mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:29:15 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/next' into laurent/OP-1337_French_translations_updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,6 +119,30 @@ static inline float y_on_curve(float x, const pointf points[], int num_points)
// Find the y value on the selected line.
return y_on_line(x, &points[end_point - 1], &points[end_point]);
// Fast inverse square root implementation from "quake3-1.32b/code/game/q_math.c"
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root
static inline float fast_invsqrtf(float number)
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
union {
float f;
uint32_t u;
} i;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i.f = y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i.u = 0x5f3759df - (i.u >> 1); // what the fxck?
y = i.f;
y = y * (threehalfs - (x2 * y * y)); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed
return y;
* Ultrafast pow() aproximation needed for expo
@ -41,14 +41,23 @@
#include "altitude.h"
#include "barosensor.h" // object that will be updated by the module
#include "revosettings.h"
#include <mathmisc.h>
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_HCSR04)
#include "sonaraltitude.h" // object that will be updated by the module
#include "taskinfo.h"
// Private constants
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 550
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 550
// Interval in number of sample to recalculate temp bias
// LPF
#define TEMP_DT (1.0f / 120.0f)
#define TEMP_LPF_FC 5.0f
static const float temp_alpha = TEMP_DT / (TEMP_DT + 1.0f / (2.0f * M_PI_F * TEMP_LPF_FC));
// Private types
@ -57,6 +66,11 @@ static xTaskHandle taskHandle;
static RevoSettingsBaroTempCorrectionPolynomialData baroCorrection;
static RevoSettingsBaroTempCorrectionExtentData baroCorrectionExtent;
static volatile bool tempCorrectionEnabled;
static float baro_temp_bias = 0;
static float baro_temperature = NAN;
static uint8_t temp_calibration_count = 0;
// Private functions
static void altitudeTask(void *parameters);
static void SettingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
@ -166,13 +180,22 @@ static void altitudeTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
temp = PIOS_MS5611_GetTemperature();
press = PIOS_MS5611_GetPressure();
if (tempCorrectionEnabled) {
if (isnan(baro_temperature)) {
baro_temperature = temp;
baro_temperature = temp_alpha * (temp - baro_temperature) + baro_temperature;
if (tempCorrectionEnabled && !temp_calibration_count) {
temp_calibration_count = TEMP_CALIB_INTERVAL;
// pressure bias = A + B*t + C*t^2 + D * t^3
// in case the temperature is outside of the calibrated range, uses the nearest extremes
float ctemp = temp > baroCorrectionExtent.max ? baroCorrectionExtent.max :
(temp < baroCorrectionExtent.min ? baroCorrectionExtent.min : temp);
press -= baroCorrection.a + ((baroCorrection.d * ctemp + baroCorrection.c) * ctemp + baroCorrection.b) * ctemp;
float ctemp = boundf(baro_temperature, baroCorrectionExtent.max, baroCorrectionExtent.min);
baro_temp_bias = baroCorrection.a + ((baroCorrection.d * ctemp + baroCorrection.c) * ctemp + baroCorrection.b) * ctemp;
press -= baro_temp_bias;
float altitude = 44330.0f * (1.0f - powf((press) / MS5611_P0, (1.0f / 5.255f)));
if (!isnan(altitude)) {
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
#include "CoordinateConversions.h"
#include <pios_notify.h>
#include <mathmisc.h>
#include <pios_constants.h>
#include <pios_instrumentation_helper.h>
@ -79,16 +79,25 @@ PERF_DEFINE_COUNTER(counterAtt);
// - 0xA7710004 number of accel samples read for each loop (cc only).
// Private constants
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 540
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 540
#define UPDATE_RATE 25.0f
// Attitude module loop interval (defined by sensor rate in pios_config.h)
static const uint32_t sensor_period_ms = ((uint32_t)1000.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE);
#define UPDATE_EXPECTED (1.0f / 500.0f)
#define UPDATE_MIN 1.0e-6f
#define UPDATE_MAX 1.0f
#define UPDATE_ALPHA 1.0e-2f
#define UPDATE_RATE 25.0f
// Interval in number of sample to recalculate temp bias
// LPF
#define TEMP_DT (1.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE)
#define TEMP_LPF_FC 5.0f
static const float temp_alpha = TEMP_DT / (TEMP_DT + 1.0f / (2.0f * M_PI_F * TEMP_LPF_FC));
#define UPDATE_MIN 1.0e-6f
#define UPDATE_MAX 1.0f
#define UPDATE_ALPHA 1.0e-2f
// Private types
@ -130,6 +139,10 @@ static bool apply_accel_temp = false;
static AccelGyroSettingsgyro_temp_coeffData gyro_temp_coeff;;
static AccelGyroSettingsaccel_temp_coeffData accel_temp_coeff;
static AccelGyroSettingstemp_calibrated_extentData temp_calibrated_extent;
static float temperature = NAN;
static float accel_temp_bias[3] = { 0 };
static float gyro_temp_bias[3] = { 0 };
static uint8_t temp_calibration_count = 0;
// Accel and Gyro scaling (this is the product of sensor scale and adjustement in AccelGyroSettings
static AccelGyroSettingsgyro_scaleData gyro_scale;
@ -142,8 +155,7 @@ static volatile int32_t trim_accels[3];
static volatile int32_t trim_samples;
int32_t const MAX_TRIM_FLIGHT_SAMPLES = 65535;
#define GRAV 9.81f
#define STD_CC_ACCEL_SCALE (GRAV * 0.004f)
/* 0.004f is gravity / LSB */
@ -222,12 +234,6 @@ static void AttitudeTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
// Set critical error and wait until the accel is producing data
while (PIOS_ADXL345_FifoElements() == 0) {
bool cc3d = BOARDISCC3D;
if (cc3d) {
@ -236,6 +242,11 @@ static void AttitudeTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
} else {
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_ADXL345)
// Set critical error and wait until the accel is producing data
while (PIOS_ADXL345_FifoElements() == 0) {
accel_test = PIOS_ADXL345_Test();
@ -257,7 +268,7 @@ static void AttitudeTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
portTickType lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
// Main task loop
while (1) {
FlightStatusData flightStatus;
@ -317,6 +328,7 @@ static void AttitudeTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, sensor_period_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
@ -454,7 +466,7 @@ static int32_t updateSensorsCC3D(AccelStateData *accelStateData, GyroStateData *
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_MPU6000)
xQueueHandle queue = PIOS_MPU6000_GetQueue();
BaseType_t ret = xQueueReceive(queue, (void *)&mpu6000_data, SENSOR_PERIOD);
BaseType_t ret = xQueueReceive(queue, (void *)&mpu6000_data, sensor_period_ms);
while (ret == pdTRUE) {
gyros[0] += mpu6000_data.gyro_x;
gyros[1] += mpu6000_data.gyro_y;
@ -470,6 +482,7 @@ static int32_t updateSensorsCC3D(AccelStateData *accelStateData, GyroStateData *
// check if further samples are already in queue
ret = xQueueReceive(queue, (void *)&mpu6000_data, 0);
PERF_TRACK_VALUE(counterAccelSamples, count);
if (!count) {
return -1; // Error, no data
@ -488,21 +501,39 @@ static int32_t updateSensorsCC3D(AccelStateData *accelStateData, GyroStateData *
accels[1] *= accel_scale.Y * invcount;
accels[2] *= accel_scale.Z * invcount;
temp *= invcount;
float ctemp = temp > temp_calibrated_extent.max ? temp_calibrated_extent.max :
(temp < temp_calibrated_extent.min ? temp_calibrated_extent.min
: temp);
if (isnan(temperature)) {
temperature = temp;
temperature = temp_alpha * (temp - temperature) + temperature;
if ((apply_gyro_temp || apply_accel_temp) && !temp_calibration_count) {
temp_calibration_count = TEMP_CALIB_INTERVAL;
float ctemp = boundf(temperature, temp_calibrated_extent.max, temp_calibrated_extent.min);
if (apply_gyro_temp) {
gyro_temp_bias[0] = (gyro_temp_coeff.X + gyro_temp_coeff.X2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyro_temp_bias[1] = (gyro_temp_coeff.Y + gyro_temp_coeff.Y2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyro_temp_bias[2] = (gyro_temp_coeff.Z + gyro_temp_coeff.Z2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
if (apply_accel_temp) {
accel_temp_bias[0] = accel_temp_coeff.X * ctemp;
accel_temp_bias[1] = accel_temp_coeff.Y * ctemp;
accel_temp_bias[2] = accel_temp_coeff.Z * ctemp;
if (apply_gyro_temp) {
gyros[0] -= (gyro_temp_coeff.X + gyro_temp_coeff.X2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyros[1] -= (gyro_temp_coeff.Y + gyro_temp_coeff.Y2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyros[2] -= (gyro_temp_coeff.Z + gyro_temp_coeff.Z2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyros[0] -= gyro_temp_bias[0];
gyros[1] -= gyro_temp_bias[1];
gyros[2] -= gyro_temp_bias[2];
if (apply_accel_temp) {
accels[0] -= accel_temp_coeff.X * ctemp;
accels[1] -= accel_temp_coeff.Y * ctemp;
accels[2] -= accel_temp_coeff.Z * ctemp;
accels[0] -= accel_temp_bias[0];
accels[1] -= accel_temp_bias[1];
accels[2] -= accel_temp_bias[2];
// gyrosData->temperature = 35.0f + ((float)mpu6000_data.temperature + 512.0f) / 340.0f;
// accelsData->temperature = 35.0f + ((float)mpu6000_data.temperature + 512.0f) / 340.0f;
@ -587,24 +618,24 @@ __attribute__((optimize("O3"))) static void updateAttitude(AccelStateData *accel
CrossProduct((const float *)accels_filtered, (const float *)grot_filtered, accel_err);
// Account for accel magnitude
float accel_mag = sqrtf(accels_filtered[0] * accels_filtered[0] + accels_filtered[1] * accels_filtered[1] + accels_filtered[2] * accels_filtered[2]);
if (accel_mag < 1.0e-3f) {
float inv_accel_mag = fast_invsqrtf(accels_filtered[0] * accels_filtered[0] + accels_filtered[1] * accels_filtered[1] + accels_filtered[2] * accels_filtered[2]);
if (inv_accel_mag > 1e3f) {
// Account for filtered gravity vector magnitude
float grot_mag;
float inv_grot_mag;
if (accel_filter_enabled) {
grot_mag = sqrtf(grot_filtered[0] * grot_filtered[0] + grot_filtered[1] * grot_filtered[1] + grot_filtered[2] * grot_filtered[2]);
inv_grot_mag = fast_invsqrtf(grot_filtered[0] * grot_filtered[0] + grot_filtered[1] * grot_filtered[1] + grot_filtered[2] * grot_filtered[2]);
} else {
grot_mag = 1.0f;
inv_grot_mag = 1.0f;
if (grot_mag < 1.0e-3f) {
if (inv_grot_mag > 1e3f) {
const float invMag = 1.0f / (accel_mag * grot_mag);
const float invMag = (inv_accel_mag * inv_grot_mag);
accel_err[0] *= invMag;
accel_err[1] *= invMag;
accel_err[2] *= invMag;
@ -645,21 +676,20 @@ __attribute__((optimize("O3"))) static void updateAttitude(AccelStateData *accel
// Renomalize
float qmag = sqrtf(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
float inv_qmag = fast_invsqrtf(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
// If quaternion has become inappropriately short or is nan reinit.
