589
#: Sketch.java:741 Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:78
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отмена"
#: Editor.java:2017
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "Не сохранять"
#: Editor.java:2089
msgid "Bad file selected"
msgstr "Выбран неправильный файл"
#: Editor.java:2090
msgid ""
"Processing can only open its own sketches\n"
"and other files ending in .ino or .pde"
msgstr ""
"Processing может открывать свои скетчи\n"
"и другие файлы, заканчивающиеся .ino или .pde"
#: Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589 Sketch.java:741
#: Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:79
msgid "OK"
msgstr "ОК"
#: Editor.java:2100
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The file \"{0}\" needs to be inside\n"
"a sketch folder named \"{1}\".\n"
"Create this folder, move the file, and continue?"
msgstr ""
"Файл \"{0}\" должен быть внутри\n"
"папки скетча с именем \"{1}\".\n"
"Создать эту папку, переместить файл и продолжить?"
#: Editor.java:2109
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "Перемещение"
#: Editor.java:2120 Editor.java:2131 Editor.java:2141 Editor.java:2159
#: Sketch.java:479 Sketch.java:485 Sketch.java:500 Sketch.java:507
#: Sketch.java:530 Sketch.java:547 Base.java:1861 Preferences.java:254
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ошибка"
#: Editor.java:2122
#, java-format
msgid "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Can't open sketch."
msgstr "Папка с именем \"{0}\" уже существует. Невозможно открыть скетч."
#: Editor.java:2132
msgid "Could not create the sketch folder."
msgstr "Невозможно создать папку скетча."
#: Editor.java:2141
msgid "Could not copy to a proper location."
msgstr "Невозможно скопировать в нужное место."
#: Editor.java:2159
msgid "Could not create the sketch."
msgstr "Невозможно создать скетч"
#: Editor.java:2166
#, java-format
msgid "{0} | Arduino {1}"
msgstr "{0} | Arduino {1}"
#: Editor.java:2223 Editor.java:2261
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Сохранение..."
#: Editor.java:2228 Editor.java:2264
msgid "Done Saving."
msgstr "Сохранение выполнено."
#: Editor.java:2270
msgid "Save Canceled."
msgstr "Сохранение отменено."
#: Editor.java:2296
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port {0} not found.\n"
"Retry the upload with another serial port?"
msgstr ""
"Последовательный порт {0} не найден.\n"
"Повторить загрузку с другим последовательным портом?"
#: Editor.java:2331
msgid "Uploading to I/O Board..."
msgstr "Загрузка на плату ввода/вывода..."
#: Editor.java:2348 Editor.java:2384
msgid "Done uploading."
msgstr "Загрузка выполнена."
#: Editor.java:2356 Editor.java:2392
msgid "Upload canceled."
msgstr "Загрузка отменена"
#: Editor.java:2420
msgid "Save changes before export?"
msgstr "Сохранить изменения перед экспортом?"
#: Editor.java:2435
msgid "Export canceled, changes must first be saved."
msgstr "Экспорт отменён, сначала сохраните изменения."
#: Editor.java:2457
msgid "Burning bootloader to I/O Board (this may take a minute)..."
msgstr "Запись загрузчика на плату ввода/вывода (минуточку)..."
#: Editor.java:2463
msgid "Done burning bootloader."
msgstr "Запись загрузчика выполнена."
#: Editor.java:2465 Editor.java:2469 Editor.java:2473
msgid "Error while burning bootloader."
msgstr "Ошибка при записи загрузчика."
#: Editor.java:2500
msgid "Printing..."
msgstr "Печать..."
#: Editor.java:2517
msgid "Done printing."
msgstr "Печать выполнена."
#: Editor.java:2520
msgid "Error while printing."
msgstr "Ошибка во время печати"
#: Editor.java:2524
msgid "Printing canceled."
msgstr "Печать отменена."
#: Editor.java:2572
#, java-format
msgid "Bad error line: {0}"
msgstr "Строка с ошибкой: {0}"
#: Editor.java:2641
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "Открыть ссылку"
#: UpdateCheck.java:53
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
#: UpdateCheck.java:103
msgid ""
"A new version of Arduino is available,\n"
"would you like to visit the Arduino download page?"
msgstr ""
"Доступна новая версия Arduino, \n"
"хотите перейти на страницу загрузки?"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:76
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Да"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:77
msgid "No"
msgstr "Нет"
#: UpdateCheck.java:111
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Обновление"
#: UpdateCheck.java:118
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
#: FindReplace.java:80
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Найти:"
#: FindReplace.java:81
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Заменить:"
#: FindReplace.java:96
msgid "Ignore Case"
msgstr "Игнорировать регистр"
#: FindReplace.java:105
msgid "Wrap Around"
msgstr "Выделять"
#: FindReplace.java:120 FindReplace.java:131
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Заменить всё"
#: FindReplace.java:121 FindReplace.java:130 Sketch.java:1050
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Заменить"
#: FindReplace.java:122 FindReplace.java:129
msgid "Replace & Find"
msgstr "Заменить и найти"
#: FindReplace.java:123 FindReplace.java:128
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Предыдущее"
#: FindReplace.java:124 FindReplace.java:127
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Найти"
#: SerialMonitor.java:93
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Послать"
#: SerialMonitor.java:110
msgid "Autoscroll"
msgstr "Автопрокрутка"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "No line ending"
msgstr "Без окончания строки"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Newline"
msgstr "Новая строка (NL)"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Carriage return"
msgstr "Возврат каретки (CR)"
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Both NL & CR"
msgstr "NL и CR вместе"
#: SerialMonitor.java:130 SerialMonitor.java:133
msgid " baud"
msgstr " бод"
#: Serial.java:147
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' already in use. Try quiting any programs that may be "
"using it."
msgstr ""
"Последовательный порт ''{0}'' занят. Попробуйте выйти из программ, которые "
"могут его использовать."
#: Serial.java:154
#, java-format
msgid "Error opening serial port ''{0}''."
msgstr "Ошибка при открытии последовательного порта ''{0}''."
#: Serial.java:167
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > "
"Serial Port menu?"
msgstr ""
"Последовательный порт ''{0}'' не найден. Вы выбрали нужный из меню "
"Сервис > Последовательный порт?"
#: Serial.java:424
#, java-format
msgid ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer is too small for the {0} bytes up to and "
"including char {1}"
msgstr ""
"readBytesUntil() байтовый буфер слишком мал для {0} байтов вплоть до "
"символа {1}"
#: Serial.java:567
#, java-format
msgid "Error inside Serial.{0}()"
msgstr "Ошибка в Serial.{0}()"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:91
msgid "Auto Format"
msgstr "Автоформатирование"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:913 tools/format/src/AutoFormat.java:54
msgid "No changes necessary for Auto Format."
msgstr "Нечего форматировать."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:919
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right parentheses."
msgstr "Автоформатирование прервано: слишком много правых круглых скобок."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:922
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left parentheses."
msgstr "Автоформатирование прервано: слишком много левых круглых скобок."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:928
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right curly braces."
msgstr "Автоформатирование прервано: слишком много правых фигурных скобок."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:931
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left curly braces."
msgstr "Автоформатирование прервано: слишком много левых фигурных скобок."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:941
msgid "Auto Format finished."
msgstr "Автоформатирование завершено."
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:41 tools/FixEncoding.java:58
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:79
msgid "Fix Encoding & Reload"
msgstr "Исправить кодировку и перезагрузить"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:57
msgid "Discard all changes and reload sketch?"
msgstr "Не сохранять изменения и перезагрузить скетч?"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:77
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to fix the file encoding.\n"
"Do not attempt to save this sketch as it may overwrite\n"
"the old version. Use Open to re-open the sketch and try again.\n"
msgstr ""
"Возникла ошибка при попытке исправить кодировку.\n"
"Не пытайтесь сохранить этот скетч, поскольку он может\n"
"перезаписать старую версию. Используйте 'Открыть', чтобы\n"
"открыть скетч заново.\n"
#: tools/Archiver.java:48
msgid "Archive Sketch"
msgstr "Архивировать скетч"
#: tools/Archiver.java:59
msgid "yyMMdd"
msgstr "ггММдд"
#: tools/Archiver.java:74
msgid "Couldn't archive sketch"
msgstr "Скетч не может быть заархивирован"
#: tools/Archiver.java:75
msgid ""
"Archiving the sketch has been canceled because\n"
"the sketch couldn't save properly."
msgstr ""
"Архивирование скетча было прервано, потому что\n"
"скетч некорректно сохранился."
