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synced 2025-03-01 01:54:24 +01:00
* SVG accessibility fixes - add `focusable="false"` to all SVGs, to stop IE from including the `<svg>` in its default focus cycle - completely hide decorative SVGs using `aria-hidden="true"` - add `role="img"` to meaningful/"content" SVGs, ensure they have an appropriate `<title>` and/or `aria-label` - simplify placeholder default title * Simplify usage of placeholder.svg in the docs - in most cases, no need for separate/redundant text and title (now that we make text itself part of the alternative text explicitly) - no need (expect in rare cirumstances) to describe the placeholder image (unless the look of the image is important/the actual content, as is the case with the image thumbnail class) * Simplify example.html rewriting of <svg> to <img> code sample - as the `alt` for the placeholder isn't really important, just add an ellipsis instead (otherwise, to be correct, we'd have to construct the whole "title+text" construct like we do now in the placeholder.svg itself * Change svgo configuration to retain role attribute and add/force focusable=false - regarding `focusable=false`, see https://github.com/svg/svgo/issues/1011 (which would be the "proper" SVGO fix) and the (hacky) solution https://github.com/svg/svgo/pull/817
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