if ((fabsf(qmag) < 1e-3f) || isnan(qmag)) {
if ((fabsf(inv_qmag) > 1e3f) || isnan(inv_qmag)) {
q[0] = 1;
q[1] = 0;
q[2] = 0;
q[3] = 0;
} else {
const float invQmag = 1.0f / qmag;
q[0] = q[0] * invQmag;
q[1] = q[1] * invQmag;
q[2] = q[2] * invQmag;
q[3] = q[3] * invQmag;
q[0] = q[0] * inv_qmag;
q[1] = q[1] * inv_qmag;
q[2] = q[2] * inv_qmag;
q[3] = q[3] * inv_qmag;
AttitudeStateData attitudeState;
@ -777,7 +807,7 @@ static void settingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *objEv)
accelGyroSettings.accel_scale.X = trim_accels[0] / trim_samples;
accelGyroSettings.accel_scale.Y = trim_accels[1] / trim_samples;
// Z should average -grav
accelGyroSettings.accel_scale.Z = trim_accels[2] / trim_samples + GRAV;
accelGyroSettings.accel_scale.Z = trim_accels[2] / trim_samples + PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F;
} else {
@ -58,19 +58,36 @@
#include <accelgyrosettings.h>
#include <flightstatus.h>
#include <taskinfo.h>
#include <pios_math.h>
#include <CoordinateConversions.h>
#include <pios_board_info.h>
// Private constants
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1000
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1000
#define ZERO_ROT_ANGLE 0.00001f
static const uint32_t sensor_period_ms = ((uint32_t)1000.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE);
// Interval in number of sample to recalculate temp bias
// LPF
#define TEMP_DT (1.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE)
#define TEMP_LPF_FC 5.0f
static const float temp_alpha = TEMP_DT / (TEMP_DT + 1.0f / (2.0f * M_PI_F * TEMP_LPF_FC));
#define ZERO_ROT_ANGLE 0.00001f
// Private types
#include <pios_instrumentation_helper.h>
// Counters:
// - 0x53000001 Sensor fetch rate(period)
// - 0x53000002 number of gyro samples read for each loop
// Private functions
static void SensorsTask(void *parameters);
@ -96,6 +113,13 @@ static float mag_transform[3][3] = {
static volatile bool gyro_temp_calibrated = false;
static volatile bool accel_temp_calibrated = false;
static float accel_temperature = NAN;
static float gyro_temperature = NAN;
static float accel_temp_bias[3] = { 0 };
static float gyro_temp_bias[3] = { 0 };
static uint8_t temp_calibration_count = 0;
static float R[3][3] = {
{ 0 }
@ -219,7 +243,8 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
PERF_INIT_COUNTER(counterGyroSamples, 0x53000001);
PERF_INIT_COUNTER(counterSensorPeriod, 0x53000002);
// Main task loop
lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
bool error = false;
@ -234,7 +259,7 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, SENSOR_PERIOD / portTICK_RATE_MS);
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, sensor_period_ms / portTICK_RATE_MS);
error = false;
} else {
@ -263,7 +288,7 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
count = 0;
while ((read_good = PIOS_BMA180_ReadFifo(&accel)) != 0 && !error) {
error = ((xTaskGetTickCount() - lastSysTime) > SENSOR_PERIOD) ? true : error;
error = ((xTaskGetTickCount() - lastSysTime) > sensor_period_ms) ? true : error;
if (error) {
// Unfortunately if the BMA180 ever misses getting read, then it will not
@ -332,6 +357,9 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
PERF_TRACK_VALUE(counterGyroSamples, gyro_samples);
if (gyro_samples == 0) {
error = true;
@ -350,24 +378,43 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
if (isnan(accel_temperature)) {
accel_temperature = accelSensorData.temperature;
gyro_temperature = gyroSensorData.temperature;
accel_temperature = temp_alpha * (accelSensorData.temperature - accel_temperature) + accel_temperature;
gyro_temperature = temp_alpha * (gyroSensorData.temperature - gyro_temperature) + gyro_temperature;
if ((accel_temp_calibrated || gyro_temp_calibrated) && !temp_calibration_count) {
temp_calibration_count = TEMP_CALIB_INTERVAL;
if (accel_temp_calibrated) {
float ctemp = boundf(accel_temperature, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min);
accel_temp_bias[0] = agcal.accel_temp_coeff.X * ctemp;
accel_temp_bias[1] = agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Y * ctemp;
accel_temp_bias[2] = agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Z * ctemp;
if (gyro_temp_calibrated) {
float ctemp = boundf(gyro_temperature, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max, agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min);
gyro_temp_bias[0] = (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.X + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.X2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyro_temp_bias[1] = (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Y + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Y2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyro_temp_bias[2] = (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
// Scale the accels
float accels[3] = { (float)accel_accum[0] / accel_samples,
(float)accel_accum[1] / accel_samples,
(float)accel_accum[2] / accel_samples };
float accels_out[3] = { accels[0] * accel_scaling * agcal.accel_scale.X - agcal.accel_bias.X,
accels[1] * accel_scaling * agcal.accel_scale.Y - agcal.accel_bias.Y,
accels[2] * accel_scaling * agcal.accel_scale.Z - agcal.accel_bias.Z };
float accels_out[3] = { accels[0] * accel_scaling * agcal.accel_scale.X - agcal.accel_bias.X - accel_temp_bias[0],
accels[1] * accel_scaling * agcal.accel_scale.Y - agcal.accel_bias.Y - accel_temp_bias[1],
accels[2] * accel_scaling * agcal.accel_scale.Z - agcal.accel_bias.Z - accel_temp_bias[2] };
if (accel_temp_calibrated) {
float ctemp = accelSensorData.temperature > agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max ? agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max :
(accelSensorData.temperature < agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min ? agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min
: accelSensorData.temperature);
accels_out[0] -= agcal.accel_temp_coeff.X * ctemp;
accels_out[1] -= agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Y * ctemp;
accels_out[2] -= agcal.accel_temp_coeff.Z * ctemp;
if (rotate) {
rot_mult(R, accels_out, accels);
accelSensorData.x = accels[0];
@ -385,18 +432,10 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
(float)gyro_accum[1] / gyro_samples,
(float)gyro_accum[2] / gyro_samples };
float gyros_out[3] = { gyros[0] * gyro_scaling * agcal.gyro_scale.X - agcal.gyro_bias.X,
gyros[1] * gyro_scaling * agcal.gyro_scale.Y - agcal.gyro_bias.Y,
gyros[2] * gyro_scaling * agcal.gyro_scale.Z - agcal.gyro_bias.Z };
float gyros_out[3] = { gyros[0] * gyro_scaling * agcal.gyro_scale.X - agcal.gyro_bias.X - gyro_temp_bias[0],
gyros[1] * gyro_scaling * agcal.gyro_scale.Y - agcal.gyro_bias.Y - gyro_temp_bias[1],
gyros[2] * gyro_scaling * agcal.gyro_scale.Z - agcal.gyro_bias.Z - gyro_temp_bias[2] };
if (gyro_temp_calibrated) {
float ctemp = gyroSensorData.temperature > agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max ? agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.max :
(gyroSensorData.temperature < agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min ? agcal.temp_calibrated_extent.min
: gyroSensorData.temperature);
gyros_out[0] -= (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.X + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.X2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyros_out[1] -= (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Y + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Y2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
gyros_out[2] -= (agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z + agcal.gyro_temp_coeff.Z2 * ctemp) * ctemp;
if (rotate) {
rot_mult(R, gyros_out, gyros);
gyroSensorData.x = gyros[0];
@ -437,8 +476,7 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, sensor_period_ms / portTICK_RATE_MS);
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
#define UPDATE_EXPECTED (1.0f / 666.0f)
#define UPDATE_MIN 1.0e-6f
#define UPDATE_MAX 1.0f
#define UPDATE_ALPHA 1.0e-2f
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
#define UPDATE_EXPECTED (1.0f / 666.0f)
#define UPDATE_MIN 1.0e-6f
#define UPDATE_MAX 1.0f
#define UPDATE_ALPHA 1.0e-2f
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#define UPDATE_EXPECTED (1.0f / 666.0f)
#define UPDATE_MIN 1.0e-6f
#define UPDATE_MAX 1.0f
#define UPDATE_ALPHA 1.0e-2f
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
#define DT_ALPHA 1e-3f
#define DT_MIN 1e-6f
#define DT_MAX 1.0f
#define DT_INIT (1.0f / 666.0f) // initialize with 666 Hz (default sensor update rate on revo)
#define DT_INIT (1.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE) // initialize with board sensor rate
#define IMPORT_SENSOR_IF_UPDATED(shortname, num) \
if (IS_SET(state->updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname)) { \
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#define DT_ALPHA 1e-3f
#define DT_MIN 1e-6f
#define DT_MAX 1.0f
#define DT_INIT (1.0f / 666.0f) // initialize with 666 Hz (default sensor update rate on revo)
#define DT_INIT (1.0f / PIOS_SENSOR_RATE) // initialize with board sensor rate
// Private types
struct data {
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ static void readFirmwareInfo()
struct fw_version_info *fwinfo = (struct fw_version_info *)(bdinfo->fw_base + bdinfo->fw_size);
memcpy(&sysPkt.fragments.data.commit_tag_name, &fwinfo->commit_tag_name, sizeof(sysPkt.fragments.data.commit_tag_name));
memcpy(&sysPkt.fragments.data.sha1sum, &fwinfo->commit_tag_name, sizeof(sysPkt.fragments.data.sha1sum));
memcpy(&sysPkt.fragments.data.sha1sum, &fwinfo->sha1sum, sizeof(sysPkt.fragments.data.sha1sum));
@ -33,15 +33,13 @@
#include "fifo_buffer.h"
#include <pios_constants.h>
/* Global Variables */
enum pios_mpu6000_dev_magic {
PIOS_MPU6000_DEV_MAGIC = 0x9da9b3ed,
struct mpu6000_dev {
uint32_t spi_id;
uint32_t slave_num;
@ -53,29 +51,58 @@ struct mpu6000_dev {
enum pios_mpu6000_dev_magic magic;
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
typedef union {
uint8_t buffer[1 + PIOS_MPU6000_SAMPLES_BYTES];
struct {
uint8_t dummy;
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
uint8_t Accel_X_h;
uint8_t Accel_X_l;
uint8_t Accel_Y_h;
uint8_t Accel_Y_l;
uint8_t Accel_Z_h;
uint8_t Accel_Z_l;
uint8_t Temperature_h;
uint8_t Temperature_l;
uint8_t Gyro_X_h;
uint8_t Gyro_X_l;
uint8_t Gyro_Y_h;
uint8_t Gyro_Y_l;
uint8_t Gyro_Z_h;
uint8_t Gyro_Z_l;
} data;
} mpu6000_data_t;
#define GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpudataptr, sensor) (mpudataptr.data.sensor##_h << 8 | mpudataptr.data.sensor##_l)
// ! Global structure for this device device
static struct mpu6000_dev *dev;
volatile bool mpu6000_configured = false;
static mpu6000_data_t mpu6000_data;
// ! Private functions
static struct mpu6000_dev *PIOS_MPU6000_alloc(void);
static struct mpu6000_dev *PIOS_MPU6000_alloc(const struct pios_mpu6000_cfg *cfg);
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_Validate(struct mpu6000_dev *dev);
static void PIOS_MPU6000_Config(struct pios_mpu6000_cfg const *cfg);
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_SetReg(uint8_t address, uint8_t buffer);
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_GetReg(uint8_t address);
#define GRAV 9.81f
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
static void PIOS_MPU6000_SetSpeed(const bool fast);
static bool PIOS_MPU6000_HandleData();
static bool PIOS_MPU6000_ReadFifo(bool *woken);
static bool PIOS_MPU6000_ReadSensor(bool *woken);
* @brief Allocate a new device
static struct mpu6000_dev *PIOS_MPU6000_alloc(void)
static struct mpu6000_dev *PIOS_MPU6000_alloc(const struct pios_mpu6000_cfg *cfg)
struct mpu6000_dev *mpu6000_dev;
@ -86,7 +113,7 @@ static struct mpu6000_dev *PIOS_MPU6000_alloc(void)
mpu6000_dev->magic = PIOS_MPU6000_DEV_MAGIC;
mpu6000_dev->queue = xQueueCreate(PIOS_MPU6000_MAX_DOWNSAMPLE, sizeof(struct pios_mpu6000_data));
mpu6000_dev->queue = xQueueCreate(cfg->max_downsample + 1, sizeof(struct pios_mpu6000_data));
if (mpu6000_dev->queue == NULL) {
return NULL;
@ -119,7 +146,7 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_Validate(struct mpu6000_dev *vdev)
int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_Init(uint32_t spi_id, uint32_t slave_num, const struct pios_mpu6000_cfg *cfg)
dev = PIOS_MPU6000_alloc();
dev = PIOS_MPU6000_alloc(cfg);
if (dev == NULL) {
return -1;
@ -129,9 +156,7 @@ int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_Init(uint32_t spi_id, uint32_t slave_num, const struct pios
dev->cfg = cfg;
/* Configure the MPU6000 Sensor */
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_256);
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_16);
/* Set up EXTI line */
@ -234,11 +259,6 @@ int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ConfigureRanges(
return -1;
// TODO: check that changing the SPI clock speed is safe
// to do here given that interrupts are enabled and the bus has
// not been claimed/is not claimed during this call
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_256);
// update filter settings
while (PIOS_MPU6000_SetReg(PIOS_MPU6000_DLPF_CFG_REG, filterSetting) != 0) {
@ -267,7 +287,6 @@ int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ConfigureRanges(
dev->accel_range = accelRange;
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_16);
return 0;
@ -275,7 +294,7 @@ int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ConfigureRanges(
* @brief Claim the SPI bus for the accel communications and select this chip
* @return 0 if successful, -1 for invalid device, -2 if unable to claim bus
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus()
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus(bool fast_spi)
if (PIOS_MPU6000_Validate(dev) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -283,17 +302,28 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus()
if (PIOS_SPI_ClaimBus(dev->spi_id) != 0) {
return -2;
PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 0);
return 0;
static void PIOS_MPU6000_SetSpeed(const bool fast)
if (fast) {
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, dev->cfg->fast_prescaler);
} else {
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, dev->cfg->std_prescaler);
* @brief Claim the SPI bus for the accel communications and select this chip
* @return 0 if successful, -1 for invalid device, -2 if unable to claim bus
* @param woken[in,out] If non-NULL, will be set to true if woken was false and a higher priority
* task has is now eligible to run, else unchanged
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(bool *woken)
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(bool *woken, bool fast_spi)
if (PIOS_MPU6000_Validate(dev) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -301,6 +331,7 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(bool *woken)
if (PIOS_SPI_ClaimBusISR(dev->spi_id, woken) != 0) {
return -2;
PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 0);
return 0;
@ -342,7 +373,7 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_GetReg(uint8_t reg)
uint8_t data;
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus() != 0) {
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus(false) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -363,7 +394,7 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_GetReg(uint8_t reg)
static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_SetReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data)
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus() != 0) {
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus(false) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -393,7 +424,7 @@ int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ReadGyros(struct pios_mpu6000_data *data)
uint8_t buf[7] = { PIOS_MPU6000_GYRO_X_OUT_MSB | 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
uint8_t rec[7];
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus() != 0) {
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBus(true) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -460,16 +491,16 @@ float PIOS_MPU6000_GetAccelScale()
switch (dev->accel_range) {
case PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_2G:
return GRAV / 16384.0f;
return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 16384.0f;
case PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_4G:
return GRAV / 8192.0f;
return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 8192.0f;
case PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_8G:
return GRAV / 4096.0f;
return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 4096.0f;
case PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_16G:
return GRAV / 2048.0f;
return PIOS_CONST_MKS_GRAV_ACCEL_F / 2048.0f;
return 0;
@ -504,7 +535,7 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_GetInterruptStatusRegISR(bool *woken)
/* Interrupt Status register can be read at high SPI clock speed */
uint8_t data;
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken) != 0) {
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken, false) != 0) {
return -1;
PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, (0x80 | PIOS_MPU6000_INT_STATUS_REG));
@ -525,29 +556,16 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_ResetFifoISR(bool *woken)
int32_t result = 0;
/* Register writes must be at < 1MHz SPI clock.