#: tools/Archiver.java:109
msgid "Archive sketch as:"
msgstr "Заархивировать скетч как:"
#: tools/Archiver.java:139
msgid "Archive sketch canceled."
msgstr "Архивирование скетча отменено"
#: SketchCode.java:83
#, java-format
msgid "Error while loading code {0}"
msgstr "Ошибка при загрузке кода {0}"
#: SketchCode.java:258
#, java-format
msgid ""
"\"{0}\" contains unrecognized characters.If this code was created with an "
"older version of Processing,you may need to use Tools -> Fix Encoding & "
"Reload to updatethe sketch to use UTF-8 encoding. If not, you may need "
"todelete the bad characters to get rid of this warning."
msgstr ""
"\"{0}\" содержит нераспознанные символы. Если этот код был создан в "
"старой версии Processing, то вам понадобится использовать Сервис -> "
"Исправить кодировку, чтобы изменить кодировку скетча на UTF-8. Если нет, то "
"вам понадобится удалить плохие символы, чтобы избежать этого предупреждения."
#: Sketch.java:278 Sketch.java:307 Sketch.java:581 Sketch.java:970
msgid "Sketch is Read-Only"
msgstr "Скетч только для чтения"
#: Sketch.java:279 Sketch.java:308 Sketch.java:582 Sketch.java:971
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n"
"and try again."
msgstr ""
"Некоторые файлы отмечены \"только для чтения\",\n"
"поэтому вам понадобится пересохранить скетч в другом\n"
"месте и попытаться ещё раз."
#: Sketch.java:286
msgid "Name for new file:"
msgstr "Имя для нового файла:"
#: Sketch.java:298
msgid "Sketch is Untitled"
msgstr "Скетч без имени"
#: Sketch.java:299
msgid ""
"How about saving the sketch first \n"
"before trying to rename it?"
msgstr ""
"Как насчёт того, чтобы сначала сохранить скетч, \n"
"перед тем как переименовывать его?"
#: Sketch.java:359 Sketch.java:366 Sketch.java:377
msgid "Problem with rename"
msgstr "Проблема с переименованием"
#: Sketch.java:360
msgid "The name cannot start with a period."
msgstr "Имя не может начинаться с точки."
#: Sketch.java:368
#, java-format
msgid "\".{0}\" is not a valid extension."
msgstr "\".{0}\" - недопустимое расширение."
#: Sketch.java:378
msgid ""
"The main file can't use an extension.\n"
"(It may be time for your to graduate to a\n"
"\"real\" programming environment)"
msgstr ""
"Основной файл не может использовать расширение.\n"
"(Возможно для вас пришло время перейти к\n"
"\"настоящей\" среде программирования)"
#: Sketch.java:400 Sketch.java:414 Sketch.java:423 Sketch.java:863
msgid "Nope"
msgstr "Нет"
#: Sketch.java:402
#, java-format
msgid "A file named \"{0}\" already exists in \"{1}\""
msgstr "Файл с именем \"{0}\" уже существует в \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:415
msgid "You can't have a .cpp file with the same name as the sketch."
msgstr "Вы не можете использовать .cpp файл с таким же именем как и у скетча."
#: Sketch.java:425
msgid ""
"You can't rename the sketch to \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Вы не можете переименовать скетч в \"{0}\", \n"
"потому что скетч уже имеет .cpp файл с таким именем."
#: Sketch.java:459
msgid "Cannot Rename"
msgstr "Невозможно переименовать"
#: Sketch.java:461
#, java-format
msgid "Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named \"{0}\" already exists."
msgstr "Извините, скетч (или папка) с названием \"{0}\" уже существует"
#: Sketch.java:479
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (0)"
msgstr "Невозможно переименовать скетч. (0)"
#: Sketch.java:487 Sketch.java:532
#, java-format
msgid "Could not rename \"{0}\" to \"{1}\""
msgstr "Невозможно переименовать \"{0}\" в \"{1}\""
#: Sketch.java:500
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (1)"
msgstr "Невозможно переименовать скетч. (1)"
#: Sketch.java:507
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (2)"
msgstr "Невозможно переименовать скетч. (2)"
#: Sketch.java:544
msgid "createNewFile() returned false"
msgstr "createNewFile() вернул false"
#: Sketch.java:591
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?"
msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить этот скетч?"
#: Sketch.java:592
#, java-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?"
msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить \"{0}\"?"
#: Sketch.java:595 EditorHeader.java:314
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Удалить"
#: Sketch.java:620
msgid "Couldn't do it"
msgstr "Невозможно сделать это"
#: Sketch.java:621
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete \"{0}\"."
msgstr "Невозможно удалить \"{0}\"."
#: Sketch.java:651
msgid "removeCode: internal error.. could not find code"
msgstr "removeCode: внутренняя ошибка.. невозможно найти код"
#: Sketch.java:724
msgid "Sketch is read-only"
msgstr "Скетч только для чтения"
#: Sketch.java:725
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save this sketch to another location."
msgstr ""
"Некоторые файлы отмечены \"только для чтения\", поэтому\n"
"вам необходимо пересохранить этот скетч в другом месте."
#: Sketch.java:743
msgid ""
"In Arduino 1.0, the default file extension has changed\n"
"from .pde to .ino. New sketches (including those created\n"
"by \"Save-As\" will use the new extension. The extension\n"
"of existing sketches will be updated on save, but you can\n"
"disable this in the Preferences dialog.\n"
"Save sketch and update its extension?"
msgstr ""
"В Arduino 1.0, расширение файла по умолчанию изменилось\n"
"с .pde на .ino. Новые скетчи (включая созданные через\n"
"\"Сохранить как\") будут иметь новое расширение. Расширение\n"
"существующих скетчей будет обновлено при сохранении, но вы\n"
"можете отключить это в диалоге "Настройки".\n"
"Сохранить скетч и обновить его расширение?"
#: Sketch.java:750
msgid ".pde -> .ino"
msgstr ".pde -> .ino"
#: Sketch.java:829
msgid "Save sketch folder as..."
msgstr "Сохранить папку скетча как..."
#: Sketch.java:865
msgid ""
"You can't save the sketch as \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
"Вы не можете сохранить скетч как \"{0}\", \n"
"потому что скетч уже имеет .cpp файл с таким именем."
#: Sketch.java:886
msgid "How very Borges of you"
msgstr "Как сюрреалистично!"
#: Sketch.java:887
msgid ""
"You cannot save the sketch into a folder\n"
"inside itself. This would go on forever."
msgstr ""
"Вы не можете сохранить скетч в папку\n"
"внутри папки скетча. Это будет продолжаться вечно."
#: Sketch.java:979
msgid "Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch"
msgstr "Выберите изображение или другой файл данных для копированя в скетч"
#: Sketch.java:1047
#, java-format
msgid "Replace the existing version of {0}?"
msgstr "Заменить существующую версию {0}?"
#: Sketch.java:1069 Sketch.java:1092
msgid "Error adding file"
msgstr "Ошибка добавления файла"
#: Sketch.java:1070
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete the existing ''{0}'' file."
msgstr "Не удается удалить существующий файл ''{0}''."
#: Sketch.java:1078
msgid "You can't fool me"
msgstr "Меня не обманешь"
#: Sketch.java:1079
msgid ""
"This file has already been copied to the\n"
"location from which where you're trying to add it.\n"
"I ain't not doin nuthin'."
msgstr ""
"Этот файл уже был скопирован в место,\n"
"из которого вы пытаетесь его добавить."
#: Sketch.java:1093
#, java-format
msgid "Could not add ''{0}'' to the sketch."
msgstr "Невозможно добавить ''{0}'' к скетчу."
#: Sketch.java:1393 Sketch.java:1424
msgid "Build folder disappeared or could not be written"
msgstr "Отсутствует или не перезаписывается папка сборки"
#: Sketch.java:1408
msgid "Could not find main class"
msgstr "Невозможно найти главный класс"
#: Sketch.java:1433
#, java-format
msgid "Uncaught exception type: {0}"
msgstr "Неперехваченный тип исключения: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1465
#, java-format
msgid "Problem moving {0} to the build folder"
msgstr "{0} не перемещается в папу сборки"
#: Sketch.java:1661
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr "Загружаем..."
