mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-03-15 07:29:15 +01:00

Makefile: export important make variables from the top Makefile

This commit is contained in:
Oleg Semyonov 2013-03-11 23:36:26 +02:00
parent 23c605ffba
commit 60a7d7e454

View File

@ -17,14 +17,21 @@
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# This top level Makefile passes down some variables to sub-makes through
# the environment. They are explicitly exported using the export keyword.
# Lower level makefiles assume that these variables are defined. To ensure
# that a special magic variable is exported here. It must be checked for
# existance by each sub-make.
export OPENPILOT_IS_COOL := Fuck Yeah!
# Set up a default goal
# Set up some macros for common directories within the tree
TOOLS_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools
BUILD_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/build
DL_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/downloads
export ROOT_DIR := $(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
export TOOLS_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools
export BUILD_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/build
export DL_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/downloads
# Set up default build configurations (debug | release)
@ -56,7 +63,7 @@ $(foreach var, $(SANITIZE_GCC_VARS), $(eval $(call SANITIZE_VAR,$(var),disallowe
$(foreach var, $(SANITIZE_DEPRECATED_VARS), $(eval $(call SANITIZE_VAR,$(var),deprecated)))
# Make sure this isn't being run as root
# Make sure this isn't being run as root (no whoami on Windows, but that is ok here)
ifeq ($(shell whoami 2>/dev/null),root)
$(error You should not be running this as root)
@ -72,20 +79,6 @@ else ifeq ($(V), 0)
else ifeq ($(V), 1)
# Set up misc host tools, maybe useful on Windows
ECHO := echo
MKDIR := mkdir
RM := rm
LN := ln
SED := sed
TAR := tar
ANT := ant
JAVAC := javac
JAR := jar
GIT := git
PYTHON := python
INSTALL := install
# Make sure we know few things about the architecture before including
# the tools.mk to ensure that we download/install the right tools.
UNAME := $(shell uname)
@ -95,6 +88,32 @@ ifeq ($(filter Linux Darwin, $(UNAME)), )
UNAME := Windows
# Set up misc host tools
export ECHO := echo
export MKDIR := mkdir
export RM := rm
export LN := ln
export CAT := cat
export SED := sed
export TAR := tar
export ANT := ant
export JAVAC := javac
export JAR := jar
export GIT := git
export PYTHON := python
export INSTALL := install
# version-info cmd to extract some repository data
export VERSION_INFO := $(PYTHON) "$(ROOT_DIR)/make/scripts/version-info.py" --path="$(ROOT_DIR)"
# Test if quotes are needed for the echo-command
ifeq (${shell $(ECHO) "test"}, test)
export QUOTE := '
# This line is just to clear out the single quote above '
export QUOTE :=
# The tools.mk uses wget to fetch tarballs or packages
ifeq ($(shell [ -x "$(TOOLS_DIR)/bin/wget" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists)
WGET := $(TOOLS_DIR)/bin/wget
@ -115,17 +134,17 @@ else
ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(ARM_SDK_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists)
ARM_SDK_PREFIX := $(ARM_SDK_DIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
export ARM_SDK_PREFIX := $(ARM_SDK_DIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi-
# not installed, hope it's in the path...
ARM_SDK_PREFIX ?= arm-none-eabi-
export ARM_SDK_PREFIX ?= arm-none-eabi-
ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(OPENOCD_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists)
OPENOCD := $(OPENOCD_DIR)/bin/openocd
export OPENOCD := $(OPENOCD_DIR)/bin/openocd
# not installed, hope it's in the path...
OPENOCD ?= openocd
export OPENOCD ?= openocd
ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists)
@ -149,9 +168,6 @@ else
UAVOBJGENERATOR = "$(BUILD_DIR)/ground/uavobjgenerator/$(UAVOGEN_BUILD_CONF)/uavobjgenerator.exe"
# version-info cmd to extract some repository data
VERSION_INFO := $(PYTHON) $(ROOT_DIR)/make/scripts/version-info.py --path="$(ROOT_DIR)"
# All targets
@ -411,14 +427,14 @@ uavo-collections_clean:
# Define some pointers to the various important pieces of the flight code
# to prevent these being repeated in every sub makefile
PIOS := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/PiOS
FLIGHTLIB := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Libraries
OPMODULEDIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Modules
OPUAVOBJ := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/targets/UAVObjects
OPUAVTALK := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/targets/UAVTalk
HWDEFS := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/targets/board_hw_defs
DOXYGENDIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Doc/Doxygen
OPUAVSYNTHDIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/uavobject-synthetics/flight
export PIOS := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/PiOS
export FLIGHTLIB := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Libraries
export OPMODULEDIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Modules
export OPUAVOBJ := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/targets/UAVObjects
export OPUAVTALK := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/targets/UAVTalk
export HWDEFS := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/targets/board_hw_defs
export DOXYGENDIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Doc/Doxygen
export OPUAVSYNTHDIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/uavobject-synthetics/flight
# $(1) = Canonical board name all in lower case (e.g. coptercontrol)
# $(2) = Name of board used in source tree (e.g. CopterControl)