* Speed can only be changed when SPI bus semaphore is held, but
* device chip select must not be enabled, so we use the direct
* SPI bus claim call here */
if (PIOS_SPI_ClaimBusISR(dev->spi_id, woken) != 0) {
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken, false) != 0) {
return -1;
/* Reduce SPI clock speed. */
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_256);
/* Enable chip select */
PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 0);
/* Reset FIFO. */
if (PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, 0x7f & PIOS_MPU6000_USER_CTRL_REG) != 0) {
result = -2;
} else if (PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id, (dev->cfg->User_ctl | PIOS_MPU6000_USERCTL_FIFO_RST)) != 0) {
result = -2;
/* Disable chip select. */
PIOS_SPI_RC_PinSet(dev->spi_id, dev->slave_num, 1);
/* Increase SPI clock speed. */
PIOS_SPI_SetClockSpeed(dev->spi_id, PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_16);
/* Release the SPI bus semaphore. */
PIOS_SPI_ReleaseBusISR(dev->spi_id, woken);
return result;
@ -562,7 +580,7 @@ static int32_t PIOS_MPU6000_FifoDepthISR(bool *woken)
uint8_t mpu6000_send_buf[3] = { PIOS_MPU6000_FIFO_CNT_MSB | 0x80, 0, 0 };
uint8_t mpu6000_rec_buf[3];
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken) != 0) {
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken, false) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -604,6 +622,97 @@ bool PIOS_MPU6000_IRQHandler(void)
return false;
bool read_ok = false;
if (dev->cfg->User_ctl & PIOS_MPU6000_USERCTL_FIFO_EN) {
read_ok = PIOS_MPU6000_ReadFifo(&woken);
} else {
read_ok = PIOS_MPU6000_ReadSensor(&woken);
if (read_ok) {
bool woken2 = PIOS_MPU6000_HandleData();
woken |= woken2;
mpu6000_time_us = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval);
return woken;
static bool PIOS_MPU6000_HandleData()
// Rotate the sensor to OP convention. The datasheet defines X as towards the right
// and Y as forward. OP convention transposes this. Also the Z is defined negatively
// to our convention
static struct pios_mpu6000_data data;
// Currently we only support rotations on top so switch X/Y accordingly
switch (dev->cfg->orientation) {
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_0DEG:
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
data.accel_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_X); // chip X
data.accel_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_Y); // chip Y
data.gyro_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_X); // chip X
data.gyro_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_Y); // chip Y
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_90DEG:
// -1 to bring it back to -32768 +32767 range
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
data.accel_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_Y)); // chip Y
data.accel_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_X); // chip X
data.gyro_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_Y)); // chip Y
data.gyro_x = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_X); // chip X
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_180DEG:
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
data.accel_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_X)); // chip X
data.accel_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_Y)); // chip Y
data.gyro_y = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_X)); // chip X
data.gyro_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_Y)); // chip Y
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_270DEG:
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
data.accel_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_Y); // chip Y
data.accel_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_X)); // chip X
data.gyro_y = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_Y); // chip Y
data.gyro_x = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_X)); // chip X
#ifdef PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL
data.accel_z = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Accel_Z));
data.gyro_z = -1 - (GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Gyro_Z));
data.temperature = GET_SENSOR_DATA(mpu6000_data, Temperature);
BaseType_t higherPriorityTaskWoken;
xQueueSendToBackFromISR(dev->queue, (void *)&data, &higherPriorityTaskWoken);
return higherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE;
static bool PIOS_MPU6000_ReadSensor(bool *woken)
const uint8_t mpu6000_send_buf[1 + PIOS_MPU6000_SAMPLES_BYTES] = { PIOS_MPU6000_SENSOR_FIRST_REG | 0x80 };
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken, true) != 0) {
return false;
if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu6000_send_buf[0], &mpu6000_data.buffer[0], sizeof(mpu6000_data_t), NULL) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
static bool PIOS_MPU6000_ReadFifo(bool *woken)
/* Temporary fix for OP-1049. Expected to be superceded for next major release
* by code changes for OP-1039.
* Read interrupt status register to check for FIFO overflow. Must be the
@ -611,128 +720,57 @@ bool PIOS_MPU6000_IRQHandler(void)
* any read clears in the status register (PIOS_MPU6000_INT_CLR_ANYRD set in
* interrupt config register) */
int32_t result;
if ((result = PIOS_MPU6000_GetInterruptStatusRegISR(&woken)) < 0) {
return woken;
if ((result = PIOS_MPU6000_GetInterruptStatusRegISR(woken)) < 0) {
return false;
/* The FIFO has overflowed, so reset it,
* to enable sample sync to be recovered.
* If the reset fails, we are in trouble, but
* we keep trying on subsequent interrupts. */
/* Return and wait for the next new sample. */
return woken;
return false;
/* Usual case - FIFO has not overflowed. */
mpu6000_count = PIOS_MPU6000_FifoDepthISR(&woken);
mpu6000_count = PIOS_MPU6000_FifoDepthISR(woken);
if (mpu6000_count < PIOS_MPU6000_SAMPLES_BYTES) {
return woken;
return false;
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(&woken) != 0) {
return woken;
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken, true) != 0) {
return false;
static uint8_t mpu6000_send_buf[1 + PIOS_MPU6000_SAMPLES_BYTES] = { PIOS_MPU6000_FIFO_REG | 0x80 };
static uint8_t mpu6000_rec_buf[1 + PIOS_MPU6000_SAMPLES_BYTES];
const uint8_t mpu6000_send_buf[1 + PIOS_MPU6000_SAMPLES_BYTES] = { PIOS_MPU6000_FIFO_REG | 0x80 };
if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu6000_send_buf[0], &mpu6000_rec_buf[0], sizeof(mpu6000_send_buf), NULL) < 0) {
if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu6000_send_buf[0], &mpu6000_data.buffer[0], sizeof(mpu6000_data_t), NULL) < 0) {
return woken;
return false;
static struct pios_mpu6000_data data;
// In the case where extras samples backed up grabbed an extra
if (mpu6000_count >= PIOS_MPU6000_SAMPLES_BYTES * 2) {
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(&woken) != 0) {
return woken;
if (PIOS_MPU6000_ClaimBusISR(woken, true) != 0) {
return false;
if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu6000_send_buf[0], &mpu6000_rec_buf[0], sizeof(mpu6000_send_buf), NULL) < 0) {
if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &mpu6000_send_buf[0], &mpu6000_data.buffer[0], sizeof(mpu6000_data_t), NULL) < 0) {
return woken;
return false;
// Rotate the sensor to OP convention. The datasheet defines X as towards the right
// and Y as forward. OP convention transposes this. Also the Z is defined negatively
// to our convention
#if defined(PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL)
// Currently we only support rotations on top so switch X/Y accordingly
switch (dev->cfg->orientation) {
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_0DEG:
data.accel_y = mpu6000_rec_buf[1] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[2]; // chip X
data.accel_x = mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4]; // chip Y
data.gyro_y = mpu6000_rec_buf[9] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[10]; // chip X
data.gyro_x = mpu6000_rec_buf[11] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[12]; // chip Y
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_90DEG:
// -1 to bring it back to -32768 +32767 range
data.accel_y = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4]); // chip Y
data.accel_x = mpu6000_rec_buf[1] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[2]; // chip X
data.gyro_y = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[11] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[12]); // chip Y
data.gyro_x = mpu6000_rec_buf[9] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[10]; // chip X
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_180DEG:
data.accel_y = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[1] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[2]); // chip X
data.accel_x = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4]); // chip Y
data.gyro_y = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[9] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[10]); // chip X
data.gyro_x = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[11] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[12]); // chip Y
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_270DEG:
data.accel_y = mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4]; // chip Y
data.accel_x = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[1] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[2]); // chip X
data.gyro_y = mpu6000_rec_buf[11] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[12]; // chip Y
data.gyro_x = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[9] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[10]); // chip X
data.gyro_z = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[13] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[14]);
data.accel_z = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[5] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[6]);
data.temperature = mpu6000_rec_buf[7] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[8];
#else /* if defined(PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL) */
data.gyro_x = mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4];
data.gyro_y = mpu6000_rec_buf[5] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[6];
switch (dev->cfg->orientation) {
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_0DEG:
data.gyro_y = mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4];
data.gyro_x = mpu6000_rec_buf[5] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[6];
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_90DEG:
data.gyro_y = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[5] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[6]); // chip Y
data.gyro_x = mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4]; // chip X
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_180DEG:
data.gyro_y = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4]);
data.gyro_x = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[5] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[6]);
case PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_270DEG:
data.gyro_y = mpu6000_rec_buf[5] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[6]; // chip Y
data.gyro_x = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[3] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[4]); // chip X
data.gyro_z = -1 - (mpu6000_rec_buf[7] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[8]);
data.temperature = mpu6000_rec_buf[1] << 8 | mpu6000_rec_buf[2];
#endif /* if defined(PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL) */
signed portBASE_TYPE higherPriorityTaskWoken;
xQueueSendToBackFromISR(dev->queue, (void *)&data, &higherPriorityTaskWoken);
mpu6000_time_us = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval);
return woken || higherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE;
return true;
#endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_MPU6000 */
@ -116,8 +116,6 @@
#define USB_LED_OFF
/* Local type definitions */
struct pios_rfm22b_transition {
@ -360,7 +358,7 @@ static const uint8_t reg_72[] = { 0x30, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48, 0x60, 0x90, 0xCD
static const uint8_t packet_time[] = { 80, 40, 25, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6, 5 };
static const uint8_t packet_time_ppm[] = { 26, 25, 25, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6, 5 };
static const uint8_t num_channels[] = { 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 };
static const uint8_t num_channels[] = { 4, 4, 4, 6, 8, 8, 10, 12, 16 };
static struct pios_rfm22b_dev *g_rfm22b_dev = NULL;
@ -608,8 +606,6 @@ void PIOS_RFM22B_SetChannelConfig(uint32_t rfm22b_id, enum rfm22b_datarate datar
rfm22b_dev->num_channels = num_found;
// Calculate the maximum packet length from the datarate.
float bytes_per_period = (float)data_rate[datarate] * (float)(rfm22b_dev->packet_time - 2) / 9000;
@ -1359,7 +1355,7 @@ static enum pios_radio_event rfm22_init(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev)
rfm22b_dev->packet_start_ticks = 0;
rfm22b_dev->tx_complete_ticks = 0;
rfm22b_dev->rfm22b_state = RFM22B_STATE_INITIALIZING;
rfm22b_dev->connected_timeout = 0;
rfm22b_dev->on_sync_channel = false;
// software reset the RF chip .. following procedure according to Si4x3x Errata (rev. B)
rfm22_write_claim(rfm22b_dev, RFM22_op_and_func_ctrl1, RFM22_opfc1_swres);
@ -1803,8 +1799,8 @@ static enum pios_radio_event radio_txStart(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *radio_dev)
len += (radio_dev->tx_out_cb)(radio_dev->tx_out_context, p + len, max_data_len - len, NULL, &need_yield);
// Always send a packet if this modem is a coordinator.
if ((len == 0) && !rfm22_isCoordinator(radio_dev)) {
// Always send a packet on the sync channel if this modem is a coordinator.
if ((len == 0) && ((radio_dev->channel_index != 0) || !rfm22_isCoordinator(radio_dev))) {
@ -1964,16 +1960,12 @@ static enum pios_radio_event radio_receivePacket(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *radio_d
(radio_dev->rx_in_cb)(radio_dev->rx_in_context, p, data_len, NULL, &rx_need_yield);
* If the packet is valid and destined for us we synchronize the clock.
if (!rfm22_isCoordinator(radio_dev) &&
radio_dev->rx_destination_id == rfm22_destinationID(radio_dev)) {
// We only synchronize the clock on packets from our coordinator on the sync channel.
if (!rfm22_isCoordinator(radio_dev) && (radio_dev->rx_destination_id == rfm22_destinationID(radio_dev)) && (radio_dev->channel_index == 0)) {
radio_dev->stats.link_state = OPLINKSTATUS_LINKSTATE_CONNECTED;
radio_dev->on_sync_channel = false;
radio_dev->connected_timeout = CONNECTED_LIVE;
} else {
@ -2169,14 +2161,14 @@ static void rfm22_synchronizeClock(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev)
portTickType start_time = rfm22b_dev->packet_start_ticks;
// This packet was transmitted on channel 0, calculate the time delta that will force us to transmit on channel 0 at the time this packet started.
uint16_t frequency_hop_cycle_time = rfm22b_dev->packet_time * rfm22b_dev->num_channels;
uint8_t num_chan = num_channels[rfm22b_dev->datarate];
uint16_t frequency_hop_cycle_time = rfm22b_dev->packet_time * num_chan;
uint16_t time_delta = start_time % frequency_hop_cycle_time;
// Calculate the adjustment for the preamble
uint8_t offset = (uint8_t)ceil(35000.0F / data_rate[rfm22b_dev->datarate]);
rfm22b_dev->time_delta = frequency_hop_cycle_time - time_delta + offset +
rfm22b_dev->packet_time * rfm22b_dev->channel_index;
rfm22b_dev->time_delta = frequency_hop_cycle_time - time_delta + offset;
@ -2231,11 +2223,14 @@ static bool rfm22_timeToSend(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev)
static uint8_t rfm22_calcChannel(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev, uint8_t index)
// Make sure we don't index outside of the range.
uint8_t idx = index % rfm22b_dev->num_channels;
uint8_t num_chan = num_channels[rfm22b_dev->datarate];
uint8_t idx = index % num_chan;
// Are we switching to a new channel?
if (idx != rfm22b_dev->channel_index) {
if (!rfm22_isCoordinator(rfm22b_dev) && rfm22b_dev->connected_timeout == 0) {
// If the on_sync_channel flag is set, it means that we were on the sync channel, but no packet was received, so transition to a non-connected state.
if (!rfm22_isCoordinator(rfm22b_dev) && (rfm22b_dev->channel_index == 0) && rfm22b_dev->on_sync_channel) {
rfm22b_dev->on_sync_channel = false;
// Set the link state to disconnected.
if (rfm22b_dev->stats.link_state == OPLINKSTATUS_LINKSTATE_CONNECTED) {
@ -2246,14 +2241,14 @@ static uint8_t rfm22_calcChannel(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev, uint8_t ind
// Stay on first channel.
// Stay on the sync channel.
idx = 0;
} else if (idx == 0) {
// If we're switching to the sync channel, set a flag that can be used to detect if a packet was received.
rfm22b_dev->on_sync_channel = true;
rfm22b_dev->channel_index = idx;
if (rfm22b_dev->connected_timeout > 0)
return rfm22b_dev->channels[idx];
@ -2269,7 +2264,8 @@ static uint8_t rfm22_calcChannelFromClock(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev)
portTickType time = rfm22_coordinatorTime(rfm22b_dev, xTaskGetTickCount());
// Divide time into 8ms blocks. Coordinator sends in first 2 ms, and remote send in 5th and 6th ms.
// Channel changes occur in the last 2 ms.
uint8_t n = (time / rfm22b_dev->packet_time) % rfm22b_dev->num_channels;
uint8_t num_chan = num_channels[rfm22b_dev->datarate];
uint8_t n = (time / rfm22b_dev->packet_time) % num_chan;
return rfm22_calcChannel(rfm22b_dev, n);
@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ struct pios_mpu6000_cfg {
enum pios_mpu6000_range gyro_range;
enum pios_mpu6000_filter filter;
enum pios_mpu6000_orientation orientation;
SPIPrescalerTypeDef fast_prescaler;
SPIPrescalerTypeDef std_prescaler;
uint8_t max_downsample;
/* Public Functions */
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ struct pios_rfm22b_dev {
portTickType packet_start_ticks;
portTickType tx_complete_ticks;
portTickType time_delta;
uint8_t connected_timeout;
bool on_sync_channel;
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ static bool PIOS_SPI_validate(__attribute__((unused)) struct pios_spi_dev *com_d
/* Should check device magic here */
return true;
#define SPI_MAX_BLOCK_PIO 128
static struct pios_spi_dev *PIOS_SPI_alloc(void)
@ -432,23 +433,7 @@ int32_t PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(uint32_t spi_id, uint8_t b)
return rx_byte;
* Transfers a block of bytes via DMA.
* \param[in] spi SPI number (0 or 1)
* \param[in] send_buffer pointer to buffer which should be sent.<BR>
* If NULL, 0xff (all-one) will be sent.
* \param[in] receive_buffer pointer to buffer which should get the received values.<BR>
* If NULL, received bytes will be discarded.
* \param[in] len number of bytes which should be transfered
* \param[in] callback pointer to callback function which will be executed
* from DMA channel interrupt once the transfer is finished.
* If NULL, no callback function will be used, and PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock() will
* block until the transfer is finished.
* \return >= 0 if no error during transfer
* \return -1 if disabled SPI port selected
* \return -3 if function has been called during an ongoing DMA transfer
int32_t PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(uint32_t spi_id, const uint8_t *send_buffer, uint8_t *receive_buffer, uint16_t len, void *callback)
static int32_t SPI_DMA_TransferBlock(uint32_t spi_id, const uint8_t *send_buffer, uint8_t *receive_buffer, uint16_t len, void *callback)
struct pios_spi_dev *spi_dev = (struct pios_spi_dev *)spi_id;
@ -580,6 +565,95 @@ int32_t PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(uint32_t spi_id, const uint8_t *send_buffer, uint
return 0;
* Transfers a block of bytes via PIO.
* \param[in] spi_id SPI device handle
* \param[in] send_buffer pointer to buffer which should be sent.<BR>
* If NULL, 0xff (all-one) will be sent.
* \param[in] receive_buffer pointer to buffer which should get the received values.<BR>
* If NULL, received bytes will be discarded.
* \param[in] len number of bytes which should be transfered
* \return >= 0 if no error during transfer
* \return -1 if disabled SPI port selected
* \return -3 if function has been called during an ongoing DMA transfer
static int32_t SPI_PIO_TransferBlock(uint32_t spi_id, const uint8_t *send_buffer, uint8_t *receive_buffer, uint16_t len)
struct pios_spi_dev *spi_dev = (struct pios_spi_dev *)spi_id;
uint8_t b;
bool valid = PIOS_SPI_validate(spi_dev);
/* Exit if ongoing transfer */
if (DMA_GetCurrDataCounter(spi_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel)) {
return -3;
/* Make sure the RXNE flag is cleared by reading the DR register */
b = spi_dev->cfg->regs->DR;
while (len--) {
/* get the byte to send */
b = send_buffer ? *(send_buffer++) : 0xff;
/* Start the transfer */
spi_dev->cfg->regs->DR = b;
/* Wait until there is a byte to read */
while (!(spi_dev->cfg->regs->SR & SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE)) {
/* Read the rx'd byte */
b = spi_dev->cfg->regs->DR;
/* save the received byte */
if (receive_buffer) {
*(receive_buffer++) = b;
/* Wait until the TXE goes high */
while (!(spi_dev->cfg->regs->SR & SPI_I2S_FLAG_TXE)) {
/* Wait for SPI transfer to have fully completed */
while (spi_dev->cfg->regs->SR & SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) {
return 0;
* Transfers a block of bytes via PIO or DMA.
* \param[in] spi_id SPI device handle
* \param[in] send_buffer pointer to buffer which should be sent.<BR>
* If NULL, 0xff (all-one) will be sent.
* \param[in] receive_buffer pointer to buffer which should get the received values.<BR>
* If NULL, received bytes will be discarded.
* \param[in] len number of bytes which should be transfered
* \param[in] callback pointer to callback function which will be executed
* from DMA channel interrupt once the transfer is finished.
* If NULL, no callback function will be used, and PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock() will
* block until the transfer is finished.
* \return >= 0 if no error during transfer
* \return -1 if disabled SPI port selected
* \return -3 if function has been called during an ongoing DMA transfer
int32_t PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(uint32_t spi_id, const uint8_t *send_buffer, uint8_t *receive_buffer, uint16_t len, void *callback)
if (callback || len > SPI_MAX_BLOCK_PIO) {
return SPI_DMA_TransferBlock(spi_id, send_buffer, receive_buffer, len, callback);
return SPI_PIO_TransferBlock(spi_id, send_buffer, receive_buffer, len);
* Check if a transfer is in progress
* \param[in] spi SPI number (0 or 1)
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static const struct pios_spi_cfg pios_spi_flash_accel_cfg_cc3d = {
.gpio = GPIOB,
.init = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz,
.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP,
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ static const struct pios_spi_cfg pios_spi_flash_accel_cfg_cc3d = {
.gpio = GPIOB,
.init = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_14,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz,
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ static const struct pios_spi_cfg pios_spi_flash_accel_cfg_cc3d = {
.gpio = GPIOB,
.init = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_15,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz,
.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP,
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ static const struct pios_spi_cfg pios_spi_flash_accel_cfg_cc = {
.gpio = GPIOB,
.init = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz,
.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP,
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ static const struct pios_spi_cfg pios_spi_flash_accel_cfg_cc = {
.gpio = GPIOB,
.init = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_14,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz,
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ static const struct pios_spi_cfg pios_spi_flash_accel_cfg_cc = {
.gpio = GPIOB,
.init = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_15,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz,
.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz,
.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP,
@ -92,6 +92,8 @@
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_ETASV3 */
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_HCSR04 */
#define PIOS_SENSOR_RATE 500.0f
/* PIOS receiver drivers */
@ -119,18 +119,21 @@ static const struct pios_exti_cfg pios_exti_mpu6000_cfg __exti_config = {
static const struct pios_mpu6000_cfg pios_mpu6000_cfg = {
.exti_cfg = &pios_exti_mpu6000_cfg,
// Clock at 8 khz, downsampled by 16 for 500 Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_no_dlp = 15,
// Clock at 1 khz, downsampled by 2 for 500 Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_dlp = 1,
.interrupt_cfg = PIOS_MPU6000_INT_CLR_ANYRD,
.interrupt_en = PIOS_MPU6000_INTEN_DATA_RDY,
.Pwr_mgmt_clk = PIOS_MPU6000_PWRMGMT_PLL_X_CLK,
.accel_range = PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_8G,
.gyro_range = PIOS_MPU6000_SCALE_2000_DEG,
// Clock at 8 khz, downsampled by 8 for 1000 Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_no_dlp = 7,
// Clock at 1 khz, downsampled by 1 for 1000 Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_dlp = 0,
.interrupt_cfg = PIOS_MPU6000_INT_CLR_ANYRD,
.interrupt_en = PIOS_MPU6000_INTEN_DATA_RDY,
.User_ctl = PIOS_MPU6000_USERCTL_DIS_I2C,
.Pwr_mgmt_clk = PIOS_MPU6000_PWRMGMT_PLL_X_CLK,
.accel_range = PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_8G,
.gyro_range = PIOS_MPU6000_SCALE_2000_DEG,
.filter = PIOS_MPU6000_LOWPASS_256_HZ,
.orientation = PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_180DEG
.orientation = PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_180DEG,
.fast_prescaler = PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_4,
.std_prescaler = PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_64,
.max_downsample = 2
#endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_MPU6000 */
@ -91,6 +91,9 @@
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_HCSR04 */
#define PIOS_SENSOR_RATE 500.0f
#define PIOS_INCLUDE_WS2811
/* PIOS receiver drivers */
@ -91,11 +91,12 @@
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_HCSR04 */
#define PIOS_SENSOR_RATE 500.0f
#define PIOS_INCLUDE_WS2811
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_HCSR04 */
/* PIOS receiver drivers */
@ -192,18 +192,21 @@ static const struct pios_exti_cfg pios_exti_mpu6000_cfg __exti_config = {
static const struct pios_mpu6000_cfg pios_mpu6000_cfg = {
.exti_cfg = &pios_exti_mpu6000_cfg,
// Clock at 8 khz, downsampled by 12 for 666Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_no_dlp = 11,
// with dlp on output rate is 500Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_dlp = 1,
.interrupt_cfg = PIOS_MPU6000_INT_CLR_ANYRD,
.interrupt_en = PIOS_MPU6000_INTEN_DATA_RDY,
.Pwr_mgmt_clk = PIOS_MPU6000_PWRMGMT_PLL_X_CLK,
.accel_range = PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_8G,
.gyro_range = PIOS_MPU6000_SCALE_2000_DEG,
// Clock at 8 khz
.Smpl_rate_div_no_dlp = 0,
// with dlp on output rate is 1000Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_dlp = 0,
.interrupt_cfg = PIOS_MPU6000_INT_CLR_ANYRD,
.interrupt_en = PIOS_MPU6000_INTEN_DATA_RDY,
.User_ctl = PIOS_MPU6000_USERCTL_DIS_I2C,
.Pwr_mgmt_clk = PIOS_MPU6000_PWRMGMT_PLL_X_CLK,
.accel_range = PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_8G,
.gyro_range = PIOS_MPU6000_SCALE_2000_DEG,
.filter = PIOS_MPU6000_LOWPASS_256_HZ,
.orientation = PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_180DEG
.orientation = PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_180DEG,
.fast_prescaler = PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_4,
.std_prescaler = PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_64,
.max_downsample = 16,
#endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_MPU6000 */
@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_HCSR04 */
#define PIOS_SENSOR_RATE 500.0f
/* PIOS receiver drivers */
@ -222,18 +222,21 @@ static const struct pios_exti_cfg pios_exti_mpu6000_cfg __exti_config = {
static const struct pios_mpu6000_cfg pios_mpu6000_cfg = {
.exti_cfg = &pios_exti_mpu6000_cfg,
// Clock at 8 khz, downsampled by 12 for 666Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_no_dlp = 11,
// with dlp on output rate is 500Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_dlp = 1,
.interrupt_cfg = PIOS_MPU6000_INT_CLR_ANYRD,
.interrupt_en = PIOS_MPU6000_INTEN_DATA_RDY,
.Pwr_mgmt_clk = PIOS_MPU6000_PWRMGMT_PLL_X_CLK,
.accel_range = PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_8G,
.gyro_range = PIOS_MPU6000_SCALE_2000_DEG,
// Clock at 8 khz
.Smpl_rate_div_no_dlp = 0,
// with dlp on output rate is 1000Hz
.Smpl_rate_div_dlp = 0,
.interrupt_cfg = PIOS_MPU6000_INT_CLR_ANYRD,
.interrupt_en = PIOS_MPU6000_INTEN_DATA_RDY,
.User_ctl = PIOS_MPU6000_USERCTL_DIS_I2C,
.Pwr_mgmt_clk = PIOS_MPU6000_PWRMGMT_PLL_X_CLK,
.accel_range = PIOS_MPU6000_ACCEL_8G,
.gyro_range = PIOS_MPU6000_SCALE_2000_DEG,
.filter = PIOS_MPU6000_LOWPASS_256_HZ,
.orientation = PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_0DEG
.orientation = PIOS_MPU6000_TOP_0DEG,
.fast_prescaler = PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_4,
.std_prescaler = PIOS_SPI_PRESCALER_64,
.max_downsample = 16,
#endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_MPU6000 */
@ -70,6 +70,9 @@
// #define PIOS_INCLUDE_MS5611
// #define PIOS_INCLUDE_HCSR04
#define PIOS_FLASH_ON_ACCEL /* true for second revo */
#define PIOS_SENSOR_RATE 500.0f
/* Com systems to include */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
Copyright 2012, Robert Knight
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "mustache.h"
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
using namespace Mustache;
QString Mustache::renderTemplate(const QString & templateString, const QVariantHash & args)
Mustache::QtVariantContext context(args);
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QString escapeHtml(const QString & input)
QString escaped(input);
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QString unescapeHtml(const QString & escaped)
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unescaped.replace(QLatin1String("""), QLatin1String("\""));
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Context::Context(PartialResolver *resolver)
: m_partialResolver(resolver)
PartialResolver *Context::partialResolver() const
return m_partialResolver;
QString Context::partialValue(const QString & key) const
if (!m_partialResolver) {
return QString();
return m_partialResolver->getPartial(key);
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return false;
QString Context::eval(const QString & key, const QString & _template, Renderer *renderer)
return QString();
QtVariantContext::QtVariantContext(const QVariant & root, PartialResolver *resolver)
: Context(resolver)
m_contextStack << root;
QVariant variantMapValue(const QVariant & value, const QString & key)
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return value.toHash().value(key);
QVariant variantMapValueForKeyPath(const QVariant & value, const QStringList keyPath)
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return QVariant();
QVariant QtVariantContext::value(const QString & key) const
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return QVariant();
bool QtVariantContext::isFalse(const QString & key) const
QVariant value = this->value(key);
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return value.toString().isEmpty();
QString QtVariantContext::stringValue(const QString & key) const
if (isFalse(key)) {
return QString();
return value(key).toString();
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m_contextStack << list.value(index, QVariant());
void QtVariantContext::pop()
int QtVariantContext::listCount(const QString & key) const
if (value(key).userType() == QVariant::List) {
return value(key).toList().count();
return 0;
bool QtVariantContext::canEval(const QString & key) const
return value(key).canConvert<fn_t>();
QString QtVariantContext::eval(const QString & key, const QString & _template, Renderer *renderer)
QVariant fn = value(key);
if (fn.isNull()) {
return QString();
return fn.value<fn_t>() (_template, renderer, this);
PartialMap::PartialMap(const QHash<QString, QString> & partials)
: m_partials(partials)
QString PartialMap::getPartial(const QString & name)
return m_partials.value(name);
PartialFileLoader::PartialFileLoader(const QString & basePath)
: m_basePath(basePath)
QString PartialFileLoader::getPartial(const QString & name)
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QFile file(path);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
QTextStream stream(&file);
m_cache.insert(name, stream.readAll());
return m_cache.value(name);
: m_errorPos(-1)
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return m_error;
int Renderer::errorPos() const
return m_errorPos;
QString Renderer::errorPartial() const
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QString Renderer::render(const QString & _template, Context *context)
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case Tag::Comment:
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case Tag::Null:
return output;
void Renderer::setError(const QString & error, int pos)
Q_ASSERT(pos >= 0);
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Tag Renderer::findTag(const QString & content, int pos, int endPos)
int tagStartPos = content.indexOf(m_tagStartMarker, pos);
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tag.key = readTagName(content, pos, endPos);
if (tag.type != Tag::Value) {
expandTag(tag, content);
return tag;
QString Renderer::readTagName(const QString & content, int pos, int endPos)
QString name;
name.reserve(endPos - pos);
while (content.at(pos).isSpace()) {
while (!content.at(pos).isSpace() && pos < endPos) {
name += content.at(pos);
return name;
void Renderer::readSetDelimiter(const QString & content, int pos, int endPos)
QString startMarker;
QString endMarker;
while (content.at(pos).isSpace() && pos < endPos) {
while (!content.at(pos).isSpace() && pos < endPos) {
if (content.at(pos) == '=') {
setError("Custom delimiters may not contain '='.", pos);
startMarker += content.at(pos);
while (content.at(pos).isSpace() && pos < endPos) {
while (!content.at(pos).isSpace() && pos < endPos - 1) {
if (content.at(pos) == '=') {
setError("Custom delimiters may not contain '='.", pos);
endMarker += content.at(pos);
m_tagStartMarker = startMarker;
m_tagEndMarker = endMarker;
Tag Renderer::findEndTag(const QString & content, const Tag & startTag, int endPos)
int tagDepth = 1;
int pos = startTag.end;
while (true) {
Tag nextTag = findTag(content, pos, endPos);
if (nextTag.type == Tag::Null) {
return nextTag;
} else if (nextTag.type == Tag::SectionStart || nextTag.type == Tag::InvertedSectionStart) {
} else if (nextTag.type == Tag::SectionEnd) {
if (tagDepth == 0) {
if (nextTag.key != startTag.key) {
setError("Tag start/end key mismatch", nextTag.start);
return Tag();
return nextTag;
pos = nextTag.end;
return Tag();
void Renderer::setTagMarkers(const QString & startMarker, const QString & endMarker)
m_defaultTagStartMarker = startMarker;
m_defaultTagEndMarker = endMarker;
void Renderer::expandTag(Tag & tag, const QString & content)
int start = tag.start;
int end = tag.end;
// Move start to beginning of line.
while (start > 0 && content.at(start - 1) != QLatin1Char('\n')) {
if (!content.at(start).isSpace()) {
return; // Not standalone.
// Move end to one past end of line.
while (end <= content.size() && content.at(end - 1) != QLatin1Char('\n')) {
if (end < content.size() && !content.at(end).isSpace()) {
return; // Not standalone.
tag.start = start;
tag.end = end;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
Copyright 2012, Robert Knight
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#pragma once
#include <QtCore/QStack>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include "utils_global.h"
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#include <functional> /* for std::function */
namespace Mustache {
class PartialResolver;
class Renderer;
/** Context is an interface that Mustache::Renderer::render() uses to
* fetch substitutions for template tags.
/** Create a context. @p resolver is used to fetch the expansions for any {{>partial}} tags
* which appear in a template.
explicit Context(PartialResolver *resolver = 0);
virtual ~Context() {}
/** Returns a string representation of the value for @p key in the current context.
* This is used to replace a Mustache value tag.
virtual QString stringValue(const QString & key) const = 0;
/** Returns true if the value for @p key is 'false' or an empty list.
* 'False' values typically include empty strings, the boolean value false etc.
* When processing a section Mustache tag, the section is not rendered if the key
* is false, or for an inverted section tag, the section is only rendered if the key
* is false.
virtual bool isFalse(const QString & key) const = 0;
/** Returns the number of items in the list value for @p key or 0 if
* the value for @p key is not a list.
virtual int listCount(const QString & key) const = 0;
/** Set the current context to the value for @p key.
* If index is >= 0, set the current context to the @p index'th value
* in the list value for @p key.
virtual void push(const QString & key, int index = -1) = 0;
/** Exit the current context. */
virtual void pop() = 0;
/** Returns the partial template for a given @p key. */
QString partialValue(const QString & key) const;
/** Returns the partial resolver passed to the constructor. */
PartialResolver *partialResolver() const;
/** Returns true if eval() should be used to render section tags using @p key.
* If canEval() returns true for a key, the renderer will pass the literal, unrendered
* block of text for the section to eval() and replace the section with the result.
* canEval() and eval() are equivalents for callable objects (eg. lambdas) in other
* Mustache implementations.
* The default implementation always returns false.
virtual bool canEval(const QString & key) const;
/** Callback used to render a template section with the given @p key.
* @p renderer will substitute the original section tag with the result of eval().
* The default implementation returns an empty string.
virtual QString eval(const QString & key, const QString & _template, Renderer *renderer);
PartialResolver *m_partialResolver;
/** A context implementation which wraps a QVariantHash or QVariantMap. */
class QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT QtVariantContext : public Context {
/** Construct a QtVariantContext which wraps a dictionary in a QVariantHash
* or a QVariantMap.
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
typedef std::function<QString(const QString &, Mustache::Renderer *, Mustache::Context *)> fn_t;
typedef QString (*fn_t)(const QString &, Mustache::Renderer *, Mustache::Context *);
explicit QtVariantContext(const QVariant & root, PartialResolver *resolver = 0);
virtual QString stringValue(const QString & key) const;
virtual bool isFalse(const QString & key) const;
virtual int listCount(const QString & key) const;
virtual void push(const QString & key, int index = -1);
virtual void pop();
virtual bool canEval(const QString & key) const;
virtual QString eval(const QString & key, const QString & _template, Mustache::Renderer *renderer);
QVariant value(const QString & key) const;
QStack<QVariant> m_contextStack;
/** Interface for fetching template partials. */
class QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT PartialResolver {
virtual ~PartialResolver() {}
/** Returns the partial template with a given @p name. */
virtual QString getPartial(const QString & name) = 0;
/** A simple partial fetcher which returns templates from a map of (partial name -> template)
class QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT PartialMap : public PartialResolver {
explicit PartialMap(const QHash<QString, QString> & partials);
virtual QString getPartial(const QString & name);
QHash<QString, QString> m_partials;
/** A partial fetcher when loads templates from '<name>.mustache' files
* in a given directory.
* Once a partial has been loaded, it is cached for future use.
class QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT PartialFileLoader : public PartialResolver {
explicit PartialFileLoader(const QString & basePath);
virtual QString getPartial(const QString & name);
QString m_basePath;
QHash<QString, QString> m_cache;
/** Holds properties of a tag in a mustache template. */
struct Tag {
enum Type {
Value, /// A {{key}} or {{{key}}} tag
SectionStart, /// A {{#section}} tag
InvertedSectionStart, /// An {{^inverted-section}} tag
SectionEnd, /// A {{/section}} tag
Partial, /// A {{^partial}} tag
Comment, /// A {{! comment }} tag
SetDelimiter /// A {{=<% %>=}} tag
enum EscapeMode {
: type(Null)
, start(0)
, end(0)
, escapeMode(Escape)
Type type;
QString key;
int start;
int end;
EscapeMode escapeMode;
/** Renders Mustache templates, replacing mustache tags with
* values from a provided context.
/** Render a Mustache template, using @p context to fetch
* the values used to replace Mustache tags.
QString render(const QString & _template, Context *context);
/** Returns a message describing the last error encountered by the previous
* render() call.
QString error() const;
/** Returns the position in the template where the last error occurred
* when rendering the template or -1 if no error occurred.
* If the error occurred in a partial template, the returned position is the offset
* in the partial template.
int errorPos() const;
/** Returns the name of the partial where the error occurred, or an empty string
* if the error occurred in the main template.
QString errorPartial() const;
/** Sets the default tag start and end markers.
* This can be overridden within a template.
void setTagMarkers(const QString & startMarker, const QString & endMarker);
QString render(const QString & _template, int startPos, int endPos, Context *context);
Tag findTag(const QString & content, int pos, int endPos);
Tag findEndTag(const QString & content, const Tag & startTag, int endPos);
void setError(const QString & error, int pos);
void readSetDelimiter(const QString & content, int pos, int endPos);
static QString readTagName(const QString & content, int pos, int endPos);
/** Expands @p tag to fill the line, but only if it is standalone.
* The start position is moved to the beginning of the line. The end position is
* moved to one past the end of the line. If @p tag is not standalone, it is
* left unmodified.
* A tag is standalone if it is the only non-whitespace token on the the line.
static void expandTag(Tag & tag, const QString & content);
QStack<QString> m_partialStack;
QString m_error;
int m_errorPos;
QString m_errorPartial;
QString m_tagStartMarker;
QString m_tagEndMarker;
QString m_defaultTagStartMarker;
QString m_defaultTagEndMarker;
/** A convenience function which renders a template using the given data. */
QString renderTemplate(const QString & templateString, const QVariantHash & args);
@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ SOURCES += reloadpromptutils.cpp \
svgimageprovider.cpp \
hostosinfo.cpp \
logfile.cpp \
crc.cpp \
SOURCES += xmlconfig.cpp
@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ HEADERS += utils_global.h \
svgimageprovider.h \
hostosinfo.h \
logfile.h \
crc.h \
HEADERS += xmlconfig.h
@ -17,6 +17,89 @@
<property name="spacing">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
<property name="leftMargin">
<property name="topMargin">
<property name="rightMargin">
<property name="bottomMargin">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
<property name="text">
<string>Vehicle name</string>
<spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
<item alignment="Qt::AlignLeft">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="nameEdit">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="inputMask">
<property name="maxLength">
<property name="placeholderText">
<string>Enter name of vehicle. Max 20 characters.</string>
<spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
<widget class="QTabBar" name="aircraftType" native="true"/>
@ -26,7 +109,7 @@
<property name="autoFillBackground">
<property name="styleSheet">
<string notr="true">#vehicleTypeFrame{
@ -159,7 +242,7 @@
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
@ -306,8 +389,8 @@
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_18">
@ -717,14 +800,14 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
<string><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<table border="0" style="-qt-table-type: root; margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; margin-left:4px; margin-right:4px;">
<td style="border: none;">
<p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:14pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">SETTING UP FEED FORWARD REQUIRES CAUTION</span></p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></span></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></span></p>
<p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">SETTING UP FEED FORWARD REQUIRES CAUTION</span></p>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p>
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt;">Beware: Feed Forward Tuning will launch all engines around mid-throttle, you have been warned!</span></p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt;">Remove your props initially, and for fine-tuning, make sure your airframe is safely held in place. Wear glasses and protect your face and body.</span></p></td></tr></table></body></html></string>
@ -473,8 +473,8 @@ void SixPointCalibrationModel::compute()
revoCalibrationData.MagBiasNullingRate = memento.revoCalibrationData.MagBiasNullingRate;;
// Check the mag calibration is good
bool good_calibration = true;
bool good_aux_calibration = true;
bool good_calibration = true;
// bool good_aux_calibration = true;
if (calibratingMag) {
good_calibration &= !IS_NAN(revoCalibrationData.mag_transform[RevoCalibration::MAG_TRANSFORM_R0C0]);
good_calibration &= !IS_NAN(revoCalibrationData.mag_transform[RevoCalibration::MAG_TRANSFORM_R0C1]);
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ void SixPointCalibrationModel::save()
if (calibratingMag) {
RevoCalibration::DataFields revoCalibrationData = revoCalibration->getData();
for (int i = 0; i < RevoCalibration::MAG_TRANSFORM_NUMELEM; i++) {
for (uint i = 0; i < RevoCalibration::MAG_TRANSFORM_NUMELEM; i++) {
revoCalibrationData.mag_transform[i] = result.revoCalibrationData.mag_transform[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ void SixPointCalibrationModel::save()
if (calibratingAuxMag) {
AuxMagSettings::DataFields auxCalibrationData = auxMagSettings->getData();
// Note that Revo/AuxMag MAG_TRANSFORM_RxCx are interchangeable, an assertion at initialization enforces the structs are equal
for (int i = 0; i < RevoCalibration::MAG_TRANSFORM_NUMELEM; i++) {
for (uint i = 0; i < RevoCalibration::MAG_TRANSFORM_NUMELEM; i++) {
auxCalibrationData.mag_transform[i] = result.auxMagSettingsData.mag_transform[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
@ -187,14 +187,12 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::updateThrottleCurveFromObject()
UAVObject *stabBank = getObjectManager()->getObject(QString(m_pidTabBars.at(0)->tabData(m_currentPIDBank).toString()));
qDebug() << "updatingCurveFromObject" << stabBank->getName();
UAVObjectField *field = stabBank->getField("ThrustPIDScaleCurve");
QList<double> curve;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < field->getNumElements(); i++) {
qDebug() << field->getName() << field->getElementNames().at(i) << "=>" << field->getValue(i);
@ -214,7 +212,6 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::updateObjectFromThrottleCurve()
UAVObject *stabBank = getObjectManager()->getObject(QString(m_pidTabBars.at(0)->tabData(m_currentPIDBank).toString()));
qDebug() << "updatingObjectFromCurve" << stabBank->getName();
UAVObjectField *field = stabBank->getField("ThrustPIDScaleCurve");
@ -222,7 +219,6 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::updateObjectFromThrottleCurve()
QList<double> curve = ui->thrustPIDScalingCurve->getCurve();
for (quint32 i = 0; i < field->getNumElements(); i++) {
field->setValue(curve.at(i), i);
qDebug() << field->getName() << field->getElementNames().at(i) << "<=" << curve.at(i);
field = stabBank->getField("EnableThrustPIDScaling");
@ -351,10 +347,8 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::realtimeUpdatesSlot(bool value)
if (value && !realtimeUpdates->isActive()) {
qDebug() << "Instant Update timer started.";
} else if (!value && realtimeUpdates->isActive()) {
qDebug() << "Instant Update timer stopped.";
@ -451,7 +445,6 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::pidBankChanged(int index)
setWidgetBindingObjectEnabled(m_pidTabBars.at(0)->tabData(index).toString(), true);
m_currentPIDBank = index;
qDebug() << "current bank:" << m_currentPIDBank;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ private:
static const int AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_RATE = 500;
static const int EXPO_CURVE_POINTS_COUNT = 100;
static const double EXPO_CURVE_CONSTANT = 1.00695;
static const double EXPO_CURVE_CONSTANT = 1.00695;
int boardModel;
int m_pidBankCount;
@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget(QWidget *parent) : ConfigTaskWi
SystemSettings *syssettings = SystemSettings::GetInstance(getObjectManager());
addApplySaveButtons(m_aircraft->saveAircraftToRAM, m_aircraft->saveAircraftToSD);
@ -158,6 +162,7 @@ ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::ConfigVehicleTypeWidget(QWidget *parent) : ConfigTaskWi
@ -225,6 +230,19 @@ void ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::refreshWidgetsValues(UAVObject *o)
field = system->getField(QString("VehicleName"));
QString name;
for (uint i = 0; i < field->getNumElements(); ++i) {
QChar chr = field->getValue(i).toChar();
if (chr != 0) {
} else {
@ -271,6 +289,17 @@ void ConfigVehicleTypeWidget::updateObjectsFromWidgets()
vconfig->setMixerValue(mixer, "DecelTime", m_aircraft->decelTime->value());
vconfig->setMixerValue(mixer, "MaxAccel", m_aircraft->maxAccelSlider->value());
field = system->getField(QString("VehicleName"));
QString name = m_aircraft->nameEdit->text();
for (uint i = 0; i < field->getNumElements(); ++i) {
if (i < (uint)name.length()) {
field->setValue(name.at(i).toLatin1(), i);
} else {
field->setValue(0, i);
// call refreshWidgetsValues() to reflect actual saved values
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
@ -3435,7 +3435,7 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is the same as Proportional</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is double the Proportional value</p></body></html></string>
<property name="maximum">
@ -5339,7 +5339,7 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is the same as Proportional</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is double the Proportional value</p></body></html></string>
<property name="maximum">
@ -5455,7 +5455,7 @@ Then lower the value by 5 or so.</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is the same as Proportional</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande,arial,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; color:#333333; background-color:#ffffff;">This adjusts how much yaw stability your vehicle will have in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is double the Proportional value</span></p></body></html></string>
<property name="maximum">
@ -8244,8 +8244,8 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_29">
@ -11024,7 +11024,7 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<property name="checkable">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_27" rowstretch="0,0,0" columnminimumwidth="0,0">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_277" rowstretch="0,0,0" columnminimumwidth="0,0">
<property name="leftMargin">
@ -13371,7 +13371,7 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is the same as Proportional.</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is double the Proportional value</p></body></html></string>
<property name="styleSheet">
<string notr="true"/>
@ -13971,7 +13971,7 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is the same as Proportional.</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande,arial,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; color:#333333; background-color:#ffffff;">This adjusts how much yaw stability your vehicle will have in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is double the Proportional value</span></p></body></html></string>
<property name="styleSheet">
<string notr="true"/>
@ -14621,7 +14621,7 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is the same as Proportional.</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p>This adjusts how much stability your vehicle will have when flying tilted (ie forward flight) in Rate mode. A good starting point for Integral is double the Proportional value</p></body></html></string>
<property name="styleSheet">
<string notr="true"/>
@ -18236,8 +18236,8 @@ border-radius: 5;</string>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_8" stretch="0,0,0,0,0,0">
@ -24082,8 +24082,8 @@ font:bold;</string>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_18">
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ MagicWaypointGadgetWidget::MagicWaypointGadgetWidget(QWidget *parent) : QLabel(p
// Connect object updated event from UAVObject to also update check boxes
connect(getPathDesired(), SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject *)), this, SLOT(positionObjectChanged(UAVObject *)));
connect(getPositionState(), SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject *)), this, SLOT(positionObjectChanged(UAVObject *)));
connect(getPathDesired(), SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject *)), this, SLOT(positionStateChanged(UAVObject *)));
connect(getPositionState(), SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject *)), this, SLOT(positionStateChanged(UAVObject *)));
// Connect updates from the position widget to this widget
connect(m_magicwaypoint->widgetPosition, SIGNAL(positionClicked(double, double)), this, SLOT(positionSelected(double, double)));
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
<body style="font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<table width='100%' cellpadding="5">
<tr bgcolor='#308BC6'>
<td rowspan='1' colspan='4'><b>{{OBJECT_NAME_TITLE}}: </b>{{OBJECT_NAME}}</td>
<td colspan='1'><b>{{CATEGORY_TITLE}}: </b>{{CATEGORY}}</td>
<td colspan='1'><b>{{TYPE_TITLE}}: </b>{{TYPE}}</td>
<td colspan='1'><b>{{SIZE_TITLE}}: </b>{{SIZE}} bytes</td>
<td colspan='1'><b>{{MULTI_INSTANCE_TITLE}}: </b>{{MULTI_INSTANCE}}</td>
<td colspan='4' rowspan='1' valign='top'><b>{{DESCRIPTION_TITLE}}: </b>{{DESCRIPTION}}</td>
<tr bgcolor='#51A0D3'>
<td rowspan='1' colspan='4'><b>{{FIELDS_NAME_TITLE}}</td>
<td colspan='4'>
<table width='100%' cellpadding="5">
<tr bgcolor='#7DBAE2'>
<td rowspan='1' colspan='4'><b>{{FIELD_NAME_TITLE}}: </b>{{FIELD_NAME}}</td>
<td rowspan='1' colspan='1'><b>{{FIELD_TYPE_TITLE}}: </b>{{FIELD_TYPE}}</td>
<td rowspan='1' colspan='2'><b>{{FIELD_UNIT_TITLE}}: </b>{{FIELD_UNIT}}</td>
<td rowspan='1' colspan='2'><b>{{FIELD_OPTIONS_TITLE}}:
<td rowspan='1' colspan='2'><b>{{FIELD_ELEMENTS_TITLE}}:
<td rowspan='1' colspan='2'><b>{{FIELD_LIMIT_TITLE}}: </b>{{FIELD_LIMIT}}</td>
<td rowspan='1' colspan='2'><b>{{FIELD_DESCRIPTION_TITLE}}: </b>{{FIELD_DESCRIPTION}}</td>
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ UAVObjectBrowser::UAVObjectBrowser(QString classId, UAVObjectBrowserWidget *widg
connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(viewOptionsChanged(bool, bool, bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot(bool, bool, bool)));
connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(viewOptionsChanged(bool, bool, bool, bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot(bool, bool, bool, bool)));
connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(splitterChanged(QByteArray)), this, SLOT(splitterChanged(QByteArray)));
@ -49,14 +50,23 @@ void UAVObjectBrowser::loadConfiguration(IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config)
m_widget->setViewOptions(m->categorizedView(), m->scientificView(), m->showMetaData());
m_widget->setViewOptions(m->categorizedView(), m->scientificView(), m->showMetaData(), m->showDescription());
void UAVObjectBrowser::viewOptionsChangedSlot(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata)
void UAVObjectBrowser::viewOptionsChangedSlot(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata, bool description)
if (m_config) {
void UAVObjectBrowser::splitterChanged(QByteArray state)
if (m_config) {
@ -50,8 +50,11 @@ public:
return m_widget;
void loadConfiguration(IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config);
private slots:
void viewOptionsChangedSlot(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata);
void viewOptionsChangedSlot(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata, bool description);
void splitterChanged(QByteArray state);
UAVObjectBrowserWidget *m_widget;
UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration *m_config;
@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<property name="windowTitle">
@ -220,7 +220,63 @@
<widget class="QTreeView" name="treeView"/>
<widget class="QWidget" name="widget" native="true">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
<property name="leftMargin">
<property name="topMargin">
<property name="rightMargin">
<property name="bottomMargin">
<widget class="QSplitter" name="splitter">
<property name="lineWidth">
<property name="orientation">
<widget class="QTreeView" name="treeView">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
<widget class="QTextEdit" name="descriptionText">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="horizontalScrollBarPolicy">
<property name="textInteractionFlags">
<property name="placeholderText">
<string>This space shows a description of the selected UAVObject.</string>
@ -35,22 +35,20 @@ UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration::UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration(QString classId, QS
// if a saved configuration exists load it
if (qSettings != 0) {
QColor recent = qSettings->value("recentlyUpdatedColor").value<QColor>();
QColor manual = qSettings->value("manuallyChangedColor").value<QColor>();
int timeout = qSettings->value("recentlyUpdatedTimeout").toInt();
bool hilight = qSettings->value("onlyHilightChangedValues").toBool();
m_useCategorizedView = qSettings->value("CategorizedView").toBool();
m_useScientificView = qSettings->value("ScientificView").toBool();
m_showMetaData = qSettings->value("showMetaData").toBool();
m_recentlyUpdatedColor = recent;
m_manuallyChangedColor = manual;
m_recentlyUpdatedTimeout = timeout;
m_onlyHilightChangedValues = hilight;
m_showDescription = qSettings->value("showDescription").toBool();
m_splitterState = qSettings->value("splitterState").toByteArray();
m_recentlyUpdatedColor = qSettings->value("recentlyUpdatedColor").value<QColor>();
m_manuallyChangedColor = qSettings->value("manuallyChangedColor").value<QColor>();
m_recentlyUpdatedTimeout = qSettings->value("recentlyUpdatedTimeout").toInt();
m_onlyHilightChangedValues = qSettings->value("onlyHilightChangedValues").toBool();
@ -64,7 +62,9 @@ IUAVGadgetConfiguration *UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration::clone()
m->m_onlyHilightChangedValues = m_onlyHilightChangedValues;
m->m_useCategorizedView = m_useCategorizedView;
m->m_useScientificView = m_useScientificView;
m->m_splitterState = m_splitterState;
m->m_showMetaData = m_showMetaData;
m->m_showDescription = m_showDescription;
return m;
@ -81,4 +81,6 @@ void UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration::saveConfig(QSettings *qSettings) const
qSettings->setValue("CategorizedView", m_useCategorizedView);
qSettings->setValue("ScientificView", m_useScientificView);
qSettings->setValue("showMetaData", m_showMetaData);
qSettings->setValue("showDescription", m_showDescription);
qSettings->setValue("splitterState", m_splitterState);
@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ class UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration : public IUAVGadgetConfiguration {
Q_PROPERTY(bool m_onlyHilightChangedValues READ onlyHighlightChangedValues WRITE setOnlyHighlightChangedValues)
Q_PROPERTY(bool m_useCategorizedView READ categorizedView WRITE setCategorizedView)
Q_PROPERTY(bool m_useScientificView READ scientificView WRITE setScientificView)
Q_PROPERTY(bool m_showDescription READ showDescription WRITE setShowDescription)
Q_PROPERTY(bool m_showMetaData READ showMetaData WRITE setShowMetaData)
Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray m_splitterState READ splitterState WRITE setSplitterState)
explicit UAVObjectBrowserConfiguration(QString classId, QSettings *qSettings = 0, QObject *parent = 0);
@ -75,6 +77,15 @@ public:
return m_showMetaData;
bool showDescription() const
return m_showDescription;
QByteArray splitterState() const
return m_splitterState;
@ -107,6 +118,15 @@ public slots:
m_showMetaData = value;
void setShowDescription(bool value)
m_showDescription = value;
void setSplitterState(QByteArray arg)
m_splitterState = arg;
QColor m_recentlyUpdatedColor;
@ -116,6 +136,8 @@ private:
bool m_useCategorizedView;
bool m_useScientificView;
bool m_showMetaData;
bool m_showDescription;
QByteArray m_splitterState;
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QItemEditorFactory>
#include "extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h"
#include "utils/mustache.h"
UAVObjectBrowserWidget::UAVObjectBrowserWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
@ -50,15 +51,19 @@ UAVObjectBrowserWidget::UAVObjectBrowserWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent
m_model = new UAVObjectTreeModel();
m_browser->treeView->setColumnWidth(0, 300);
// m_browser->treeView->expandAll();
BrowserItemDelegate *m_delegate = new BrowserItemDelegate();
m_mustacheTemplate = loadFileIntoString(QString(":/uavobjectbrowser/resources/uavodescription.mustache"));
connect(m_browser->treeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
connect(m_browser->treeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)),
this, SLOT(currentChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
connect(m_viewoptions->cbMetaData, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showMetaData(bool)));
connect(m_viewoptions->cbCategorized, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(categorize(bool)));
connect(m_viewoptions->cbDescription, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showDescription(bool)));
connect(m_browser->saveSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveObject()));
connect(m_browser->readSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadObject()));
connect(m_browser->eraseSDButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(eraseObject()));
@ -69,6 +74,8 @@ UAVObjectBrowserWidget::UAVObjectBrowserWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent
connect(m_viewoptions->cbScientific, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot()));
connect(m_viewoptions->cbMetaData, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot()));
connect(m_viewoptions->cbCategorized, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot()));
connect(m_viewoptions->cbDescription, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewOptionsChangedSlot()));
connect(m_browser->splitter, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int, int)), this, SLOT(splitterMoved()));
@ -77,11 +84,17 @@ UAVObjectBrowserWidget::~UAVObjectBrowserWidget()
delete m_browser;
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::setViewOptions(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata)
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::setViewOptions(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata, bool description)
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::setSplitterState(QByteArray state)
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::showMetaData(bool show)
@ -92,6 +105,11 @@ void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::showMetaData(bool show)
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::showDescription(bool show)
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::categorize(bool categorize)
UAVObjectTreeModel *tmpModel = m_model;
@ -160,6 +178,17 @@ ObjectTreeItem *UAVObjectBrowserWidget::findCurrentObjectTreeItem()
return objItem;
QString UAVObjectBrowserWidget::loadFileIntoString(QString fileName)
QFile file(fileName);
QTextStream stream(&file);
QString line = stream.readAll();
return line;
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::saveObject()
@ -228,6 +257,7 @@ void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::currentChanged(const QModelIndex ¤t, const QM
enable = false;
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::viewSlot()
@ -244,7 +274,94 @@ void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::viewSlot()
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::viewOptionsChangedSlot()
emit viewOptionsChanged(m_viewoptions->cbCategorized->isChecked(), m_viewoptions->cbScientific->isChecked(), m_viewoptions->cbMetaData->isChecked());
emit viewOptionsChanged(m_viewoptions->cbCategorized->isChecked(), m_viewoptions->cbScientific->isChecked(),
m_viewoptions->cbMetaData->isChecked(), m_viewoptions->cbDescription->isChecked());
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::splitterMoved()
emit splitterChanged(m_browser->splitter->saveState());
QString UAVObjectBrowserWidget::createObjectDescription(UAVObject *object)
QString mustache(m_mustacheTemplate);
QVariantHash uavoHash;
uavoHash["OBJECT_NAME_TITLE"] = tr("Name");
uavoHash["OBJECT_NAME"] = object->getName();
uavoHash["CATEGORY_TITLE"] = tr("Category");
uavoHash["CATEGORY"] = object->getCategory();
uavoHash["TYPE_TITLE"] = tr("Type");
uavoHash["TYPE"] = object->isMetaDataObject() ? tr("Metadata") : object->isSettingsObject() ? tr("Setting") : tr("Data");
uavoHash["SIZE_TITLE"] = tr("Size");
uavoHash["SIZE"] = object->getNumBytes();
uavoHash["DESCRIPTION_TITLE"] = tr("Description");
uavoHash["DESCRIPTION"] = object->getDescription().replace("@ref", "");
uavoHash["MULTI_INSTANCE_TITLE"] = tr("Multi");
uavoHash["MULTI_INSTANCE"] = object->isSingleInstance() ? tr("No") : tr("Yes");
uavoHash["FIELDS_NAME_TITLE"] = tr("Fields");
QVariantList fields;
foreach(UAVObjectField * field, object->getFields()) {
QVariantHash fieldHash;
fieldHash["FIELD_NAME_TITLE"] = tr("Name");
fieldHash["FIELD_NAME"] = field->getName();
fieldHash["FIELD_TYPE_TITLE"] = tr("Type");
fieldHash["FIELD_TYPE"] = QString("%1%2").arg(field->getTypeAsString(),
(field->getNumElements() > 1 ? QString("[%1]").arg(field->getNumElements()) : QString()));
if (!field->getUnits().isEmpty()) {
fieldHash["FIELD_UNIT_TITLE"] = tr("Unit");
fieldHash["FIELD_UNIT"] = field->getUnits();
if (!field->getOptions().isEmpty()) {
fieldHash["FIELD_OPTIONS_TITLE"] = tr("Options");
QVariantList options;
foreach(QString option, field->getOptions()) {
QVariantHash optionHash;
optionHash["FIELD_OPTION"] = option;
if (!options.isEmpty()) {
optionHash["FIELD_OPTION_DELIM"] = ", ";
fieldHash["FIELD_OPTIONS"] = options;
if (field->getElementNames().count() > 1) {
fieldHash["FIELD_ELEMENTS_TITLE"] = tr("Elements");
QVariantList elements;
for (int i = 0; i < field->getElementNames().count(); i++) {
QString element = field->getElementNames().at(i);
QVariantHash elementHash;
elementHash["FIELD_ELEMENT"] = element;
QString limitsString = field->getLimitsAsString(i);
if (!limitsString.isEmpty()) {
elementHash["FIELD_ELEMENT_LIMIT"] = limitsString.prepend(" (").append(")");
if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
elementHash["FIELD_ELEMENT_DELIM"] = ", ";
fieldHash["FIELD_ELEMENTS"] = elements;
} else if (!field->getLimitsAsString(0).isEmpty()) {
fieldHash["FIELD_LIMIT_TITLE"] = tr("Limits");
fieldHash["FIELD_LIMIT"] = field->getLimitsAsString(0);
if (!field->getDescription().isEmpty()) {
fieldHash["FIELD_DESCRIPTION_TITLE"] = tr("Description");
fieldHash["FIELD_DESCRIPTION"] = field->getDescription();
uavoHash["FIELDS"] = fields;
Mustache::QtVariantContext context(uavoHash);
Mustache::Renderer renderer;
return renderer.render(mustache, &context);
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::enableSendRequest(bool enable)
@ -255,3 +372,17 @@ void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::enableSendRequest(bool enable)
void UAVObjectBrowserWidget::updateDescription()
ObjectTreeItem *objItem = findCurrentObjectTreeItem();
if (objItem) {
UAVObject *obj = objItem->object();
if (obj) {
@ -60,9 +60,11 @@ public:
m_onlyHilightChangedValues = hilight; m_model->setOnlyHilightChangedValues(hilight);
void setViewOptions(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata);
void setViewOptions(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata, bool description);
void setSplitterState(QByteArray state);
public slots:
void showMetaData(bool show);
void showDescription(bool show);
void categorize(bool categorize);
void useScientificNotation(bool scientific);
@ -75,8 +77,11 @@ private slots:
void currentChanged(const QModelIndex ¤t, const QModelIndex &previous);
void viewSlot();
void viewOptionsChangedSlot();
void splitterMoved();
QString createObjectDescription(UAVObject *object);
void viewOptionsChanged(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata);
void viewOptionsChanged(bool categorized, bool scientific, bool metadata, bool description);
void splitterChanged(QByteArray state);
QPushButton *m_requestUpdate;
QPushButton *m_sendUpdate;
@ -89,10 +94,13 @@ private:
QColor m_recentlyUpdatedColor;
QColor m_manuallyChangedColor;
bool m_onlyHilightChangedValues;
QString m_mustacheTemplate;
void updateObjectPersistance(ObjectPersistence::OperationOptions op, UAVObject *obj);
void enableSendRequest(bool enable);
void updateDescription();
ObjectTreeItem *findCurrentObjectTreeItem();
QString loadFileIntoString(QString fileName);
@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ void UAVObjectTreeModel::addSingleField(int index, UAVObjectField *field, TreeIt
connect(item, SIGNAL(updateHighlight(TreeItem *)), this, SLOT(updateHighlight(TreeItem *)));
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<property name="windowTitle">
@ -35,6 +35,13 @@
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbDescription">
<property name="text">
<string>Show description</string>
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ UAVMetaObject::UAVMetaObject(quint32 objID, const QString & name, UAVObject *par
QStringList modesBitField;
modesBitField << tr("FlightReadOnly") << tr("GCSReadOnly") << tr("FlightTelemetryAcked") << tr("GCSTelemetryAcked") << tr("FlightUpdatePeriodic") << tr("FlightUpdateOnChange") << tr("GCSUpdatePeriodic") << tr("GCSUpdateOnChange") << tr("LoggingUpdatePeriodic") << tr("LoggingUpdateOnChange");
QList<UAVObjectField *> fields;
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("Modes"), tr("boolean"), UAVObjectField::BITFIELD, modesBitField, QStringList()));
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("Flight Telemetry Update Period"), tr("ms"), UAVObjectField::UINT16, 1, QStringList()));
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("GCS Telemetry Update Period"), tr("ms"), UAVObjectField::UINT16, 1, QStringList()));
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("Logging Update Period"), tr("ms"), UAVObjectField::UINT16, 1, QStringList()));
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("Modes"), tr("Metadata modes"), tr("boolean"), UAVObjectField::BITFIELD, modesBitField, QStringList()));
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("Flight Telemetry Update Period"), tr("This is how often flight side will update telemetry data"), tr("ms"), UAVObjectField::UINT16, 1, QStringList()));
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("GCS Telemetry Update Period"), tr("This is how often GCS will update telemetry data"), tr("ms"), UAVObjectField::UINT16, 1, QStringList()));
fields.append(new UAVObjectField(tr("Logging Update Period"), tr("This is how often logging will be updated."), tr("ms"), UAVObjectField::UINT16, 1, QStringList()));
// Initialize parent
UAVObject::initializeFields(fields, (quint8 *)&parentMetadata, sizeof(Metadata));
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include <QDebug>
#include <QtWidgets>
UAVObjectField::UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & units, FieldType type, quint32 numElements, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits)
UAVObjectField::UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & description, const QString & units, FieldType type, quint32 numElements, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits)
QStringList elementNames;
@ -39,18 +39,19 @@ UAVObjectField::UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & units, Fiel
// Initialize
constructorInitialize(name, units, type, elementNames, options, limits);
constructorInitialize(name, description, units, type, elementNames, options, limits);
UAVObjectField::UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits)
UAVObjectField::UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & description, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits)
constructorInitialize(name, units, type, elementNames, options, limits);
constructorInitialize(name, description, units, type, elementNames, options, limits);
void UAVObjectField::constructorInitialize(const QString & name, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits)
void UAVObjectField::constructorInitialize(const QString & name, const QString & description, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits)
// Copy params
this->name = name;
this->description = description;
this->units = units;
this->type = type;
this->options = options;
@ -458,11 +459,65 @@ bool UAVObjectField::isWithinLimits(QVariant var, quint32 index, int board)
return true;
return true;
return true;
QString UAVObjectField::getLimitsAsString(quint32 index, int board)
QString limitString;
if (elementLimits.keys().contains(index)) {
foreach(LimitStruct struc, elementLimits.value(index)) {
if ((struc.board != board) && board != 0 && struc.board != 0) {
switch (struc.type) {
case EQUAL:
limitString.append(tr("one of")).append(" [");
bool first = true;
foreach(QVariant var, struc.values) {
if (!first) {
limitString.append(", ");
first = false;
return limitString.append("]");
limitString.append(tr("none of")).append(" [");
bool first = true;
foreach(QVariant var, struc.values) {
if (!first) {
limitString.append(", ");
first = false;
return limitString.append("]");
case BIGGER: return limitString.append(QString("%1 %2").arg(tr("more than"), struc.values.at(0).toString()));
case BETWEEN: return limitString.append(QString("%1 %2 %3 %4")
.arg(tr("between"), struc.values.at(0).toString(),
tr(" and "), struc.values.at(1).toString()));
case SMALLER: return limitString.append(QString("%1 %2").arg(tr("less than"), struc.values.at(0).toString()));
return limitString;
QVariant UAVObjectField::getMaxLimit(quint32 index, int board)
if (!elementLimits.keys().contains(index)) {
@ -478,20 +533,14 @@ QVariant UAVObjectField::getMaxLimit(quint32 index, int board)
case BIGGER:
return QVariant();
return struc.values.at(1);
return struc.values.at(0);
return QVariant();
return QVariant();
@ -511,20 +560,14 @@ QVariant UAVObjectField::getMinLimit(quint32 index, int board)
return QVariant();
return struc.values.at(0);
case BIGGER:
return struc.values.at(0);
return QVariant();
return QVariant();
@ -609,6 +652,11 @@ QString UAVObjectField::getName()
return name;
QString UAVObjectField::getDescription()
return description;
QString UAVObjectField::getUnits()
return units;
@ -45,20 +45,21 @@ class UAVOBJECTS_EXPORT UAVObjectField : public QObject {
typedef enum { INT8 = 0, INT16, INT32, UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, FLOAT32, ENUM, BITFIELD, STRING } FieldType;
typedef enum { EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, BETWEEN, BIGGER, SMALLER } LimitType;
typedef struct {
LimitType type;
QList<QVariant> values;
int board;
} LimitStruct;
UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & units, FieldType type, quint32 numElements, const QStringList & options, const QString & limits = QString());
UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString & limits = QString());
UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & description, const QString & units, FieldType type, quint32 numElements, const QStringList & options, const QString & limits = QString());
UAVObjectField(const QString & name, const QString & description, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString & limits = QString());
void initialize(quint8 *data, quint32 dataOffset, UAVObject *obj);
UAVObject *getObject();
FieldType getType();
QString getTypeAsString();
QString getName();
QString getDescription();
QString getUnits();
quint32 getNumElements();
QStringList getElementNames();
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ public:
void fromJson(const QJsonObject &jsonObject);
bool isWithinLimits(QVariant var, quint32 index, int board = 0);
QString getLimitsAsString(quint32 index, int board = 0);
QVariant getMaxLimit(quint32 index, int board = 0);
QVariant getMinLimit(quint32 index, int board = 0);
@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ signals:
QString name;
QString description;
QString units;
FieldType type;
QStringList elementNames;
@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ protected:
UAVObject *obj;
QMap<quint32, QList<LimitStruct> > elementLimits;
void clear();
void constructorInitialize(const QString & name, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits);
void constructorInitialize(const QString & name, const QString & description, const QString & units, FieldType type, const QStringList & elementNames, const QStringList & options, const QString &limits);
void limitsInitialize(const QString &limits);
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ Rectangle {
sourceComponent: scrollDecorator.flickableItem ? scrollBar : undefined
Component.onDestruction: scrollLoader.sourceComponent = undefined
Component {
id: scrollBar
Rectangle {
@ -259,8 +259,9 @@ bool UAVObjectGeneratorGCS::process_object(ObjectInfo *info)
finit.append(QString(" fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString(\"%1\"), QString(\"%2\"), UAVObjectField::ENUM, %3, %4, QString(\"%5\")));\n")
finit.append(QString(" fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString(\"%1\"), tr(\"%2\"), QString(\"%3\"), UAVObjectField::ENUM, %4, %5, QString(\"%6\")));\n")
@ -268,8 +269,9 @@ bool UAVObjectGeneratorGCS::process_object(ObjectInfo *info)
// For all other types
else {
finit.append(QString(" fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString(\"%1\"), QString(\"%2\"), UAVObjectField::%3, %4, QStringList(), QString(\"%5\")));\n")
finit.append(QString(" fields.append( new UAVObjectField(QString(\"%1\"), tr(\"%2\"), QString(\"%3\"), UAVObjectField::%4, %5, QStringList(), QString(\"%6\")));\n")
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "uavobjectparser.h"
#include <QDebug>
* Constructor
@ -441,6 +441,21 @@ QString UAVObjectParser::processObjectFields(QDomNode & childNode, ObjectInfo *i
field->name = name;
// Get description attribute if any
elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("description");
if (!elemAttr.isNull()) {
field->description = elemAttr.nodeValue();
} else {
// Look for a child description node
QDomNode node = childNode.firstChildElement("description");
if (!node.isNull()) {
QDomNode description = node.firstChild();
if (!description.isNull()) {
field->description = description.nodeValue();
// Get units attribute
elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("units");
if (elemAttr.isNull()) {
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct {
QString name;
QString description;
QString units;
FieldType type;
int numElements;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<object name="CameraStabSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="Control">
<description>Settings for the @ref CameraStab mmodule</description>
<description>Settings for the @ref CameraStab module</description>
<field name="Input" units="channel" type="enum" elementnames="Roll,Pitch,Yaw" options="Accessory0,Accessory1,Accessory2,Accessory3,Accessory4,Accessory5,None" defaultvalue="None"/>
<field name="InputRange" units="deg" type="uint8" elementnames="Roll,Pitch,Yaw" defaultvalue="20"/>
<field name="InputRate" units="deg/s" type="uint8" elementnames="Roll,Pitch,Yaw" defaultvalue="50"/>
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
<object name="DebugLogSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="System">
<description>Configure On Board Logging Facilities</description>
<field name="LoggingEnabled" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,OnlyWhenArmed,Always" defaultvalue="Disabled" />
<field name="LoggingEnabled" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,OnlyWhenArmed,Always" defaultvalue="Disabled">
<description>If set to OnlyWhenArmed logs will only be saved when craft is armed. Disabled turns logging off, and Always will always log.</description>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<object name="DebugLogStatus" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System">
<description>Log Status Object, contains log partition status information</description>
<field name="Flight" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" />
<field name="Entry" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" />
<field name="UsedSlots" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" />
<field name="FreeSlots" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" />
<field name="Flight" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" description="The current flight number (logging session)"/>
<field name="Entry" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" description="The current log entry id"/>
<field name="UsedSlots" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" description="Holds the total log entries saved"/>
<field name="FreeSlots" units="" type="uint16" elements="1" description="The number of free log slots available"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="false" updatemode="manual" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="false" updatemode="periodic" period="1000"/>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<object name="HomeLocation" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="Navigation">
<description>HomeLocation setting which contains the constants to tranlate from longitutde and latitude to NED reference frame. Automatically set by @ref GPSModule after acquiring a 3D lock. Used by @ref AHRSCommsModule.</description>
<description>HomeLocation setting which contains the constants to translate from longitude and latitude to NED reference frame. Automatically set by @ref GPSModule after acquiring a 3D lock. Used by @ref AHRSCommsModule.</description>
<field name="Set" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="FALSE,TRUE" defaultvalue="FALSE"/>
<field name="Latitude" units="deg * 10e6" type="int32" elements="1" defaultvalue="0"/>
<field name="Longitude" units="deg * 10e6" type="int32" elements="1" defaultvalue="0"/>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<object name="ManualControlCommand" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="Control">
<description>The output from the @ref ManualControlModule which descodes the receiver inputs. Overriden by GCS for fly-by-wire control.</description>
<description>The output from the @ref ManualControlModule which decodes the receiver inputs. Overriden by GCS for fly-by-wire control.</description>
<field name="Connected" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,True"/>
<field name="Throttle" units="%" type="float" elements="1"/>
<field name="Roll" units="%" type="float" elements="1"/>
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<object name="SystemSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="System">
<description>Select airframe type. Currently used by @ref ActuatorModule to choose mixing from @ref ActuatorDesired to @ref ActuatorCommand</description>
<field name="AirframeType" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="FixedWing,FixedWingElevon,FixedWingVtail,VTOL,HeliCP,QuadX,QuadP,QuadH,Hexa,Octo,Custom,HexaX,HexaH,OctoV,OctoCoaxP,OctoCoaxX,OctoX,HexaCoax,Tri,GroundVehicleCar,GroundVehicleDifferential,GroundVehicleMotorcycle" defaultvalue="QuadX"/>
<field name="VehicleName" units="char" type="uint8" elements="20" defaultvalue="0"/>
<field name="ThrustControl" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="Throttle,Collective,None" defaultvalue="Throttle" />
<!-- Which way the vehicle controls its thrust. Can be through
"Throttle" (quadcopter, simple brushless planes,
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