#: Sketch.java:1684
#, java-format
msgid "Binary sketch size: {0} bytes (of a {1} byte maximum)"
msgstr "Размер скетча в двоичном коде: {0} байт (из {1} байт максимум)"
#: Sketch.java:1689
msgid "Couldn't determine program size: {0}"
msgstr "Не могу определить размер программы: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1694
msgid ""
"Sketch too big; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for "
"tips on reducing it."
msgstr ""
"Скетч слишком большой; обратитесь к http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size "
"за советами по его уменьшению."
#: Sketch.java:1754
msgid "Missing the */ from the end of a /* comment */"
msgstr "Отсутствует */ в конце /* комментария */"
#: Sketch.java:1796
msgid "Sketch Disappeared"
msgstr "Не удается найти скетч"
#: Sketch.java:1797
msgid ""
"The sketch folder has disappeared.\n"
" Will attempt to re-save in the same location,\n"
"but anything besides the code will be lost."
msgstr ""
"Не удается найти папку скетча.\n"
"Будет выполнена попытка пересохрания его в том же месте,\n"
"но всё, кроме кода, будет утеряно."
#: Sketch.java:1810
msgid "Could not re-save sketch"
msgstr "Не удалось пересохранить скетч"
#: Sketch.java:1811
msgid ""
"Could not properly re-save the sketch. You may be in trouble at this point,\n"
"and it might be time to copy and paste your code to another text editor."
msgstr ""
"Не удалось пересохранить скетч. Возможно вам понадобится скопировать и вставить\n"
"ваш код в другой текстовый редактор."
#: Sketch.java:2060
msgid ""
"The sketch name had to be modified. Sketch names can only consist\n"
"of ASCII characters and numbers (but cannot start with a number).\n"
"They should also be less less than 64 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Имя скетча было изменено. Имена скетчей могут состоять только\n"
"из ASCII символов и чисел (но не могут начинаться с чисел).\n"
"Также, они должны быть менее 64 символов в длину."
#: debug/Uploader.java:52
msgid "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
msgstr "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
#: debug/Uploader.java:54 debug/Compiler.java:43
#, java-format
msgid "Compiler error, please submit this code to {0}"
msgstr "Ошибка компилятора, пожалуйста, перешлите этот код на {0}"
#: debug/Uploader.java:199
#, java-format
msgid ""
"the selected serial port {0} does not exist or your board is not connected"
msgstr ""
"выбранный последовательный порт {0} не существует или ваша плата не подключена"
#: debug/Uploader.java:203
msgid ""
"Device is not responding, check the right serial port is selected or RESET "
"the board right before exporting"
msgstr ""
"Устройство не отвечает. Проверьте, правильно ли выбран последовательный порт, "
"или перезагрузите плату прямо перед загрузкой"
#: debug/Uploader.java:209
msgid ""
"Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions."
msgstr ""
"Проблема загрузки в плату. Обратитесь к http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload для поиска решения."
#: debug/Uploader.java:213
msgid ""
"Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board from the Tools "
"> Board menu?"
msgstr ""
"Тип микроконтроллера неверный. Вы правильно выбрали плату из меню "
"Сервис > Платы?"
#: debug/Compiler.java:41
msgid "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
msgstr "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
#: debug/Compiler.java:79
msgid "No board selected; please choose a board from the Tools > Board menu."
msgstr "Не выбрана модель платы, пожалуйста, выберите её в меню Сервис > Платы."
#: debug/Compiler.java:422
#, java-format
msgid "{0} returned {1}"
msgstr "{0} вернул {1}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:426
msgid "Error compiling."
msgstr "Ошибка при компиляции."
#: debug/Compiler.java:465
msgid "Please import the SPI library from the Sketch > Import Library menu."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, подключите библиотеку SPI в меню Скетч > Подключить библиотеку."
#: debug/Compiler.java:466
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 0019, the Ethernet library depends on the SPI library.\n"
"You appear to be using it or another library that depends on the SPI "
msgstr ""
"Начиная с Arduino 0019 библиотека Ethernet зависит от библиотеки SPI.\n"
"Похоже, что вы используете именно её, или другую библиотеку, зависящую "
"от библиотеки SPI.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:471
msgid "The 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported."
msgstr "Дескриптор 'BYTE' больше не поддерживается."
#: debug/Compiler.java:472
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported.\n"
"Please use Serial.write() instead.\n"
msgstr ""
"Начиная с версии Arduino 1.0, дескриптор 'BYTE' больше не поддерживается.\n"
"Пожалуйста, используйте Serial.write() вместо него.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:477
msgid "The Server class has been renamed EthernetServer."
msgstr "Класс Server был переименован в EternetServer"
#: debug/Compiler.java:478
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Server class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetServer.\n"
msgstr ""
"Начиная с версии Arduino 1.0, класс Server библиотеки Ethernet был переименован в "
#: debug/Compiler.java:483
msgid "The Client class has been renamed EthernetClient."
msgstr "Класс Client был переименован в EternetClient"
#: debug/Compiler.java:484
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Client class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetClient.\n"
msgstr ""
"Начиная с версии Arduino 1.0, класс Client библиотеки Ethernet был переименован в "
#: debug/Compiler.java:489
msgid "The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp."
msgstr "Класс Udp был переименован в EthernetUdp."
#: debug/Compiler.java:490
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library has been renamed to "
msgstr ""
"Начиная с версии Arduino 1.0, класс Udp библиотеки Ethernet был переименован в "
#: debug/Compiler.java:495
msgid "Wire.send() has been renamed Wire.write()."
msgstr "Wire.send() была переименована в Wire.write()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:496
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.send() function was renamed to Wire.write() for "
"consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Начиная с версии Arduino 1.0, функция Wire.send() была переименована в "
"Wire.write() для согласованности с другими библиотеками.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:501
msgid "Wire.receive() has been renamed Wire.read()."
msgstr "Wire.receive() была переименована в Wire.read()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:502
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.receive() function was renamed to Wire.read() "
"for consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
"Начиная с версии Arduino 1.0, функция Wire.receive() была переименована в "
"Wire.read() для согласованности с другими библиотеками.\n"
#: EditorConsole.java:152
msgid "Console Error"
msgstr "Ошибка консоли"
#: EditorConsole.java:153
msgid ""
"A problem occurred while trying to open the\n"
"files used to store the console output."
msgstr ""
"Возникла проблема при попытке открыть файлы,\n"
"используемые для хранения вывода на консоль."
#: Base.java:184
msgid "Non-fatal error while setting the Look & Feel."
msgstr "Нефатальная ошибка при настройке внешнего вида."
#: Base.java:185
msgid "The error message follows, however Arduino should run fine."
msgstr "Далее идёт сообщение об ошибке, хотя Arduino должнен работать нормально."
#: Base.java:220
msgid "Problem Setting the Platform"
msgstr "Проблема с установкой платформы"
#: Base.java:221
msgid ""
"An unknown error occurred while trying to load\n"
"platform-specific code for your machine."
msgstr "Произошла неизвестная ошибка при попытке\n"
"загрузить код, специфичный для вашей платформы."
#: Base.java:232
msgid "Please install JDK 1.5 or later"
msgstr "Пожалуйста, установите версию JDK 1.5 или старше."
#: Base.java:233
msgid ""
"Arduino requires a full JDK (not just a JRE)\n"
"to run. Please install JDK 1.5 or later.\n"
"More information can be found in the reference."
msgstr "Arduino требуется полная версия JDK (а не только JRE)."
"Пожалуйста, установите версию JDK 1.5 или старше."
"Подробную информацию можно найти в справке."
#: Base.java:257
msgid "Sketchbook folder disappeared"
msgstr "Папка со скетчами исчезла."
#: Base.java:258
msgid ""
"The sketchbook folder no longer exists.\n"
"Arduino will switch to the default sketchbook\n"
"location, and create a new sketchbook folder if\n"
"necessary. Arduino will then stop talking about\n"
"himself in the third person."
msgstr ""
"Папка со скетчами больше не существует.\n"
"Arduino переключится на папку по умолчанию,\n"
"создав её при необходимости. А затем Arduino\n"
"перестанет говорить о себе в третьем лице."
#: Base.java:532
msgid "Time for a Break"
msgstr "Пора сделать перерыв."
