LP-69 Added SRXL support to CopterControl targets.
About the LibrePilot Project
Open - Collaborative - Free
The LibrePilot open source project was founded in July 2015. It focuses on research and development of software and hardware to be used in a variety of applications including vehicle control and stabilization, unmanned autonomous vehicles and robotics. One of the project’s primary goals is to provide an open and collaborative environment making it the ideal home for development of innovative ideas.
LibrePilot welcomes and encourages exchange and collaboration with other projects, like adding support for existing hardware or software in collaboration under the spirit of open source.
LibrePilot finds its roots in the OpenPilot project and the founding members are all long-standing contributors in that project.
The LibrePilot project will be governed by a board of members using consensual methods to make important decisions and to set the overall direction of the project.
The LibrePilot source code is released under the OSI approved GPLv3 license. Integral text of the license can be found at www.gnu.org
Links for the LibrePilot Project
- Main project web site
- Project forums
- Source code repository
- Mirror
- Issue tracker
- Gitter Chat
- IRC: #LibrePilot on FreeNode
How to build from source?
Both development environment and GCS are supported on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
The first step is to Install all OS specific prerequisites.
###Mac OS X
Install XCode and its relatated command line tools (follow Apple documentation).
Install git, curl and p7zip. You can use brew brew install git curl p7zip
or macport: sudo port install git curl p7zip
sudo apt-get install git build-essentials curl gdb wget debhelper p7zip-full unzip flex bison libsdl1.2-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libc6-i386 mesa-common-dev
Install msysGIT under C:\git
Clone LibrePilot Git repository. Open Git Bash and run
cd /path/to/LibrePilot_root
You can build using the /path/to/LibrePilot_root/make/winx86/bin/make
wrapper to call mingw32-make.exe
./make/winx86/bin/make all_sdk_install
or call mingw32-make
mingw32-make all_sdk_install
##Setup the build environment and build
The all_sdk_install
target will automatically retrieve and install all needed tools (qt, arm gcc etc.) in a local folder /path/to/LibrePilot_root/tools
make all_sdk_install
make package
The package
target will build the complete installable package for the current platform.
Run make with no arguments to show the complete list of supported targets.