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layout: docs
title: Migrating to v5
description: Track and review changes to the Bootstrap source files, documentation, and components to help you migrate from v4 to v5.
group: migration
aliases: "/migration/"
toc: true
## Browser support
See the browser and devices page for details on what is currently supported in Bootstrap 5. Since v4, here's what's changed to our browser support:
- Dropped support for Internet Explorer 10 and 11
- Dropped support for Firefox NN - MM
- Dropped support for Safari NN
- Dropped support for iOS Safari NN
- Dropped support for Chrome NN
- Dropped support for Android NN
## Sass
Changes to our source Sass files and compiled CSS.
- Removed `hover`, `hover-focus`, `plain-hover-focus`, and `hover-focus-active` mixins. Use regular CSS syntax for these moving forward. [See #28267](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/28267).
- Remove previously deprecated mixins
- `float()`
- `form-control-mixin()`
- `nav-divider()`
- `retina-img()`
- `text-hide()` (also dropped the associated utility class, `.text-hide`)
- `visibility()`
- `form-control-focus()`
- **Todo:** New variables?
- **Todo:** Rearrange forms source files (under `scss/forms/`)
- **Todo:** Rearrange grid source files (under `scss/grid/`)
- Removed print styles and `$enable-print-styles` variable. Print display classes, however, have remained intact. [See #28339](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/28339).
- Dropped `color()`, `theme-color()` & `gray()` functions in favor of variables. [See #29083](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29083)
- The `theme-color-level()` function is renamed to `color-level()` and now accepts any color you want instead of only `$theme-color` colors. [See #29083](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29083)
- `$enable-grid-classes` doesn't disable the generation of container classes anymore [See #29146](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29146)
- Renamed `$enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query` and `$enable-pointer-cursor-for-buttons` to `$enable-reduced-motion` and `$enable-button-pointers` for brevity.
- Line heights are dropped from several components to simplify our codebase. The `button-size()` and `pagination-size()` do not accept line height parameters anymore. [See #29271](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29271)
- The `button-variant()` mixin now accepts 3 optional color parameters, for each button state, to override the color provided by `color-contrast()`. By default, these parameters will find which color provides more contrast against the button state's background color with `color-contrast()`.
- The `button-outline-variant()` mixin now accepts an additional argument, `$active-color`, for setting the button's active state text color. By default, this parameter will find which color provides more contrast against the button's active background color with `color-contrast()`.
- Ditch the Sass map merges, which makes it easier to remove redundant values. Keep in mind you now have to define all values in the Sass maps like `$theme-colors`. Check out how to deal with [Sass maps]({{< docsref "/customize/sass#maps-and-loops" >}}).
- `color-yiq()` function and related variables are renamed to `color-contrast()` since it's not related to YIQ colorspace anymore. [See #30168.](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/30168/)
- `$yiq-contrasted-threshold` is renamed to `$min-contrast-ratio`.
- `$yiq-text-dark` and `$yiq-text-light` are respectively renamed to `$color-contrast-dark` and `$color-contrast-light`.
- Linear gradients are simplified when gradients are enabled and therefore, `gradient-bg()` now only accepts an optional `$color` parameter.
- The `bg-gradient-variant()` mixin is removed since the `.bg-gradient` class can now be used to add gradients to elements instead of the `.bg-gradient-*` classes.
## JavaScript
Changes to our source and compiled JavaScript files.
- Dropped jQuery dependency and rewrote plugins to be in regular JavaScript.
- Removed underscore from public static methods like `_getInstance()``getInstance()`.
## Color system
We've updated the color system that powers Bootstrap to improve color contrast and provide a much more extensive set of colors.
- Updated blue and pink base colors (`-500`) to ensure AA contrast.
- Added new tints and shades for every color, providing nine separate colors for each base color, as new Sass variables.
- To support our color system, we've added new custom `tint-color()` and `shade-color()` functions to mix our colors appropriately.
## Grid and layout
Changes to any layout tools and our grid system.
- Dropped the `.media` component as it can be built with utility classes. [See #28265](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/28265).
- Remove `position: relative` from grid columns.
- The horizontal padding is added to the direct children in a row instead of the columns themselves.
- This simplifies our codebase.
- The column classes can now be used stand alone. Whenever they are used outside a `.row`, horizontal padding won't be added.
- The responsive gutter classes can be used to control the gutter width in horizontal, vertical or both directions.
- The gutter width is now set in `rem` and decreased from `30px` to `1.5rem` (24px).
- `bootstrap-grid.css` now only applies `box-sizing: border-box` to the column instead of resetting the global box-sizing. This way the grid system can be used, even if `box-sizing: border-box` is not applied to each element.
## Content, Reboot, etc
Changes to Reboot, typography, tables, and more.
- [RFS]({{< docsref "/getting-started/rfs" >}}) enabled for automated font size rescaling. [See #29152](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29152)
- Reset default horizontal `padding-left` on `<ul>` and `<ol>` elements from browser default `40px` to `2rem`.
- Simplified table styles (no more odd top border) and tightened cell padding.
- Nested tables do not inherit styles anymore.
- `.thead-light` and `.thead-dark` are dropped in favor of the `.table-*` variant classes which can be used for all table elements (`thead`, `tbody`, `tfoot`, `tr`, `th` and `td`).