#: Base.java:533
msgid ""
"You've reached the limit for auto naming of new sketches\n"
"for the day. How about going for a walk instead?"
msgstr ""
"Вы достигли лимита автоматического именования скетчей\n"
"на сегодня. Может, лучше пойти прогуляться?"
#: Base.java:537
msgid "Sunshine"
msgstr "Солнечный свет"
#: Base.java:538
msgid "No really, time for some fresh air for you."
msgstr "Серьёзно, вам просто необходимо пойти проветриться."
#: Base.java:633
msgid "Open an Arduino sketch..."
msgstr "Открыть скетч Arduino..."
#: Base.java:772
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Are you "
"sure you want to Quit?</b><p>Closing the last open sketch will quit Arduino."
msgstr ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Вы уверены, "
"что хотите выйти?</b><p>Если вы закроете последний скетч, то выйдете из Arduino."
#: Base.java:970
msgid "Contributed"
msgstr "Связанные"
#: Base.java:1095
msgid "Sketch Does Not Exist"
msgstr "Скетч не существует"
#: Base.java:1096
msgid ""
"The selected sketch no longer exists.\n"
"You may need to restart Arduino to update\n"
"the sketchbook menu."
msgstr ""
"Выбранный скетч больше не существует.\n"
"Возможно, надо перезапустить Arduino, чтобы\n"
"обновить меню скетчей."
#: Base.java:1125
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The sketch \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Sketch names must contain only basic letters and numbers\n"
"(ASCII-only with no spaces, and it cannot start with a number).\n"
"To get rid of this message, remove the sketch from\n"
msgstr ""
"Скетч \"{0}\" Не может быть использован.\n"
"Имена скетчей должны содержать только основные буквы и цифры.\n"
"(Только ASCII, без пробелов, причём имя не может начинаться с пробела).\n"
"Чтобы избавиться от этого сообщения, уберите скетч из\n"
#: Base.java:1132
msgid "Ignoring sketch with bad name"
msgstr "Игнорирую скетч с плохим именем"
#: Base.java:1202
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The library \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n"
"(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"
msgstr ""
"Библиотека \"{0}\" не может быть использована.\n"
"Имена библиотек должны содержать только основные буквы и цифры.\n"
"(Только ASCII, без пробелов, причём имя не может начинаться с пробела)."
#: Base.java:1207
msgid "Ignoring bad library name"
msgstr "Игнорирую библиотеку с плохим именем"
#: Base.java:1432
msgid "Problem getting data folder"
msgstr "Проблема при обращении к папке с данными"
#: Base.java:1433
msgid "Error getting the Arduino data folder."
msgstr "Проблема при обращении к папке с данными Arduino"
#: Base.java:1440
msgid "Settings issues"
msgstr "Вопросы, связанные с настройками"
#: Base.java:1441
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your settings."
msgstr ""
"Arduino не может запуститься, потому что\n"
"не удаётся создать папку для хранения ваших настроек."
#: Base.java:1602
msgid "You forgot your sketchbook"
msgstr "Вы забыли вашу папку со скетчами"
#: Base.java:1603
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your sketchbook."
msgstr ""
"Arduino не может запуститься, потому что\n"
"не удаётся создать папку для хранения ваших скетчей."
#: Base.java:1623
msgid "Select (or create new) folder for sketches..."
msgstr "Выберите (или создайте) папку для хранения скетчей..."
#: Base.java:1647
msgid "Problem Opening URL"
msgstr "Проблема с открытием ссылки"
#: Base.java:1648
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the URL\n"
msgstr ""
"Не удалось открыть ссылку\n"
#: Base.java:1671
msgid "Problem Opening Folder"
msgstr "Проблема с открытием папки "
#: Base.java:1672
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the folder\n"
msgstr ""
"Не удалось открыть папку\n"
#: Base.java:1785
msgid "Guide_MacOSX.html"
msgstr "Guide_MacOSX.html"
#: Base.java:1787
msgid "Guide_Windows.html"
msgstr "Guide_Windows.html"
#: Base.java:1789
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
#: Base.java:1794
msgid "index.html"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1799
msgid "Guide_Environment.html"
msgstr "Guide_Environment.html"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "environment"
msgstr "среда разработки"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "platforms.html"
msgstr "platforms.html"
#: Base.java:1809
msgid "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
msgstr "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
#: Base.java:1814
msgid "FAQ.html"
msgstr "FAQ.html"
#: Base.java:1826
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Сообщение"
#: Base.java:1842
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Внимание"
#: Base.java:2196
#, java-format
msgid "Could not remove old version of {0}"
msgstr "Не удалось удалить старую версию {0}"
#: Base.java:2206
#, java-format
msgid "Could not replace {0}"
msgstr "Не удалось заменить {0}"
#: Base.java:2247 Base.java:2270
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete {0}"
msgstr "Не удалось удалить {0}"
#: EditorHeader.java:292
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "Новая вкладка"
#: EditorHeader.java:300
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Переименовать"
#: EditorHeader.java:326
msgid "Previous Tab"
msgstr "Предыдущая вкладка"
#: EditorHeader.java:340
msgid "Next Tab"
msgstr "Следующая вкладка"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "Проверить"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Открыть"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "New Editor Window"
msgstr "Новое окно редактора"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Open in Another Window"
msgstr "Открыть в другом окне"
#: Platform.java:167
msgid "No launcher available"
msgstr "Нет загрузчика"
#: Platform.java:168
msgid ""
"Unspecified platform, no launcher available.\n"
"To enable opening URLs or folders, add a \n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" line to preferences.txt"
msgstr ""
"Неуказанная платформа, нет загрузчика.\n"
"Чтобы разрешить открытие ссылок или папок, добавьте \n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" строку в preferences.txt"
#: Theme.java:52
msgid ""
"Could not read color theme settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Processing."
msgstr ""
"Не удалось прочитать настройки цветовой темы.\n"
"Вам нужно будет переустановить Processing."
#: Preferences.java:80
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Выбрать"
#: Preferences.java:115
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:116
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:117
msgid "Chinese Taiwan"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:118
msgid "Danish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:119
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:120
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:121
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:122
msgid "Filipino"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:123
msgid "Galician"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:124
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:125
msgid "Greek"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:126
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:127
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:128
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:129
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:130
msgid "Persian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:131
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:132
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:133
msgid "Russian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:134
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:224
msgid ""
"Could not read default settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Настройки по умолчанию не читаются.\n"
"Вам нужно переустановить Arduino."
#: Preferences.java:256
#, java-format
msgid "Could not read preferences from {0}"
msgstr "Невозможно прочитать настройки из {0}"
#: Preferences.java:275
msgid "Error reading preferences"
msgstr "Ошибка чтения настроек"
#: Preferences.java:277
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Error reading the preferences file. Please delete (or move)\n"
"{0} and restart Arduino."
msgstr ""
"Ошибка чтения файла настроек. Пожалуйста удалите (или переместите)\n"
"{0} и перезагрузите Arduino."
#: Preferences.java:313
msgid "Sketchbook location:"
msgstr "Расположение папки со скетчами:"
#: Preferences.java:328
msgid "Select new sketchbook location"
msgstr "Выберите новое расположение папки со скетчами"
#: Preferences.java:352
msgid "Editor font size: "
msgstr "Размер шрифта редактора: "
#: Preferences.java:356 Preferences.java:444
msgid " (requires restart of Arduino)"
msgstr " (требует перезагрузки Arduino)"
#: Preferences.java:369
msgid "Show verbose output during: "
msgstr "Показывать подробный вывод при: "
#: Preferences.java:371
msgid "compilation "
msgstr "компиляции"
#: Preferences.java:373
msgid "upload"
msgstr "загрузке"
#: Preferences.java:382
msgid "Verify code after upload"
msgstr "Проверка кода после загрузки"
#: Preferences.java:391
msgid "Use external editor"
msgstr "Использовать внешний редактор"
#: Preferences.java:401
msgid "Check for updates on startup"
msgstr "Проверять обновления при запуске"
#: Preferences.java:410
msgid "Update sketch files to new extension on save (.pde -> .ino)"
msgstr "Обновлять расширение скетчей на новое при сохранении (.pde -> .ino)"
#: Preferences.java:421
msgid "Automatically associate .ino files with Arduino"
msgstr "Автоматически ассоциировать .ino файлы с Arduino"
#: Preferences.java:431
msgid "Preferred Language: "
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:456
msgid "More preferences can be edited directly in the file"
msgstr "Больше свойств может быть отредактировано прямо в файле"
#: Preferences.java:485
msgid "(edit only when Arduino is not running)"
msgstr "(редактируйте только если Arduino не запущено)"
#: Preferences.java:632
#, java-format
msgid "ignoring invalid font size {0}"
msgstr "игнорирование некорректного размера шрифта {0}"
@ -1,1539 +0,0 @@
# Slovene translations for PACKAGE package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Črtomir Gorup <crt.gorup@gmail.com>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-29 10:24-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-29 10:24-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Črtomir Gorup <crt.gorup@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovene\n"
"Language: sl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: Editor.java:366
msgid "No files were added to the sketch."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:369 Sketch.java:996
msgid "One file added to the sketch."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:373
#, java-format
msgid "{0} files added to the sketch."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:484
msgid "File"
msgstr "Datoteka"
#: Editor.java:486 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nova"
#: Editor.java:494 Base.java:903
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Odpri..."
