Based on the discussion in the forms ( ) the fix from 8935b8a
wasn't good enough. What was happening was that the _save_data function
was doing a deep copy of all arrays (minus the data array) so the
default sort was stil applied.
The fix is to reinstate the _fnExtend function which does a jQuery like
deep extend on objects and a shallow extend on arrays. That is extended
slightly to allow array references to be broken on initialisation, to
resolve the issue 8935b8a attempted to (sorting array would be used for
two tables for example), by an optional parameter. This should resolve
the issue correctly this time!
- This fixes DataTables/DataTables issue #241.
- Most of the properties attached are objects, so we want the references
to them, rather than a copy, so a simple assignment is all that is
needed. Strings etc will continue to work as well.
syntax paraneter names
- Data added using fnServerParams with array syntax had different
behaviour in 1.10 from 1.9. In 1.9 jQuery would create an array for
us, but in 1.10 before we create an object first, we need to create
that array ourselves. So the following code had different behaviour:
"sAjaxSource": "data/arrays.txt",
"fnServerParams": function ( d ) {
{name: 'somekey[]', value: 'somevalue1'},
{name: 'somekey[]', value: 'somevalue2'}
In 1.10 it would have sent `somekey[] = somevalue2` but 1.9 would have
sent both as part of an array.
To maintain full compatiblity with 1.9 we need to convert this syntax to
an array - this commit does that.
I was concerned about using parameters in the brackets, but jQuery only
searches for `[]` when performing this conversion. We could use $.param
and then decode the created query string, which would be absolutely 100%
comaptible, but would involve additional code and I think this method
provides that 100% compatiblity from reading the jQuery code), and its
- This is the CSS version of the cellspacing attribute on the table in HTML. It will work in all browsers except IE6/7. IE8+ and the others are all fine. So for the moment most of my examples will continue carrying the cellspacing attribute, but this is useful to have in the core css
- The ability to use negative numbers as a column selector for the
column data index was added recently, but that didn't include the
ability to work with negative numbers with the :visible pesudo
selector. This commit adds that ability so you can do:
`table.column("-1:visible")` to always get the right most visible
with :name postfix.
- Previously you could use a jQuery selector for columns by using the
:jq postfix, and names were matched otherwise. This is reversed now
for consistency with the rows and cells selectors which treat strings
as jQuery selectors without the :jq postfix.
returned undefined, null etc.
- The base issue was in the instanceof check which has a priority error,
it was:
! obj instanceof _Api
which is the same as:
(! obj) instanceof _Api
which is rubbish.
We want:
! (obj instanceof _Api)
but there is of course a wrapper function, so that needs ot be taken
into account as well. The new logic does just that.
- Because of the manipulation of the initalisation object initialisation
of multiple tables with a single jQuery call (i.e.
`$('.dataTable').dataTable();`) was broken since the second table
would see the modified init object. Need to take a coopy of the object
before entering that state.
- This could probably do with a bit of a clean up sometime...
- The displayLength option is poorly named, particularly with the new
API refering to it as the page length (page.len()) so, using the new
translation option to allow backwards compatiblity while using new
parameter names, I've updated this parameter's name and its
- Renaming in keeping with the new terminology
- Updating example which uses it (main documentation still to be
- Backwards compatible with a bit of logic to check if the old version
is being passed in
- Decided that it would be better to provide the new API by having
plug-ins extend it directly, rather than providing their own API.
Using the plugin() method it was possible to get a plug-in insta,ce
for example TableTools, but the way it should work is that TableTools
would provide a tabletools() API method, registering it as an
extension to the DataTables API objects. Further more, TableTools
should provide methods such as row().select() etc, extending the
current API rather than doing its own thing which the plugin() methods
- No backwards compatiblity issues here as the plugin() code hasn't
shipped as a release.
- I added a static DataTable.on() method previously in the 1.10
development for a single event called `construct` which would tell us
when a table was constructed. But I've realise that since the events
that DataTables' triggers bubble up through the document, that effect
can already be achieved:
- Use:
- $(document).on( 'init.dt', function ( e, settings ) { } );
- Rather than:
- $.fn.dataTable.on( 'construct', function ( settings ) { } );
- No backwards compatiblity issues as the DataTable.on code was never
shipped, its dev code only
- Previously DataTables would only show an error message if there was a
JSON parsing error. However, if there was any other kind of error,
such as a 404, it would just silently swallow the error. THink its
best to show an error and a tech note.
- This is a breaking backwards incompatible change - please be aware of
- DataTables fires custom events such as `draw` etc, but these events
were in no way identifyable as eminating from DataTables rather than
some other component, which can cause confusion and difficulty
resolving bugs.
- As such, all DataTables events are now fired with the `dt` namespace -
this means if you are currently using events, you must update your
code to also use the .dt namespace. If you are already using
namespaces, that's great, you can continue to do so as jQuery allows
multiple namespaces, but you must still use the .dt namespace.
- This is a breaking change because the old behaviour was incorrect -
i.e. this was a bug to be fixed, hence why we haven't gone through a
deprecation cycle. The old events weren't well documented (only in the
JSDoc generated docs and a few of my forum posts), whereas in 1.10
they will form a key part of the documentation. As such, now is the
time to get this right. This will be documented clearly in the upgrade
- Discussion on this topic here:
- columns().cache() should check for the parameter 'search' for naming
- Plural error on column().nodes()
- Change column.index() fromIndex/toIndex to fromData/toData - its an
index be it data or visible, so the old method was meaningless
- The columns() methods have header() and footer() children to get the
header and footer cells for the columns. For naming consistency the
table() methods should be named likewise
- to$ - Convert the result set to a jQuery object. Compliment to the
toArray method. This is mainly useful when working with the node() and
nodes() methods.
- toJQuery - Alias of to$
- join - Array join method
- With the new API the filter() and sort() methods already have meaning
(the array methods built into Javascript) so the methods for filtering
and sorting in the API are called search() and order() respectively.
However, the intialisation parameters and events in DataTables use a
mix of filter, search, sort and order in their terminology so this
commit harmonises on just search and order, updating where
- There are a number of incompatible changes if you are already using
the new options in 1.10, but no incompatible changes to the latest
release (1.9.4). 1.10 changes:
- Server-side processing, the new parameters sent have been updated
to refelect the new terminology
- The Ext object likewise has been updated
- Default with the old options and padding int he old options will still
work as before, compatiblity functions have been added to provide
mapping. If both are provided the new parameter value will take
- The change is primarily around `sort` since that was reasonably
consistent in its terminology for the initlaisation parameters before.
column index referencing of the cells.
- Previously a colspan in a footer cell would cause index misalignment -
for example if you had a table of 6 columns with two in the footer
(one colspan=5) the fotoer cells would be assigned to the first two
columns in the table, breaking column index order. Now a cell can be
used over multiple columns. This allows column().footer() to always
reflect the cell that belongs to that column (possibly sharing it with
other columns).
- Note that the footer will only use cells from the first row in the
footer. If there is more than one row, use table().foot() to access
the TFoot element and then manipulate it as needed.
- The fix here is to set the box sizing for the table and its cells to
be content-box sizing to allow the column width calculations to occur
correctly - 17932