- The `table-row-variant()` mixin is renamed to `table-variant()` and accepts only 2 parameters: `$color` (colon name) and `$value` (color code). The border color and accent colors are automatically calculated based on the table factor variables.
- Split table cell padding variables into `-y` and `-x`.
- Dropped `.pre-scrollable` class. [See #29135](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29135)
- `.text-*` utilities do not add hover and focus states to links anymore. `.link-*` helper classes can be used instead. [See #29267](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29267)
- Drop `.text-justify` class. [See #229793](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29793)
## Typography
- Removed `$display-*` variables for a new `$display-font-sizes` Sass map.
- Removed individiual `$display-*-weight` variables for a single `$display-font-weight`.
- Added two new `.display-*` heading styles, `.display-5` and `.display-6`.
- Resized existing display headings for a slightly more consistent set of `font-size`s.
## Forms
- Rearranged form documentation under its own top-level section.
- Split out old Forms page into several subpages
- Moved input groups docs under the new Forms section
- Rearranged source Sass files under `scss/forms/`, including moving over input group styles.
- Combined native and custom checkboxes and radios into single `.form-check` class.
- New checks support sizing via `em`/`font-size` or explicit modifier classes now.
- New checks now appear larger by default for improved usability.
- Dropped `.custom-control` and associated classes.
- Renamed most `$custom-control` variables to `$form-control` ones.
- Combined native and custom selects into `.form-select`.
- Dropped `.custom-select` and associated classes.
- Renamed most `$custom-select` variables to `$form-select` ones.
- Updated file input component with the same overall design, but improved HTML.
- Refactored `.form-file` markup to resolve some visual bugs while allowing translation and button text changes via HTML instead of CSS.
- Dropped native `.form-control-file` and `.form-control-range` components entirely.
- Renamed `.custom-file` to `.form-file` (including variables).
- Added support for `:focus` and `:disabled` styles.
- Renamed `.custom-range` to `.form-range` (including variables).
- Dropped `.form-group` for margin utilities (we've replaced our docs examples with `.mb-3`).
- Dropped `.form-row` for the more flexible grid gutters.
- Dropped `.form-inline` for the more flexible grid.
- Dropped support for `.form-control-plaintext` inside `.input-group`s.
- Dropped `.input-group-append` and `.input-group-prepend`. You can now just add buttons and `.input-group-text` as direct children of the input groups.
- Form labels now require the `.form-label` class. Sass variables are now available to style form labels to your needs. [See #30476](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/30476)
## Components
- Unified `padding` values for alerts, breadcrumbs, cards, dropdowns, list groups, modals, popovers, and tooltips to be based on our `$spacer` variable. [See #30564](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/30564).
### Disabled states
- Disabled states of the buttons, close button, pagination link & form range now have `pointer-events: none` added. This simplifies our codebase and makes it easier to override active states in CSS. [#29296](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29296).
### Alerts
- **Todo:** Remove auto-darkening of `<hr>` elements in `.alert-*` class variants. `<hr>`s use `rgba()` for their color, so these should naturally blend anyway.
### Badges
Badges were overhauled to better differentiate themselves from buttons and to better utilize utility classes.
- **Todo:** Removed and replaced `.badge` modifier classes with background utility classes (e.g., use `.bg-primary` instead of `.badge-primary`)
- **Todo:** Removed `.badge-pill` for the `.rounded-pill` utility class
- **Todo:** Removed badge's hover and focus styles for `a.badge` and `button.badge`.
### Cards
- Removed the card columns in favor of a Masonry grid [See #28922](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/28922).
- Removed card decks in favor of the grid which adds more flexibility over responsive behavior.
### Jumbotron
- The jumbotron component is removed in favor of utility classes like `.bg-light` for the background color and `.p-*` classes to control padding.
### Navbars
- All navbars now require a container within. This drastically simplifies spacing requirements and removes the need for extensive CSS overrides we added for responsive containers in v4.
### Pagination
- Pagination links now have customizable `margin-left` that are dynamically rounded on all corners when separated from one another.
### Popovers
- Renamed `.arrow` to `.popover-arrow`
### Tooltips
- Renamed `.arrow` to `.tooltip-arrow`
## Accessibility
- `.sr-only-focusable` does not require `.sr-only` anymore. [See #28720](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/28720).
## Utilities
- Renamed `.text-monospace` to `.font-monospace`
- Decreased the number of responsive order utilities per breakpoint. The highest order utility with a number now is `.order-5` instead of `.order-12`. [See #28874](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/28874).
- New `line-height` utilities: `.lh-1`, `.lh-sm`, `.lh-base` and `.lh-lg`. See [here]({{< docsref "/utilities/text#line-height" >}}).
- Added `.bg-body` for quickly setting the `<body>`'s background to additional elements.
- **Todo:** Drop `.text-hide` as it's an antiquated method for hiding text that shouldn't be used anymore
- **Todo:** Split utilities into property-value utility classes and helpers
- Negative margin utilities are disabled by default. You can re-enable them by setting `$enable-negative-margins: true`, but keep in mind this can increase the file size quite a lot.
## Docs
- Removed "Wall of browser bugs" page because it has become obsolete
## Build tools