#: Editor.java:503
msgid "Sketchbook"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:509
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Primeri"
#: Editor.java:514 Editor.java:1977
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zapri"
#: Editor.java:522 Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2421 EditorToolbar.java:41
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Shrani"
#: Editor.java:530
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Skrani kot..."
#: Editor.java:538 EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Naloži"
#: Editor.java:546 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Upload Using Programmer"
msgstr "Naloži z programatorjem"
#: Editor.java:556
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Nastavitve strani"
#: Editor.java:564
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Tiskaj"
#: Editor.java:576 Preferences.java:263
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Nastavitve"
#: Editor.java:586 Base.java:782
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Izhod"
#: Editor.java:600
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Skica"
#: Editor.java:602
msgid "Verify / Compile"
msgstr "Preveri / prevedi"
#: Editor.java:629
msgid "Import Library..."
msgstr "Uvozi knjižnico..."
#: Editor.java:634
msgid "Show Sketch Folder"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:643
msgid "Add File..."
msgstr "Dodaj datoteko..."
#: Editor.java:656
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Orodja"
#: Editor.java:662 EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Serial Monitor"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:682
msgid "Board"
msgstr "plošča"
#: Editor.java:690
msgid "Serial Port"
msgstr "Serijski vmesnik"
#: Editor.java:695
msgid "Programmer"
msgstr "Programer"
#: Editor.java:699
msgid "Burn Bootloader"
msgstr "Posodobi nalagalnik"
#: Editor.java:923
msgid "serialMenu is null"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:927 Editor.java:934
msgid "name is null"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:986
msgid "error retrieving port list"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1002
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoč"
#: Editor.java:1041
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Začetek"
#: Editor.java:1049
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Okolje"
#: Editor.java:1057
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Odpravljanje napak"
#: Editor.java:1065
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referenca"
#: Editor.java:1073 Editor.java:2728
msgid "Find in Reference"
msgstr "Poišči v Referenci"
#: Editor.java:1083
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr "Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja"
#: Editor.java:1091
msgid "Visit Arduino.cc"
msgstr "Obišči Arduino.cc"
#: Editor.java:1094
msgid "http://arduino.cc/"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1102
msgid "About Arduino"
msgstr "O Arduino"
#: Editor.java:1116
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Uredi"
#: Editor.java:1119 Editor.java:1341
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Razveljavi"
#: Editor.java:1124 Editor.java:1126 Editor.java:1376
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Uveljavi"
#: Editor.java:1135 Editor.java:2652
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Izreži"
#: Editor.java:1143 Editor.java:2660
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiraj"
#: Editor.java:1151 Editor.java:2668
msgid "Copy for Forum"
msgstr "Kopiraj za Forum"
#: Editor.java:1163 Editor.java:2676
msgid "Copy as HTML"
msgstr "Kopiraj kot HTML"
#: Editor.java:1175 Editor.java:2684
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Prilepi"
#: Editor.java:1184 Editor.java:2692
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Izberi vse"
#: Editor.java:1194 Editor.java:2702
msgid "Comment/Uncomment"
msgstr "Zakomentiraj/odkomentiraj"
#: Editor.java:1202 Editor.java:2710
msgid "Increase Indent"
msgstr "Povečaj zamik"
#: Editor.java:1210 Editor.java:2718
msgid "Decrease Indent"
msgstr "Zmanjšaj zamik"
#: Editor.java:1220
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Išči..."
#: Editor.java:1235
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1245
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Najdi prejšnje"
#: Editor.java:1255
msgid "Use Selection For Find"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1816
msgid "First select a word to find in the reference."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1823
#, java-format
msgid "No reference available for \"{0}\""
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1826
#, java-format
msgid "{0}.html"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:1843 Sketch.java:1647
msgid "Compiling sketch..."
msgstr "Prevajam skico..."
#: Editor.java:1864 Editor.java:1881
msgid "Done compiling."
msgstr "Prevajanje končano."
#: Editor.java:1973
#, java-format
msgid "Save changes to \"{0}\"? "
msgstr "Shrani spremembe v \"{0}\"? "
#: Editor.java:2006
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Do you "
"want to save changes to this sketch<BR> before closing?</b><p>If you don't "
"save, your changes will be lost."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2017 Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589
#: Sketch.java:741 Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:78
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Prekliči"
#: Editor.java:2017
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "Ne shrani"
#: Editor.java:2089
msgid "Bad file selected"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2090
msgid ""
"Processing can only open its own sketches\n"
"and other files ending in .ino or .pde"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2098 Editor.java:2418 Sketch.java:589 Sketch.java:741
#: Sketch.java:1046 Preferences.java:79
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2100
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The file \"{0}\" needs to be inside\n"
"a sketch folder named \"{1}\".\n"
"Create this folder, move the file, and continue?"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2109
msgid "Moving"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2120 Editor.java:2131 Editor.java:2141 Editor.java:2159
#: Sketch.java:479 Sketch.java:485 Sketch.java:500 Sketch.java:507
#: Sketch.java:530 Sketch.java:547 Base.java:1861 Preferences.java:224
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Napaka"
#: Editor.java:2122
#, java-format
msgid "A folder named \"{0}\" already exists. Can't open sketch."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2132
msgid "Could not create the sketch folder."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2141
msgid "Could not copy to a proper location."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2159
msgid "Could not create the sketch."
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2166
#, java-format
msgid "{0} | Arduino {1}"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2223 Editor.java:2261
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Shranjevanje..."
#: Editor.java:2228 Editor.java:2264
msgid "Done Saving."
msgstr "Shranjevanje končano."
#: Editor.java:2270
msgid "Save Canceled."
msgstr "Shranjevanje preklicano."
#: Editor.java:2296
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port {0} not found.\n"
"Retry the upload with another serial port?"
msgstr ""
#: Editor.java:2331
msgid "Uploading to I/O Board..."
msgstr "Nalaganje na ploščo..."
#: Editor.java:2348 Editor.java:2384
msgid "Done uploading."
msgstr "Nalaganje končano."
#: Editor.java:2356 Editor.java:2392
msgid "Upload canceled."
msgstr "Nalaganje preklicano."
#: Editor.java:2420
msgid "Save changes before export?"
msgstr "Skrani spremembe pred izvozom?"
#: Editor.java:2435
msgid "Export canceled, changes must first be saved."
msgstr "Izvoz preklican, spremembe morajo biti prej shranjene."
#: Editor.java:2457
msgid "Burning bootloader to I/O Board (this may take a minute)..."
msgstr "Posodabljanje nalagalnika na plošči (lahko traja nekaj minut)..."
#: Editor.java:2463
msgid "Done burning bootloader."
msgstr "Posodobitev nalagalnika končana."
#: Editor.java:2465 Editor.java:2469 Editor.java:2473
msgid "Error while burning bootloader."
msgstr "Napaka med posodobitvijo nalagalnika."
#: Editor.java:2500
msgid "Printing..."
msgstr "Tiskanje..."
#: Editor.java:2517
msgid "Done printing."
msgstr "Tiskanje končano."
#: Editor.java:2520
msgid "Error while printing."
msgstr "Napaka med tiskanjem."
#: Editor.java:2524
msgid "Printing canceled."
msgstr "Tiskanje preklicano."
