Package processing.core |
Class processing.core.PApplet extends java.applet.Applet implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
PGraphics g
java.awt.Frame frame
java.awt.Dimension screen
Access this via screen.width and screen.height. To make an applet run at full screen, use size(screen.width, screen.height).
If you have multiple displays, this will be the size of the main display. Running full screen across multiple displays isn't particularly supported, and requires more monkeying with the values. This probably can't/won't be fixed until/unless I get a dual head system.
Note that this won't update if you change the resolution of your screen once the the applet is running.
This variable is not static, because future releases need to be better at handling multiple displays.
PGraphics recorder
java.lang.String[] args
This does not include the arguments passed in to PApplet itself.
java.lang.String sketchPath
boolean defaultSize
boolean resizeRequest
int resizeWidth
int resizeHeight
int[] pixels
When used with OpenGL or Java2D, this value will be null until loadPixels() has been called.
int width
int height
int mouseX
int mouseY
int pmouseX
int pmouseY
int dmouseX
int dmouseY
int emouseX
int emouseY
boolean firstMouse
Just using (frameCount == 0) won't work since mouseXxxxx() may not be called until a couple frames into things.
int mouseButton
If running on Mac OS, a ctrl-click will be interpreted as the righthand mouse button (unlike Java, which reports it as the left mouse).
boolean mousePressed
java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent
char key
If it's a coded key, i.e. UP/DOWN/CTRL/SHIFT/ALT, this will be set to CODED (0xffff or 65535).
int keyCode
For the arrow keys, keyCode will be one of UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT. Also available are ALT, CONTROL and SHIFT. A full set of constants can be obtained from java.awt.event.KeyEvent, from the VK_XXXX variables.
boolean keyPressed
java.awt.event.KeyEvent keyEvent
boolean focused
boolean online
This can be used to test how the applet should behave since online situations are different (no file writing, etc).
long millisOffset
Used by the millis() function.
float frameRate
The initial value will be 10 fps, and will be updated with each frame thereafter. The value is not instantaneous (since that wouldn't be very useful since it would jump around so much), but is instead averaged (integrated) over several frames. As such, this value won't be valid until after 5-10 frames.
long frameRateLastNanos
float frameRateTarget
long frameRatePeriod
boolean looping
boolean redraw
int frameCount
This value is read-only do not attempt to set it, otherwise bad things will happen.
Inside setup(), frameCount is 0. For the first iteration of draw(), frameCount will equal 1.
boolean finished
boolean exitCalled
java.lang.Thread thread
PApplet.RegisteredMethods sizeMethods
PApplet.RegisteredMethods preMethods
PApplet.RegisteredMethods drawMethods
PApplet.RegisteredMethods postMethods
PApplet.RegisteredMethods mouseEventMethods
PApplet.RegisteredMethods keyEventMethods
PApplet.RegisteredMethods disposeMethods
boolean external
java.awt.event.MouseEvent[] mouseEventQueue
int mouseEventCount
java.awt.event.KeyEvent[] keyEventQueue
int keyEventCount
int cursorType
boolean cursorVisible
PImage invisibleCursor
java.util.Random internalRandom
int perlin_octaves
float perlin_amp_falloff
int perlin_TWOPI
int perlin_PI
float[] perlin_cosTable
float[] perlin
java.util.Random perlinRandom
java.lang.String[] loadImageFormats
int requestImageMax
int requestImageCount
java.io.File selectedFile
java.awt.Frame parentFrame
Class processing.core.PApplet.RendererChangeException extends java.lang.RuntimeException implements Serializable |
Package processing.xml |
Class processing.xml.XMLElement extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
XMLElement parent
java.util.Vector<E> attributes
java.util.Vector<E> children
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String fullName
java.lang.String namespace
java.lang.String content
java.lang.String systemID
int lineNr
Class processing.xml.XMLException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
java.lang.String msg
java.lang.String systemID
int lineNr
java.lang.Exception encapsulatedException
Class processing.xml.XMLParseException extends XMLException implements Serializable |
Class processing.xml.XMLValidationException extends XMLException implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
java.lang.String elementName
java.lang.String attributeName
java.lang.String attributeValue