from Twitter

Bootstrap is a responsive frontend toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart web development, complete with core HTML, CSS, and JS for grids, type, forms, navigation, and many more components.

Download on GitHub Currently v2.0.0

Feature highlights

  • × Built on LESS
  • × Complete styleguide docs
  • × Fully responsive design
  • × Small footprint (7kb gzipped)
  • × Support for IE7 and up
  • × Custom jQuery plugins
  • × Dozens of components

Built for and by nerds

Engineers at Twitter have historically used almost any library they were familiar with to meet front-end requirements. Bootstrap began as an answer to the challenges that presented. With the help of many awesome folks, Bootstrap has grown significantly.

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Bootstrap is tested and supported in major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.

Tested and supported in Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox
  • Latest Safari
  • Latest Google Chrome
  • Firefox 4+
  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Opera 11

What's included

Bootstrap comes complete with compiled CSS, uncompiled, and example templates.

Quick-start examples

Need some quick templates? Check out these basic examples we've put together: