This is required for Auto Format compatibility because it has the undesirable effect of indenting only unindented contents of multi-lline comments, thus altering the relative indentation of the text.
The exception is the Max/MSP patches as I did not know whether indentation would break them.
Tools > Auto Format in the Arduino IDE removes asterisks from the start of every line in a C style comment, causing that character to be unsuitable for use as a bullet for lists in the example comments.
- Avoids confusing beginners who assume there must be some reason for this useless line of code.
- Fixes "warning: unused variable 'currentTime'" compiler warning.
When the serial monitor window is focused again (not reopened but put
in background and selected again) the text input field is now
automatically focused.
Number of colors used by serial plotter increased from 4 to 8.
Improved colors (brighter; easy to tell apart):
blue, red, green, amber, purple, gray, aqua, black.
The properties:
System.setProperty("awt.useSystemAAFontSettings", "on");
System.setProperty("swing.aatext", "true");
actually works on Linux (where the hint helps X11 to enable antialiased
rendering) but makes things worse on Windows where the outcome is exactly
the opposite (anti-alias is disabled).
Previously those settings had no effect because they were executed
*after* the initialization of the graphics. This is no more true
after the merge of #5578, that moved the graphics initialization
after commmand line parsing and consequently revealed the weird
behaviour on windows.
Previously the CRC error was quite annoying to recover because
the user needed to manually delete the corrupted file from the
staging folder (without knowing the exact path of the file to
Now the IDE tries autonomously to resolve the situation by
removing the file and downloading it again.