Allan Jardine
Limit the span modification for the sort classes - from pull request 40 (
2011-12-06 11:24:35 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Change: Add a parseInt to the two integer values that come back from server-side processing. The question about why it doesn't work when strings are returned (or rather, why is it broken) keep cropping up in the forum.
2011-12-06 10:44:18 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Fix: Cast fnFilter input to a string always - since we are always going to treat it as a string
2011-12-05 17:20:53 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Tidy up the initialisation code a bit for creating the settings object and integrate the language compatibility fully
2011-12-05 16:36:20 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Fix: It appears that the latest Webkit browsers have changed their scrolling behaviour slightly, which is causing the unit tests to fail. Basically the 'scroll' event is being fired when the infinite scrolling table is having data written to it (i.e the scroll changes - so its kind of fair enough!), so add a check to only load the first set of data when there is no scrolling applied.
2011-12-05 10:00:40 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Alter the extending of the initialisation parameter with the defaults a little such that objects are deep copied and arrays are not (code needs tidied a little - want to get it passing all unit tests first). The thing here is that we can't use jQuery's $.extend for a full deep copy since we don't want to deep copy arrays (for example aaSorting, where the default sort would always be applied), but we do want to deep copy objects (and not just take a reference to the default object). Thus we can't use $.extend :-(.
2011-12-05 09:21:20 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Internal and API methods now use JSDoc comments rather than my old system
2011-12-01 17:53:59 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Use the oSearch model for the default initialisation and column initialisation
2011-11-27 18:51:56 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Fix various comment spelling mistakes
2011-11-26 18:51:45 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Drop "_iId" from the row model - its not used anywhere in DataTables these days. An old legacy property from the 1.3 days I think - can't imagine any third party plug-ins use this property either - its more or less useless these days.
2011-11-26 14:06:55 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Document the row model and update the data methods to extend this model as the base for aoData
2011-11-26 14:04:58 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Tidy up the constructor to take account of the fact that we now have every possible property in the initalisation objects, since it is being extended from the details - i.e. no need to check for 'undefined' any more.
2011-11-26 13:34:51 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
First pass are using $.extend for the settings and initialsation objects.
Back into a state where the zero config will work
2011-11-25 17:08:21 +00:00 |
Allan Jardine
Big change to how DataTables constructed in the file system - breaking the various parts of DataTables seperate files. This is probably the biggest individual change to DataTables since it was first written, but the code itself is more or less the same - just split out into different files. The one big change to the code thus far is to change the function classSettings into an object that is extended. More work is required on this to complete the alteration, but for now DataTables is building into the same workable form as before using the new file.
2011-11-24 14:05:22 +00:00 |