#: Editor.java:2572
#, java-format
msgid "Bad error line: {0}"
msgstr "Napaka v vrstici: {0}"
#: Editor.java:2641
msgid "Open URL"
msgstr "Odpri URL"
#: UpdateCheck.java:53
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/latest.txt"
#: UpdateCheck.java:103
msgid ""
"A new version of Arduino is available,\n"
"would you like to visit the Arduino download page?"
msgstr "Dostopna je nova različica Arduino.\n"
"Ali želite obiskati stran za prenos Arduino?"
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:76
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
#: UpdateCheck.java:108 Preferences.java:77
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
#: UpdateCheck.java:111
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Posodobitev"
#: UpdateCheck.java:118
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
msgstr "http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software"
#: FindReplace.java:80
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Išči:"
#: FindReplace.java:81
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Zamenjaj z:"
#: FindReplace.java:96
msgid "Ignore Case"
msgstr ""
#: FindReplace.java:105
msgid "Wrap Around"
msgstr ""
#: FindReplace.java:120 FindReplace.java:131
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Zamenjaj vse"
#: FindReplace.java:121 FindReplace.java:130 Sketch.java:1050
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Zamenjaj"
#: FindReplace.java:122 FindReplace.java:129
msgid "Replace & Find"
msgstr "Zamenjan & išči"
#: FindReplace.java:123 FindReplace.java:128
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Prejšnji"
#: FindReplace.java:124 FindReplace.java:127
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Išči"
#: SerialMonitor.java:93
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Pošlji"
#: SerialMonitor.java:110
msgid "Autoscroll"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "No line ending"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Newline"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Carriage return"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:112
msgid "Both NL & CR"
msgstr ""
#: SerialMonitor.java:130 SerialMonitor.java:133
msgid " baud"
msgstr ""
#: Serial.java:147
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' already in use. Try quiting any programs that may be "
"using it."
msgstr ""
#: Serial.java:154
#, java-format
msgid "Error opening serial port ''{0}''."
msgstr ""
#: Serial.java:167
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Serial port ''{0}'' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > "
"Serial Port menu?"
msgstr ""
#: Serial.java:424
#, java-format
msgid ""
"readBytesUntil() byte buffer is too small for the {0} bytes up to and "
"including char {1}"
msgstr ""
#: Serial.java:567
#, java-format
msgid "Error inside Serial.{0}()"
msgstr ""
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:91
msgid "Auto Format"
msgstr "Avtomatsko oblikovanje"
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:913 tools/format/src/AutoFormat.java:54
msgid "No changes necessary for Auto Format."
msgstr ""
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:919
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right parentheses."
msgstr "Avtomatsko oblikovanje preklicano: Preveč desnih oklepajev."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:922
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left parentheses."
msgstr "Avtomatsko oblikovanje preklicano: Preveč levih oklepajev."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:928
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many right curly braces."
msgstr "Avtomatsko oblikovanje preklicano: Preveč desnih zavitih oklepajev."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:931
msgid "Auto Format Canceled: Too many left curly braces."
msgstr "Avtomatsko oblikovanje preklicano: Preveč levih zavitih oklepajev."
#: tools/AutoFormat.java:941
msgid "Auto Format finished."
msgstr "Avtomatsko oblikovanje končano."
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:41 tools/FixEncoding.java:58
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:79
msgid "Fix Encoding & Reload"
msgstr ""
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:57
msgid "Discard all changes and reload sketch?"
msgstr "Zavrzi vse spremembe in ponovno naloži\n"
#: tools/FixEncoding.java:77
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to fix the file encoding.\n"
"Do not attempt to save this sketch as it may overwrite\n"
"the old version. Use Open to re-open the sketch and try again.\n"
msgstr ""
#: tools/Archiver.java:48
msgid "Archive Sketch"
msgstr "Arhiviraj skico"
#: tools/Archiver.java:59
msgid "yyMMdd"
msgstr ""
#: tools/Archiver.java:74
msgid "Couldn't archive sketch"
msgstr "Skice ni bilo možno arhivirati"
#: tools/Archiver.java:75
msgid ""
"Archiving the sketch has been canceled because\n"
"the sketch couldn't save properly."
msgstr "Arhiviranje skice je bilo preklicano,\n"
"ker skice ni možno pravilno shraniti."
#: tools/Archiver.java:109
msgid "Archive sketch as:"
msgstr "Arhiviraj skico kot:"
#: tools/Archiver.java:139
msgid "Archive sketch canceled."
msgstr "Arhiviranje skice preklicano."
#: SketchCode.java:83
#, java-format
msgid "Error while loading code {0}"
msgstr "Napaka med nalaganjem kode {0}"
#: SketchCode.java:258
#, java-format
msgid ""
"\"{0}\" contains unrecognized characters.If this code was created with an "
"older version of Processing,you may need to use Tools -> Fix Encoding & "
"Reload to updatethe sketch to use UTF-8 encoding. If not, you may need "
"todelete the bad characters to get rid of this warning."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:278 Sketch.java:307 Sketch.java:581 Sketch.java:970
msgid "Sketch is Read-Only"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:279 Sketch.java:308 Sketch.java:582 Sketch.java:971
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n"
"and try again."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:286
msgid "Name for new file:"
msgstr "Ime nove datoteke:"
#: Sketch.java:298
msgid "Sketch is Untitled"
msgstr "Skica je Neimenovana"
#: Sketch.java:299
msgid ""
"How about saving the sketch first \n"
"before trying to rename it?"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:359 Sketch.java:366 Sketch.java:377
msgid "Problem with rename"
msgstr "Problem pri preimenovanju"
#: Sketch.java:360
msgid "The name cannot start with a period."
msgstr "Ime se ne sme začeti s piko."
#: Sketch.java:368
#, java-format
msgid "\".{0}\" is not a valid extension."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:378
msgid ""
"The main file can't use an extension.\n"
"(It may be time for your to graduate to a\n"
"\"real\" programming environment)"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:400 Sketch.java:414 Sketch.java:423 Sketch.java:863
msgid "Nope"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:402
#, java-format
msgid "A file named \"{0}\" already exists in \"{1}\""
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:415
msgid "You can't have a .cpp file with the same name as the sketch."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:425
msgid ""
"You can't rename the sketch to \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:459
msgid "Cannot Rename"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:461
#, java-format
msgid "Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named \"{0}\" already exists."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:479
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (0)"
msgstr "Skice ni možno preimenovati. (0)"
#: Sketch.java:487 Sketch.java:532
#, java-format
msgid "Could not rename \"{0}\" to \"{1}\""
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:500
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (1)"
msgstr "Skice ni možno preimenovati. (1)"
#: Sketch.java:507
msgid "Could not rename the sketch. (2)"
msgstr "Skice ni možno preimenovati. (2)"
#: Sketch.java:544
msgid "createNewFile() returned false"
msgstr "createNewFile() je vrnila false"
#: Sketch.java:591
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?"
msgstr "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to skico?"
#: Sketch.java:592
#, java-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?"
msgstr "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati \"{0}\"?"
#: Sketch.java:595 EditorHeader.java:314
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Izbriši"
#: Sketch.java:620
msgid "Couldn't do it"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:621
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete \"{0}\"."
msgstr "Ne morem izbrisati \"{0}\"."
#: Sketch.java:651
msgid "removeCode: internal error.. could not find code"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:724
msgid "Sketch is read-only"
msgstr "Skica je samo za branje"
#: Sketch.java:725
msgid ""
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n"
"need to re-save this sketch to another location."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:743
msgid ""
"In Arduino 1.0, the default file extension has changed\n"
"from .pde to .ino. New sketches (including those created\n"
"by \"Save-As\" will use the new extension. The extension\n"
"of existing sketches will be updated on save, but you can\n"
"disable this in the Preferences dialog.\n"
"Save sketch and update its extension?"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:750
msgid ".pde -> .ino"
msgstr ".pde -> .ino"
#: Sketch.java:829
msgid "Save sketch folder as..."
msgstr "Shrani skico kot ..."
#: Sketch.java:865
msgid ""
"You can't save the sketch as \"{0}\"\n"
"because the sketch already has a .cpp file with that name."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:886
msgid "How very Borges of you"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:887
msgid ""
"You cannot save the sketch into a folder\n"
"inside itself. This would go on forever."
msgstr ""
"Skice ne morete ponovno shraniti v njeno\n"
"lastno mapo. To bi se lahko nadaljevalo\n"
"v neskončnost."
#: Sketch.java:979
msgid "Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch"
msgstr "Izberi sliko ali drugo datoteko za dodajanje k skici"
#: Sketch.java:1047
#, java-format
msgid "Replace the existing version of {0}?"
msgstr "Zamenjam trenutno različico {0}?"
#: Sketch.java:1069 Sketch.java:1092
msgid "Error adding file"
msgstr "Napaka pri dodajanju datoteke"
#: Sketch.java:1070
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete the existing ''{0}'' file."
msgstr "Ne morem izbrisati obstoječe datoteke ''{0}''."
#: Sketch.java:1078
msgid "You can't fool me"
msgstr "Ne moreš me preslepiti"
#: Sketch.java:1079
msgid ""
"This file has already been copied to the\n"
"location from which where you're trying to add it.\n"
"I ain't not doin nuthin'."
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:1093
#, java-format
msgid "Could not add ''{0}'' to the sketch."
msgstr "Ne morem dodati ''{0}'' k skici."
#: Sketch.java:1393 Sketch.java:1424
msgid "Build folder disappeared or could not be written"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:1408
msgid "Could not find main class"
msgstr ""
#: Sketch.java:1433
#, java-format
msgid "Uncaught exception type: {0}"
msgstr "Neujeta izjema tipa: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1465
#, java-format
msgid "Problem moving {0} to the build folder"
msgstr "Problem pri premikanju {0} v mapo 'build'"
#: Sketch.java:1661
msgid "Uploading..."
msgstr "Nalagam..."
#: Sketch.java:1684
#, java-format
msgid "Binary sketch size: {0} bytes (of a {1} byte maximum)"
msgstr "Velikost binarne skice: {0} bajtov (od {1} možnih bajtov)"
#: Sketch.java:1689
msgid "Couldn't determine program size: {0}"
msgstr "Velikosti programa ni bilo možno določiti: {0}"
#: Sketch.java:1694
msgid ""
"Sketch too big; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for "
"tips on reducing it."
msgstr ""
"Prevelika slica; glej http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size za "
"nasvet glede zmanjšanja"
#: Sketch.java:1754
msgid "Missing the */ from the end of a /* comment */"
msgstr "Manjka */ na koncu /* komentarja */"
#: Sketch.java:1796
msgid "Sketch Disappeared"
msgstr "Skica je izginila"
#: Sketch.java:1797
msgid ""
"The sketch folder has disappeared.\n"
" Will attempt to re-save in the same location,\n"
"but anything besides the code will be lost."
msgstr ""
"Mapa s skico je izginila.\n"
" Skico po ponovno shranjena na isto lokacijo,\n"
"vendar vse razen programske kode bo izgubljeno."
#: Sketch.java:1810
msgid "Could not re-save sketch"
msgstr "Skice ni bilo možno ponovno shraniti"
#: Sketch.java:1811
msgid ""
"Could not properly re-save the sketch. You may be in trouble at this point,\n"
"and it might be time to copy and paste your code to another text editor."
msgstr ""
"Skice ni bilo mogoče ponovno shraniti. Na vidiku so problemi, zato je\n"
"verjetno zdaj ravno pravi čas za kopiranje in lepljenje vaše kode v drug\n"
#: Sketch.java:2060
msgid ""
"The sketch name had to be modified. Sketch names can only consist\n"
"of ASCII characters and numbers (but cannot start with a number).\n"
"They should also be less less than 64 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Ime skice je bilo spremenjeno. Ime skice je lahko sestavljeno le\n"
"iz znakov ASCII ter številk (vendar se ne sme začeti s številko).\n"
"Ime mora tudi biti krajše od 64 znakov."
#: debug/Uploader.java:52
msgid "https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=3590"
msgstr ""
#: debug/Uploader.java:54 debug/Compiler.java:43
#, java-format
msgid "Compiler error, please submit this code to {0}"
msgstr "Napaka prevajalnika, prosim posreduj kodo {0}"
#: debug/Uploader.java:199
#, java-format
msgid ""
"the selected serial port {0} does not exist or your board is not connected"
msgstr ""
#: debug/Uploader.java:203
msgid ""
"Device is not responding, check the right serial port is selected or RESET "
"the board right before exporting"
msgstr ""
#: debug/Uploader.java:209
msgid ""
"Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/"
"Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions."
msgstr ""
#: debug/Uploader.java:213
msgid ""
"Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board from the Tools "
"> Board menu?"
msgstr ""
#: debug/Compiler.java:41
msgid "http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/list"
msgstr ""
#: debug/Compiler.java:79
msgid "No board selected; please choose a board from the Tools > Board menu."
msgstr "Plošča ni izbrana: prosim izberite ploščo v meniju Orodja > Plošča"
#: debug/Compiler.java:422
#, java-format
msgid "{0} returned {1}"
msgstr "{0} je vrnil {1}"
#: debug/Compiler.java:426
msgid "Error compiling."
msgstr "Napaka pri prevajanju."
#: debug/Compiler.java:465
msgid "Please import the SPI library from the Sketch > Import Library menu."
msgstr "Prosim uvozite knjižnico SPI v Skica > Uvoz knjižnice"
#: debug/Compiler.java:466
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 0019, the Ethernet library depends on the SPI library.\n"
"You appear to be using it or another library that depends on the SPI "
msgstr ""
"Od Arduina 0019 naprej knjižnica Ethernet uporablja knjižnico SPI.\n"
"Izgleda, da tudi vi oz. neka druga knjižnica hkrati uporablja knjižnico SPI.\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:471
msgid "The 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported."
msgstr "Beseda 'BYTE' ni več podprta."
#: debug/Compiler.java:472
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported.\n"
"Please use Serial.write() instead.\n"
msgstr ""
"Od Arduina 1.0 naprej beseda 'BYTE' ni več podprta.\n"
"Namesto nje prosim uporabite Serial.write().\n"
#: debug/Compiler.java:477
msgid "The Server class has been renamed EthernetServer."
msgstr "Razred Server je bil preimenovan v EthernetServer."
#: debug/Compiler.java:478
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Server class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetServer.\n"
msgstr ""
#: debug/Compiler.java:483
msgid "The Client class has been renamed EthernetClient."
msgstr "Razred Client je bil preimenovan v EthernetClient."
#: debug/Compiler.java:484
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Client class in the Ethernet library has been renamed "
"to EthernetClient.\n"
msgstr ""
"Od Arduina 1.0 naprej je bil razred Client v knjižnici Ethernet preimenovan v "
#: debug/Compiler.java:489
msgid "The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp."
msgstr "Razred Udp je bil preimenovan v EthernetUdp."
#: debug/Compiler.java:490
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library has been renamed to "
msgstr ""
#: debug/Compiler.java:495
msgid "Wire.send() has been renamed Wire.write()."
msgstr "Wire.send() je bil preimenovan v Wire.write()."
#: debug/Compiler.java:496
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.send() function was renamed to Wire.write() for "
"consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
#: debug/Compiler.java:501
msgid "Wire.receive() has been renamed Wire.read()."
msgstr ""
#: debug/Compiler.java:502
msgid ""
"As of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.receive() function was renamed to Wire.read() "
"for consistency with other libraries.\n"
msgstr ""
#: EditorConsole.java:152
msgid "Console Error"
msgstr ""
#: EditorConsole.java:153
msgid ""
"A problem occurred while trying to open the\n"
"files used to store the console output."
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:184
msgid "Non-fatal error while setting the Look & Feel."
msgstr "Ne-kritična napaka med nalaganjem 'Look & Feel'."
#: Base.java:185
msgid "The error message follows, however Arduino should run fine."
msgstr "Kljub sporočilu o napaki bo Arduino deloval pravilno"
#: Base.java:220
msgid "Problem Setting the Platform"
msgstr "Problem pri nastavljanju platforme"
#: Base.java:221
msgid ""
"An unknown error occurred while trying to load\n"
"platform-specific code for your machine."
msgstr "Prišlo je do neznane napake med naganjem\n"
"arhitehturno-odvisne kode za vaš računalnik."
#: Base.java:232
msgid "Please install JDK 1.5 or later"
msgstr "Prosim namestite JDK 1.5 ali novejši"
#: Base.java:233
msgid ""
"Arduino requires a full JDK (not just a JRE)\n"
"to run. Please install JDK 1.5 or later.\n"
"More information can be found in the reference."
msgstr ""
"Za delovanje Arduino potrebuje celoten sistem\n"
"JDK (ne le JRE). Prosim namestite JDK 1.5 ali novejši."
"Več informacij v referenci."
#: Base.java:257
msgid "Sketchbook folder disappeared"
msgstr "Manjka mapa skice"
#: Base.java:258
msgid ""
"The sketchbook folder no longer exists.\n"
"Arduino will switch to the default sketchbook\n"
"location, and create a new sketchbook folder if\n"
"necessary. Arduino will then stop talking about\n"
"himself in the third person."
msgstr ""
"Mapa skice ne obstaja več.\n"
"Arduino bo naložil privzeto lokacijo za skico in.\n"
"ustvaril novo mapo za skico (če je potrebno). Arduino bo"
"nato nehal govoriti o sebi v tretji osebi."
#: Base.java:532
msgid "Time for a Break"
msgstr "Čas za odmor"
#: Base.java:533
msgid ""
"You've reached the limit for auto naming of new sketches\n"
"for the day. How about going for a walk instead?"
msgstr "Dosegli ste dnevno mejo za poimenovanje\n"
"novih skic. Kaj pravite na sprehod?"
#: Base.java:537
msgid "Sunshine"
msgstr "Sonce"
#: Base.java:538
msgid "No really, time for some fresh air for you."
msgstr "Resno, čas je za svež zrak."
#: Base.java:633
msgid "Open an Arduino sketch..."
msgstr "Odpri Arduino skico..."
#: Base.java:772
msgid ""
"<html> <head> <style type=\"text/css\">b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }p "
"{ font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }</style> </head><b>Are you "
"sure you want to Quit?</b><p>Closing the last open sketch will quit Arduino."
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:970
msgid "Contributed"
msgstr "Prispevali"
#: Base.java:1095
msgid "Sketch Does Not Exist"
msgstr "Skica ne obstaja"
#: Base.java:1096
msgid ""
"The selected sketch no longer exists.\n"
"You may need to restart Arduino to update\n"
"the sketchbook menu."
msgstr ""
"Izbrana skica Arduino ne obstaja\n"
"več. Ponovno lahko zaženete Arduino"
#: Base.java:1125
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The sketch \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Sketch names must contain only basic letters and numbers\n"
"(ASCII-only with no spaces, and it cannot start with a number).\n"
"To get rid of this message, remove the sketch from\n"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1132
msgid "Ignoring sketch with bad name"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1202
#, java-format
msgid ""
"The library \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n"
"Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n"
"(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1207
msgid "Ignoring bad library name"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1432
msgid "Problem getting data folder"
msgstr "Problem pri nalaganju mape s podatki"
#: Base.java:1433
msgid "Error getting the Arduino data folder."
msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju mape s podatki Arduino."
#: Base.java:1440
msgid "Settings issues"
msgstr "Nastavitve"
#: Base.java:1441
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your settings."
msgstr ""
"Arduino se ne more zagnati, saj ne\n"
"more ustvariti mape za shranjevanje nastavitev."
#: Base.java:1602
msgid "You forgot your sketchbook"
msgstr "Pozabili ste skico"
#: Base.java:1603
msgid ""
"Arduino cannot run because it could not\n"
"create a folder to store your sketchbook."
msgstr ""
"Arduino se ne more zagnati, saj ne\n"
"more ustvariti mape za shranjevanje skice."
#: Base.java:1623
msgid "Select (or create new) folder for sketches..."
msgstr "Izberite (ali ustvarite novo) mapo za skice..."
#: Base.java:1647
msgid "Problem Opening URL"
msgstr "Problem pri odpiranju URL"
#: Base.java:1648
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the URL\n"
msgstr ""
"Napaka pri odpiranju naslova URL\n"
#: Base.java:1671
msgid "Problem Opening Folder"
msgstr "Problem pri odpiranju mape"
#: Base.java:1672
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the folder\n"
msgstr ""
"Napaka odpiranju mape\n"
#: Base.java:1785
msgid "Guide_MacOSX.html"
msgstr "Guide_MacOSX.html"
#: Base.java:1787
msgid "Guide_Windows.html"
msgstr "Guide_Windows.html"
#: Base.java:1789
msgid "http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Learning/Linux"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1794
msgid "index.html"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1799
msgid "Guide_Environment.html"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "environment"
msgstr "okolje"
#: Base.java:1804
msgid "platforms.html"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1809
msgid "Guide_Troubleshooting.html"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1814
msgid "FAQ.html"
msgstr ""
#: Base.java:1826
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Sporočilo"
#: Base.java:1842
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Opozorilo"
#: Base.java:2196
#, java-format
msgid "Could not remove old version of {0}"
msgstr "Ne morem odstraniti stare različice {0}"
#: Base.java:2206
#, java-format
msgid "Could not replace {0}"
msgstr "Ne morem zamenjati {0}"
#: Base.java:2247 Base.java:2270
#, java-format
msgid "Could not delete {0}"
msgstr "Ne morem izbrisati {0}"
#: EditorHeader.java:292
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "Nov zavihek"
#: EditorHeader.java:300
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Preimenuj"
#: EditorHeader.java:326
msgid "Previous Tab"
msgstr "Prejšnji zavihek"
#: EditorHeader.java:340
msgid "Next Tab"
msgstr "Naslednji zavihek"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41 EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "Preveri"
#: EditorToolbar.java:41
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Odpri"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "New Editor Window"
msgstr "Novo okno urejevalnika"
#: EditorToolbar.java:46
msgid "Open in Another Window"
msgstr "Odpri v novem oknu"
#: Platform.java:167
msgid "No launcher available"
msgstr ""
#: Platform.java:168
msgid ""
"Unspecified platform, no launcher available.\n"
"To enable opening URLs or folders, add a \n"
"\"launcher=/path/to/app\" line to preferences.txt"
msgstr ""
#: Theme.java:52
msgid ""
"Could not read color theme settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Processing."
msgstr ""
"Nastavitev barvne sheme ni bilo možno prebrati.\n"
"Potrebna je ponovna namestitev Processing."
#: Preferences.java:80
msgid "Browse"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:83
msgid "System Default"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:84
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:85
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:86
msgid "Chinese Traditional"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:87
msgid "Danish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:88
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:89
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:90
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:91
msgid "Filipino"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:92
msgid "Galician"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:93
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:94
msgid "Greek"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:95
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:96
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:97
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:98
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:99
msgid "Persian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:100
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:101
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:102
msgid "Russian"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:103
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:194
msgid ""
"Could not read default settings.\n"
"You'll need to reinstall Arduino."
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:226
#, java-format
msgid "Could not read preferences from {0}"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:245
msgid "Error reading preferences"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:247
#, java-format
msgid ""
"Error reading the preferences file. Please delete (or move)\n"
"{0} and restart Arduino."
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:283
msgid "Sketchbook location:"
msgstr "Lokacija skice:"
#: Preferences.java:298
msgid "Select new sketchbook location"
msgstr "Izberi novo lokacijo skice"
#: Preferences.java:321
msgid "Editor language: "
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:326 Preferences.java:342
msgid " (requires restart of Arduino)"
msgstr " (potreben je ponovni zagon Arduino)"
#: Preferences.java:338
msgid "Editor font size: "
msgstr "Velikost črk urejevalnika:"
#: Preferences.java:355
msgid "Show verbose output during: "
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:357
msgid "compilation "
msgstr "prevajanje "
#: Preferences.java:359
msgid "upload"
msgstr "naloži"
#: Preferences.java:368
msgid "Verify code after upload"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:377
msgid "Use external editor"
msgstr "Uporabi zunanji urejevalnik"
#: Preferences.java:387
msgid "Check for updates on startup"
msgstr "Preveri posodobitve ob zagonu"
#: Preferences.java:396
msgid "Update sketch files to new extension on save (.pde -> .ino)"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:407
msgid "Automatically associate .ino files with Arduino"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:417
msgid "More preferences can be edited directly in the file"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:446
msgid "(edit only when Arduino is not running)"
msgstr ""
#: Preferences.java:593
#, java-format
msgid "ignoring invalid font size {0}"
msgstr ""
Reference in New Issue
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